by Mark Frost
retirement of, 352
Carson, Johnny, 245
Carter, Jimmy, 315, 331
Castro, Fidel, 99, 119–21, 149–50, 160–61
CBS Sports, 348, 349
Cepeda, Orlando, 84
Chaney, Darrel, 106, 123–24, 125, 129
Chapman, Ray, 134
Chicago Cubs, 357
Chicago White Sox, 98, 366
Cincinnati Reds: Big Red Machine of, 14, 41, 44, 45, 48, 76, 93, 102, 105, 157, 216, 221, 310, 328
and designated hitters, 331
discipline of, 215–16, 279, 328–29
early years of, 92–93
farm system of, 98, 100
franchise value, 375
and free agency, 332–33, 339–40
glory days ended, 333, 336
Hall of Fame players, 41, 352, 354
and 1970 season, 47–48
and 1975 season, 44, 46, 49, 69, 166, 216
and 1976 season, 327, 328–31
and 1977 season, 336–37
and 1978 season, 341
pitchers in, 41–43, 49, 221, 226, 261–62, 336–37
and reserve clause, 330–31
superstars in, 25, 42, 107, 152, 157,216, 310
team building, 104, 121, 122, 123, 152, 156, 289, 310, 328
values of, 77, 152, 215–16
and World Series (1919), 49
and World Series (1961), 49, 199
and World Series (1970), 76, 290
and World Series (1972), 137, 290
and World Series (1975), 46, 50, 214–15, 230, 275, 308, 309–11, 314, 315, 381–90; see also specific games
and World Series (1976), 329, 331
and World Series (1990), 345
World Series lost by, 49, 76, 156, 290
see also specific players Cincinnati Red Stockings, 91–93, 205
Civil Rights Movement, 168
Cleveland, Reggie, 232, 305
Cleveland Buckeyes, 7
Cleveland Indians, 98, 101–2
Cleveland Spiders, 96
Clinton, Bill, 371
Cloninger, Tony, 188
Cobb, Ty, 30–31, 347, 363
Colbert, Nate, 197
Collins, Bud, 14
Colorado Rockies, 357
Colosi, Nick, 70
Concepcion, Dave, 104, 122, 123, 374 at bat, Game Six, 106–8, 158–59, 193, 212, 258, 279
baserunning in Game Six, 258–59
as “Bozo,” 107
fielding in Game Six, 85, 131, 191, 221, 222, 251, 263, 273
in Game Four, 106
in Game Seven, 295, 296, 297, 300, 307
in Game Two, 247
Gold Gloves to, 45, 106, 328
and 1975 season, 106–7
and 1977 season, 336
retirement of, 346
Conigliaro, Tony, 36, 145
Connell, Scotty, 24
Cooper, Cecil, 70, 260, 332
at bat, Game Six, 75–79, 130–31, 166–67, 203, 243
fielding in Game Six, 106, 159, 193, 226
and Game Seven, 302–3, 312
in later years, 358
and 1976 season, 322, 324
retirement of, 358
Coyle, Harry, and Game Six, 24, 56, 226, 248–49, 257, 259, 268, 282, 285, 293–94
Criger, Lou, 126, 128
Cronin, Joe, 32
Crowley, Terry, 122, 123, 158, 172, 194–95
Cuba: baseball in, 5, 8, 97, 98, 119–20
diplomatic visits to, 148–50
socialism-communism in, 99, 120–21, 148, 149
Culberson, Leon, 115–16
Cy Young Award, 129, 334
Darcy, Pat, 249, 279, 289–90
in Game Six, 261–64, 271–73, 281–82, 284, 353–54, 381
in later years, 353
Darwin, Bobby, 324
Davidson, Satch, 57, 101, 114, 138, 157, 194, 197, 202, 209, 231, 233, 240, 247, 250, 254, 266–67, 282, 285
Dedeaux, Rod (Raoul Martial): and Anderson, 2–4, 49, 50, 240
career of, 2–4
as mentor, 4, 13, 216
NCAA championships of, 3, 13, 86
and Stengel, 2, 4
Dent, Bucky, 115, 342, 360
Detroit Tigers, 204, 369–70, 371, 372
Diamond Club Ministry, 360
DiMaggio, Joe, 87–88
Dowd, Maureen, 12
Doyle, Denny, 70, 340
acquired by Red Sox, 79–80, 85, 145
at bat, Game Six, 79–80, 131–33, 167, 221, 249–50, 272–73
baserunning in Game Six, 253–55, 257, 357
as “Ducky,” 80
early years of, 79
fielding in Game Six, 124, 152, 157, 158, 182, 193, 195, 210, 268, 279
in Game Seven, 295, 296, 297, 298–99, 304, 306
in later years, 357–58
in World Series (1975), 80, 312
Doyle Baseball Academy, 358
Drago, Dick, 207, 209, 212, 236, 303, 312, 322, 340
career of, 245–46
in Game Six, 242–43, 245–48, 257–61, 266–69, 270
in Game Two, 246–47
in later years, 360–61
Dressen, Charlie, 46
