Something Borrowed (Lone Star Match Book 2)

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Something Borrowed (Lone Star Match Book 2) Page 9

by Megan Ryder

  Delaney had been quiet for a while, not even looking at Brigid, lost in her own thoughts, her own memories.

  Finally, she spoke. “Brigid, I was going through a really rough time. I was barely keeping it together, never mind dealing with my mother, then my father’s death. You have no idea what it was like.”

  “We were your friends. We would have been there for you, even Anna.”

  “You had enough to deal with, getting ready for law school, your internship, and your own family issues.”

  “Don’t put this on me. I would have been there.”

  “It’s not that, Brigid. I know you would have. All of you would have. But it was so overwhelming. The criminal details. The financial details. The newspapers. The people, oh, the people.” The words poured out of her, along with pain, making Brigid flinch with every sentence. “You should have seen the letters, the phone calls, the e-mails. It was horrible. And right in the middle of it, my father had a heart attack, leaving my mother traumatized, everyone calling me for decisions, and I had to keep it all together. I had no idea what I was doing, but I did the best I could. Someone had to.”

  Brigid’s heart clenched. She reached across the open space between them and grabbed the other woman’s arm. “We could have helped you, if only to listen. If you would have let us in. You never let us in. Instead, we were all on the outside, banging our heads against the wall of ice you put up, the wall we’d melted three years before. Delaney, you became a stranger to us, just like freshman year when we wondered how the hell we could all live together. You threw our friendship back in our faces.” She leaned back. “Life happens, but you blew us all apart.”

  She sighed and stood, staring at Delaney, wind blowing her hair around her face. “That hurt the most, the rejection. It was like we didn’t matter. And Ethan took the brunt of it. Please, for all of our sakes, but especially for Ethan, don’t play with him this week, with his emotions. The rest of us can walk away, but he’s had to live with it.”

  Delaney flushed and, when she spoke, anger threaded her words. “I wasn’t exactly having a goddamn garden party. I suffered too.”

  “I have no doubt about that. But none of us had any closure. I know Caroline wants us all to be good friends again, like we were years ago. I don’t think that’s possible. Too much has happened. So, don’t be offended if we get snarky with you. You deserve every bit of it.” She turned to walk away then paused, a glint of humor in her eyes. “However, if you can find that old ice princess deep inside, I’d love to see you bring her out and put Anna in her place. Just be nice to Ethan, okay? Don’t play with him.”

  Delaney spoke from behind her. “I wasn’t aware you’d been appointed his keeper, his guardian.”

  Brigid smirked. “There’s the old Delaney. Good. You’ll need her to survive this week. And I’m not his guardian. I just saw the aftermath, from a distance, but it wasn’t pretty. You bring destruction wherever you go. Don’t bring it here.”

  She walked off to the house, staggering a little in the uneven grass, wine, tension and exhaustion finally catching up with her.

  Chapter Ten

  Brigid passed through the patio, making excuses for an early night. Only Caroline and Matthew remained by the fire pit. Caroline looked sad and leaned into Matthew, who had an arm looped around her and was speaking quietly. He nodded quietly to her and she slipped in the house, closing the patio doors with a quiet snick.

  She headed for the stairs, knowing that she should be working but was honestly too tired to do any more that night. As she headed up the stairs, Grady invaded her thoughts. Suddenly, memory flooded back and she flung open the bedroom door and hurried in. Her foot kicked something soft.

  “Hey, watch where you’re going.” Grady’s voice came from somewhere south of her, on the floor. The unknown pile of stuff on the floor wasn’t her luggage but was a makeshift pallet where Grady had already settled for the night.

  Brigid flicked on the light. “How was I supposed to know you would be camping out right in front of the door?”

  “There isn’t much room anywhere else.” He sat up, the sheet falling away, exposing his firm sculpted chest that felt as amazing as it looked. Brigid would know. She had always been obsessed with his chest, tracing the muscles with her eyes and hands when they were in bed together.

  She closed the door behind her. “I thought you were going to talk to Caroline about this.”

