Book of Proof

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Book of Proof Page 13

by Richard Hammack



























  , . . .

  (Face cards)












  We seek the number of 3-card hands that are all red or all face cards,

  and this number is |A ∪ B|. By Formula (3.3), |A ∪ B| = |A| + |B| − |A ∩ B|.

  Let’s examine |A|, |B| and |A ∩ B| separately. Any hand in A is formed


  by selecting three cards from the 26 red cards in the deck, so |A| = ¡26

  3 .

  Similarly, any hand in B is formed by selecting three cards from the 12


  face cards in the deck, so |B| = ¡12

  3 . Now think about A ∩ B. It contains all

  the 3-card hands made up of cards that are red face cards.

















  (Red face

  A ∩ B =






  , ,



  , . . .












  The deck has only 6 red face cards, so |A ∩ B| = ¡63 .

  Now we can answer our question. The number of 3-card hands that




  are all red or all face cards is |A ∪ B| = |A| + |B| − |A ∩ B| = ¡26

  3 + ¡12

  3 − ¡6

  3 =

  2600 + 220 − 20 = 2800.

  There is an analogue to Equation (3.3) that involves three sets. Consider

  three sets A, B and C, as represented in the following Venn Diagram.




  Using the same kind of reasoning that resulted in Equation (3.3), you can

  convince yourself that

  |A ∪ B ∪ C| = |A| + |B| + |C| − |A ∩ B| − |A ∩ C| − |B ∩ C| + |A ∩ B ∩ C|.


  There’s probably not much harm in ignoring this one for now, but if you

  find this kind of thing intriguing you should definitely take a course in

  combinatorics. (Ask your instructor!)

  As we’ve noted, Equation (3.3) becomes |A ∪ B| = |A| + |B| if it happens

  that A ∩ B = ;. Also, in Equation (3.4), note that if A ∩ B = ;, A ∩ C = ; and

  B ∩ C = ;, we get the simple formula |A ∪ B ∪ C| = |A| + |B| + |C|. In general,

  we have the following formula for n sets, none of which overlap. It is

  sometimes called the addition principle.

  Fact 3.4

  (Addition Principle) If A1, A2,..., An are sets with Ai ∩ A j = ;

  whenever i 6= j, then |A1 ∪ A2 ∪ · · · ∪ An| = |A1| + |A2| + · · · + |An|.



  Example 3.9

  How many 7-digit binary strings (0010100, 1101011, etc.)

  have an odd number of 1’s?

  Solution: Let A be the set of all 7-digit binary strings with an odd

  number of 1’s, so the answer to the question will be |A|. To compute |A|,

  we break A up into smaller parts. Notice any string in A will have either

  one, three, five or seven 1’s. Let A1 be the set of 7-digit binary strings

  with only one 1. Let A3 be the set of 7-digit binary strings with three 1’s.

  Let A5 be the set of 7-digit binary strings with five 1’s, and let A7 be the

  set of 7-digit binary strings with seven 1’s. Therefore A = A1 ∪ A3 ∪ A5 ∪ A7.

  Notice that any two of the sets Ai have empty intersection, so Fact 3.4

  gives |A| = |A1| + |A3| + |A5| + |A7|.

  Now the problem is to find the values of the individual terms of this

  sum. For instance take A3, the set of 7-digit binary strings with three 1’s.

  Such a string can be formed by selecting three out of seven positions for


  the 1’s and putting 0’s in the other spaces. Therefore |A3| = ¡73 . Similarly





  1| = ¡7

  1 , | A5| = ¡7

  5 , and | A7| = ¡7

  7 . Finally the answer to our question is

  |A| = |A





  1| + | A3| + | A5| + | A7| = ¡7

  1 + ¡7

  3 + ¡7

  5 + ¡7

  7 = 7 + 35 + 21 + 1 = 64. There

  are 64 seven-digit binary strings with an odd number of 1’s.

  You may already have been using the Addition Principle intuitively,

  without thinking of it as a free-standing result. For instance, we used it

  in Example 3.2(c) when we divided lists into four types and computed the

  number of lists of each type.

  Exercises for Section 3.5

  1. At a certain university 523 of the seniors are history majors or math majors

  (or both). There are 100 senior math majors, and 33 seniors are majoring in

  both history and math. How many seniors are majoring in history?

  2. How many 4-digit positive integers are there for which there are no repeated

  digits, or for which there may be repeated digits, but all are odd?

  3. How many 4-digit positive integers are there that are even or contain no 0’s?

  4. This problem involves lists made from the letters T,H,E,O,R,Y, with repetition


  (a) How many 4-letter lists are there that don’t begin with T, or don’t end in


  (b) How many 4-letter lists are there in which the sequence of letters T,H,E

  appears consecutively?

