Book of Proof

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Book of Proof Page 30

by Richard Hammack

  sense that f −1( f (x)) = x for every x in the domain. (For example, if f (x) = x3,


  then f −1(x) = 3 x.) We now review these ideas. Our approach uses two

  ingredients, outlined in the following definitions.

  Definition 12.6

  Given a set A, the identity function on A is the func-

  tion i A : A → A defined as i A(x) = x for every x ∈ A.

  Example: If A = ©1, 2, 3ª, then i A = ©(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)ª. Also iZ = ©(n, n) : n ∈ Zª.

  The identity function on a set is the function that sends any element of

  the set to itself.

  Notice that for any set A, the identity function i A is bijective: It is

  injective because i A(x) = i A( y) immediately reduces to x = y. It is surjective

  because if we take any element b in the codomain A, then b is also in the

  domain A, and i A(b) = b.

  Definition 12.7

  Given a relation R from A to B, the inverse relation

  of R is the relation from B to A defined as R−1 = ©(y, x) : (x, y) ∈ Rª. In other

  words, the inverse of R is the relation R−1 obtained by interchanging the

  elements in every ordered pair in R.

  For example, let A = ©a, b, cª and B = ©1, 2, 3ª, and suppose f is the

  relation f = ©(a, 2), (b, 3), (c, 1)ª from A to B. Then f −1 = ©(2, a), (3, b), (1, c)ª

  and this is a relation from B to A. Notice that f is actually a function

  from A to B, and f −1 is a function from B to A. These two relations are

  drawn below. Notice the drawing for relation f −1 is just the drawing for f

  with arrows reversed.

















  f = ©(a,2),(b,3),(c,1)ª

  f −1 = ©(2, a),(3, b),(1, c)ª

  For another example, let A and B be the same sets as above, but consider

  the relation g = ©(a, 2), (b, 3), (c, 3)ª from A to B. Then g−1 = ©(2, a), (3, b), (3, c)ª

  is a relation from B to A. These two relations are sketched below.



















  g = ©(a,2),(b,3),(c,3)ª

  g−1 = ©(2, a),(3, b),(3, c)ª

  This time, even though the relation g is a function, its inverse g−1 is

  not a function because the element 3 occurs twice as a first coordinate of

  an ordered pair in g−1.

  In the above examples, relations f and g are both functions, and f −1 is

  a function and g−1 is not. This raises a question: What properties does f

  have and g lack that makes f −1 a function and g−1 not a function? The

  answer is not hard to see. Function g is not injective because g(b) = g(c) = 3,

  and thus (b, 3) and (c, 3) are both in g. This causes a problem with g−1

  because it means (3, b) and (3, c) are both in g−1, so g−1 can’t be a function.

  Thus, in order for g−1 to be a function, it would be necessary that g be


  But that is not enough. Function g also fails to be surjective because

  no element of A is sent to the element 1 ∈ B. This means g−1 contains no

  ordered pair whose first coordinate is 1, so it can’t be a function from B to

  A. If g−1 were to be a function it would be necessary that g be surjective.

  The previous two paragraphs suggest that if g is a function, then it

  must be bijective in order for its inverse relation g−1 to be a function.

  Indeed, this is easy to verify. Conversely, if a function is bijective, then its

  inverse relation is easily seen to be a function. We summarize this in the

  following theorem.

  Theorem 12.3

  Let f : A → B be a function. Then f is bijective if and only

  if the inverse relation f −1 is a function from B to A.

  Suppose f : A → B is bijective, so according to the theorem f −1 is a

  function. Observe that the relation f contains all the pairs (x, f (x)) for x ∈ A,

  so f −1 contains all the pairs ( f (x), x). But ( f (x), x) ∈ f −1 means f −1( f (x)) = x.

  Therefore f −1 ◦ f (x) = x for every x ∈ A. From this we get f −1 ◦ f = i A. Similar

  reasoning produces f ◦ f −1 = iB. This leads to the following definitions.

  Definition 12.8

  If f : A → B is bijective then its inverse is the function

  f −1 : B → A. Functions f and f −1 obey the equations f −1 ◦ f = i A and

  f ◦ f −1 = iB.