  He yawned and stretched his arms, arching his back. “I tried. She refused, saying there wasn’t another bed. I can’t stay at the cottage or the surprise will be shot. So, here I lay, stretched out on this poor, hard floor like a forgotten dog.”

  “Oh cripes, Grady. I’d expect such melodrama from Anna, not from you.” But she laughed anyway and he grinned in response, the look taking her breath away momentarily.

  She studied the floor. “That’s hardwood, not carpet. You’re going to be stiff and sore tomorrow, not able to finish the cottage. We’re both adults and the bed is big enough. Besides you don’t have anything I haven’t seen or touched before.”

  He stood, wearing only his boxers, his erection tenting the material in front of him. Her mouth went dry and she curled her fingers in her palms in an effort not to reach out and touch. He shook his head.

  “I think it’s a bad idea, Brigid. We’re not together and I don’t think we should muddy the waters again.”

  She frowned, her only thought focused on touching him, feeling him hard and hot around her, in her. She shivered as the cool air conditioned air touched her heated skin.

  She bit her lower lip. “Would it really be so bad? I mean, we’re not attached to anyone, so what can it hurt?”

  He was shaking his head before she even finished speaking. “You know why that can’t happen.” He turned and rearranged the bedding on the floor. “It’ll be best if I stay here until I can make other arrangements.”

  “Fine.” She huffed and tossed her hoodie on the chair. “Be stubborn. But I don’t want to hear about your aching back tomorrow.”


  Sleep was long in coming that night for Grady. Brigid tossed and turned in the bed, occasionally letting out a low moan as if she were having a naughty sex dream, one he could have had for real if he hadn’t been such a girl. What guy refuses a sure thing, with a hot and willing woman who wants nothing more than a night of sex? Because he wants a relationship?

  What a fucking idiot he was. Wanting romance and a relationship instead of sex and no strings.

  Stupid ass. He deserved all the pain the floor gave him, and more, for being a sentimental fool. Although, judging by her own restlessness, his plan was working. Withhold sex, force her to see there could be something more. If he fell into bed with her, she’d fall back into the old patterns of placing them in the physical relationship, ignoring any other possibilities.

  He shifted on the floor, the blanket no barrier or cushion to the hard wood under him. Sleeping on the grass would have been more comfortable than where he was now. Add to that a painful erection and his woman’s soft moans and sighs, and he was in his own form of hell, made worse by the fact that he was being proud, too proud to take what was offered freely. Instead, he dealt with an arousal that could pound nails through the hardwood floor.

  He shifted again, grunting as his elbow slammed the floor.

  “You’re a fool. Stubborn ass. Get on the bed, damn you. I’ll protect your virtue.” The last was said with a sardonic twist.

  He snorted. “I’m fine.”

  The soft comforter landed on his head and he got briefly tangled in the material. “Use that to lay on, if you’re determined to be pigheaded. Maybe it will let us both get some sleep.”

  He stood and spread it out on the floor and laid back down. It was marginally better, a bit more of a barrier than he had.

  “Better?” She asked, her soft voice making his cock jump and twitch, pleading for the soft bed and soft woman.

  “It’s fine.” His voice was gruff with
arousal and lack of sleep.

  “Now, can we get some sleep?”

  “If you stop moaning in your sleep.”

  She paused and muttered under her breath but loud enough for him to hear. “Shit. Well, it’s all your fault.”

  “Night, sweetheart.”

  She punched her pillow and growled quietly. He laughed under his breath and settled for a sleepless night.

  Chapter Eleven

  The morning sun peeked through the curtains that she’d closed tightly the night before, stabbing her in the eyes. She groaned and threw an arm over her face. She hadn’t even drunk that much the previous night, not enough to warrant this headache. But it wasn’t a hangover she was feeling, but a tension headache brought on by work, the pre-wedding stress and dealing with Grady in her bedroom. She didn’t even have a sanctuary from which to escape, except the office and that place only added to her tension. Of course, lack of sleep and arousal, knowing Grady slept a few feet away, didn’t help her headache at all.

