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Page 9

by KJ Dahlen

  Hawk nodded. Looking back at Cobra he said, “So how the hell did you guys end up with the Diangelo stones in the first place? Those stones have been missing for many fucking years.?”

  “That’s what my dad stole from Hellspawn seventeen years ago,” Thor informed them all. “It’s why he murdered my mom and what Hellspawn has been looking for all these years.”

  Hawk whistled and shook his head. Then he looked over at Gunner and Cobra, “So what do you need us to do?”

  Gunner gave him a nod as he spoke, “We know Hellspawn and Digger are coming back and this time, they are coming for blood. We need to stop them once and for all. What we don’t know is how many men they’ll bring with them.”

  Hawk snorted. “He couldn’t have that many men left.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Thor wanted to know.

  “After you called the first time, I sent a couple of guys to watch what was going on and it wasn’t good. Digger’s men began picking off the brothers and then the four members Hellspawn took with him were ambushed on the road back.” Hawk grimaced while shaking his head. “I got a report that Hellspawn just stood there laughing while he watched as his men were cut down. Fucking slimy worthless bastard. What kinda prez does that shit?”

  “Let’s take this inside.” Gunner nodded. “We could be being watched even now.”

  Cobra went over to Thor and whispered something in his ear.

  Thor glanced at Spirit then turned and walked inside.

  As the six men started walking in, Spirit paused to look over at the woman Thor was with. He stared hard at her.

  Gunner, Boone, Hawk and Cobra sat down together.

  Hawk asked, “So what’s the plan then?”

  Gunner shrugged. “We protect Thor, Dani and ourselves against Hellspawn and Digger. Hopefully, we take them both out, along with any men still following them.”

  Hawk glanced over at Thor and shook his head. “So the big guy finally got himself a woman huh?”

  “Yeah and he ain’t the only one.” Cobra grinned.

  “Jett too?” Hawk was surprised.

  “Yeah, Jett got him a woman, but I was talking about me.” Cobra growled.

  “What the fuck? You? Damn old man, for real? A woman Boss?” Hawk looked more than surprised. “Really? Well damn, good for you. Is she here? Can we meet her?”

  “Yes, she’s here and I’m sure you’ll get to meet her. But we have other things to take care of first.” Cobra stared at his second in command with a shake of his head at his overreaction. “By the way, Thor’s woman is one of us.”

  Hawk nodded. “I’m assuming so. I mean if she belongs to him, she’s one of us as well.”

  “No, you don’t get what I’m saying.” Cobra shook his head. “Dani was born into the club.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Hawk asked quizzically.

  “Dani is Speed’s baby girl,” Cobra stated matter of factly.

  Hawk slowly turned his head to look at the girl as she sat next to Thor. He studied her for a moment then turned back to Cobra. “Do they know?”

  Cobra nodded. “They want to deal with Hellspawn and Digger then worry about the Rowlett's family claim. For all she knows, Speed’s family won’t be interested in her.”

  “But you and I know that ain’t so,” Hawk protested. “Owen and his boys have been looking for her for twenty years. Even after Speed died, they kept looking.”

  “You and I know that but Janet raised her. She wouldn’t even tell the girl her father’s name.”

  “Fucking hell... that’s some cold shit man,” Hawk whispered.

  Cobra shrugged. “It is what it is. You remember when she told him if she left, he’d never see his daughter again, and she meant it. He’s the one that told her to get out. What he did was wrong too. A real man never has to hit a woman and he fucking did. A real man never has to cheat on his woman and he fucking did that too. He went against club rules and he knew it. That was why he lost his rank and had to earn it back.”

  Hawk agreed. “Hell, I was just a Prospect back then, but I remember that day well I also remember when Owen and his brothers showed up.”

  “Hell...” Cobra sighed hard. “I haven't thought of that fucked up shit in a long damn time. But right now, we have another problem to worry over.”