Driessen, Dan, 259–61, 303, 331, 333, 341
Duffy, Frank, 104
Dunn, Jack, 213–14
Duquette, Dan, 366
Eastwick, Rawly, 173, 189, 222, 225, 252, 306
early years of, 230
in Game Six, 229, 230–33, 237, 238, 239–43, 249–51
in later years, 355
and 1975 season, 229–30
and 1977 season, 336, 337
retirement of, 355
Eckersley, Dennis, 340
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 99, 119
ESPN, 350, 351
Evans, Dwight “Dewey,” 200, 265, 322
at bat, Game Six, 111–14, 164, 197–98, 229–32, 262
career of, 112, 113, 164, 364
fielding in Game Six, 157, 172, 184, 193, 210, 268–70, 271, 279, 287, 304
in Game Four, 230
in Game Seven, 296, 298
in Game Three, 173, 230, 232
in Game Two, 230
Gold Gloves to, 364
in later years, 364
and World Series (1975), 113, 312
and World Series (1986), 344
Feller, Sherm, 38, 57, 233
Fenway Park: built on fens, 16, 206
construction of, 206, 213
“Death Valley” in, 269
and “Duffy’s Cliff,” 28, 31
Fisk Pole in, 367
left field wall of, see Green Monster original land rights of, 28
Pesky’s Pole in, 115, 164
preparations for Game Six, 15–16
quirkiness of, 37, 113, 133, 186, 194, 363
renovations of, 31–32
right field of, 113, 115
scalpers at, 292
Yawkey as owner of, 28
Fenway Realty Company, 206
Field of Dreams (film), 4
Fingers, Rollie, 137, 144, 246, 325, 326
Finley, Charles, 18, 19, 44, 324–26, 339
Fisk, Carlton, 200, 312, 322, 323, 335, 344
at bat, Game Six, 81–85, 136–37, 190, 222, 251, 252, 253, 281, 282–86, 367
career of, 74, 82, 366
catching in Game Six, 39, 57, 72, 159, 183, 210, 247, 248, 259, 266, 267, 277, 280
disillusionment of, 334, 365–66, 367
early years of, 81–83
in Game Five, 59
in Game Seven, 295, 296, 301, 302
in Game Three, 77, 173–77, 261
in Hall of Fame, 366, 367, 368, 373–74
later years of, 365–67
in lineup, 74
and 1972 season, 83
and 1973 season, 83–85
and 1976 season, 322, 324, 327, 334
and 1977 season, 338
personal traits of, 82, 83–84
as “Pudge,” 82
br /> retirement of, 366–67
and teammates, 80, 85
and winning run, 285–87, 288, 292, 294, 367
Fitzgerald, John “Honey Fitz,” 204
Fitzgerald, Ray, 14
Flood, Curt, 316
Florida Marlins, 367
Flynn, Doug, 279, 303, 351
Ford, Gerald, 179–80, 182, 315, 327, 331
Ford, Michael, 179
Ford, Whitey, 62, 102, 199
Ford C. Frick Award, 349, 350, 368, 372
Fosse, Roy, 59
Foster, George, 45, 328, 341
at bat, Game Six, 103–6, 157–58, 192–93, 210–11, 258, 278
career of, 354–55
early years of, 104–5
fielding in Game Six, 190, 232, 253–54, 270, 272, 284
in Game Seven, 296, 300
and 1975 season, 105
and 1977 season, 336, 337
retirement of, 354–55
Foxx, Jimmie, 33
Frantz, Art, 247, 300, 307
Frazee, Harry, 214
Frazier, Joe, 244
Fryman, Woodie, 333, 337
Futch, Eddie, 244
Game Five: Cincinnati victory in, 103, 230, 293
Rose’s slide to home in, 59
stats, 387
viewing audience for, 17, 39–40
Game Four: broadcast of, 22, 23, 39
pitching in, 12, 59–60
Red Sox victory in, 12, 51, 133, 182, 192, 202
stats, 386
Game One: balk called, 70–71
broadcast of, 22
Red Sox victory in, 71, 163
stats, 385
Tiant pitching in, 57, 59, 70–71, 102, 163, 293
Game Seven: Cincinnati victory in, 308, 309–11
looking forward to, 21, 220, 242, 249, 285, 289
opening rituals of, 294
play-by-play, 294–308
Red Sox loss in, 308–9
stats, 387
Game Six: attendance, 25–26, 39
broadcast of, see NBC Cincinnati’s loss in, 289–91
early morning of, 10–15
in extra innings, 256, 281, 314
opening rituals of, 38–40
rain delay of, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 51, 78, 88
Red Sox victory in, 285–89, 292
stats, 381–84
Game Three: Armbrister’s interference in, 173–75, 176, 177, 275, 301, 302, 353
broadcast of, 23, 39
Cincinnati victory in, 176, 225, 226, 230, 275, 277
