Where The Blue Thorns Grow

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Where The Blue Thorns Grow Page 15

by Maya Riley

  “I’d be okay with that,” they both said in unison, and Carson took my mouth hostage again.

  Ryan somehow managed to force his fingers into the sports bra from below. He grunted in frustration, and shoved the whole thing up, exposing my breasts to the air outside. “Much better,” he commented, before taking a nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gently tugging.

  I lightly groaned into Carson’s mouth, who smiled as he continued to kiss me. His hand moved up and over, and wound itself around, cupping the back of my neck with his thumb gently caressing the side of my face.

  Soft kisses lightly peppered my stomach, broken up by a light nibble here and there. The kisses moved up to the bottom of my rib cage, nipped at the rib there, and then moved back down farther south.

  I was expecting his lips to travel back up, but they kept going. Ryan’s hand left my breast and slid down to help with the removal of my pants. I whimpered at the loss of contact and warmth, but Carson swallowed any sounds I made. He moved his hand from behind my neck and down to my breast, so it’d keep getting the attention it craved.

  Ryan’s knuckles bit into my hips as he dug his fingers behind the fabric and pulled them down my legs, and all the way down until they were completely on the ground and out of the way.

  He quickly returned to my body before the shorts had even touched the tent floor, and kissed along my core. He nibbled at the entrance, teasing me, and then licked a trail up to the edge of my stomach.

  I tried to rub my knees together, as I was beginning to think their teasing would never end, but he placed a hand against each thigh to hold them in place.

  Carson’s hand moved on to the other breast, and his free hand came up to the side of my head, tangling in my hair. His fingers ran along my scalp and I loved the sensations. He tweaked and flicked my nipple, so it was quickly standing on end just as much as the other one was.

  Ryan’s mouth covered my pussy and he sucked on my lips there.

  I arched my back, trying to push myself into his mouth. My arousal was already seeping out, and he was lapping it up with his tongue, making sure not one single drop was missed.

  Carson continued to kiss me, not letting my mouth leave his. I parted my lips, and he took advantage of the opening and slipped right on in. His tongue tasted like my favorite chocolate cookie dough Clif Bar, and I wanted to suck on it and steal all the flavor for myself. I’d have to remember later to raid his Cif Bar stash and do some tradesies.

  Ryan’s tongue slipped between my folds and inside of my pussy, as his hand came around to flick my clit.

  Fuck, I didn’t know how long these guys expected me to last, but I was going to need a lot more, real soon.

  I moved my hand around until I found the fastening of Carson’s pants. Undoing the button, I freed his erection. Mostly. I still had to dip into his boxers to find it, but once I did, it was mine.

  Wrapping my hand around his girth, I began to slowly pump my fist up and down. After a couple strokes, I used my thumb to spread the precum around the head, dragging my hand across it and continuing to caress the length of him.

  He moaned into my mouth and I smiled. It was an awkward smile, because of the kiss, but a smile nonetheless.

  Ryan’s tongue continued to dance in my core, and he inserted a finger alongside it. A few moments later, he added a second finger. He was fucking me with his fingers and tongue at the same time, while also flicking my clit. That man had me covered down there.

  Carson’s hand moved down enough so his thumb could rub against my throat. I absolutely fucking loved it.

  His kisses grew deeper and hungrier, and I ached for each one. Ryan’s advances were growing bolder and I wanted more. I needed more. I thrust my hips forward, but he pulled away and scoffed at me. “Stay still, I’m having fun.”

  I pulled away from Carson’s mouth, still keeping the rhythm with my strokes on his dick, and replied, “What about my fun?”

  Ryan smiled his lopsided smile that I loved so much. “Oh, you are having fun. I’m sure of it,” he said, and then went back down on me.

  Carson’s kisses grew more possessive and my hand tightened around his dick. Carson was already as hard as he’d ever be. He pulled his mouth from mine and moved down to my breast.

  Without something to keep my mouth occupied, I had nothing to do but lay there and take what they were giving me, and my moans grew louder without anything to silence them.

  The whole camping area would soon know what we were up to and, well, honestly, I didn’t give a fuck. My brain wasn’t working, but these guys sure were.

