In Her Bears' Arms

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In Her Bears' Arms Page 9

by Rebecca Airies

  “You have a nice couch? And what do you want to do with that couch?” She slid her thumb over his knuckles. The heat built within her. Hopefully, his idea was as interesting as hers.

  “I want to see you naked, sprawled on it. I’ll make you whimper and moan.” He lifted her hand and dropped a kiss on the back of her hand.

  “Hmm, that sounds interesting, but what about the people in the shop?” She glanced to the door between the two sections.

  “They won’t hear anything. I made sure that my office was a place that I could go and not be bombarded by noises if I needed it.” He tugged slightly. “The repair shop can get loud at times and it can be hell on those with sensitive hearing.”

  “Okay, but if I get any sly looks or comments from your employees, I’ll take it out on you.” She hopped off the seat.

  “Honeybear, if anyone says anything to you, I’ll take care of it. And if they say anything, it won’t be because of anything they hear.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Show me this couch then, because you have a long way to go before you get to whimpering, much less moaning.” She raised her brow. Yeah, the heat was stirring and he’d piqued her interest, but she wouldn’t make it easy for him.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll enjoy making you call out my name and plead for me to slide deep into you.” He tugged her toward a door farther down the wall than the one into the shop. As he approached the door, he pulled out a set of keys. He unlocked it and pushed it open.

  His work boots squeaked on the tile floor. Not a bad choice for the showroom. Easy cleanup. A long, black leather couch sat along one wall, opposite a big desk.

  “Nice couch. Is it as comfy as it looks?” She stopped beside it.

  “You’re about to find out. First, sit on the couch.” He guided her to the middle cushion. “But we have to get rid of all these clothes. They’re in the way.”

  “Did you want me to do it, or did you want to do it? After all, I am wearing mostly easy to remove clothing.” She jiggled her casted arm in its sling. “This doesn’t make for many clothing choices.”

  “Ah, but the clothing makes it so much easier to get to what I want. I do like helping you put on your bra in the morning.” He pushed her sweats down. “I’ll get to your shirt shortly, but first I want your pants off.”

  She laughed. As if he fooled her. He loved the extra opportunity to touch and tease.

  The sweat pants and panties came off easily. He took off her sling. She held still as he helped her get out of the shirt. No way to do a seductive striptease in her current condition. Just getting her clothes on and off was a struggle. She could do it, but it wasn’t as easy as letting them give her a little help when they were around. Thank God for stretchy, sleeveless shirts.

  “Just the way I like you, naked.” He tossed the shirt away and ran his hand over her shoulder. “Now, I’ll guide you down and get you a pillow for your arm, because I don’t want to chance you moving it or bumping it. I never thought I’d get much use of these outside of a nap.”

  He urged her down onto the middle cushion. He picked up a couple of pillows and put them under her arm.

  “Nice. So how will you lay me back on the couch with me in this position?” She drew the tips of her good hand over his cheek. Not that she’d mind any position he put her in.

  “It’s not time to lay you back yet.” He pushed her thighs wide. “I have plenty to taste and touch before you’re hot enough to scream my name.”

  He drifted his fingers up her thighs. So close to where she needed it. She trembled. Prickles raced across her skin.

  He eased forward and licked a trail up her inner leg. She gasped, and a fiery bolt shot through her. She shifted restlessly.

  He glided his hands upward. Hot breath puffed over her folds. She tensed and reached for him. He lifted his head, a smile on his lips. He pressed her casted arm back to the pillows.

  “Your arm stays there, or everything stops.” He glanced up at her. “I’m not letting you hurt yourself while I give you pleasure.”

  “You back off now, and I might attack you.” She bared her teeth at him. “I wanted to touch your shoulder. That wouldn’t have hurt me.”

  “You say that, but then you’d be holding onto me, and any pressure could cause you pain. That is not happening.” He shook his head. “Keep your hand still and focus on the pleasure while I play.”

  “At some point, I will grab you, and if you stop when I’m about to go over, you might find yourself mauled.” She poked his shoulder with her good hand.