  Inverse Functions


  You probably recall from algebra and calculus at least one technique

  for computing the inverse of a bijective function f : to find f −1, start with

  the equation y = f (x). Then interchange variables to get x = f ( y). Solving

  this equation for y (if possible) produces y = f −1(x). The next two examples

  illustrate this.

  Example 12.12

  The function f : R → R defined as f (x) = x3 + 1 is bijective.

  Find its inverse.

  We begin by writing y = x3 + 1. Now interchange variables to obtain


  x = y3 + 1. Solving for y produces y = 3 x − 1. Thus


  f −1(x)



  x − 1.

  (You can check your answer by computing



  f −1( f (x)) = 3pf (x) − 1 =

  x3 + 1 − 1 = x.

  Therefore f −1( f (x)) = x. Any answer other than x indicates a mistake.)

  We close with one final example. Example 12.5 showed that the function

  g : Z × Z → Z × Z defined by the formula g(m, n) = (m + n, m + 2n) is bijective.

  Let’s find its inverse. The approach outlined above should work, but we

  need to be careful to keep track of coordinates in Z × Z. We begin by

  writing (x, y) = g(m, n), then interchanging the variables (x, y) and (m, n) to

  get (m, n) = g(x, y). This gives

  (m, n) = (x + y, x + 2y),

  from which we get the following system of equations:




  = m


  + 2y = n.

  Solving this system using techniques from algebra with which you are

  familiar, we get


  = 2m − n



  n − m.

  Then (x, y) = (2m − n, n − m), so g−1(m, n) = (2m − n, n − m).



  We can check our work by confirming that g−1(g(m, n)) = (m, n). Doing

  the math,

  g−1(g(m, n))


  g−1(m + n, m + 2n)

  = ¡2(m + n) − (m + 2n), (m + 2n) − (m + n)¢

  = (m, n).

  Exercises for Section 12.5

  1. Check that the function f : Z → Z defined by f (n) = 6 − n is bijective. Then

  compute f −1.

  2. In Exercise 9 of Section 12.2 you proved that f : R − ©2ª → R − ©5ª defined by

  5x + 1

  f (x) =

  is bijective. Now find its inverse.

x − 2

  3. Let B = ©2n : n ∈ Zª = ©..., 1 , 1 ,1,2,4,8,...ª

  4 2


  Show that the function f : Z → B

  defined as f (n) = 2n is bijective. Then find f −1.

  4. The function f : R → (0,∞) defined as f (x) = ex3+1 is bijective. Find its inverse.

  5. The function f : R → R defined as f (x) = π x − e is bijective. Find its inverse.

  6. The function f : Z × Z → Z × Z defined by the formula f (m, n) = (5m + 4n,4m + 3n)

  is bijective. Find its inverse.

  7. Show that the function f : R2 → R2 defined by the formula f (x, y) = ((x2 + 1)y, x3)

  is bijective. Then find its inverse.

  8. Is the function θ : P(Z) → P(Z) defined as θ(X ) = X bijective? If so, what is its


  9. Consider the function f : R × N → N × R defined as f (x, y) = (y,3xy). Check that

  this is bijective; find its inverse.

  (−1)n(2n − 1) + 1

  10. Consider f : N → Z defined as f (n) =

  . This function is bijective


  by Exercise 18 in Section 12.2. Find its inverse.

  12.6 Image and Preimage

  It is time to take up a matter of notation that you will encounter in future

  mathematics classes. Suppose we have a function f : A → B. If X ⊆ A, the


  expression f (X ) has a special meaning. It stands for the set

  f (x) : x ∈ X ª.

  Similarly, if Y ⊆ B then f −1(Y ) has a meaning even if f is not invertible.


  The expression f −1(Y ) stands for the set

  x ∈ A : f (x) ∈ Y ª. Here are the

  precise definitions.

  Image and Preimage


  Definition 12.9

  Suppose f : A → B is a function.

