Their Rebellious Bride (Return To Bridgewater Book 1)

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Their Rebellious Bride (Return To Bridgewater Book 1) Page 8

by Vanessa Vale

  “The summer cold that befell me last week has made some ranch hands sick. I need to help herd. Besides, I think Jonah should talk to Abel on his own about all this. He’ll be quite surprised, I’m sure.”

  While Abel was a man fully grown, discovering your father had a Bridgewater marriage with a woman your own age would be quite a shock. No one ever really wanted to contemplate their parents fucking, but one look at Tennessee and Abel would be sure she’d been well-pleasured. She had that look about her. Her cheeks had pretty color, she was calmer and so much more relaxed than the other day. She was thoroughly fucked and it suited her. Definitely tamed her.

  “What? Marrying suddenly? I wouldn’t understand.”

  I narrowed my eyes, then grinned as I cupped her ass, squeezed. Perhaps not all that tamed. “You are full of sarcasm and quite sassy.”

  Jonah approached, leading two horses and watched as she looked her fill. I wasn’t attracted to him, but Tennessee was. A wet and eager pussy was important in a marriage. He met her gaze, smiled.

  I was envious of their connection. I didn’t feel any difference in the attention she gave us, but they were married. Husband and wife. I was the third.

  The day before at Bridgewater, Ian admitted to me it had taken some adjusting to being the second husband. While he claimed Emma the same as Kane, it was Kane’s name she took. It was Kane everyone in the area knew she wed. Ian was proud of their marriage and wanted to flaunt it, to show off the bride who’d taken his heart. But he could only do so with like-minded people, and that was a small group. When traveling, which they seemed to do often, she had to share a room with Kane, not both of them. And their daughter, while no one knew whose seed had taken root, Kane was able to take public pride in her as well.

  The slights were there, and Ian had said Emma more than made up for any dissatisfaction he might feel with her ardent attentions, but they existed.

  They existed. Would I always feel like I was less of a husband or was this something that came with being a newlywed? Would this need to tug her inside and make her mine, keep her just for myself, fade?

  Would they ride off and never return? They could.

  I’d longed for Tennessee for two years and had been eager to make her mine in all that time. The doctor’s diagnosis of my health had changed my perspective on how I’d claimed her. Until I became sick with the stupid summer cold, I had been ignorant as to any problems with my heart. The possibility of dropping dead at any time had altered my thinking. I wanted Tennessee all the more. I wanted to live life to the fullest, no matter how much time I had. I’d only included Jonah in the arrangement for Tennessee, to ensure she would remain loved and protected even if something happened to me. I didn’t want her to become a widow, which would only make her vulnerable to any vulture who laid eyes upon her beauty and knew of her fortune. The Carr Ranch was a large swath of the Montana Territory and she’d inherit it all.

  “You like me sassy,” she countered with a little smile. Her hand settled on my chest, and I felt her breasts press into me. My cock stirred.

  “I do.” I leaned down and kissed her. I couldn’t help it. I could barely keep my hands off of her. While we’d vowed to give her pussy a respite the day before, returning with butt plugs changed our perspective. Any bit of contrary nature was subdued, and in its place was a begging, writhing, pleading wife who assured us she wasn’t the least bit sore. No husband was strong enough to refrain from fucking after seeing her naked and bent over the kitchen table, the small handle for the plug parting her lush ass cheeks.

  Feeling how tight her pussy had been around my cock with the plug filling her ass… especially when she came and milked me as her pussy was begging for my cum, I’d climaxed powerfully. Jonah had not wanted to be left out and he’d gone around the table and fed her his cock at the same time. One of us had been in her mouth, the other in her pussy, the first time we’d taken her together.

  The way she’d opened for the plug, we’d take her together in other ways soon enough. Perhaps tonight, and she’d enjoy every minute of it, just like she did everything else. Every sassy inch of her.

  The smile fell from her lips. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  Stroking her cheek, I said, “All right. But Jonah’s waiting.”

  She turned her head toward Jonah, who waited patiently as he held the horses’ leads.

