Rise (Camille Bishop Book 3)

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Rise (Camille Bishop Book 3) Page 5

by Ravin Tija Maurice

  His eyebrow rose. “What do you mean ‘like me’?”

  “Relic hunters. Bounty hunters. I must admit I am fascinated by what you do.”

  “A few. Lots of them are interns at bigger galleries and museums looking to pick stuff up on the cheap.” He found us three seats in the back corner with a good view of the room. I perched on the edge of my seat and scanned the crowd.

  “She’s here.” Ledo said, his voice soft. I turned and spotted who’d got his attention; a tall, copper haired woman in a tan trench coat and big sunglasses and her blonde companion, equally as tall with hair that cascaded down her back. The blonde’s skin looked pale, but naturally so, where the copper haired one's olive skin glowed with warmth.

  Ledo couldn’t stop staring at them; I discretely took a few photos of them both. Neither of them removed their large black sunglasses. Something about the way they moved, tall, elegant and with determination made me think they were both regal. Two of the finest examples of women most would ever come in contact with.

  “Who’s the chick?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know. But they’re both so gorgeous it’s like they’re.....” He paused, stopping himself and shaking his head.

  “So what item are we looking for?” Eric asked.

  “Supposedly there is a women’s mirrored compact from the 1950’s on the block. Someone inlayed it with a magical stone, and now the mirror inside traps ghosts in it. If someone figures out how to get them out, it’s potentially really dangerous.” Ledo tried to keep his eyes in front of him, but on occasion I noticed he and Eric glancing over at the two mystery women.

  Just as the auctioneer approached the podium, three more women walked in. Different than the previous two, they were much shorter and dressed in all black. All three looked exquisite with their hair woven into intricate braided updos.

  I took their picture as well. Something about them seemed important. One of them made eye contact with me as they found a seat; dark eyes examined me and clearly did threat assessment around the room.

  “What about them, Ledo?” I gestured without actually pointing.

  He shrugged. “I have seen them a few times, nothing worth noting.”

  He motioned for me to be quiet as the auctioneer raised his hand to silence the room. Ledo and I both sat on the edge of our seats as the man spoke; something prickled up my arm and gave me goose bumps. I turned and made eye contact with Eric, he felt it too.

  The auctioneer began, and I watched as he worked his way through various items like paintings and furniture. By the reactions of some of the older people in attendance I wondered if these were a deceased loved one's belongings.

  “Next on the docket, a long sword of English origin with what our translator believes to be a form of ancient Welsh inscribed on the hilt. There is no known date of the making of this item, but we believe its well into the 11th century. Bidding opens at ten thousand dollars.” The auctioneer gestured in very Vanna White fashion, and one of the assistants stepped forward and withdrew the large sword from its scabbard. I discreetly held up my phone and started filming; the age and the providence of this sword would appeal to the same collector who stole my sword.

  Your sword?

  In a flash of light the blade sparked and became immediately inflamed, the assistant screamed in pain and dropped it as his arm caught fire. The sword burned as it fell from his hand and hit the ground.

  “What the fuck is that?” I asked, filming everything.

  “Could be drnwyn.” Ledo said, looking to Eric who nodded in agreement.

  “What?!” I threw up my free hand.

  “Another mythological sword.” Ledo winked at me. “Not as cool as Excalibur though.”

  “I need to study or some shit. I am so far behind.” I shook my head, double checking my phone still filmed as they cleared the stage. The auctioneer continued the bidding, from his reaction and how quickly they cleared the fire it looked as if they were prepared for it.

  While the two taller women paid close attention, the other group of three bought the flame sword for twelve thousand dollars. Taking more photos of their faces, I made an attempt to be covert.

  The auctioneer moved on, and the compact Ledo mentioned appeared. The inlay possessed a reflective quality like mother of pearl and shone beautifully even in the terrible lighting. When they opened it to show the mirror, which was still intact, it flashed a strange swirl of colors. Regular people would mistake it for a trick of the light, but it made my breath catch in my throat. I pulled my sleeves down over my hands.

  Bidding started at fifty dollars. With no clear maker marks or identification all they could gage the price on was materials and age. Ledo watched the crowd before bidding, with no clear interest from anyone else he picked up the item for the starting price.

  “You got something to carry that in? I don’t want it touching me.” I told Ledo quietly.


  “Do you think it’s a good plan for the ghost holder to come in contact with someone who can summon ghosts who doesn’t have the greatest control over her powers yet?” His eyes widened a little after I finished stating the obvious.

  Ledo nodded. “I do anyways. But you have a good point.”

  My phone buzzed, and I ended the video so I could check the message. It was Ted, just making sure I'm alright.

  Typing more than I intended I explained to him that physically I still felt sore and achy but mentally things were awesome and Eric getting me up and going today made a big difference. I thanked him for his patience and most of all his acceptance of this new thing with Eric.

  Just after I hit send it buzzed again, this time from an unknown number asking if I wanted to have coffee later. Eric mentioned earlier a call from an unknown number, probably the same person.

  I texted back sure, where and when and waited. The auction wrapped up, and we remained seated until the room cleared a bit than headed for the exit.