  Before he could say anything else, Hawk got a ping on his phone. He frowned as he looked at the text and growled. Looking up at Cobra he said, “That was Jonesy. He’s following Hellspawn and Digger. He claims there are five bikes coming this way, including both Hellspawn and Digger.”

  “Well, that means he hasn’t killed everyone,” Boone concluded. “So those still living, might be some real mean fuckers.”

  Hawk nodded. “He also said Hellspawn and Digger are pissed. And they aren’t the only ones. The other three with them are looking for blood too.”

  “How soon before they get here?” Gunner wanted to know.

  Hawk shrugged. “Maybe an hour.”

  “Well hell, we are the Savaged Souls and anything can and will happen between now and then.” Gunner shook his head.

  “Including three bikers, not making it all the way here.” Boone growled. “Knowing how they all turn on each other.”

  Thor and Dani joined them.

  “So what’s the plan?” Thor asked.

  “We just found out we got five bikers coming in pissed and looking for trouble,” Gunner told them. “Hellspawn, Digger and three others.”

  “I wish to god, we’d never discovered those fucking stones.” Dani swore.

  Boone grinned at her. “You could always do what you threatened and flush them down the toilet.”

  “You did what?” Hawk asked as he looked stunned and stared at her.

  Cobra chuckled. “She told Hellspawn if he tried to come through the gate, she was going to flush the stones down the damned toilet even if it would be her last act on earth.”

  “Hellspawn doesn’t deserve those stones, he never did.” Dani glared as she spoke, “He betrayed his club for them, he helped murder Thor’s mom and seventeen years later, he killed my mother. Those stones are drenched in the blood of innocents and they should be gone from this fucking earth!” She looked angry and she shouted out the last part .

  Thor grabbed her by the hand and began dragging her away. He went toward the kitchen then changed his mind and headed toward the hallway leading to the rooms. She cried out

  Spirit stepped in his way to stop him from leaving with her.

  Thor glared at him.

  Spirit backed away. But he didn’t go far. He glared at the couple as he struggled not to interfere. Instead, he moved to the front door and grabbed his phone.

  When Thor dragged her into their bedroom, he slammed the door behind them. He wrapped his hands around her ass, hauled her up and pressed her against the door, his lips crushing hers. He couldn’t stop kissing her and when she gasped, he pushed his tongue into her mouth. The kiss deepened and soon, they had to break away and catch their breath.

  “I know we don’t have time for anything more but I at least needed a kiss,” he whispered harshly. “When you get that particular tone in your voice it puts fire in my blood woman!”

  “He-he...” She giggled as she nibbled on his lips. “I’ll have to remember that.” She kissed him again and then asked, “So, who was that man?”

  “What man?” Thor asked as he returned her kiss.

  “The man who looked so mad at you?”

  Thor stopped cold. He studied her face for a moment. “You don’t know him?”

  Dani looked at him in surprise. “No, why would I? I’ve never seen him before. Who is he?” she whispered.

  “He’s one of my brothers, we call him Spirit.” Thor released her and she slid to her feet. “He’s your...” He stopped speaking as she raised her fingers and covered his mouth.

  “Don’t say it,” she begged. “Damn, please don’t say it.”

  “Not saying it is
n’t going to change the fact, of who he is darlin,’ ” Thor told her softly.

  Dani shook her head. “I don’t want to know. I can’t think about that right now. I need to concentrate on Hellspawn and nothing else.”

  “Come on, Sweet cheeks...” Thor sighed.

  Dani shook her head. “Please, just let’s get through this before we have to deal with something else.”

  Thor finally nodded. “Ok, but this won’t go away.”

  “I know. I just can’t think about it yet.” She sighed hard and looked firm on this.

  After a moment or two, she opened the door, took hold of Thor's hand and dragged him back out to the main room. When they sat down, she looked over at Thor. “This might all go south and I... well, if I get injured or...”

  Thor’s expression went hard at her words.