  “Micah is right. You are cute when you get angry.” He stroked a single finger over her lips.

  She clenched her teeth. It was either that or bite him. “He said what?”

  “That you’re cute, but that doesn’t negate the fact that you’re also beautiful.” He ran his tongue over the plump folds.

  Maybe the beautiful comment got him out of a little trouble. She’d have to decide later. Fiery currents sizzled over her skin. She stiffened. Her inner muscles contracted. A pang shot through her at the lack of anything within. She rocked her hips up, seeking.

  He pressed her thighs outward. Her heart raced. Would he lick her and taste her as he’d implied? She wriggled.

  “Stop teasing.” She flexed her fingers. Staying still had never been so hard. Her nerves stretched taut. His bare head was sexy as hell, but he had no hair for her to grab and tug him close.

  He laughed. “You’ll soon be moaning, my little honeybear.”

  The sound rolled over her pussy. Vibrations ricocheted over her flesh. She shivered and licked her lips. Oh, damn, he had to know what that felt like, and if he didn’t, he’d learn really quick when she had a chance to play with him.

  He stroked his tongue over her pussy. She balled her fist. An ache settled in her clit. She shifted on the couch, trying to ease closer to him. He licked her clit, the tip of his tongue striking the flesh over and over.

  An ache pulsed through her, tightening in a ball. She moaned. Oh, yeah, so good. He gripped the wrist of her good hand and put it on the back of his head.

  “If you like it, show me. Tell me what you want.” He lifted his head.

  “Get back to work.” She pushed on his head. “Do not leave me hanging.”

  “With pleasure, honeybear.” He kissed her thigh before lowering his head. “You taste delicious, so sweet and mine.”

  She shivered. He flicked his tongue over the nub. Tremors shook her body. He ate at her as if he couldn’t get enough. She wriggled and tugged him closer. He eased lower, and he lapped at the juices spilling from her. As the ache built, she hooked her leg over his shoulder.

  “Let it come for me.” He rubbed her thighs. “I want to hear you come, and then I’ll heat you up again. When you’re ready, I’ll fuck you.”

  “I want you in me now.” She tugged at his head, but he didn’t budge. Stubborn man.

  “Who’s in control here, honeybear?” He gripped her thighs and pulled her close. “I think it’s the one eating this sweet pussy.”

  “I think it’s the one who’ll get even.” She dug her nails into the back of his neck.

  He laughed. The sound rolled over her clit. Shuddering jolts slammed through her. Her muscles tightened, and she tensed. She shook her head. Not yet.

  He skimmed his tongue up her flesh. He flicked her clit again and again. The crackling tension coiled inside her. She hitched her leg higher around his back, tugging him as close as she could. He drew his teeth over her clit. Sparks flared through her, and the tension exploded. She stiffened. Tremors ran over her body as pleasure washed through her. She shivered and moaned.

  “That’s beautiful.” He glided his hands up and down her thighs. “Now, I’ll bring you up again. This time, I’ll be inside of you when it happens. I can’t wait to feel your muscles squeezing around me.”

  She drew in shivering breaths. “You better not tease this time.”

  “Do you mean like this?” He danced his to
ngue over her clit. “Or perhaps like this?”

  He thrust two fingers into her. She gasped. Fire jolted through her, and her inner muscles clamped around his fingers. Like that. She stroked her hand on his shoulder. He sucked at her clit. She lifted upward, trying to take those digits a little deeper. His fingers shuttled in and out of her.

  “You’re so nice and slick. I’ll slide deep on the first stroke.” He grazed the stiffened bud.

  “Do it now.” She cupped the back of his head.

  He lapped the bud. She moaned, arched against him. Damn, he’d drive her insane. He held her still and pumped his fingers into her. Her throat tightened. She bucked up against him. The heated current swelled within her. He drew back.

  “Not this time, honeybear. Not without me.” He rose to his feet. “Swivel around and lie back on the couch. I’ll join you as soon as I get this off.”

