Goddess of the Grove

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Goddess of the Grove Page 6

by Mandy M. Roth

  Korey shuddered and lost his footing. One minute her powerful warrior was above her and the next, he was lying on the floor, laughing like a fool. “Och, lass, you do have a way of throwing my manly displays right out the damn window.”

  Giggling, Gigi rolled onto her side and stared down at her husband.

  Korey winked. “That’s right. Yer husband. Never forget that, Gigi.”

  He released his mystical hold on her and she joined him on the floor. “You know, we both have beds. We should try using one sometime.”

  “Actually…” He twisted her in the other direction and rolled to his knees.


  Korey bent his wife over the edge of the sofa, her knees on the floor and her ass aiming at him. He kissed her shoulder, her skin like silk. “We need to decide where it is we’re going to call home.”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured, thrusting her ass at him like an offering as he continued to plant tiny kisses on her shoulder.

  “Are you even listening to me?”

  Gigi tipped her head back and he bit at her neck. His cock sprang to life as he rubbed it between the globes of her ass. He speared her pussy with his finger, gathering cream to coat his cock with. Once it glistened, Korey pushed her shoulders downward, forcing Gigi to bend over more.

  He speared her cunt with his cock, going deep and to the hilt. She writhed against him, gasping and clawing at the sofa cushions. Korey kept going, thrusting into her, getting lost in the feel of her sweet pussy wrapped snugly around his shaft. There was no doubt in his mind that she had been created for him. She fit him like a glove.

  Korey swatted her ass, quickly rubbing the area before delivering another light smack to a new spot. Gigi pushed back against him, taking him deeper, her pussy milking his cock as she cried out, coming hard.

  Giving in, he let go. His come shot forth, filling her. He withdrew quickly, pressing the head of his cock to her ass and finished coming there. The tiny pink rosette called to him and he wanted to claim it, possess it fully.

  Being immortal and supernatural afforded him the ability to have next to no downtime between rounds. He growled. “Woman, you’ve no idea what you do to me.”

  Gigi glanced back over her shoulder, looking every bit the temptress she was. “Oh, I think I have a fairly good idea.”

  He rimmed her ass with the head of his cock. “Do you now?”


  Was that a challenge he saw in her eyes?

  Gigi licked her lower lip. “Yes, Kor, that’s a challenge.”

  She’d read his thoughts? The knowledge drove him onward as he eased himself into her dark channel. She hissed and tried to pull away. Korey caught hold of her hips and kept her in place.

  “Bear down, Gigi.”

  She listened and he pressed in more, working an inch of his cock into her ass. The very sight of his shaft, buried in her, left Korey on the edge of culmination. He tipped his head back, doing his best to focus before sliding deeper into her.

  Gigi bucked against him, impaling herself on his cock. She cried out and he followed close behind. Thrusting, Korey lost control. He would never get enough of her. He pushed in, kneading her ass cheeks with his hands as he took her.

  “Korey, ah, uh. Kor.”

  Reaching around her, he rubbed her clit and kissed her shoulder as his cock exploded deep with her. Gigi came, her body tightening on him, causing Korey to bite his inner cheek to contain his magik. It was that or risk leveling a city block because he still didn’t have a full grasp on his god-like powers.

  He withdrew and turned her to face him.

  Korey cupped her face. “I love you.”

  “Enough to shower with me and really watch the movies you brought?” she asked, a teasing note in her voice.

  “Woman, yer supposed to say you love me too.”

  “Oh.” She tossed her arms around his neck. “I knew there was something I forgot.” Gigi kissed the tip of his nose before focusing on his lips, planting kisses on them. “I. Love. You.”

  Chapter Seven

  Gigi snuggled against her husband, shocked they’d actually made it to her bed. No. Not my bed, she reminded herself. Our bed.

  Korey slept silently, his warm body snuggled close to her. Gigi ran her fingers over the various shapes and symbols permanently etched on his body. He had varying triple spirals on him. The one she was most drawn to was low on his left hip, just an inch or so from where his cock lay nestled in a thatch of black hair. She traced the pattern lightly. Its meaning, one of life-death-rebirth, was close to her heart.