  1. If X ⊆ A, the image of X is the set f (X ) = © f (x) : x ∈ X ª ⊆ B.

  2. If Y ⊆ B, the preimage of Y is the set f −1(Y ) = ©x ∈ A : f (x) ∈ Y ª ⊆ A.

  In words, the image f (X ) of X is the set of all things in B that f sends

  elements of X to. (Roughly speaking, you might think of f (X ) as a kind of

  distorted “copy” or “image” of X in B.) The preimage f −1(Y ) of Y is the set

  of all things in A that f sends into Y .

  Maybe you have already encountered these ideas in linear algebra, in

  a setting involving a linear transformation T : V → W between two vector

  spaces. If X ⊆ V is a subspace of V , then its image T(X ) is a subspace of W.

  If Y ⊆ W is a subspace of W, then its preimage T−1(Y ) is a subspace of V .

  (If this does not sound familiar, then ignore it.)

  Example 12.13

  Let f : ©s, t, u, v, w, x, y, zª → ©0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9ª, where

  f = ©(s,4),(t,8),(u,8),(v,1),(w,2),(x,4),(y,6),(z,4)ª.

  Notice that f is neither injective nor surjective, so it certainly is not

  invertible. Be sure you understand the following statements.

  1. f ¡©s, t, u, zª¢ = ©8, 4ª

  2. f ¡©s, x, zª¢ = ©4ª

  3. f ¡©s, v, w, yª¢ = ©1, 2, 4, 6ª

  4. f −1¡©4ª¢ = ©s, x, zª

  5. f −1¡©4, 9ª¢ = ©s, x, zª

  6. f −1¡©9ª¢ = ;

  7. f −1¡©1, 4, 8ª¢ = ©s, t, u, v, x, zª

  It is important to realize that the X and Y in Definition 12.9 are

  subsets (not elements!) of A and B. Note that in the above example we

  had f −1¡©4ª¢ = ©s, x, zª, while f −1(4) has absolutely no meaning because the

  inverse function f −1 does not exist. Likewise, there is a subtle difference

  between f ¡©sª¢ = ©4ª and f (s) = 4. Be careful.

  Example 12.14

  Consider the function f : R → R defined as f (x) = x2.

  Note that f ¡©0, 1, 2ª¢ = ©0, 1, 4ª and f −1¡©0, 1, 4ª¢ = © − 2, −1, 0, 1, 2ª. This shows

  f −1( f (X )) 6= X in general.

  Using the same f , now check your understanding of the following

  statements involving images and preimages of intervals: f ([−2, 3]) = [0, 9],

  and f −1([0, 9]) = [−3, 3]. Also f (R) = [0, ∞) and f −1([−2, −1]) = ;.



  If you continue with mathematics you are likely to encounter the

  following results. For now, you are asked to prove them in the exercises.

  Theorem 12.4

  Suppose f : A → B is a function. Let W, X ⊆ A, and Y , Z ⊆ B.


  1. f (W ∩ X ) ⊆ f (W) ∩ f (X )

  2. f (W ∪ X ) = f (W) ∪ f (X )

  3. f −1(Y ∩ Z) = f −1(Y ) ∩ f −1(Z)

  4. f −1(Y ∪ Z) = f −1(Y ) ∪ f −1(Z)

  5. X ⊆ f −1( f (X ))

  6. f ( f −1(Y )) ⊆ Y .

  Exercises for Section 12.6

  1. Consider the function f : R → R defined as f (x) = x2 + 3. Find f ([−3,5]) and

  f −1([12, 19]).

  2. Consider the function f : ©1,2,3,4,5,6,7ª → ©0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9ª given as

  f = ©(1,3),(2,8),(3,3),(4,1),(5,2),(6,4),(7,6)ª.

  Find: f ¡©1, 2, 3ª¢, f ¡©4, 5, 6, 7ª¢, f (;), f −1¡©0, 5, 9ª¢ and f −1¡©0, 3, 5, 9ª¢.

  3. This problem concerns functions f : ©1,2,3,4,5,6,7ª → ©0,1,2,3,4ª. How many


  such functions have the property that ¯ f −1¡©3ª¢¯¯ = 3?

  4. This problem concerns functions f : ©1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8ª → ©0,1,2,3,4,5,6ª. How


  many such functions have the property that ¯ f −1¡©2ª¢¯¯ = 4?

