Return to Duty

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Return to Duty Page 4

by Elizabeth Hollows

  “Agent Fox has been monitoring both the Taziv family and the movements of the Kada’rah,” Commander Willis continued, confirming Jay’s thoughts. “They’ve been expanding out from Asam and onto its moons over the last few years. The Taziv family was the obvious target for a kidnapping, but our intelligence hadn’t indicated the syndicate planned to move against them.”

  “But now they’ve kidnapped Zanik,” Jay stated.

  “Which has forced our hand,” Commander Willis agreed. “You may have been out of combat for the last few years, Major, but your records show you have the necessary skills to help us to extract Zanik.”

  “Right.” Jay tapped his fingers against the table as he considered the situation. “Where are they holding him?”

  “They have a compound in the foothills at the edge of the Carana Desert on Asam,” Tristan answered. They locked eyes, and he held Jay’s gaze without flinching. “We have reconnaissance photos and digitized models, but there are too many tunnels into the mountain to be certain of Zanik’s exact location in the compound.”

  Jay located the images on the datascreen and accessed the 3D image of the compound. It spun slowly, allowing him to view all potential entry points. It had been years since Jay had last sat in a debriefing, but his training made it all second-nature. Jay ran through the options for extraction and what he would need to make them feasible.

  He turned to the commander and asked, “How do we get onto the planet?”

  “We have a few options,” the commander answered. “But your ship will be the wisest choice.”

  It was subtle and shouldn’t draw attention—but that was only one step in a longer plan. The spaceports of Asam were hours from the Carana Desert, and depending on how deep into the sands the compound was, they might need to hire either equines or sand jeeps.

  “Right,” Jay said, rubbing a hand over his jaw. “How do you want us to get there?”

  The UCAFD preferred air drops, but IA wouldn’t want such a frontal assault, not with only a two-man team. Jay’s assumption proved correct as the commander explained the outline devised for the mission. It was him and Tristan, sneaking their way across the desert. Tristan chimed in with additional information, which Jay often disputed.

  Commander Willis was intelligent, but he was a man who had obviously spent years commanding a ship, an officer more than a soldier. He focused on the big picture and the fastest way to achieve it. Tristan was a man of covert operations with no experience in war zones. He left no trace of his presence and stole information from behind enemy lines. He was used to working alone.

  Jay had been a soldier on the front lines, used to working with a team and surviving through sheer grit, despite the horrific situations he had been thrown into. They all saw the problem with different eyes, and while their goal was the same, they argued on how best to get there. It took a half hour of discussion before a plan could be reached.

  Tristan and Jay would fly down to Asam in Jay’s ship the next morning. They would hire equines for the trek across the desert. Equines were slower than sand jeeps but would attract less attention. They would make their way to the Kada’rah compound, locate Zanik and get him to the extraction point.

  It was a standard mission for Jay, until it turned to breaching the syndicate’s walls. Normally, he would plan for an assault with the guarantee of some form of combat. Some of his men would fight, others would extract the prisoner. IA was different. That outcome was a worst-case scenario. They wanted Zanik found and removed as quietly as possible. Tristan’s knowledge of the Kada’rah, combined with information from undercover operatives, would prove invaluable for sneaking in.

  Personally, Jay believed they were being too optimistic. This would end in combat and explosions, he was certain, but until the time came, he’d let them dream optimistically.

  When the briefing concluded, Commander Willis switched off the datascreen and turned to Jay.

  “Thank you for your input, Major. Be prepared to begin your mission tomorrow morning.” He gestured at the datascreen Jay still held. “Take it and familiarize yourself with the syndicate and terrain of Asam. You’re dismissed.”

  Jay stood and gave a nod. “Sir.”

  He left without glancing at Tristan.

  Unsurprisingly, there was an IA agent waiting to escort him to his quarters. The Intelligence Agency didn’t trust him and Jay didn’t trust them. Tristan was no doubt gaining a side mission—extract information from the Kada’rah systems and shoot Jay in the back of the head if he betrayed them. IA always had a mission inside a mission—like a cute waiter flirting with a potentially useful thief. Jay gritted his teeth. The sting from the lie persisted.