  “Grady, shut the curtains.” When there was no movement, she cracked open an eye and spoke louder. “Grady, the curtains.”

  When that didn’t cause any movement, she strained to hear for any movement but there was none on the floor or from the attached bathroom. Distant noise in the house indicated that anyone who was up was downstairs, probably in the kitchen. She’d kill for a cup of coffee, provided it didn’t irritate her stomach as it sometimes did. But she’d need the caffeine for her morning paperwork.

  She rolled over and checked the clock, then bolted straight up in bed. Nine o’clock! She hadn’t slept that late since undergrad. She had never had the time, would normally have been in the office for at least two hours by now. She leapt out of bed and frantically looked for her laptop or phone. How many emails were already piling up in her inbox? Oh God, she had to log in.

  She swung her legs out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

  A short while later she made her way downstairs. Before she could escape to the office with a cup of coffee, Caroline found her.

  “So, you’re finally awake. When I saw Grady a couple of hours ago, I thought sure you’d be close behind. How did he sneak out and not wake you?”

  “I must have been sleeping more soundly than I thought.”

  Caroline grinned. “Must have been tired from traveling and other activities.” She put air quotes around the last word. “The Brigid I knew was the lightest sleeper, couldn’t even sleep with the windows open because the sound of the waves kept her awake.”

  Brigid only smiled ruefully and poured a cup of coffee. “Well, I’m headed to work. Let me know if you need me.”

  Caroline grabbed her arm as she walked past. “Not just yet. You promised me one week and I want one week. We have a spa day planned today, my bachelorette party. Nonnegotiable, Brigid.”

  Steel threaded her words, reminding Brigid of why the other woman was such a successful fundraiser. No one could say no to Caroline Masters, soon to be Coughlin. Add in the Irish and she would be unstoppable. Brigid glanced at the closed office door and Caroline’s gaze followed her train of thought.

  “I’ll give you thirty minutes then I take away the laptop and phone and disconnect the Wi-Fi. That should give you plenty of time to be ready leave by eleven. Agreed?”

  Brigid frowned but nodded. “Fine. Where’s Grady?”

  Caroline glanced around. “I have no idea. Matthew may have grabbed him. They’re golfing today. Now, hurry up. You have twenty-nine minutes and I’m counting.”

  Brigid hurried in the office and checked her email. Peterman had accepted her changes to the contracts and sent her additional revisions on something else. So much for a vacation. Another email caught her eye.

  Cournoyer Hotels: Change to Date

  Her blood ran cold. Her cursor hovered over the email and she finally double-clicked it. A sinking feeling filled her as she scanned the email. The client requested they move up the date since he needed to be in Tokyo later that month. Could they get the final contract agreements and remaining documents all done for then?

  She cursed softly. Her piece was done except for a few revisions. Thank God she had worked even more extra time in the past weeks to ensure she was all set. She replied to Peterman, confirming her assignments and dates of completion, if they weren’t already done.

  Surprisingly she received an immediate response.

  Your presence not necessary now. Terrence can handle it. Date may not even change. Enjoy your vacation.

  She sat back in the seat and stared at the screen. Enjoy her vacation? Peterman never said that, not once. Was he being sarcastic? Then his previous sentence settled in her brain. Terrence can handle it. Her blood ran cold. Shit. She and Terrence were neck and neck for the promotion and he was giving him an unfettered chance to prove himself, and she would look bad by virtue of not even being there. She could kiss her promotion goodbye.

  Damn it.

  The door opened and Caroline poked her head in. “Time’s up. Get ready or we’ll drag you down there as you are.”

  Brigid grimaced. She hated strange people touching her, judging her. She never found spa days relaxing or fun. They were a waste of time, sitting around while other people waited on her. There was so much she could be doing at the same time.

  Caroline walked across the room and plucked the phone from her hand. “And no phones.” She tucked it in her pocket, ignoring Brigid’s protests. “Now, I think you need a massage for your tension, although I would have thought Grady would have relaxed you. Go, get ready now.”

  Brigid frowned but got up. She paused next to Caroline. “I want two hours this afternoon.”