  Taking a deep breath, she went on, “B-Before anything happens, I have to tell you I have a very rare blood type. I’m B negative and can only receive blood from other B negative donors or from type O negative donors and both of those types are fairly rare. I can’t accept just anyone’s blood.”

  Spirit turned his head very slowly as he overheard what she was telling Thor, he stared at her for a moment. His face grew pale and his hands were shaking. But he pursed his lips and didn’t say anything.

  “Nothing will happen to you sweet cheeks.” Thor grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. “I won’t let it.”

  “We won’t let it.” Gunner and Cobra stated at the same time.

  After a moment, Dani tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ear and gazed around at their faces. “So what’s the plan then?”

  “Other than stay where we are and stop him from getting in and killing you?” Gunner asked. “I guess that’s our plan.”

  “I might have another idea if you’re willing to listen to it.” She smiled mischievously.

  “What did you have in mind?” Cobra raised a brow at her.

  “Do any of you guys have a crossbow and does anybody here know how to use one?” she asked innocently.

  “Why?” Gunner wanted to know.

  “Hellspawn wants the stones, Digger wants the stones. I want nothing to do with them, but I think Hellspawn should have to work for them.”

  “I can fire a crossbow,” Spirit spoke up.

  “Go on...” Cobra nodded at her.

  The men sitting at the table, all nodded in agreement.

  She leaned in to outline her plan and everyone listened.

  By the time they worked out the details, a new plan had been born. It seemed Cobra’s man Spirit knew how to work a crossbow.

  When they first heard it, they weren’t happy about it but they could see the wisdom of it. The plan was simple, using a crossbow Spirit would fire bolts into the trees and attached to the bolts would be small bags of the various stones.

  Dani shrugged. “I don’t want anything to do with those fucking stones, but I want him to have the aggravation of having to find them on his own. If Spirit can shoot the crossbow into the trees and we put a few stones with each bolt, Hellspawn or Digger will have to track them down on their own.” She laughed out loud. “It will drive them crazy.”

  “But do we want him crazy?” Thor asked. “He’s dangerous enough now and that’s before the crazy.”

  Dani shrugged. “He wants the stones, we give him the stones.”

  “He might not believe the stones are there.” Thor said.

  “He will if Spirit can fire the first bag at them," Dani replied. “Maybe at Digger. That might show the others that all Hellspawn cares about are the stones.”

  “I think they know that already,” Cobra commented.

  Dani shook her head. “You have no idea what that man is willing to do when he thinks someone else has taken his bounty. He will slip over the edge straight into insanity and fight the very hounds of hell that come after him to drag him into the hellfire. He will not be denied his treasure.”

  Thor shook his head. “So you're saying he’ll be like a junkie on smack, so far out there, that nothing else makes sense anymore. Not even his own life.”

  Rigger rushed over to the table. “Boss, we got more visitors and I’m not sure if they are friendly or not. They’re asking for Spirit.”

  “That would be my dad and my brothers.” Spirit got to his feet. “I called them. They were looking for someone in Trinity.”

  Cobra looked over at his man. “I asked you to wait until this was settled before you brought them into this.”

  Spirit nodded. “Yes you did, but that was before I found out she was the target of these maniacs. I thought dad and my brothers should at least get to meet her. We’ve been looking for her for twenty some years.”

  Dani got slowly to her feet and glared at the man. “I only knew my mom growing up, never my dad or his family. My mom made a choice when I was a kid, and I never questioned that. She proved to me time and time again that she loved me and had my best interests at heart. I never even knew my dad’s name until Cobra told me. She never spoke of him one way or the other, all I knew is that he messed up bad. She gave him every chance and he messed things up. We don’t have time to go through all this shit right now.” She turned her head to gaze at Thor. “Maybe when this is over, I’ll meet them but not right now.”

  Spirit nodded. “I’ll do my part and the rest of this can and will wait. It won’t wait forever mind you but it will wait for now.”

  Dani turned and walked away.

  They all watched as she disappeared into her and Thor’s bedroom then closed the door.

