Actionable Gamification

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Actionable Gamification Page 43

by Yu-kai Chou

  242Wikipedia Entry, “Defense of the Ancients”:↩

  243Wikipedia Entry, “League of Legends”:↩

  244Wikipedia Entry, “Counter Strike”:↩

  245Wikipedia Entry, “Call of Duty”:↩

  246Wikipedia Entry, “Search Engine Optimization”:↩

  247Zynga Official Website:↩

  248Mike Williams. “Zynga’s high-speed, data-driven design vs console development”. 08/06/2012.↩

  249Jeff Grubb. “Zynga sticks with what works: Riches of Olympus is its next mobile slots game”. 02/06/2014.↩


  251Words with Friends Page:↩

  252Wikipedia Entry: “Scrabble”:↩

  253John Balz. The Nudge Blog. “SnūzNLūz: The alarm clock that donates to your least favorite charity”.↩

  254Charlie White. “Money-Shredding Alarm Clock Is Completely Unforgiving [PICS]”. 05/29/2011.↩

  255Charlie White. “Money-Shredding Alarm Clock Is Completely Unforgiving [PICS]”. 05/29/2011.↩↩

  257Daniel Pink. Drive. Penguin Group, New York, NY. 2009.↩

  258David Vise & Mark Malseed. The Google Story. P93-96. Random House, New York, New York. 2005.↩ Entry: “What are the different levels of software engineers at Google and how does the promotion system work?”↩

  260Patrick Goss. “Page: ‘more wood behind fewer arrows’ driving Google success”. 7/14/2011.↩

  261Morf Media Website:↩

  262If you are curious about some gamification companies I started during my younger youth, I document that in the post, “How Yu-kai Chou started in Gamification in 2003 and became a Pioneer in the Industry”: ↩ Entry “Runway”: The amount of time until your startup goes out of business, assuming your current income and expenses stay constant. Typically calculated by dividing the current cash position by the current monthly burn rate.↩

  264Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini. Journal of Legal Studies Vol. 29, No. 1. “A Fine is a Price”. 01/2000.↩

  265I myself was once approached by one of the world’s largest tobacco and beer conglomerates to run a few workshops with them. After discussing with my team, we decided that even though it would be a fairly lucrative relationship - if we were extremely successful at our jobs and more people became addicted to tobacco and alcohol, that wouldn’t be the impact we wanted to have in this world. We ended up turning that particular project down. Of course, we were also only able to do that because we were blessed with many great clients that more directly benefits society so we didn’t need to be driven by Core Drive 8: Loss & Avoidance.↩

  266GSummit Website:↩

  267Much of my work can be understood through the differences between can, have to, want to, compelled to, inspired to, and excited to when it comes to Desired Actions.↩

  268Thai Nguyen. “Hacking Into Your Happy Chemicals: Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and Oxytocin”. 10/20/2014. ↩

  269Self Determination Theory Website:↩

  270Image Source: Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 11, No. 4, 227–268. “The “What” and “Why” of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the Self-Determination of Behavior”. 2000.↩

  271Daniel Pink. Drive. P107-128. Penguin Group, New York, NY. 2009. ↩

  272Yves Chantal and Robert J. Vallerand. Journal of Gambling Studies. Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 407-418. “Skill versus luck: A motivational analysis of gambling involvement”. Winter 1996.↩

  273Richard Bartle. “Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades: Players who suit MUDS”. April 1996.↩

  274Image accessed from “Designing Computer-Games Preemptively for Emotions and Player Types.” 06/19/13.↩

  275Amy Jo Kim. “Beyond Player Types: Kim’s Social Action Matrix”. 02/28/2014.↩


  277Andrzej Marczewski. “User Types”. Accessed 2/17/2015.↩

  278Andrzej Marczewski. “User Types”. Accessed 2/17/2015.↩

  279Youtube Video: “GSummit SF 2012: Richard Bartle - A Game Designer’s View of Gamification”. 9/27/2012.↩