  I squirmed around and Carson’s hot mouth covered my cold nipple. He sucked and my orgasm grew. Ryan’s fingers curled inside of me, hitting my sweet spot, and I came apart. He licked up my arousal and Carson held me, sucking on my other nipple, while I shook through my orgasm.

  Carson moved off my breasts and sat by my side, my hand still around his dick but not moving. As I came down, I tilted my head up and looked straight into Ryan’s mischievous eyes, peering up at me from between my legs. That look meant he was up to something.

  Right as I opened my mouth to ask what was going on, he placed his arms underneath my legs and flipped me over so I was lying on my stomach. My hand slipped away from Carson with that motion, and he moved around to kneel down in front of me. A moment later, his hands were back on my butt.

  My ass was pulled up into the air and realization dawned on me. Oh, this was going to be fun.

  The tip of Ryan’s cock teased my entrance for a moment right before he shoved it into my pussy. I opened my mouth in surprise and Carson took that opportunity to fill it with his dick. I swirled my tongue around it and sucked, while Ryan focused on pummeling me into oblivion.

  My breathing quickly grew rapid, and my pleas for breath were met with more dick as he went deeper and hit the back of my throat. I hummed and he moaned loudly. His hands tangled in my hair, both of them this time, and he held me in place as he fucked my mouth.

  Ryan rammed into me harder and harder, and I felt a sticky substance drip down my thigh. His fingertips bit into my hips as he went harder, faster, and stronger.

  I puffed my cheeks to try and take more of Carson, but he was already as far inside as he was going to get.

  “Are you almost ready? I don’t think I’m going to last much longer, man,” Carson told Ryan, clenching his teeth on the last words. His balls tightened; he was about ready.

  “I’m almost there. And so is she. She’s pretty much more than read—ah!” Ryan stilled behind me as he came, Carson quickly following suit and spilling into my mouth. I came alongside them, my mouth opened wider than I ever thought possible, screaming around his dick and swallowing every bit of cum that he gave me. Once they were done, we all collapsed. Carson pulled me up, laying my head on his chest while Ryan snuggled my legs, too worn out to drag his body farther up toward us.

  I rested my head above Carson’s heart and listened to it beat, the fast rhythm was beginning to slow down, relaxing me. Ryan kissed both of my legs and I closed my eyes, relishing the peace of two of my guys before I needed to go face the chaos of the rest that were outside.

  I didn’t know how long we could get away with hiding out over here, but I was sure willing to find out.

  “Hey, guys,” I whispered.

  “Mmm?” they both hummed, not wanting to move or speak.

  “We’re missing out on dinner.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Well, that was the appetizer and main course. What you were thinking of for dessert, love?” he asked.

  “I mean my freeze-dried beef stew. I’m going to need some actual fuel at some point,” I reminded them.

  They both chuckled at me. I asked a real, serious, life and death question—okay, well, maybe not quite life and death—and they freaking laugh at me. Ryan’s hand reached up to grab mine and I swatted it away. “Nuh-uh,” I said. “You still didn’t give me a real answer.”

  “Alright,” he capitulated. “Let�
��s go feed you some delicious freeze-dried beef stew. Hangry Cam is less fun than fed Cam.”

  “Bastards,” I muttered.

  “Huh?” Carson asked.

  “Oh snap, did I say that out loud?” I teased. “Whoops.”

  They laughed. “Come on, Cam. Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for dinner before anyone wonders where we’ve gone,” Ryan suggested, sitting up.

  “Oh, I’m sure they know where we’ve gone and what we’ve been up to.” Carson smirked, but began to sit up as well, pushing me up into a sitting position along with them.

  Ryan moved over to his pack, fumbling around inside of it. Soon after, he pulled out a container of wet wipes. He gently cleaned me up, making sure that every bit of arousal was wiped from my body, and then Carson dipped into his own pack and leaned back over with some deodorant and lotion.

  “Even if they know what we’ve done, we could still smell like we haven’t,” Carson said.