  Gigi moved to another tattoo, this one a double spiral. It was midway up his torso. She inhaled, pressing her lips to his chiseled chest, thankful they’d not only made it through her uncle and his dark followers, but past their own internal barriers as well.

  Korey kissed the top of her head. “If you keep pettin’ me, I’m likely to take it as a sign yer up for another round. Since you said you were sore, I do nae think you wish that to happen.”

  She was sore. They’d showered together and ended up making love two more times while in there. After, they’d gone to bed and before her eyes had closed, Korey was deep within her, loving her with all he had. She’d fallen asleep as he came and had woken to find herself in his arms.

  Light filtered through the long green curtains on the windows. Gigi stretched, every part of her body sore.

  “No. Thoroughly loved, Gigi. Nae sore.”

  She planted another kiss on his chest and froze when she heard the doorbell ringing. “The movers.”

  Hot energy prickled off Korey as he rolled away from her and stalked towards the bedroom door without a stitch of clothing on. He couldn’t seriously be thinking of going down to talk to them in the buff.

  As the sound of his deep, pissed-off voice reached her, she knew he had indeed done just that. Korey slammed the front door shut with such a force that the house shook.

  Gigi wrapped the sheet up around her breasts and waited as she listened to him take each step, heavy-footed. When he reached the doorway, his gaze was hard and locked on her.

  She scooted back on the bed, bumping into the headboard. Trapped, her breathing grew irregular. “Kor?”

  He stared at her for what felt like forever before lowering his gaze. It scorched her skin as if he were really touching her. He smiled. “They’ll come back later, after I’ve spent more time loving you.”

  “Come back?” He was going to let her leave?

  “Aye, they need to move yer things to my house…erm…our house. I’ll nae settle for Friday nights only anymore, Gigi. I want all of yer time.” For a moment he looked like a panther ready to pounce. “I want all of you.”

  A blush stained her upper body as she remembered their time on the sofa. “You’ve had all of me, Kor.”

  “Aye. I have,” he said, reaching down and stroking his cock.

  Gigi shook her head, pointing at him. “Keep that away from me. I can barely move as it is.”

  The sly grin spreading over his face told her Korey had no intention of staying away. “I’ve got seven hundred years to make up for, Gigi.”

  Her eyes widened. “Pace yourself, sport.”

  Tipping his head back, Korey laughed. “Trust the Fates to hand me a woman who can set me in my place.”

  “Someone has to.” She bit her lower lip. “Coyle’s too busy to keep you out of trouble. That leaves me.”


  Korey held his daughter with one arm while he let his free hand rest on his wife’s shoulder. She was heavy with child and the late-day sun had taken its toll on her. Korey had wanted to remain home with her, making her put her feet up, but Gigi would have nothing to do with the idea. Missing an O’Caha family reunion wasn’t something she was planning on doing, especially not since they happened so infrequently.

  It was hard to schedule events far in advance when the entire family fought evil and evil rarely kept good hours.

  He stared over his wife’s shoulder

and down the front of her blouse. His entire body lit with need. She was every bit as breathtaking as she’d been when she’d walked in from the rain all those years ago.

  Darcy wiggled in his arms and Korey smiled down at his daughter. She grinned, her blue eyes wide and her black hair as curly as her mother’s. She also seemed to have a penchant for wearing dresses with floral prints. The ironic part of it was, for as feminine as his daughter was, she could deliver wicked bloody lips when provoked. A little boy in her preschool class had pushed her down. Darcy, in turn, had released a hefty dose of magik on him, fattening the boy’s lip. They had to put her in a special program then, one for supernatural children.

  She tugged on his bottom lip and giggled before kissing his cheek. Korey hugged her, pride swelling in him.

  “Let her play, honey,” Gigi said, sounding tired.

  Deri moved to sit next to his wife. “How are you feeling? Any better?”

  Gigi nodded and reached back to pat Korey’s hand. “I’m fine. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. But I’d love to not have swollen everything. I'm a goddess. You'd think that came with perks like normal-size ankles for at least six of the nine months I’m pregnant. But no…”

  Deri grinned as if understanding exactly what Gigi meant. Since she had three sons, Korey imagined the woman could sympathize. He glanced out to spot CJ and Evan, Deri’s oldest two, tackling their father.