  280Nicole Lazzaro. XEO Design. “Why We Play Games: Four Keys to More Emotion Without Story” 03/08/2004.↩

  281Jesse Schell. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. P183-184. CRC Press. Boca Raton. 2008.↩

  282Image from Wikipedia:↩

  283Fogg Behavior Model Website:↩

  284Youtube Video: “Forget big change, start with a tiny habit: BJ Fogg at TEDxFremont”. 12/05/2012.↩

  285Jane McGonigal. Reality is Broken. P22. Penguin Group. New York, NY. 2011.↩

  286BJ Fogg. “3 core motivators, each with two sides” Accessed 2/17/2015.↩

  287As an optional exercise for the diligent Octalysis learner, can you figure out how these Core Drives match with BJ Fogg’s motivation components? ↩

  288Wikipedia Entry, “Heuristics in Judgement and Decision-Making”: Accessed 02/17/2015.↩

  289Wikipedia Entry, “List of cognitive biases”: Accessed 02/17/2015.↩

  290Yu-kai Chou. “The Strategy Dashboard for Gamification Design”: 07/14/2014.↩

  291Jane McGonigal. Reality is Broken. Penguin Group. New York, NY. 2011.↩

  292Ibid. P69.↩

  293Jane McGonigal. Reality is Broken. P53. Penguin Group. New York, NY. 2011.↩

  294Nir Eyal. Hooked. Chapter 4: Variable Rewards - “Rewards of the Hunt”. Kindle Version v 1.0. 2014.↩

  295SWOT Analysis stands for: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.↩

  296The well-known BCG Matrix is formally termed Growth Share Matrix and pioneered by the Boston Consulting Group:↩

  297This is a fun expression to say, but some people have challenged me and asked me what kind of cup can hold a waterfall even if it was empty. There is actually a good answer for that. The cup is your brain, which when not too full of itself, can hold waterfalls of information and knowledge. However, when that cup feels too full and closes off to outside feedback, it can no longer contain a single drop of new knowledge or self-reflection.↩ “The Speed Camera Lottery.” Accessed 03/20/2015.↩

  299Youtube Video: “The Speed Camera Lottery - The Fun Theory”. Accessed 03/20/2015.↩

  300Kevin Werbach. “Socialize14 keynote”. Uploaded 07/04/2014.↩

  301A/B Testing is an experiment where two interface versions with the same goals are randomly show to different site visitors, allowing the interface designer to understand which version has better metric conversions.↩

  302A/B Testing is an experiment where two interface versions with the same goals are randomly show to different site visitors, allowing the interface designer to understand which version has better metric conversions.↩

  303Occasionally, I would get comments stating that my mentioning of the Bible is offensive, as if I were trying to impose my faith and my beliefs onto others. I have no such intention. Initially growing up as an argumentative atheist, my current faith is a very important part of me, and I have learned many valuable lessons from it, which I joyfully share with others. Strangely, if I instead proclaimed as a “Yoga enthusiast and Follower of Buddha,”
that somehow is more acceptable to those that are offended. We should all have the right to stand up for what we internally believe and not be judged without truly offensive deeds. For that, I thank Malcolm Gladwell for giving me the courage to stand strong in my beliefs through being a Bestselling Author who is not afraid to proclaim Christ.↩

  304In the Bible, miracles seem to be powered by our faith. Jesus claims that if we just had faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, we would be able to move mountains. Even when Jesus heals people, he would say, “Your faith has healed you,” as opposed to “I have healed you.” As a result, in a town without faith, even Jesus does not perform miracles that he abundantly performs elsewhere.↩

  305Bible. New Living Translation. Mark 6:4.↩

  306We learned in this book that it is less ideal to give users the Status reward of the Trophy Shelf game technique from Core Drive 5. Generally, it is more engaging when utilizing the Core Drive 3 device Boosters/Power-ups so users can use their rewards to achieve greater heights.↩




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