  I laughed. “You know, I’ve never thought of that. That’s clever.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” he replied and took a bow. Upon rising up, he squirted a dollop of lavender lotion into his palm and rubbed it onto my legs, arms, and stomach. The lavender scent drifted to my nose and I breathed in deeply. This was something I’d have to remember for the future.

  Once we were all cleaned and lotioned up, we replaced our underwear and bottoms, they each grabbed one of my hands, and led me back out into the daylight. Upon reaching the group, I saw my mom sitting on the ground, looking uncomfortable. I ignored her. If she was uncomfortable because of what just happened, then she’d have to learn to either ignore it or accept it. If she wanted to approach me later, then fine.

  We didn’t pass anyone else as we reached the fire.

  Pete, Dave, and Steve were all manning the grill. Or at least, they were all standing by the fire holding a stick. Totally not the same thing.

  The smell of cooking freeze-dried food filled the air as J.D. poured boiling water into the food pouches, and my stomach rumbled. Ryan leaned over and his breath tickled my ear as he whispered, “Sounds like you’ve worked up quite an appetite.” I squeezed his hand in affirmation and grinned. I sure did, and I hoped to repeat that activity again sometime soon.

  “Hey, welcome to dinner,” J.D. said as he turned around, and was immediately swarmed with hungry climbers. Everyone took theirs and began to down them.

  Jenna ran up and pulled me away from the two guys. “So,” she began. “How was it?” Her face lit up with excitement.

  “What do you mean?” I teased.

  “Oh, you know,” she drawled. “I was out here minding my own business when the noises crashed through the air. You weren’t exactly quiet.” She winked.

  “Does everyone know?” I asked.

  “Well, not everyone. At least not yet. Your mom, though, she wasn’t happy.”

  I shrugged. “Well, oh well. That’s not really her place to dictate,” I stated.

  We walked around aimlessly, with no destination in mind, just wanting to hang out. I felt like I hadn’t had much girl time with my best girl friend lately. “So,” I said, changing the subject, “tell me about you and Dave.” She looked at me and I waggled my eyebrows, making her laugh.

  “It’s going great,” she replied. “For the first time since I met you, hell, for the first time in forever, I can sincerely say that things are really going great. We may be together forever, we may not. We may get married, we may not. Who the hell knows? All I know is that for now, I’m loving it. And I’m happy.”

  She really was smiling. I hadn’t seen her smile that much in a long time. “Remember when we went climbing in Kentucky at night? We snuck in there at like midnight. Hopped the fence. You were belaying me and I was nearly to the anchors when they found us?” she reminisced.

  “Yeah, I remember that,” I said, laughing. “I lowered your ass down so fast, I was surprised you didn’t get air burn from that lower.”

  “Luckily it was a sport route we did, so we didn’t actually need to leave any of our gear on the wall. We just grabbed our packs, grabbed the rope, and hightailed it out of there with the rope dragging behind us.” We were stopped in our tracks and bent over from laughing so hard.

  “I don’t know how we didn’t actually get caught,” I sputtered, wiping away the tears brought about by laughing so hard. I didn’t know how I could see through them. “We saw their flashlights and they couldn’t grab the rope, it was trailing so far behind.”

  She shrugged. “Who the hell knows? But we went back the next day and acted like everything was normal. They never suspected a thing!”

  I straightened a little bit and wiped my eyes again. “When the hell did we get so grown up?” I asked.

  “No clue,” she replied. “I want to say that I haven’t grown up at all, but unfortunately that would be a lie.”

  We spent some more time reminiscing about the good old days, and random things we’d done at random times and gotten away with. She’d been my best friend for so long, and it was so weird to think that we’d been together on this mountain but still so far apart.

  “We need some more girl time,” she stated. “More specifically, us time.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “So much yes.”

  We wandered around aimlessly for a little while longer, when a guy stumbled out of the nearby bushes with his pants down. A brown beer bottle was hanging loosely in his hand and the contents sloshed around inside as he stumbled over toward us. “Heyyyy,” he slurred. “Wanna have a partay?” His garbled words were nearly incoherent.

