Finding Ava

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Finding Ava Page 29

by Jennifer Loren

  He smiles mockingly, “that’s wonderful. And did you ever imagine that you would be involved with someone like him?”

  “Someone like him?” I asked.

  “You know what I mean, a celebrity, someone who can provide you with everything you could ever want.”

  “No. I would have never imagined falling in love with Sean and he is all I have ever wanted. He doesn’t need to provide me with anything else.”

  I watch carefully, taking notice of his suspicious eyes seemingly circle me into a corner. “Weren’t you worried that your past might hurt your relationship with him or is it that you used it to make him feel sorry for you?”

  “No!” I demand staking my ground and steadying myself for the fight.

  “No? A man was convicted of raping you, although he claims that it was consensual.”

  “That’s absurd.” I huffed at him.

  “It is? You did get into his car, didn’t you?”

  “He kidnapped me and held me hostage for days. He tied me up and beat me viciously. The very idea that he thinks it was consensual, proves how crazy he is.”

  “So you think he should have pleaded insanity?”

  “No, he knows what he did and he knows it was wrong.” My body begins to shake in rhythm with my hands. 4:45 … 4:46, please Sean hurry.

  “How do you respond to his repeated requests to talk to you?”

  “Why would I want to talk to him?” I question nervously.

  “He has seen many doctors that say he is telling the truth about what happened, he even passed a polygraph test. He just wants to talk to you and try to clear things up with you, so you both can go on with your lives.”

  With a harsh chuckle, “I don’t believe it. He wants only to hurt people.”

  “Hurt people or hurt you?”

  “Both!” I yell back at him.

  “Would you ever consider letting him apologize to you?”

  “No, I don’t want to see him ever again.”

  “Well then maybe Ava, it’s you that enjoys hurting people. He says you two had a secret affair and that he went temporarily crazy, when he discovered you were sleeping with your boss. Are you sorry for what you did to him?”

  “I never had an affair with him and this interview is over!” I stand tugging at the microphone frantically.

  Immediately Cole stands up taking hold of my arm. “Please Ava, I’m sorry. This is my job and I promise I will change the questioning but I have to ask what others are thinking. It doesn’t matter if they like me, but so far you are doing wonderful.” He said as I check the malicious ticking clock again … 4:53 … exhaling deeply I ease back down. “If you had a chance to say something to him what would it be?”

  “Nothing,” I nearly whisper knowing that this interview is never going to make it to air, once Sean see’s it.

  “Nothing at all?” Cole asked surprised. I shake my head, biding my time and glancing over at Cole as he licks his lips and adjusts his tie, while a familiar evil sensation slithers its way back to my spine. “What would you say if I told you I have a connection to Spencer Jefferies right now and he can hear and see you right now?” Cole said leaning in closer to me.

  “I would say you better get the fuck out of my house!” I yelled, standing immediately to get away from him and his camera.

  “Ava.” A chilling voice calls out from behind me and with a slow easing turn, I see his large domineering stature standing in front of me. Within a fraction of a second, the fear I once thought long gone, shackles me in chains once again.

  “I told you to stay in the truck. We were going to do this through video until we were sure,” Cole said as Spencer’s gaze stays focused on his long awaiting target.

  “You don’t tell me anything,” Spencer growled.

  “What did you say to me?” Cole stands up confronting him but is easily thrown back. Joseph tries to step in and get control of the situation but is met with a gun to his chest and in that split second, his focus is off me, so I run. A gunshot rings out from behind me, halting my breath and my movements briefly. Guilt ridden, I look over my shoulder seeing Joseph writhing in pain, mouth to me – “Run.” I force my legs to move without looking back but catching up to me quickly Spencer closes my options off, circling me like prey with his wild black eyes and his gun waving at me.

  “Stay away from me,” I said searching for a way out.

  “You don’t love me anymore Ava? I love you, I still believe in us. I knew we would be together again one day,” he said as I close my eyes trying not to give into my fear. Shaking my head I maneuver away from him, as he dances around me - enjoying his game. I decide to inch my way to the wall that holds my only hope. “Don’t even think about it Ava, you do and I will kill you right here,” he said with his fiendish grin.