  (c) How many 5-letter lists are there in which the sequence of letters T,H,E

  appears consecutively?



  5. How many 7-digit binary strings begin in 1 or end in 1 or have exactly four 1’s?

  6. Is the following statement true or false? Explain. If A1 ∩ A2 ∩ A3 = ;, then

  |A1 ∪ A2 ∪ A3| = |A1| + |A2| + |A3|.

  7. This problem concerns 4-card hands dealt off of a standard 52-card deck. How

  many 4-card hands are there for which all 4 cards are of the same suit or all 4

  cards are red?

  8. This problem concerns 4-card hands dealt off of a standard 52-card deck. How

  many 4-card hands are there for which all 4 cards are of different suits or all 4

  cards are red?

  9. A 4-letter list is made from the letters L,I,S,T,E,D according to the following

  rule: Repetition is allowed, and the first two letters on the list are vowels or

  the list ends in D. How many such lists are possible?

  10. A 5-card poker hand is called a flush if all car
ds are the same suit. How many

  different flushes are there?

  Part II

  How to Prove Conditional




  Direct Proof

  t is time to prove some theorems. There are various strategies for doing

  I this; we now examine the most straightforward approach, a technique

  called direct proof. As we begin, it is important to keep in mind the

  meanings of three key terms: Theorem, proof and definition.

  A theorem is a mathematical statement that is true and can be (and

  has been) verified as true. A proof of a theorem is a written verification

  that shows that the theorem is definitely and unequivocally true. A proof

  should be understandable and convincing to anyone who has the requisite

  background and knowledge. This knowledge includes an understanding of

  the meanings of the mathematical words, phrases and symbols that occur

  in the theorem and its proof. It is crucial that both the writer of the proof

  and the readers of the proof agree on the exact meanings of all the words,

  for otherwise there is an intolerable level of ambiguity. A definition is an

  exact, unambiguous explanation of the meaning of a mathematical word or

  phrase. We will elaborate on the terms theorem and definition in the next

  two sections, and then finally we will be ready to begin writing proofs.

  4.1 Theorems

  A theorem is a statement that is true and has been proved to be true.

  You have encountered many theorems in your mathematical education.

  Here are some theorems taken from an undergraduate calculus text. They

  will be familiar to you, though you may not have read all the proofs.

  Theorem: Let f be differentiable on an open interval I and let c ∈ I.

  If f (c) is the maximum or minimum value of f on I, then f 0(c) = 0.





  k=1 k converges, then limk→∞ ak = 0.

  Theorem: Suppose f is continuous on the interval [a, b]. Then f is

  integrable on [a, b].

  Theorem: Every absolutely convergent series converges.


  Direct Proof

  Observe that each of these theorems either has the conditional form “If

  P , then Q ,” or can be put into that form. The first theorem has an initial

  sentence “Let f be differentiable on an open interval I , and let c ∈ I ,” which

  sets up some notation, but a conditional statement follows it. The third

  theorem has form “Suppose P . Then Q ,” but this means the same thing

  as “If P , then Q .” The last theorem can be re-expressed as “If a series is

  absolutely convergent, then it is convergent.”

  A theorem of form “If P , then Q ,” can be regarded as a device that

  produces new information from P.

  Whenever we are dealing with a

  situation in which P is true, then the theorem guarantees that, in addition,

  Q is true. Since this kind of expansion of information is useful, theorems

  of form “If P , then Q ,” are very common.

  But not every theorem is a conditional statement. Some have the form

  of the biconditional P ⇔ Q, but, as we know, that can be expressed as two

  conditional statements. Other theorems simply state facts about specific

  things. For example, here is another theorem from your study of calculus.

  Theorem: The series 1 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + ··· diverges.

  It would be difficult (or at least awkward) to restate this as a conditional

  statement. Still, it is true that most theorems are conditional statements,

  so much of this book will concentrate on that type of theorem.

  It is important to be aware that there are a number of words that

  mean essentially the same thing as the word “theorem,” but are used in

  slightly different ways. In general the word “theorem” is reserved for a

  statement that is considered important or significant (the Pythagorean

  theorem, for example). A statement that is true but not as significant

  is sometimes called a proposition. A lemma is a theorem whose main

  purpose is to help prove another theorem. A corollary is a result that is

  an immediate consequence of a theorem or proposition. It is not important

  that you remember all these words now, for their meanings will become

  clear with usage.

  Our main task is to learn how to prove theorems. As the above examples

  suggest, proving theorems requires a clear understanding of the meaning

  of the conditional statement, and that is the primary reason we studied it

  so extensively in Chapter 2. In addition, it is also crucial to understand

  the role of definitions.