  “Get ’em, lads!” he called out, laughing as his cousin pretended to be overtaken by the boys. The youngest O’Caha boy stood next to his mother’s leg, watching Darcy carefully. He was younger than her by a year, making him two. He bent and picked a flower. A wide smile spread over his face as he held it up for Darcy, who beamed.

  Korey shook his head. “Och, no, lass, you cannae be accepting flowers from him, he’s blood relation.”

  Gigi smacked his leg lightly. “Korey, put her down to go play with the boys.”

  “I like holding her.”

  The littlest O’Caha boy ran off to play with the others.

  “No, you like assuring she stays away from all boys, cousins included.”

  “Aye.” He relinquished his hold on his daughter, freeing her to play with the others. She ran right out and tackled Evan. He cast a pointed stare towards his wife. “She gets that from you, you know?”

  Gigi snorted. “How do you figure?”

  Korey winked and gave her a suggestive smile. “You like to tackle me all the time.”

  “Oh, are you horny too now that you’re at the end of the pregnancy?” Deri asked, making Korey’s ears turn red as he tried to tune out his cousin’s wife. He didn’t want to know just how frisky she and Coyle were behind closed doors.

  Gigi squeezed Korey’s hand. “Oh gods, yes. This man needs a medal. I think I’d tie him to our bed if I knew he didn’t have to work.”

  He bent, kissing her cheek and nipping at her ear. “Mmm, I’ll put in for time off.”

  A sultry laugh was her answer to his desire to be at her mercy. He kissed her cheek and stiffened when he sensed a familiar magik coating the area. Korey groaned.

  Gigi swatted his leg again. “Play nice.”

  “I do nae wanna.” He turned slightly to find Parth approaching. “He’s nae an O’Caha.”

  “Yes.” Deri tapped the table, sounding annoyed. “But he did save one’s life. Since the O’Caha in question was my husband, I think we’ll all agree Parth is welcome among us anytime.”

  Gigi nodded.

  Korey rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

  Darcy stopped wrestling with Coyle and the boys and stared in the direction of Parth. She ran towards a patch of weeds, lining the back end of the property, and grabbed a handful. His chest tightened as he watched his daughter run after Parth. She tugged on the man’s pant leg and thrust the weeds up at him, smiling brightly.

  Parth patted her head and took the flowers from her. He looked around as if trying to figure out who Darcy belonged to. Korey’s temper flared. “Get away from my daughter!” He pointed at Darcy. “And you willnae be giving or acceptin’ anything from that man!”

  Darcy’s eyes widened and her bottom lip trembled. Gigi was suddenly behind Korey, trying to pick their daughter up. “Don’t cry, sweetie. Daddy has it in his head that giving a flower means you’re promised forever to someone. What Daddy needs to remember is the flower won him Mommy and unless he wants his ears boxed, he’ll stop being silly.”

  Darcy wiggled and tried to get down. Korey took Darcy from Gigi and kissed his daughter’s tear-streaked cheeks. “Och, do nae cry, lass. It’ll make me cry too and we cannae have that, now can we?”

  She cried harder.

  His heart broke. “Come on, lass, Daddy will help you pick flowers for everyone here, okay?”

  Darcy nodded, sucking in a deep breath. “O-kay.” She blinked and stared over at Parth. “Wanna help?”

  Before Korey could object, Gigi smiled and rubbed Korey’s back. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, sweetie. In fact, why don’t you go with Parth and start picking them.”

  “With me?” Parth paled. “Uh, Gigi, I’m nae verra good with children.”

  “And you know this because you’ve broken how many?” Gigi put a hand on her hip.

  Deri snickered.

  Korey refused to find amusement in the idea the man was near his daughter. “Yeah, have you broken any?”

  Parth ignored him, focusing instead on Darcy. He smiled and put his hand out. “Uh, flowers, huh? What kind?”

  “Purdy ones.”