  “You know you won’t be able to get out of here,” I breathe in deeply, watching him almost break out in laughter at me.

  “Oh Ava, I am going to get out of here and I’m taking you with me. We can build that life that we always dreamed of having together. You know you love me.”

  “I don’t love you. I love Sean,” I say watching his expression intensify and his posture sink down into his chest. “I had his child you know.”

  “Shut up.”

  “I’m going to marry him and I’m going to have more of his children.”

  “SHUT UP,” he growls with rage, fisting his way closer.

  “No! I love Sean and I’m going to build a life with him, not you.”

  “SHUT … UP!” He yells closing his eyes, rubbing his face with hardened breaths while I rush for the alarm on the wall, setting off the screeching siren. Before I have a chance to relish in my small victory, he takes a hold of me. “You stupid fucking bitch!” He yelled, jerking out every ounce of fear within me into a terrifying scream. He begins to drag me towards the door and I fight him with every step until he throws me to the ground, kicking me and punching me with wild rage. With every hit he makes to my body, he beats out another ounce of energy and once he sees my surrender he picks me up and moves swiftly towards the door again. “Don’t worry, you’ll heal after we get home.”

  “NO!” With one desperate kick, he drops me, leaving me crawling, and kicking my way out of his reach, until I feel the blow whipping my head hard to the floor. As I lay crumpled on the ground and screaming in pain, he turns me over and climbs on top of me. “Is this the way you want it! Really? Fine with me. Let’s go out in a blaze of glory together then. But before we go, let’s have one last beautiful moment. Let them see us die in each other’s arms, like it is meant to be.”

  My eardrums burst as my echoing screams reach their limit. “Sean,” I cry.

  “Stop saying his name,” he growls in my face.

  “No, I love him not you, I love Sean, and I had his baby not yours.” I watch him snarl as he stands shaking and gripping his crimson face. “He makes love to me over and over. We laugh at you together.” Spencer begins spewing unrecognizable words at me, with vigor. “Do what you want to me but it won’t change anything.” I smile feeling my strength return as I stand slowly. “I will always love Sean and I will always detest you. You’re a fucking loser!”

  Spencer lets out a trembling scream and fires his gun at me, hitting me and forcing me to the ground with my head spinning. “He’s never going to touch you again,” he said as I hold my wound tight. Forcing me up and into his arms, he holds my head to his, pushing the gun to the edge of my ear. “I won’t let him have you. Even in death, you will always be mine. We are going to die together. I found you first,” he sears into my face. My jaw is locked open, as I fight for breath. Staring at the joyfully dancing devil, swirling its triumphant numbers in my face … 4:59 … 5:00. With a last breath, I call out for Sean and with a loud exploding crash, I hear … the shot.

  Chapter 33: Sean

  Imagining the worst, I cannot drive fast enough. “Sean! What the hell is going on?” Randy yelled.

  “Spencer Jefferies was r
eleased on bail and they can’t find him,” I said watching his eyes widen, obviously still not understanding my fear. “The reporter that bailed him out, is the one that is meeting with Ava right now.” Now my fear becomes clear as it washes over his face. “Take my phone and keep calling her until she answers.”

  “I keep getting her voicemail Sean,” Randy said continuing to dial and I continue checking the time with my heart pounding harder and harder against my chest with every minute that passes … 4:50 … 4:51 … 4:52 .... Once we are near the house, I can hear the alarm blaring verifying the worst of my imagination. With the iron gate in sight, I race towards it and not waiting for Boston, our gate guard to open it enough for my car, I jump out and run. He meets me at the gate looking beyond stressed, but hearing Ava’s screams I ignore Boston and try to get to her but I am stopped hard by Randy. “No Sean, you don’t know what’s going on.”

  “Mr. Grant I tried to call the house but no answer and I heard gunshots.” Boston said vibrating.

  “Did you call the police?” Randy asked trying to hold on to me. When I jerk my arm from his grasp I see his gun under his jacket.