  4.2 Definitions

  A proof of a theorem should be absolutely convincing. Ambiguity must be

  avoided. Everyone must agree on the exact meaning of each mathematical

  term. In Chapter 1 we defined the meanings of the sets N, Z, R, Q and

  ;, as well as the meanings of the symbols ∈ and ⊆, and we shall make

  frequent use of these things. Here is another definition that we use often.

  Definition 4.1

  An integer n is even if n = 2a for some integer a ∈ Z.

  Thus, for example, 10 is even because 10 = 2 · 5. Also, according to the

  definition, 7 is not even because there is no integer a for which 7 = 2a.

  While there would be nothing wrong with defining an integer to be odd if

  it’s not even, the following definition is more concrete.

  Definition 4.2

  An integer n is odd if n = 2a + 1 for some integer a ∈ Z.

  Thus 7 is odd because 7 = 2·3+1. We will use these definitions whenever

  the concept of even or odd numbers arises. If in a proof a certain number

  turns out to be even, the definition allows us to write it as 2a for an

  appropriate integer a. If some quantity has form 2b + 1 where b is an

  integer, then the definition tells us the quantity is odd.

  Definition 4.3

  Two integers have the same parity if they are both even

  or they are both odd. Otherwise they have opposite parity.

  Thus 5 and −17 have the same parity, as do 8 and 0; but 3 and 4 have

  opposite parity.

  Two points about definitions are in order. First, in this book the word

  or term being defined appears in boldface type. Second, it is common to

  express definitions as conditional statements even though the biconditional

  would more appropriately convey the meaning. Consider the definition

  of an even integer. You understand full well that if n is even then n = 2a

  (for a ∈ Z), and if n = 2a, then n is even. Thus, technically the definition

  should read “An integer n is even if and only if n = 2a for some a ∈ Z .”

  However, it is an almost-universal convention that definitions are phrased

  in the conditional form, even though they are interpreted as being in the

  biconditional form. There is really no good reason for this, other than

  economy of words. It is the standard way of writing definitions, and we

  have to get used to it.

  Here is another definition that we will use often.


  Direct Proof

  Definition 4.4

  Suppose a and b are integers. We say that a divides b,

  written a | b, if b =
ac for some c ∈ Z. In this case we also say that a is a

  divisor of b, and that b is a multiple of a.

  For example, 5 divides 15 because 15 = 5 · 3. We write this as 5 | 15.

  Similarly 8 | 32 because 32 = 8 · 4, and −6 | 6 because 6 = −6 · −1. However,

  6 does not divide 9 because there is no integer c for which 9 = 6 · c. We

  express this as 6 - 9, which we read as “ 6 does not divide 9 .”

  Be careful of your interpretation of the symbols. There is a big difference

  between the expressions a | b and a/b. The expression a | b is a statement,

  while a/b is a fraction. For example, 8 | 16 is true and 8 | 20 is false. By

  contrast, 8/16 = 0.5 and 8/20 = 0.4 are numbers, not statements. Be careful

  not to write one when you mean the other.

  Every integer has a set of integers that divide it. For example, the set


  of divisors of 6 is a ∈ Z : a | 6ª = © − 6, −3, −2, −1, 1, 2, 3, 6ª. The set of divisors


  of 5 is

  − 5, −1, 1, 5ª. The set of divisors of 0 is Z. This brings us to the

  following definition, with which you are already familiar.

  Definition 4.5

  A natural number n is prime if it has exactly two positive

  divisors, 1 and n.

  For example, 2 is prime, as are 5 and 17. The definition implies that 1

  is not prime, as it only has one (not two) positive divisor, namely 1. An

  integer n is composite if it factors as n = ab where a, b > 1.

  Definition 4.6

  The greatest common divisor of integers a and b,

  denoted gcd(a, b), is the largest integer that divides both a and b. The

  least common multiple of non-zero integers a and b, denoted lcm(a, b),

  is smallest positive integer that is a multiple of both a and b.

  So gcd(18, 24) = 6, gcd(5, 5) = 5 and gcd(32, −8) = 8. Also gcd(50, 18) = 2,

  but gcd(50, 9) = 1. Note that gcd(0, 6) = 6, because, although every integer

  divides 0, the largest divisor of 6 is 6.

  The expression gcd(0, 0) is problematic. Every integer divides 0, so the

  only conclusion is that gcd(0, 0) = ∞. We circumvent this irregularity by

  simply agreeing to consider gcd(a, b) only when a and b are not both zero.

  Continuing our examples, lcm(4, 6) = 12, and lcm(7, 7) = 7.

  Of course not all terms can be defined. If every word in a definition were

  defined, there would be separate definitions for the words that appeared

  in those definitions, and so on, until the chain of defined terms became

  circular. Thus we accept some ideas as being so intuitively clear that

  they require no definitions or verifications. For example, we will not find



  it necessary to define what an integer (or a real number) is. Nor will


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