  I scrunched up my face and grabbed onto Jenna’s shirt to pull her away with me. This wouldn’t be a good situation to get ourselves into. While this wasn’t a touristy area like down below, there were still some bad apples everywhere you went. “Come on,” I urged her. “Let’s get out of here. We need to head back to our boyfriends for dinner.” I enunciated the word ‘boyfriends’ as I pulled and began to walk.

  “Hey hey heyyyy,” he called out after us. “What’s the rush? The party is just about to get started!”

  We walked on, acting as though we hadn’t heard anything. A hand grabbed the back of my shirt and I began falling backward. The motion caught me off guard and I threw my hand out to catch my fall as I twisted slightly. Looking down, I saw my wrist bent in a position that shouldn’t be comfortable. Dread began to creep in, filling the cracks that would soon be accompanied by pain.

  The man laughed a throaty and gurgled laugh. I looked up right as he grabbed Jenna’s arm and twisted. She let out a shriek then threw a right hook and clocked him under the chin. His head flew back and drops of blood flew out of his mouth, landing on the ground around him.

  Jenna grabbed me, pulled me up, and ran, dragging me along behind her.

  We ran, fast and hard, trying to put as much distance between us and the crazy guy as we possibly could. Once we felt we were out of range, we stopped to catch our breath.

  “Fuck, Cam, are you okay?” she asked me.

  “Me? What about your arm?” I countered, recalling the screech she gave out when he had her arm.

  “It’ll be alright,” she replied, but I was unconvinced. She wasn’t moving it and her face was scrunched like she was trying to keep her pain at bay. But if she didn’t want to talk about it, then I wouldn’t press right now.

  I held up my wrist and tried to bend it, but it hurt. “Ow.” I couldn’t keep the worry out of my voice. “Jenna...” I didn’t know what to say.

  “Okay, don’t worry, we’ll get this figured out. Let’s take a detour to medical,” she suggested.

  “I don’t know if I want to,” I hedged. “What if they say I can’t climb, Jenna?” I began to panic, the reality of what was happening was freaking me out. I’d worked my whole life for this. If I couldn’t achieve it because of some stupid, drunk asshole, I didn’t know what I would do. I needed to be able to do this.

  “Give it a day, maybe it’ll be better tomorrow,” I pleaded

  “Cam, we’re going today. Right now. At the very least we can slap a brace on it and still get you up the wall. It will happen, I promise you that. We won’t let you fail. Even if we need to stay on this mountain until you’re healed. We’ll make it happen,” she vowed, desperate to reassure me.

  “Okay,” I conceded. “Let’s go.”

  We made a detour to the medic tents. The longer I sat there waiting, the more pain I was in. After the medic felt around my wrist, hand, and arm, while asking questions, he told me it was a mild sprain, and wouldn’t take longer than two or three days to heal, so we wouldn’t get too far off track. The medic gave me some ibuprofen for the pain and swelling, and then went to talk with Jenna separately.

  “Well, so much for continuing on up the mountain in a couple days,” I muttered, trudging back to camp. “Unless it would be all better by then.”

  “Stop it, Cam. Shit happens. We’ll wait,” she reassured me. I really needed to tamp down my panic.

  I felt tears begin to well at the corners of my eyes. I knew she kept saying it’d be okay, but I just couldn’t stop the fears from overwhelming me. My mind was already going to a dark place.

  Several colorful tents came into view and I slowed down, wanting to prolong the moment that I’d have to face the onslaught of questions, because of course they’d all need to immediately know what was wrong.

  Pete was on the edge of the clearing and the closest to us. He walked out to meet us and as he neared, he saw the light blue brace that was over my wrist. I didn’t have a way to hide it, but I may as well just get it over with. Maybe he could tell the rest of them. I really didn’t want to have to repeat the same story nine more times if I was going to have to do each one individually.

  “What happened?” he asked, the usual casual coolness in his voice was now nowhere to be found. He took my wrist in his hands, softly touching it with his gentle fingers. “What happened to you? Are you alright?” His eyes were filled with concern. A wrist in a brace was a terrible thing for a climber, and he knew that, but he was worried about more than just the sport. He was worried for me, and how it would affect me rather than my climbing.


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