  “Och, of course, lass. I’m nae a fool.” Parth glanced over his shoulder and winked at Korey. “When yer older, I’ll tell you the story of a wee lad who picked pretty flowers for a goddess. I do nae like the ending much though. See, I think the goddess should have left with the handsome warrior, nae the flower-picking youth who—”

  Korey made a move to go at the man but Gigi stepped in his path.

  “Honey, we need to have a little talk.”

  “About?” He kept his sights set on Parth, watching the man like a hawk as his daughter followed Parth to the edge of the property.

  “Our daughter and something my mother did right before she was born.”

  Korey stilled, knowing he wouldn’t like what his wife had to say. “I’m listening.”

  Gigi exhaled and ran a hand through her hair. “My mother meant well, Korey. She did. You know she loves Darcy and you and—”

  He cupped his wife’s cheek. “Gigi, yer rambling. Tell me what she did.”

  Gigi mumbled something Korey couldn’t quite make out but sounded remarkably like “My mother made sure Parth had a mate and that our daughter always had a protector.”

  He blinked, rubbed his face and blinked again. “Gigi.”

  “Don’t worry about them, honey, my mother assured me Parth wouldn’t see Darcy in that way until she’s of age. He’s already been alive almost eight hundred years without a mate, what’s eighteen more? He doesn’t know. In fact, only Coyle and I knew.”

  Korey shot a dagger-like look at his cousin. “Coyle knew?”

  Gigi rubbed his arm. “Honey, it was his idea not to tell you. He seemed to think you’d take it badly.”

  Every bone in his body told him to overreact and he fully planned to, right up until Gigi grabbed her stomach and stared up at him, pain imprinted on her face. “Baby. Coming. Now.”


  She dug her nails into his arm. “Now!”

  Deri clapped her hands with glee. “Never a dull moment. And if you’re going to have a baby, what better place than surrounded by immortal sorcerers, witches and countless midwives?” She rushed off to get help and Korey lifted his wife off the ground, sweeping her up in his arms.

  He kissed her cheek. “I love you, Gigi.”

  She growled and stiffened in his arms. “I hat…ahh…okay, contraction passed. I love you too, honey.”

  Korey laughed as he kissed her again. Coyle’s mother and several of their aunts ran towards
Korey and Gigi. They began barking orders at him and he listened, knowing better than to cross them. On his way into his grandmother’s home, Korey glanced back and found Parth sitting on the grass as Darcy braided his hair and stuck flowers in it. The dark druid sorcerer did not look pleased. Korey smiled and wagged his brows.

  Maybe Gigi’s mother was onto something after all.

  Gigi clutched his arm. “Gloat later. Baby now.”

  “Yes, a ghrá.” He hesitated a moment. “If this one is a girl, can we nae let yer mother bless her? I’ve no wish to see who she’d come up with next.”

  Gigi laughed and wrapped her arms around him. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  CJ and Evan rushed forward, each holding flowers and trying to set them on Gigi’s swollen belly. Korey roared, his temper flaring. “Enough with the damn flowers already!”

  Coyle laughed and slapped his cousin on the back before dismissing his boys, who each wore guilty looks on their faces. “Go play while I see what yer mother needs to help make Gigi comfy. Oh, and while I think up new ways to annoy Korey.”


  About the Author, Mandy M. Roth

  Mandy M. Roth grew up fascinated by creatures that go bump in the night. From the very beginning, she showed signs of creativity—writing, painting, telling scary stories that left her little brother afraid to come out from under his bed. Combining her creativity with her passion for the paranormal has left her banging on the keyboard into the wee hours of the night.

  She’s a self-proclaimed Goonie, loves 80s music and movies and wishes leg warmers would come back into fashion. She also thinks the movie The Breakfast Club should be mandatory viewing for...okay, everyone. When she's not dancing around her office to the sounds of the 80s or writing books, she can be found designing book covers for New York publishers, small presses, and indie authors.

  Mandy writes for The Raven Books, Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Harlequin Spice, Pocket Books and Random House/Virgin/Black Lace. Mandy also writes under the pen names Reagan Hawk, Mandy Balde, Rory Michaels and Kennedy Kovit.


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