stats, 386
Game Two: Cincinnati victory in, 50, 78, 132, 220, 230, 247
stats, 385
Game of the Week (TV), 23, 44, 65
Gammons, Peter, 14, 15, 52, 286, 344
Garagiola, Joe: baseball career of, 22
broadcast personality of, 23, 349, 350
and Game Seven, 294
and Game Six broadcast, 22, 56, 136, 158, 188, 195, 245, 249, 257, 258, 272, 285
in Hall of Fame, 350
in later years, 350
Garagiola, Joe Junior, 350
Garrity, Arthur, 169, 170
Gerard, Lou, 24, 283, 285
Geronimo, Cesar, 341, 352
at bat, Game Six, 121–23, 172, 193–94, 223, 258–59, 279–80
baserunning in Game Six, 194, 195, 196
early years of, 121–22
fielding in Game Six, 79, 89, 241, 253
in Game Four, 191, 192
in Game Seven, 297, 298, 301, 302, 307–8
in Game Three, 173–76, 177
Gold Gloves to, 122, 328
Giamatti, Bart, 347
Gibson, Bob, 36, 342
Gibson, Kirk, 377
Good Will Hunting (film), 353–54
Gossage, Goose, 246
Gowdy, Curt, 22, 349–50
death of, 350
and Game Seven, 293
and Game Six, 174, 175, 287
in Hall of Fame, 350
Grammas, Alex, 157, 159, 207, 209, 210, 250, 267, 268
Green, Elijah “Pumpsie,” 34
Green Monster: defensive challenges of, 113, 132, 300, 342, 363
and “Duffy’s Cliff,” 28, 31
evolution of, 28, 31–32
hole in scoreboard of, 24
reason for existence of, 27–28
Griffey, Ken, 45, 50, 328, 336, 341
at bat, Game Six, 66–68, 124, 182–84, 206–7, 227, 267
baserunning in Game Six, 186, 208, 209–10, 211, 268–70
career of, 355
early years of, 66–67
fielding in Game Six, 164, 251, 253
in Game Four, 182, 192
in Game Seven, 294, 295, 296, 297, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
in Game Two, 182, 247
and 1975 season, 67, 71
Griffey, Ken Junior, 355
Griffin, Doug, 79, 80, 114–15, 145, 306
Griffith, Calvin, 61, 332
Grove, Lefty, 32
Gullett, Don, 75, 79, 131, 230, 249, 290, 336
career of, 77, 293
and free agency, 330, 331
in Game Seven, 78, 293, 295–97
in Reds’ Hall of Fame, 354
and World Series (1977), 339
Hammerman, Roy, 24, 248
Harper, Tommy, 53, 74
Harrelson, Bud, 59, 197
Harrelson, Ken “The Hawk,” 21
Havlicek, John “Hondo,” 56
Hearst, Patricia, 180–81, 182
Henry, John, 361
Herman, Billy, 142
Hershiser, Orel, 377
Hertzel, Bob, 141
Hicks, Louise Day, 169
Hobson, Butch, 338, 361, 366
Holtzman, Ken, 325
Hooper, Harry, 27, 112, 213
Hornsby, Rogers, 207
House, Tom, 322, 334
Houston Astrodome, 122
Houston Astros, 68, 139, 150–51, 156, 352, 358
Houston Colt .45s, 68
Howsam, Bob, 130, 231, 260, 374
and Anderson, 47, 152
and free agency, 252, 339
and Game Seven, 300, 310
and 1977 season, 336
and reserve clause, 330–31
retirement of, 340
and team building, 47, 121, 152, 310, 328
and trades, 104, 151, 152, 156, 188, 194, 196, 333, 337
Hrabosky, Al “The Mad Hungarian,” 246
Hubbell, Carl, 6
Hunter, Jim “Catfish,” 19
Israel, David, 11–12, 56, 288
Jackson, Reggie, 325, 331, 338, 339, 340
James, Bill, 73
Jazz Age, 30–31
Jenkins, Ferguson, 322, 334, 338, 339, 348, 359
Jobe, Frank, 76
Johnson, Byron Bancroft “Ban,” 93, 94–96, 109, 126, 127, 128, 205, 206
Johnson, Darrell, 10, 188
career of, 199–202
death of, 357
fired, 327
and Game Four, 191–92
and Game One, 70
and Game Seven, 288, 302
and Game Six batters, 81, 89, 102
and Game Six infield, 185
and Game Six victory, 287
and Game Three, 174–76
indecision of, 247, 325
judgment questioned, 206, 209, 220, 223–24, 302–3, 305–7, 327
in later years, 356–57
and lineup, 74, 75
as manager, 84, 200–202, 216
as mentor, 83, 84, 112, 200
and 1975 season, 74, 199, 200–201
and 1976 All-Star team, 326–27
personal traits of, 200, 201–2
and pitchers, 78, 186, 193, 211–12, 220, 247, 259–60, 301, 302–4, 305
retirement of, 357
and Tiant, 63, 186, 191, 193, 199, 202,206–7, 209, 210, 211–12, 220, 223–24
Johnson, Walter, 60