  “Yes, they are on their way,” Boston says easing his stress some.

  “Randy give me your gun,” I demanded holding my hand out to him.

  “Sean no, the police will be here and you should let them handle it.” I wave my hand out towards him, demanding him to give it to me. I can barely breathe as I listen to Ava’s screams, I continue to wrestle with Randy, only to be stopped by a single shot hushing her screams. Eager to hear her again, I wait only a second more as even her screams would be welcomed now.

  “What time is it?” I yelled.

  “What?” Randy yelled back in confusion.

  “What is the fucking TIME?” I screamed at him.

  “4:59!” Randy yelled back, preparing to fight me to keep me from running into the house.

  “Give me the damn gun!” Not waiting for his permission, I reach into his jacket and take it from his holster. Randy screams at me as I run to her. With a sharp gasp, I hear her cry out my name. She is still alive. With that knowledge, I crash through the door seeing him holding a gun to her head. Stunned he moves, foolishly allowing me a split second without the gun to her head and without hesitation, I aim and shoot knowing exactly where I need to put the bullet. The gun in his hand crashes to the floor a split second before Spencer’s lifeless body. I do not even take a breath before running to her and grabbing her before she collapses. I fall to the floor holding her, “Ava?”

  “Sean? He’s here … you have to …”

  Shaking my head, “he’s dead Ava. He’s dead.” She stares at me for a few seconds before she calms. “Are you hurt?” She nods looking down.

  “He shot me,” she said pulling her hand away from the bloody mess.

  “You’re going to be okay, I promise. The police are on their way and we will get you to the hospital and get you taken care of.” Taking my jacket off I wrap it around her shivering body. “It’s going to be okay, baby?”

  “I love you.” She says over and over.

  “Not as much as I love you.” I kiss her gently.

  “I’m so tired Sean, I fought him so hard. I really fought him this time.”

  “I know sweetheart but you need to stay with me for a little longer and then you can rest for as long as you want too.” I made it by five she was supposed to be all right, stupid fucking ghost better have not got the damn time wrong. Watching her struggle to keep her eyes open, “baby do you know I found the most beautiful place in Ireland?” I said caressing her cheek softly. “I think you’re going to love it but I am going to need your help.” Tears well up in my eyes as she stills. “And you will never believe this but it has ghosts there and they are a little too friendly but …,” I said trying to laugh and jarring her enough to open her eyes to me again. “Ava, don’t you die on me. Don’t you die on our daughter. We need you.” I said holding her tight in my arms. I yell for someone to help her but every sound I make, seems as if I am in a vacuum. It’s not real, this isn’t real. The police come rushing in, holding their guns at me but I won’t let go of her.

  “No! He lives here!” Randy yelled.

  The sirens come blaring up the drive. “Ava, the ambulance … they’re here. They’re going to take care of you,” I said as she lies limp in my arms. Tears streaming down my face, I reluctantly release her to them and before I know it, they sweep her up and out of my arms. I steady myself eyeing her blood on me before running into the ambulance after her. Taking hold of her hand, I kiss her on the head and watch her eyes open and search frantically until I make sure I am in her view. “Ava,” I struggle to speak her name. “It’s okay, I’m here, and I’m not leaving. Please don’t leave me, Ava. I need you.” I pause clenching my eyes and gripping her hand tight. “I love you too much for this.” Her eyes close again, even though she is being poked and stuck by the meticulously calm EMT. Fiercely fighting the tears, I caress her face, “keep your eyes open baby.” She jerks her eyes open faintly before they fall closed again. I cannot stop my tears any longer and bury my head into her hair while holding her hand tight. I can’t lose her now. I have so much to tell her … to ask her. I swallow hard and feel for the little box in my jacket that is draped over her. “Ava, I love you,” I breathed softly in her ear. “I found the perfect house for us. It’s everything we’ve been looking for.” Opening the box, “I have a ring … I have your ring, sweetheart.” Warming her hand, I kiss it gently and place the ring on her finger. “Marry me Ava. I love you.” Her eyes close and I kiss her lips, quietly praying. We reach the hospital and they rush Ava in, stopping me at the last door. I watch her disappear in silence, as the door shuts in front of me.