  What had Tristan passed on to IA about him? How much more interesting would Jaybird have needed to be before ‘Bryce’ would have climbed into his bed? Would Tristan have slept with Zanik if they’d ordered him to? Had he already slept with the Qui?

  Jay let out an irritated breath and tried to shrug off his thoughts. It didn’t matter who the agent had sex with or whether his attraction to Jay was real. The only thing that mattered was completing the mission and getting the hell away from IA.

  Jay was glad to reach his quarters and shut the door. He took a seat on the bed and turned on the datascreen. Jay tried to focus on the Kada’rah, yet despite his best efforts, thoughts of Tristan continued to linger. He kept comparing the smirking waiter with the stiff-backed agent with slicked-back hair. How much of Bryce had been real? Why couldn’t he let it go?

  But he knew why.

  Bryce had been intriguing and fun. He’d even fantasized about flying Bryce to another planet for a weekend getaway. He hadn’t planned to settle down with him or make Bryce his partner in crime—but Jay had liked Bryce, and now he had to let the other man go. Bryce was make-believe. Agent Tristan Fox was real. The man he’d been trying to know didn’t exist.

  He had to shake off his feelings. Nothing but the mission mattered. He’d ignore Tristan, rescue Zanik and leave IA behind.

  Determined, Jay turned back to the datascreen and finally lost himself in reports. There was a large amount of information redacted, but Jay could read between the lines. IA had two undercover operatives working inside the Kada’rah’s ranks. They were far enough from the compound that Jay and Tristan wouldn’t run into them, but it was why they wanted to limit damage to the Kada’rah’s forces. They wanted them intact so IA could continue to mine information from the syndicate.

  Jay was so immersed that the last thing he expected was an interruption. The knock on his door prompted him to look up from the datascreen. He frowned. Who would want to see him?

  “Come,” Jay called.

  He certainly hadn’t expected it to be Tristan Fox.

  The agent stepped into the room and shut the door. He turned to face Jay, standing with his back straight and his hands at his sides.

  “We need to have a conversation,” Tristan said, simple and to the point.

  Jay raised his eyebrows. “Did Commander Willis recommend that?”

  “No,” Tristan answered. “But it’s necessary if we’re going to work together.”

  Locking the datascreen and putting it beside him, Jay wondered what Tristan planned to do. Just seeing the other man put Jay on edge and made his annoyance resurface.

  “What do you want to talk about? Did you come to apologize? Then again, maybe you came to tell me that we didn’t have sex because I didn’t have enough information to warrant it?”

  Tristan’s jaw clenched, and he glared at Jay. It was the same expression Bryce had used to display, only made harsher by his styled hair and dark uniform.

  “I don’t sleep with my targets,” Tristan said, his voice angry. “You flirted with me and I flirted back so I could determine your affiliation with the Kada’rah.”

  Jay stood. His frustration made it impossible to remain seated.

  “And what would have happened if I’d had information?” He stalked forward until they were nose-to-nose.
“What would Tristan Fox have done with me then?”

  “I had a mission to complete and superiors to report to. I would have done what was necessary.” He held Jay’s gaze. “It’s something I believe you can understand, Major Chapman.”

  The remark hit its intended target, and Jay had to look away. The words didn’t erase all his anger at being used and manipulated—but Tristan was right. Jay understood. He didn’t like it, but Jay couldn’t argue with a fellow soldier who was following orders.

  “Look…” Tristan said, his voice softened. “I didn’t know who you were until we arrived. They told me you were not a person of interest on Vicente and to disengage, so I did.”

  “And that’s supposed to make things better?” Jay asked, looking back at him.

  Tristan’s fingers twitched at his side, a frustrated habit that both Bryce and Tristan shared.

  “I am trying to explain my part in our association,” Tristan said.

  Jay laughed wryly. “An IA agent being candid with me? Will wonders never cease?”

  “Would you prefer I said nothing?” Tristan snapped. “Allow this”—he gestured between them—“to fester?”

  “And what is this?” Jay demanded. He didn’t know what he wanted, but the urge to shove the other man was strong. “A spy doing his job?”