  She bit her lip, then nodded. “All right.”

  I kissed her again, for I couldn’t help it.

  “Hurry back, wife.” Even though she had my cum sliding down her thighs, I didn’t want her to forget she belonged to me as well. It would be a long day in the saddle. “I have plans for you.”



  Jonah introduced me to his son, who had come out onto the porch at the sound of our arrival. With raven black hair and dark brown eyes, he looked nothing like his father. His skin was olive toned where Jonah was fair. They were both of similar height, but Abel was lean. The look on his face when Jonah had said I was his wife had been that of utter shock. He’d only offered me a quick nod, then demanded he speak with Jonah in private. He hadn’t waited for Jonah to agree, only turned and headed off toward the stable a short distance away.

  I’d felt shunned, but Jonah’s kiss to the top of my head had been reassuring. Instead of directly following Abel, he’d led me inside and to the kitchen where I met Mrs. Tunbridge, the longtime housekeeper. While she’d also been surprised by our nuptials, she was thrilled.

  After Jonah left me with her as he went to speak with Abel, she’d sat with me at the kitchen table and shared how she’d hoped for years Jonah would find a woman to marry. A rotund woman with a calm disposition, she’d set me at ease. Over glasses of lemonade, she’d coaxed from me the story of our marriage, although I hastily modified it to our meeting in Butte and marrying the next day. I hadn’t been sure of Jonah’s intention of telling the woman I was married to him as well as James, but since she was under his employ, I’d thought it his to share.

  Mrs. Tunbridge had pointed me toward the stable to join the men, and I’d worked my way there, taking in the ranch. The house was made of a mixture of river rock and log with a steep pitched roof to allow snow to slide off. Roofs in North Dakota were of similar design, although not many were made of log. While the home wasn’t anything like the mansions in Butte, it sat large and sturdy in a picturesque setting, perhaps taking on the character of the men who lived within. The prairie here rolled into lush hills, so the view only went so far. I could see dark cattle dotting the landscape.

  I shielded my eyes from the sun with my hand as I looked about. There was not much difference, from what I saw, between the Wells and Carr ranches, besides the houses. But, I knew nothing about cows or ranch life.

  I started walking again, thinking I knew only a little bit more about Jonah and James than I did about cows. After talking with the women at Bridgewater, I decided to tell my husbands about how Ginny and Georgia were in danger. Ann had said there were no secrets in a Bridgewater marriage, and I kept a big one to myself. I’d tried to tell James, and I’d do so again later when we returned.

  “I can’t believe you’re married,” Abel said. His voice carried around the side of the stable. “You didn’t know her two days ago!”

  It was his angry tone that had me stopping and leaning against the wood roof of the building. I didn’t want to interrupt, and I certainly wanted to hear the men’s conversation about me unchecked. Being the gentleman, Jonah would curb his tongue, and force his son to do the same if he didn’t, in my presence.

  “Do you know those at Bridgewater?” Jonah asked.

  There was silence. A pause so long I wondered if they’d walked away. “Are you telling me you married her, a woman named after a state, with someone else?” Abel asked.

  “With James Carr.”

  Abel sputtered, then laughed. “She’s got to be my age.”

  “She is,” Jonah agreed.

  He’d said
my father hadn’t given me what I’d needed, but he would. I’d had to call him Sir and go over his knee for a spanking. And I’d liked it. I’d come to want it, even taunted Jonah with the sir title. But now, I felt cheap. Tawdry. Like a recalcitrant child.

  “You said you’d never marry again. I’ve never seen you once take any kind of interest in a woman.”

  He hadn’t wanted to marry?

  “She was in trouble.”

  My heart lurched at Jonah’s words. He married me solely because I’d been a damsel in distress? That I was going to saloons to earn money? The first time I’d met him was in the alley behind that shady establishment.

  “You don’t have to marry a woman if she’s in trouble. You help her across the street, get her a refreshment. Carry her packages.”