  5. Consider a function f : A → B and a subset X ⊆ A. We observed in Section 12.6

  that f −1( f (X )) 6= X in general. However X ⊆ f −1( f (X )) is always true. Prove this.

  6. Given a function f : A → B and a subset Y ⊆ B, is f (f −1(Y )) = Y always true?

  Prove or give a counterexample.

  7. Given a function f : A → B and subsets W, X ⊆ A, prove f (W ∩ X ) ⊆ f (W) ∩ f (X ).

  8. Given a function f : A → B and subsets W, X ⊆ A, then f (W ∩ X ) = f (W) ∩ f (X ) is

  false in general. Produce a counterexample.

  9. Given a function f : A → B and subsets W, X ⊆ A, prove f (W ∪ X ) = f (W) ∪ f (X ).

  10. Given f : A → B and subsets Y , Z ⊆ B, prove f −1(Y ∩ Z) = f −1(Y ) ∩ f −1(Z).

  11. Given f : A → B and subsets Y , Z ⊆ B, prove f −1(Y ∪ Z) = f −1(Y ) ∪ f −1(Z).

  12. Consider f : A → B. Prove that f is injective if and only if X = f −1(f (X )) for all

  X ⊆ A. Prove that f is surjective if and only if f (f −1(Y )) = Y for all Y ⊆ B.

  13. Let f : A → B be a function, and X ⊆ A. Prove or disprove: f ¡f −1(f (X ))¢ = f (X ).

  14. Letf : A → B be a function, and Y ⊆ B. Prove or disprove: f −1¡f (f −1(Y ))¢ = f −1(Y ).



  Cardinality of Sets

  his chapter is all about cardinality of sets. At first this looks like a

  T very simple concept. To find the cardinality of a set, just count its

  elements. If A = ©a, b, c, dª, then |A| = 4; if B = ©n ∈ Z : −5 ≤ n ≤ 5ª, then

  |B| = 11. In this case |A| < |B|. What could be simpler than that?

  Actually, the idea of cardinality becomes quite subtle when the sets

  are infinite. The main point of this chapter is to explain how there are

  numerous different kinds of infinity, and some infinities are bigger than

  others. Two sets A and B can both have infinite cardinality, yet |A| < |B|.

  13.1 Sets with Equal Cardinalities

  We begin with a discussion of what it me
ans for two sets to have the

  same cardinality. Up until this point we’ve said |A| = |B| if A and B have

  the same number of elements: Count the elements of A, then count the

  elements of B. If you get the same number, then |A| = |B|.

  Although this is a fine strategy if the sets are finite (and not too big!),

  it doesn’t apply to infinite sets because we’d never be done counting their

  elements. We need a new approach that applies to both finite and infinite

  sets. Here it is:

  Definition 13.1

  Two sets A and B have the same cardinality, written

  |A| = |B|, if there exists a bijective function f : A → B. If no such bijective

  function exists, then the sets have unequal cardinalities, that is, |A| 6= |B|.














  The above picture illustrates our definition. There is a bijective function

  f : A → B, so |A| = |B|. The function f matches up A with B. Think of f as

  describing how to overlay A onto B so that they fit together perfectly.


  Cardinality of Sets

  On the other hand, if A and B are as indicated in either of the following

  figures, then there can be no bijection f : A → B. (The best we can do is a

  function that is either injective or surjective, but not both). Therefore the

  definition says |A| 6= |B| in these cases.

























  Example 13.1

  The sets A = ©n ∈ Z : 0 ≤ n ≤ 5ª and B = ©n ∈ Z : −5 ≤ n ≤ 0ª

  have the same cardinality because there is a bijective function f : A → B

  given by the rule f (n) = −n.

  Several comments are in order. First, if |A| = |B|, there can be lots of

  bijective functions from A to B. We only need to find one of them in order to

  conclude |A| = |B|. Second, as bijective functions play such a big role here,

  we use the word bijection to mean bijective function. Thus the function

  f (n) = −n from Example 13.1 is a bijection. Also, an injective function is

  called an injection and a surjective function is called a surjection.

  We emphasize and reiterate that Definition 13.1 applies to finite as

  well as infinite sets. If A and B are infinite, then |A| = |B| provided there


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