  Before we could reach the door someone bumped me from behind and almost knocked me down. I turned and scowled at one of the three women, her eyes seemed to glow as we made eye contact. Her warm dark brown skin looked perfectly smooth and blemish free. She scowled at first, but then I saw a click of recognition in her eyes. My magic crept up my arm into the sore spot on my neck. It felt tense, like it prepared for something to happen.

  She quickly moved passed us with her friends and disappeared from sight. I mentally took note of her features, hoping it least one of the photos I took turned out.

  Once we got outside we parted ways with Ledo, he went to collect his item and we agreed to meet at Millie's later to check it out.

  Back in the car I checked my messages, and the location for coffee appeared close enough for us to walk so we decided to leave the car and go on foot. I felt pretty confident the text came from Meg because she included bring the Merlin if you wish.

  I showed the text to Eric. “Do you know her?”

  “Not sure. I would have to see her face. There are stories about the succubus who works at Ren. No one has heard about Lorcan yet though.”

  “Is it really that big of a deal?”

  “That the wolf pack heir fell for a succubus? To some people, yeah. To others, they would think it’s cool. Some, like me, will think it’s hilarious. The wolves aren’t so keen on inter species mingling.”

  I felt myself scowling. “That’s very short sighted of them.”

  “Not everyone is as open minded as you.” He kissed me on the cheek.

  After about a ten minute walk we were at the small Café called Just Desserts. Meg sat in the window, clearly trying to soak up some of the afternoon sun on this dreary early winter day. She spotted us and smiled widely, Eric squeezed my hand.

  “Promise me you won’t get upset?” He began before we walked inside

  “Ruh roh.”

“No. Nothing like that. But she is a succubus and could…what was the word you used? Bamboozled? She could mess with both our minds. I just want to make a pact right now if she does that to either of us we won’t get upset.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Of course.”


  The first time I saw Meg I wasn’t immediately suspicious, in part because I didn’t know who or what I was dealing with. But this time when we stepped into the café and she brushed her white blonde hair back behind her shoulder I immediately went on the defensive. She smiled a big toothy grin at us, Eric squeezed my hand.

  “I am so happy you came!” She exclaimed as we sat down. She seemed much more chipper and personable then she did at Ren.

  “As I mentioned, I have to tell Lorcan something.” I smiled at the waitress, who came over and took our order for two cappuccinos.

  “He could have come to Ren himself.”

  My eyebrows rose. “I thought he did?”

  She laughed. “If he did it was on my day off.”

  “Well, I don’t want to take up a ton of your time. How do you want to proceed?”

  Meg tilted her head to one side, twisting a strand of her hair around one finger. Something about the way her skin shimmered seemed freaky and a strange thought crossed my mind.

  “This isn’t what you really look like. Is it?” I asked.

  Eric leaned in and whispered to me. “Really powerful glamour spells.”

  “Can I do that too?” Meg laughed at my question; Eric smiled and nodded in reply. “That is so going to change stake outs!”

  “For the blanchmains you are frighteningly uninformed.” Meg took a sip of her drink.

  “Oh, well, I have only known about my powers for like 6 weeks.”

  Her eyes widened a little. “Well that does explain a few things.”

  “What does that mean?”

  The corners of her lips turn up in a little smile. “You have no idea what you are, do you?”

  I turned to Eric, a quick stab of pain up my neck made me flinch. “Why do people keep saying shit like that?”

  “Because it’s the truth.” He whispers loud enough for Meg to hear.

  “You’re doing her a disservice not telling her.” Meg turns her gaze to Eric.

  “It’s a lot to take in. I don’t want to scare her.”

  She rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue on her teeth. She leaned towards me and said, “You have my number now. Let me know when you want to know everything.”

  “Can we get back on topic please? Lorcan. What do you want me to say to Lorcan?”

  Meg sighed, glancing at Eric and smiling coyly. It took a lot of energy not to throw my coffee at her. She pulled something out of her purse, a small white envelope, and handed it to me.

  “Give that to Lorcan.” She looked annoyed. “See how he reacts. If he still wants to persist, text me.”

  I pocketed the envelope. “Thanks.”

  “I thought he would get the hint that I was blowing him off but I guess not.” She gathered up her stuff, stood up and put her coat on. “I hope the next time we speak it’s under better circumstances.”

  Flipping her hair back behind her shoulder, she quickly walked out.

  “That was weird.” I said to Eric.

  He shrugged. “Maybe when her charm didn’t work she got frustrated.”

  “Oh well. Hopefully Lorcan accepts whatever is in the note and we're done with it.” I quickly finished my coffee. “Now, tell me about the flame sword.”

  About a half hour later we walked out of Just Desserts and headed back to the car. The overall vibe of downtown changed now that the workday began. Traffic died down and it almost felt peaceful. Snow began to quietly fall from the sky.

  Eric reached for me and we held hands as we walked. For just a moment I forgot all the chaos we endured and just focused on him and I being together. So caught up in my daydream I stared around without focusing and banged head on into another person.