  Jonah didn’t reply. I was recognizing he used his calm demeanor with more than just me. Obviously, Abel was angry, and Jonah was allowing him to openly share his discontent.

  “She’s beautiful, but you could have found easier pussy. A widow, perhaps, who didn’t require vows to get beneath you.”

  My fingers flew to my lips to stifle my gasp.

  “Watch it,” Jonah snapped. “I taught you better than that. You speak about women with respect.”

  “Oh, so that’s why you’re so sensitive. You were caught. You had to marry her.”

  It was true. Lord, I’d been on my knees before him, in a church. I’d been licking the seed off of his cock when the minister came in. How I must have looked! Jonah had been well and truly caught.

  We weren’t the first couple to be married because of weak morals and a tattered virtue. My father had used me, used my ability to marry, for a large bank account to pay off his gambling debt. He hadn’t once considered my wishes. And they were simple. I’d always wanted to marry for love. Only love. I didn’t care about big houses or fancy clothing. I just wanted a man who wanted me. Not because I’d trapped a man into a wedding because his cock had been in my mouth.

  And James? Did he feel the same? Had he acted out of chivalry instead of love? Had he exchanged his bachelorhood for a loveless marriage because of honor?

  “Just like Mother,” Abel added.

  I couldn’t listen to any more. I refused to be with Jonah if I was a wife in name only. Yes, we’d fucked, but as Abel had said, since we’d shared vows, he could freely have my body.

  The sweet tang of lemonade soured on my tongue as I ran back toward the house where the horses were tethered. I wiped tears from my eyes as I unwrapped the lead from the post. Two days and I’d let them take a piece of me. I ached, my heart breaking at the truth. Our marriage wasn’t based on love. Yes, there was definitely passion. I’d felt things for James and Jonah I never expected. I’d done things I never imagined. I’d loved it and I thought they had too. I’d been comfortable with them. I’d felt safe. Perhaps even loved.

  But I’d been wrong.

  There was no love at first sight. There was no damsel in distress to be saved by a dime novel hero. A woman had to save herself, and I was going to do just that.

  I’d go home, to Fargo. Jonah and James had just been a short diversion. A redirection from my plan. I would save Ginny and Georgia from Father’s mess. Lord, was I glad I’d never told them about it because once back in North Dakota, no one would know I was married. I would leave the Montana Territory and all the awful things that had befallen me here behind.

  But first, I needed money for the trip. I was in the exact same predicament as the other day. That hadn’t changed. I did have more confidence. Definitely a little anger to fuel my desire to leave. I was done with Jonah and James. I didn’t have to worry about them any longer. I’d go to Travis Point, find a saloon and earn money at cards. I’d been too shy in Butte, but I’d ensure they let me play.

  James and Jonah had both said I was a little wild. Perhaps that trait would be useful now. I’d get that coin one way or another.


  I wasn’t sure who angered me more, Abel or Tennessee. Every word that my son uttered was harsh. I’d expected surprise from him, not the insults he’d spewed. But I’d ended his rant quickly with the words, “You are not a child, but a man grown. Behave that way. It may have been a hasty marriage, but one I want. Yes, she trapped me, but not in the way you imagine, but with her heart. She certainly has mine.”

  After those words settled between us, I saw in the distance a horse and rider, moving at a quick pace. I recognized the outline of my wife immediately. “Fuck,” I breathed, ignoring Abel and running toward the house to retrieve my own horse and chase her.

  It took me ten minutes to come upon her. When I shouted for her, she slowed, then stopped, turning her animal to face me. I wasn’t sure if she was being obliging out of courtesy or because she knew she’d lost any lead she had. She’d been traveling in the direction of town, not the Carr ranch.

  “Where are you going?” I called as I tugged on the reins, my animal stopping beside hers. Both animals huffed and snorted at the sprint. I hopped to the ground and grabbed her reins, ensuring she wouldn’t bolt again.

  “To Travis Point,” she snapped and tried to tug the reins from my hold. Her chin was lifted, her posture so stiff she could have had a fence post for a spine. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  “Oh, no, Kitten,” I countered.