  She lifted off the couch and turned before relaxing back. The leather creaked as she eased back onto it and brought her feet up. Damn, this was a long couch.

  He stripped out of his clothes. A tingle buzzed through her. She licked her lips. Such a sexy man. His golden skin gleamed and muscles rippled with every move. One day, she wanted to spend time running her hands over that expanse, maybe spreading oil over it. It would definitely end in sex, but maybe she could satisfy her urge to explore.

  “Now, I want you, honeybear. I want to feel those muscles clenching around me as I take you.” He urged her thighs a little wider and climbed between them. “If at any time, I hit your arm or you’re in any pain, just say the word and I’ll stop.”

  “I’ll tell you.” She nodded. Maybe not if they were in the middle of things, but she wouldn’t say that. Nothing would be done until she agreed.

  His cock nudged her pussy. She lifted against him. Excitement curled through her, and her muscles tensed. Finally.

  He eased back before rocking forward. She clutched at him. His cock slid into her. Her muscles stretched around his shaft. A prickling heat pulsed through her, and the craving for more surged through her. She gasped, and her thighs tightened as he withdrew.

  He cupped his hand under her as the other braced beside her. She nipped at his shoulder. Darn man was taking too long. He thrust into her. She arched, rising up against him.

  Tension coiled with her. Her muscles bunched, and a throbbing ache buzzed through her. He thrust deep. They moved together, bodies sliding against each other. She curled her good arm around him and pulled him close.

  His teeth grazed over her neck, nipping. A sharp pang shot through her. She lunged up. Desperation clawed at her. Their pelvises ground together. Each move pressed on her clit. A searing heat exploded.

  Fire rolled through her veins, burning all the way to her toes. A scream ripped from her. He plunged into her, sinking deep. His thrusts drove him against her again and again. Shuddering jolts rippled through her. He came with a growl, his cheek rubbing against her neck.

  “I think I like bringing you to work with me.” He brushed his lips over hers.

  “And I enjoyed every minute of it, but maybe next time you can be on the bottom.” She wriggled and grimaced as her skin peeled from the leather. “I’m kind of sticking to your couch.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think it will be that long before we do this again.” He rolled his hips.

  She hummed. “Did you get this huge thing with this in mind?”

  “No, honeybear, naps. Doing my accounts bores me to death and takes forever. The only way to survive it is to nap a little between sessions. Otherwise I’ll want to rip someone apart.” He patted her hand.

  She grinned. Naps were good, and it was definitely big enough. If only they didn’t feel that she had to have someone guarding her. Who was watching over them?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Time to brave the masses and forge through the chilly aisles to bring home what his honeybear needed.

  Micah pulled into the grocery store. A quick errand for Dixie and then home. Definitely not a problem to stop here on the way back home, especially when it would get him a nice kiss later as well as the first taste of something sweet.

  He pushed open the door and rose from the seat. The spring sun shone down on him, but a chill wind blew. He smoothed out a crease in his pants and straightened. This shouldn’t take long. He strode to the store. Better not forget that list.

  He pulled out his phone and swiped until the list she’d sent him came up. Hmm, interesting. Some ingredients for dinner tonight and some for the dessert she planned to make, as well.

  He rolled through the aisles, making his final stop in produce and then the meat department. Finally, he’d completed the list and found everything. Time to check out and go home to his honeybear.

  She was a little stir-crazy, but at least she’d been safe the last few days. That had been a relief. Not that whoever this was would probably disappear into the bowels of hell. That would be just too damn easy. Since the first attack, none of this had been easy.

  If the person never attacked again, Micah would always wonder who was behind it, what they wanted, and why they’d targeted them. He had to have those answers. All of this made no sense. The attacks came out of nowhere.

  He rolled the cart out of the store to the car. The sun slowly set, shading the sky reds and purples. He paused at the edge of the sidewalk and looked both ways. No one coming.

  He strolled toward the row where he’d parked his car. A car turned down the same row behind him. He eased toward his car. A frisson filtered through him. He shook his head. Damn, this whole issue was making him paranoid.