  “No, Major Chapman, that’s not what’s between us.”

  Tristan had barely finished speaking before he was kissing him. Jay’s eyes widened with surprise. Tristan brought his hands to Jay’s shoulders then slid them up his neck, tugging him closer. Instinctively, Jay kissed him back. He put his hands on the man’s waist, just like he’d imagined doing for weeks. The kiss soon became a battle of mouths. Tristan bit Jay’s bottom lip, tugging and sucking it before diving back in for more. The kiss was rough with need and yearning, just like he’d pictured kissing Bryce would be—only this wasn’t Bryce. This was a spy with as many missions under his belt as Heath Chapman had.

  The reminder forced Jay to tear his mouth away from the agent. He was panting and so was Tristan. The guy’s blue eyes were darker than usual, but he was seemingly analyzing Jay’s reaction.

  Right now, all Jay felt was confusion, arousal and shock.

  “What the hell?” he asked. “Are you trying to ensure my loyalty or something?”

  Tristan barked out a laugh.

  “No, Major, I told you. I don’t sleep with my marks. I also doubt spending the night together would change how much I can trust you.” He trailed his fingers over Jay’s neck in teasing invitation. “But as of tomorrow, we will be on a mission together.” Tristan almost smiled. “I think it would be better if we got this out of our systems before working in such close quarters, don’t you?”

  The evidence was obvious, yet Jay had trouble believing it.

  “Your attraction to me was real?”

  “Yes, it was,” Tristan admitted. “I couldn’t act on it before and we can’t let it compromise us once the mission begins.” He shrugged. “But right now? We have a narrow window of opportunity.”

  The offer was tempting. It was what he’d wanted for weeks. When else would he get the chance? He’d never planned for anything other than meaningless sex with Bryce. Why did it have to be different with Tristan?

  And as Tristan had said, it might even help. There was desire from weeks of flirtation and anger from the last few hours. Combining that with the strain of current events and objectives?

  We could both use an outlet.

  Decision made, Jay cupped Tristan’s neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Their lips caught and Tristan started encouraging him backward and toward the bed. Jay moved without protest.

  Tristan kissed as if there was a battle to be won and Jay refused to go down without a fight. The kiss was harsh, but Jay loved the sharpness. He slid his fingers through Tristan’s hair, tugging at the strands. Tristan nipped at Jay’s lower lip in retaliation, making Jay groaned with desire.

  They only broke apart when Jay’s legs hit the bed. Tristan smirked, looking pleased with himself.

  “I’m glad we’re in agreement, Major.”

  Tristan went to kiss him, but Jay held him back. The man frowned.

  “Jay,” he told Tristan. “It’s not ‘Major’ or ‘Heath’. When you’re sharing my bed, it’s Jay.”

  The agent shrugged. “Fine.”

  He kissed Jay again while his hands went to the buttons of Jay’s uniform. He responded by gripping the smooth material of Tristan’s shirt and trying to tug it over his head. Tristan broke the kiss with a chuckle before pushing his hands away and standing back.

  “Perhaps we should each undress ourselves,” Tristan remarked.

  Tristan stepped over to the small table in Jay’s quarters. He started removing a small arsenal of hidden weapons. They were all standard items, but each one was expertly hidden or stitched into his clothes.

  It made sense that an IA agent would never be unarmed, even on an IA ship. IA was notoriously paranoid. Jay shook his head and pulled off his clothing. He didn’t have a weapon on him and maybe he should have felt vulnerable, but if IA wanted him dead, they would already have killed him.

  Jay stripped down to his pants and kicked off his shoes and socks. He glanced over to find Tristan folding his shirt onto the nearby chair. Stripping separately could have spoiled the mood, but one look at Tristan’s uncovered back and arched spine made Jay’s cock harden and his hands tingle with the need to touch. Tristan was gorgeous. He had the occasional freckle or mole marring his skin and Jay wanted to trail his lips over them. There were three scars Jay could see, looking like they were from knife wounds, but nothing else.