  Without my help, she slid off the horse and began to walk toward town. I watched her small form move through the tall grass. While she was trying to be stiff and haughty, it was lost on me as I only had eyes for the soft sway of her hips. This was the same Tennessee as the other day in Butte. Riled, filled with indignation and utterly stunning.

  “We need to talk,” I called, lifting my hat and wiping the sweat from my brow.

  She spun about, set her hands on her hips. Her ragged breathing made her breasts rise and fall beneath her pink dress. “Talk? It seems you did plenty of talking with Abel.”

  I took a deep breath, let it out. “Watch your tone or you’ll be over my knee.”

  Her eyes widened. “You think to spank me? Why?”

  “Because you need it.”

  “I do not need to be spanked. I am not a recalcitrant child throwing a tantrum. I am a woman who is angry!” She shouted the last, and I was surprised by her vehemence. “I am not the impetuous, wild woman you imagine.”

  She was angry. I’d have to be blind not to see it. She wasn’t doing this for attention, behaving badly so I’d have to pay attention to her, to give her a spanking which would calm her, settle something inside her. This was quite different. “No?” I asked.

  “You think me reckless, rebellious, too. Because of Mr. Grimsby?”

  She didn’t give me an opportunity to reply.

  “I didn’t walk into Mr. Grimsby’s house of my own free will,” she continued. “Do you think I wanted a man like him for a husband?”

  I didn’t know Grimsby, only heard what James had said of him, what he’d done to Tennessee. Her father. Abigail.

  “My father was going to give me to the man with the largest bank account. He thought it was Mr. Grimsby. Turns out, he was wrong. And died for it. And yet, I’m the one who’s still paying the price.”

  Her hands went up in the air as she spoke with a depth of feeling I’d not heard before.

  I frowned at her words. “What do you mean?” I took a step toward her, and she retreated. “Tell me, Tennessee. Tell me what burdens you.”

  She brushed her hair back from her face, long tendrils having come loose in her ride. Her bonnet hung down her back, held by a ribbon about her neck. “What burdens me? Grimsby is going to kill my sisters.”

  I stiffened. That, I had not expected. “Continue.”

  She rolled her eyes, laughed. “Abigail wasn’t the only one he threatened. Grimsby sent a man to Fargo to kill my sisters if I didn’t provide the money he wanted. He wasn’t rich at all, but penniless, just like me. His mine had gone dry and he wanted a rich heiress and became enraged when he discovered I was not one. Now
he’s in jail and the man he sent to Fargo hasn’t received word to call off his actions. He will kill Ginny and Georgia.”

  Her eyes filled with tears but she blinked them away. She was so strong, so brave. And all of this weighed upon her. The basis for her actions in Butte. She’d done as her father wished, gone to Grimsby and lied. I had to wonder if he really had been wealthy if she’d have gone through with the marriage, just to please her father.

  “The saloon?” I asked, thinking of where I’d first met her.

  “You believed I was there because I was flighty and naïve. That I’d put myself in a situation with blind stupidity. I was desperate and knew poker would allow me the opportunity to win the money I needed to return to Fargo.”

  “Money?” One of the horses tugged on the reins, eager to snack on the tall grass, and I released my hold.

  “Yes, money.” She shrugged. “I never captured a rich husband.”

  Never… what was she talking about? James and I were both wealthy in our own rights. Combined, we had enough to get her to Fargo. Hell, we had enough to perhaps buy Fargo.

  “You captured us,” I said quietly. Assessing.

  Her blue eyes flared with cold fury. “Of course, I did. I trapped you better than Mr. Grimsby. There’s no option but marriage after a minister witnesses a woman on her knees sucking your cock. You didn’t want to marry me. You had to. I guess I should be thankful my father didn’t suggest sucking Mr. Grimsby’s cock.”

  “Tennessee,” I warned.

  “You will not diminish my anger, Jonah.”

  My bride and her actions were misunderstood, and for that I had been wrong. James, too, but he wasn’t here. I needed to make things right.


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