  The car engine roared. He glanced back. It sped toward him. He jumped for the nearest clear space between the cars. The front of the car clipped his legs. It slammed him into the car beside him. The alarm blared, whooping. His vision dimmed, and a throbbing pain pulsed through his back.

  Brakes screeched, and a metallic thunk sounded as if someone opened a couple doors. Footsteps pounded on the asphalt.

  Micah pushed to his feet. Searing agony tore through his legs. As he straightened, a man skidded to a stop in front him, and a fist slammed into his chin. Micah reeled, dizziness swamped him. What the hell? That man’s hand had felt like metal.

  Micah swiped at him and stumbled. The man ducked. He drew back. Something rammed into Micah’s stomach. Pain sliced through his gut. Another punch in the head sent him stumbling into the car. He bounced off and fell to the ground. A foot slashed toward his head, and light exploded in front of his eyes. Blackness swept over him.

  * * * *

  Dixie bopped to the music and glanced at the digital readout on the clock. One last rise for the rolls, and they’d be ready to go. Micah hadn’t called. Where was he? He’d said he’d call or text as he left the grocery store. She frowned but shook her head. He’d be here.

  She covered the rolls and took off her apron. That was it for prep until Micah arrived. She looked down. Flour dusted spots on her green shirt and the sides of her blue jeans. Damn. She brushed at the white-coated areas. It never failed. When she cooked, she ended up with part of it on her clothes.

  She headed out into the living room and settled down on the couch. Maybe she could stream an episode or two of one of her shows until Micah arrived. Gable was holed up in his office looking over pictures of property his realtor sent. He probably wouldn’t be out any time soon. Hopefully, he could find something to suit his needs. The man wanted to get his business set up and the search over with.

  Her phone rang. She looked around. Where was it? Damn, she’d left it in the kitchen. She jumped up and hurried to get it. Crap. Hopefully, they wouldn’t hang up. She grabbed it on the third ring. John’s name flashed on the screen. She swiped to answer the call.

  “Hi, John.” She leaned against the counter.

  “Dixie, I need you to grab whichever man is with you and call the other if he’s not there,” John said. A calmness rang in his voice, but tension sharpened the words.

  Dixie stiffened
. Her heart slammed in her chest, and her stomach tightened. “What’s wrong? Who’s been hurt?”

  He wouldn’t be calling and telling her to get the man with her if everything was fine. Maddox or Micah had to be hurt or attacked and not in any condition to tell John who was where.

  “Micah was attacked. He’s on his way to the hospital right now. We need you to meet him there. He might need to be reassured that his mate is all right. He became a little combative when the medics loaded him,” John said.

  Her stomach churned. Oh God. Someone hurt Micah. She swallowed. “I’ll get Gable, and we’ll call Maddox to meet us there. Is this the same people?”

  “It’s a different description than the other attacks, but I think whoever is behind this is hiring thugs to do his work to keep his hands clean,” John explained. “I’ll see you at the hospital.”

  “Okay.” Dixie swiped her finger across the screen and hurried through the house to Gable’s office. She knocked but pushed the door open even as she did.

  Gable turned in his office chair. His hair stuck up on one side as if he’d tugged at it at one point, but he was right there where he should be. His eyebrows rose.

  “We have to go. Something’s happened to Micah. All John said was that he was attacked. I’ll call Maddox to meet us at the hospital.” She clutched her phone. Her fingers squeezed around the case protecting the device. Hopefully, it wouldn’t break.

  The blood drained from his face. “Did he say anything else at all?”

  “That he might need to be reassured that his mate is all right. Apparently, he was a little combative when the medics loaded him.” She punched the number on her screen and waited as it rang.

  Gable exhaled. “I think he’ll be all right. Micah hates lying down when he’s riding in any vehicle. At least, he was conscious enough to fight a little.”

  Dixie swallowed. A little of the gnawing tension eased. Well, that was something, at least.

  “Hello, Dixie, calling to see when I can come home and love you?” Maddox chuckled.


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