  Jay had more scars than Tristan. His body showed his near-misses and hardships for his every lover to see. His wounds were a testament of survival and he was proud of them. Tristan seemed to like what he saw too, as his cock was still hard as he looked Jay up and down.

  Their bodies, like their lives, were polar opposites. Tristan was slim and pale. He was built for fast, efficient strikes meant to disable and capture. Jay was tan from years under the sun, with larger muscles gained from heavy lifting and intense physical training. Jay might not have been following the training routine of a soldier for the past few years, but he still worked hard to maintain his strength and resilience.

  Tristan stepped toward him. He explored Jay’s chest with his hands while he caught his mouth in another kiss. Jay ran his hands down Tristan’s sides, enjoying the smooth warm skin and the hint of raised flesh. Where had the scar along his ribs come from?

  Tristan sought out every blemish on Jay’s skin on the way down to his pants. He flicked open the button and zip with ease before reaching inside. Jay broke the kiss to groan as Tristan cupped his hardening length and gave it a slow stroke.

  Damn, that feels good.

  Jay turned his attention to the agent’s pants, getting them undone and open. When he emcircled Tristan’s arousal with his fist, the agent tipped his head forward and panted against Jay’s jaw. The angle and position were awkward, but they made do.

  Soon, Tristan apparently got tired of the exploration. He brushed his lips over Jay’s cheek before moving to his ear.

  “You’ve offered to give me a ride for weeks, Jay. Going to live up to your word?”

  Jay bit down on a groan, making it come out more like a grunt. He brought his free hand to the back of Tristan’s neck and tugged him in for another kiss. The press of their mouths was quick to deepen. They tangled their tongues and Tristan removed his hand from Jay’s pants. He scraped his nails along Jay’s back, and he arched and hissed.

  Palming each other had been fun, but Tristan had made a challenge, and Jay was taking it.

  Jay slipped his hand from Tristan’s pants and broke the kiss. Jay started unbuckling his pants and Tristan kicked off his own. Both pair landed on the floor and the men climbed onto the bed. Jay touched Tristan’s upper arm, planning to guide him farther up the bed, but Tristan shifted unexpectedly. He slid to
ward the headboard, apparently having the same idea as Jay. He cupped Jay’s neck and tugged him into another kiss. Jay ended up crouched over Tristan, kneeling between his legs and trying to keep up with Tristan’s mouth.

  It wasn’t what he’d expected, but Bryce had made a habit of surprising him. It seemed Tristan was no different.

  When Tristan’s right leg hooked over his hip, dragging Jay down until their pelvises came together, the kiss broke. Tristan moaned softly while Jay pulled in a harsh breath. They started to rock their hips together, desperate for friction.

  Jay pressed his lips to Tristan’s neck, mouthing at the skin. Tristan tilted his neck into the touch, letting out a small hiss of pleasure as he tangled his fingers in Jay’s hair. Jay moved from Tristan’s neck to his collarbones, then to his chest. He liked the spot where Tristan’s neck met his shoulder, and a small nibble on the skin made Tristan shiver all over.

  Looking up at him, Jay admired the sight. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were half-lidded. His hair had mussed and broken from its slicked-back state, and he almost looked like Bryce. Moving farther down Tristan’s chest, he bypassed his dark nipples and focused instead on the knife wound.

  Who did Tristan Fox double-cross to earn that?

  But Tristan was seemingly growing impatient. He tugged firmly at Jay’s hair, making him lift his lips.

  “I thought you promised me a ride,” Tristan said.

  “I like the scenic route,” Jay quipped.

  Tristan rolled his eyes. “I prefer to get to the main event. We have a mission in only a handful of hours.”

  The reminder was like a bucket of cold water.

  “Right,” Jay muttered.

  Tristan shifted and grabbed something from near the pillows. He passed it to Jay, who blinked.

  How the hell did lube end up on my bed?

  “Where did you get that?”

  “I brought it with me,” Tristan said. “I couldn’t guarantee you would have any with you.”

  “Where did you hide it?” Jay asked, looking Tristan up and down. “You were naked. You didn’t have pockets.” His eyes dropped to Tristan’s ass. “Unless you—”


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