  “Mr. Grant can I get you anything?” The nurse asks, approaching me with tender hands and a concerned look.

  “No, I’m fine,” I said with no feeling or idea of what to do next. I sit fidgeting and becoming more impatient with each passing second, when the nurse comes back pushing water and some aspirin at me. “I said I’m fine,” I snapped as she raises her eyebrows and holds strong in her persistence of the aspirin. “I guess I will take the aspirin, thank you.” It does not take long before my entire family and all of our friends show up to our little personal hospital living room. Waiting for me to break, they all stare at me with their concerned and worried faces. If I have to wait much longer, they may get their wish. With a sharp creak and an abrupt slam against the walls, the doors open and my head jerks up to see the doctor coming in. Stepping to him quickly, I meet him more than halfway.

  “Looks good. I think she’s going to be fine, we’ll know more over the next few hours but I don’t think there is anything to be concerned about.” He smiles reassuringly. There is a collective sigh within the little room.

  “Can I see her?” I asked determined.

  He nods, “sure, I will let her nurse, Pamela know.” He nods again before exiting to somewhere unknown.

  I take the time to say good-bye to everyone, promising to call with any news. After everyone leaves, my pill-pushing nurse enters with nothing close to a smile, Pamela I assume. “We have her settled in a room but if you don’t do exactly as I ask at all times,” she said pointing her finger at me sternly. “I will throw you out, do you understand me?” She emphasized with extreme clarity. Too scared to speak, I simply nod. “Okay then, follow me.” Once we reach Ava’s room, Pamela turns to me again, “you better behave. I am only going to warn you this once,” she said with her angry finger nearly taking out my eye. Pamela leads me in and I find Ava attached to every machine possible. Taking her hand that now holds my promise to her, I make myself comfortable near her. “I am going home for the night but I will have them bring in some food for you.”

  “I’m not hungry,” I said ignoring her huffing.

  “I said I am sending in some food for you and you’re going to eat it, my rule. Are you breaking my rules already?”

  “No, I will ea
t every bite.”

  “The sofa pulls out into a bed. I laid some sheets on it for you to make it up, I will be back in the morning,” she said as I force a smile at her. “I better not hear that you caused any trouble.” She eyes me sternly before leaving. Someone does bring some food and I do eat, not a lot but enough that I think it will satisfy. I try to stay near Ava but manage to be in the way every time they come in to check on her. Eventually the sofa becomes more inviting than the hard, awkward chair and that is where I wake up the next morning, with the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I jump up worried about the time, when Pamela comes walking through the door and looking at me disapprovingly, again. “Oh so you decided to wake up. They said you were being stubborn about sleeping. You know if you would have gone to bed at a reasonable time, you wouldn’t have missed most of the day.”

  “It’s not that late,” I said wishing I hadn’t when I see the fire shoot out of her eyes at me. I make my way back over to Ava reaching for her hand. “How is she doing?”

  “She is going to be fine,” she said confidently. “We cut down on her pain medicine, so she should be waking up here shortly. She will be groggy though. Do not let her talk too much, she needs rest. I will be back to check on you two a little later and make sure you are still following my rules.”

  “Pamela, she is going to be okay?”

  “She’s going to be fine and back to keeping you in line real soon.” She forms a weak grin before walking out with authority and chastising some other poor soul that happens to cross in front of her.

  Pamela sent in food for Ava, and me. She is so sure of herself. I turn the TV on to check out the media craziness over our drama the day before but luckily Ethan has managed to keep that reporter’s video out of their hands. I am not sure how he managed it but I am extremely grateful. With a sigh, I flip through channels trying to find something a little less dramatic.

  “I like that show,” she said, so softly I barely heard her.

  I jump up with a mouthful of food and spit out nothing but indiscernible words that make her laugh. Swallowing and laughing myself, “hi beautiful, how are you feeling?”


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