  Thor turned to look at his MC brother. “If you push her on this, you’ll lose her before she even meets any of them.” Then he too, turned and walked away, following her into his bedroom.

  Chapter Twelve

  Spirit watched as his dad, Owen and brothers Reggie and Eli joined the group.

  Owen was looking around and growing impatient. “Where is she? You said she was here. Where is my granddaughter?”

  “Dad, calm down please, now isn’t a good time.” Spirit ran his hands over the back of his head.

  “I don’t care if it’s a good time or not.” Owen growled. “I want to finally meet my granddaughter!”

  “Owen...” Cobra got to his feet, drawing the man’s attention. “What he means is that now is not a good time for you to meet her because we have a crazy man coming here after a treasure that her mother has kept hidden for seventeen years. And as her mother is dead, the man is coming after her now, this jackass intends for her to hand it over to him.”

  Owen sat down hard on a chair. “What the hell?”

  “What kind of bullshit is this?” Reggie snarled.

  “It’s a long story, one which we don’t have a lot of time to get into right now,” Cobra told them. “But the gist of the matter is, after Janet left Speed. She moved up to Trinity. She became a friend to the woman who lived down the street. This woman turned out to be Thor’s mom. Anyway, Thor’s mom brought her a small box one night and asked her to hide it and keep it safe. Thor’s dad robbed the club and the contents of the box is what he stole from them. Thor’s mom was later murdered for the contents of the box. The club came to Janet’s house and searched but never found it.”

  Owen, Eli and Reggie sat and listened while looking angry at Cobra’s words.

  “Four months ago,” Cobra went on.” Hellspawn snapped Janet’s neck and Dani decided it was time to leave. The club followed her here and she finally gave up what her mom had hidden all this time. It’s a box filled with diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. Hellspawn wants to retire with it while leaving the club out in the cold. Naturally, the club is upset. Hellspawn doesn’t give a rat’s ass about that, he’s killing off his own men. Then his nephew Digger is getting his own men together to take over for when he puts Hellspawn down. It’s a shitstorm waiting to happen.”

  “And Dani?” Eli asked. “Where does she fit into this shit storm?”

  “As Speed’s kid she’s one of us, regar
dless of what her mom did by leaving,” Cobra stated firmly. “Not only that, but Thor has claimed her. She’s had our protection from the day she was born.”

  “Protection she’s been without for the last twenty two years of her life.” Eli growled. “Don’t you think now, is too little too late.”

  “That’s not our fault any more than it's yours,” Cobra insisted. “Janet had every right to walk out on Speed after what he did to her. Speed would never marry her or any other woman so he had no claim on her and vice versa. Speed was the one who wasn’t there to protect his family.”

  “All that doesn’t matter right now,” Spirit interjected. “What matters now is Dani. We can sort out who to lay blame on later.”

  Dani and Thor walked back into the main room where the group of several men were gathered at that moment.

  Dani shouted to be heard, “No blame to lay on anyone except on Speed’s shoulders. Don’t you even dare blame my mom for not staying with a man that was beating on her.” Then after saying her peace, she turned to Gunner and asked, “Are the stones ready?

  Gunner nodded. “Rigger just let us know there are five bikers coming in.”

  Taking a deep breath she said, “Let’s do this. I’m getting really tired of this man’s bullshit. It’s time for it to stop.” She turned toward the door but Owen put out his hand to stop her. Dani turned her head slowly to glare at the man. “You have no right to touch me. I don’t know you and if you dare talk smack about my mom, then I don’t want to know you.”

  Owen dropped his hand and simply watched her walk to the front door.

  The men around them were busy getting weapons and the small bags ready.

  Then Spirit gathered some things together and moved away with Gypsy, Jett and one other man, each carrying something extra with them. They disappeared up to the roof.

  Thor came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

  Eli growled and took a step toward the pair while his dad grabbed him to hold his son back.

  Cobra glared at him, then asked Rigger, “How soon before they get here?”


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