  “Shit! I'm so sorry!” I held up my arm in front of me, hunching slightly. When I looked at the person I stumbled back a little when I came face to face with one of the girls with the braided updo from the auction.

  She bore down on me like an angry dog prepared for a fight. My hands began to tingle and itch under my sleeves; my powers sent off signals throughout my body to be very careful.

  Closer to her now I could see that her hair was actually finely twisted dreadlocks, the colour such a dark black I could only ever get from a bottle of dye. They were swept up in this incredible braided crown like hairstyle that accentuated her big brown eyes, her rich brown skin seemed to be glowing in irritation.

  Her lips, a dark shiny burgundy colour, curled in a sneer. I lowered my gaze in deference, and she turned and walked away. As she stormed past pain shot up my neck like a stabbing needle, causing me to further hunch and lose track of any thought I’d had about that woman.

  “You ok?” Eric stuck his warm hand on the back of my neck and I cringed when he touched me, my skin suddenly felt hot and itchy.

  “That was really weird.” I took a few deep breaths and pulled myself back into my regular stance. “You got any painkillers left?”

  He chuckled. “You know I do. You want to give the healing spell a chance first? Use the pills as a last resort?”

  “Nope.” I said with a grin, standing on my tip toes and kissing the tip of his nose.

  Two Percocet’s and the day became entirely more pleasant. We drove to the office and after helping me inside with all my baggage Eric disappeared. Being left on my own I felt strange.

  I took a photo of the envelope and sent it to Lorcan, telling him he could collect it at any time. Beyond that my day was clear; I suspect they didn’t think I would be in.

  As I downloaded the photos from the auction to my laptop I heard a knock at my door, a big smile crossed my face when Q and Lemme walked in with a giant Frappuccino for me.

  “What’s up Bond?” Q and I fist bumped across the desk. “How you feeling? We heard what happened, thought you could use some nectar of the Gods.”

  “You guys are awesome!” I took a big sip of my drink, easing back in my chair. “Did you guys come all this way just for this?”

  “Naw. Boss man need's tech support.” Q took a sip of her own drink. “Oh, and crazy town over here wanted to chat.”

  “Bitch, I'm not crazy.” Lemme snapped. “I know what I saw.”

  Lemme began digging through her bag, then pulled various sheets of paper out and spread them flat on my desk so I could see.

  Q groaned loudly, calling back as she walked out, “I'll let you handle this shit show.”

  As soon as the door clicked shut, Lemme turned back to me. “Did you get my emails?”

  “Not any recent ones. I have been a little fucky since the accident.”

  “Ok, well when you get a chance I found the schematics for the lab….”

  My head tilted to one side. “Lab?”

  “The lab where they held me. That Nikki freak. Remember? We have to go back.”

  “Lemme. It’s not that simple.”

  She stared me down like I sprouted a third eye. “Is that a joke?”

  “No. We talked about this. I can’t just walk in their guns blazing. I need a plan. We need a plan. I get that you want to rescue this person but I am not sure you understand…”

  She huffed angrily. “Oh I understand. You made me a promise, Camille. We can’t just leave her there.”

  I reached across my desk and took her hand. “And we won’t. I promise. But you have to be prepared this is going to take some time to plan. Do you understand? These maps are very helpful.”

  I took every single piece of paper she laid out and got out a folder and put them inside. She still eyed me with an angry stare, surely judging to see if I told
the truth or not.

  “I told you I would go and I will. It’s not if it’s when.” I attempted to be forceful. This wasn’t the first time Lemme sat across from me asking to storm Frankenstein’s lab

  Yep, that Frankenstein. His psycho one hundred times great granddaughter kidnapped Lemme and tried to Darth Vader me. But we already know that story.

  Right, Believer?

  “How's school?”

  She rolled her eyes at me; the udder look of distain that now formed her expression could peel a weaker person’s skin off. “School is rough, Camille. My lab burnt down. I can’t keep my shit straight because I can’t get that chick in the tank out of my head. And what I need you to do right now is tell me you have this shit handled.” Lemme moved closer, putting both her hands on the table top so she could lean in.

  “Easy now.” I said quietly, pulling back slightly. My hands began to tingle, I didn’t bother moving them. When I’d rescued Lemme she’d seen them completely white.

  “Have you got this shit handled, Camille?” She growled at me.

  I watched her for a few minutes, staying silent, deciding on the best course of action at this moment. I cared about Q and Lemme. They were an important part of L&B Investigations; showing her a display of power, even just to scare her, would probably be a bad idea. They were also my friends. The only non magical friends I had.

  What the fuck is wrong with you? Now you’re talking about scaring your friend?

  I allowed my power to fill the room, the energy spreading out like liquid. Lemme wouldn’t fully understand but I could tell by the look on her face that she felt it. She knew the energy in the room shifted somehow.

  I smiled brightly when her confused expression turned to me. “I have this handled. Thank you for the maps.”

  Lemme opened her mouth to say something else but before she could Q reappeared, pausing just as she walked in. “All good in the hood?”

  “You bet.” I said, my smile never faltering. Lemme gathered up her stuff and headed for the door.

  “Thanks for the drink guys.” I smiled and waved as they both walked out without another word.


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