  “Fine. But I’ll be timing you.”

  “I’m an adult not a teenager, asking her mommy to play video games.” Her grumbling subsided at a sharp look from her friend.

  “I don’t like having to babysit you either, Brigid. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my wedding week.”

  Ah shit. Regret and guilt plagued her. She hugged her friend. “I’m so sorry, Caroline. I don’t want to be a bitch.”

  Caroline hugged her back. “I know, Brigid. But I grew up with this, and am marrying it. I know what to expect but you have to have a life too. It’s not all law and deals. It will kill you if you’re not careful. I’m doing this because I care.”

  “I know. And I’ll do better. I promise.”

  “And I’ll try to understand. I know this is a critical time for you at the firm. Matthew went through it too. It sucks but I understand.”

  “Thanks. Now, let me get ready so strangers can poke and prod me all in the name of some media-inspired idea of beauty. Bah.” She shuddered. “So not cool.”

  Caroline laughed. “If you’d let yourself relax for once, you might enjoy it.”

  “Not likely. But for you, I’ll try. Good luck getting everyone else to stop fighting.”

  A firm look entered her eyes. “They’re next on my agenda. Go.”

  Brigid dragged her feet upstairs, sipping her cold coffee. She opened the bedroom door and Grady turned, a towel slung low on his hips falling to the ground, revealing tight muscles and a narrow strip of hair arrowing straight down to his cock jutting out, waving hello. Just that quickly, all thoughts of the law, of a spa day, of strangers touching her went out the door and all she could think about was this man’s hands on her, touching her, buried deep inside until she was exhausted from it.

  She closed the door behind her and turned the lock.


  The locked clicked loudly in the room, leaving Grady and Brigid alone. Brigid leaned against the door and leisurely scanned his body, the cool air doing nothing to calm the raging heat ignited by her gaze. Instead of picking up the towel, he let it pool at his feet and stared at her, silently daring her to act. She licked her lips and studied him as if he were a tasty treat and she was starving.

  She pushed off of the door and slowly walked across the room. It took everything Grady had to remain still and not
reach for her, tumbling her on the bed and burying himself deep inside her wet heat. He clenched his jaw and fisted his hands at his side, willing himself to remain calm and as loose as possible, to not show her how she was affecting him, although his cock jutted out giving him away. Judging by the tense way she held herself, she was as affected as he was.

  She stopped in front of him and ran one finger down his chest, resting just above the evidence of his arousal. “Were you waiting for me?”

  He sucked in a deep breath at her touch but didn’t move. “I thought you and girls had already left.”

  “I have some time. How about you?” She walked around behind him, dragging her finger along his torso.

  He turned, trying to remain loose. “I’m not a prized cow for you to inspect.”

  “Just admiring the view, darling. What? A woman can’t look but men can ogle all they want?”

  “I never treated you like a piece of meat.” His words were quiet but pointed and she flushed, yanking her hand back.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Her voice was stiff and formal, not teasing and light. He cursed quietly. Way to go. Make her pissed off and uncomfortable. She’ll never see us together this way.

  He reached for her and pulled her against him. “That’s not what I meant.”

  She struggled briefly, the material of her clothes rubbing against his sensitized nerve endings and his body screamed at him to kiss her, take her, soothe the fierce ache inside of him. He slid his hand down her back and cupped her butt, holding her still against him so she could feel him pressing against her abdomen. She froze and gazed up at him, eyes wide and unsure.

  “I just want you to see us as something more than friends with benefits. We can be so much more.”

  He tilted his head and kissed her, a slow, sweet kiss that stole all of her defenses away. She wound her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his short hair, tugging him down further, sinking into the moment. His tongue swept inside and tangled with hers, the minty fresh of mouthwash clashing with her coffee breath but he didn’t care. He had her where she belonged and he just needed to keep her there. His cock throbbed and hardened as she rubbed against him, lifting a leg to wrap around his thigh and pull him closer. She whimpered at the connection and her head fell back. He trailed his lips down her neck, licking her jumping pulse.


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