Single Dad Fake Fiancé

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Single Dad Fake Fiancé Page 7

by Brooks, Summer

  Henry’s gaze was all over the place and his half-smile told the story that was playing inside of his head.

  That half-smile soon turned into a full-blown one.

  “I'm thrilled that you've finally come to your senses, Arthur. I think I may have a suitable match for you, as well. You won't have to worry about a thing. This is all going to work out wonderfully, I just know it.”



  I wanted to kick myself in the butt after I found myself interrupting Henry’s meeting, but that was before I noticed Arthur sitting on the couch. Then, I felt as if fate ended up kicking me in the butt first.

  So much for thinking that him and I were done if I didn’t text him after our date, I thought when my eyes landed on him. He looked as delicious as he did at that bar in the village where the dim lighting had hit him in all the right places. I tried to pull myself together when I saw him and his adorable little daughter, but I was positive that I’d done a horrible job at hiding my shocked expression from Henry. He quickly caught on, and I was holding my breath while he told me about the “dilemma” that Arthur was in. We’d talked about it briefly at the bar already, but it was only now that I was hearing the full story, which included the fact that Arthur might become my new boss.

  I kept glancing over at Arthur’s face that he’d hidden behind his hand. Judging from whatever I already knew about the guy, he wasn’t into the idea that his cousin was proposing.

  I pressed my fingers against my parted lips when he said that he might go for it, which implied that he’s now into the idea of marrying an American citizen to obtain a green card.

  As taken aback as I was, I assumed that would be the end of the conversation. Henry would send me on my merry way and forget all about the promotion that I’d finally thought he would offer me, now that Deb had put her job on the line to nudge him a bit.

  With my fingers wrapped around the arm rests, I was just getting ready to stand when Henry said he had a “suitable match” in mind for Arthur.

  I swallowed, seeing that Henry’s eyes were fixed on me.

  “Me?” I asked, curling all four fingers toward myself.

  I turned my head toward Arthur, and he had a strange smile on his face.

  “Seriously,” I said, my voice a whisper. “Me?”

  Henry shrugged, looking like the jackass that I’d always thought he was, then rotated his seat and got up.

  “I’m going to go out for a walk. Why don’t you guys have a chat?”

  “No, no,” I stood as well. “No chat is necessary.”

  My reaction surprised me as much as it seemed to have surprised him. Being a CEO of a successful business, Henry wasn’t the type of individual who heard the word ‘no’ from many people. I always assumed that the only person who’d have the courage to stand up to him was his wife.

  Lauren Bridge was the only person that he became soft in front of, while the rest of us shuddered at the thought of his short-temper and perfectionist attitude.

  Not that any of it would matter anymore. He wasn’t going to be anyone’s boss for much longer. Instead, Arthur would take over this office, and… my life?

  “I thought you wanted a promotion.” Henry shook his head.

  My eyes narrowed at him and I almost lost it when I heard a smirk escape Arthur’s lips.

  “Yes, I would like a promotion, not a husband.”

  Did these two men really think that I had all the time in the world to just sit around and joke with them?

  “Can I just talk to you for a moment?” Arthur asked, his brows furrowed. He handed his daughter to Henry, who then lifted the baby’s belongings and walked toward the exit.

  “Have fun, you two,” he sang on his way out.

  I grimaced, then crossed my arms and turned to Arthur.

  “Hey,” he raised his arm and waved before tucking it back under his other arm.

  “Hey,” I snapped and felt as though I had steam leaving my nostrils.

  A few awkward seconds later, I stood and told him that I should leave, though I really did want to know what Henry had meant when he said “I thought you wanted a promotion.”

  “Please accept my apology on my cousin’s behalf,” Arthur said, laying a hand over his heart. “If I’d known that he was the boss you were hating on, then I probably would have joined you in cursing him.”

  He was joking, of course. It was clear that they were both close. Arthur had mentioned that the two of them were practically brothers when he was telling me about the cousin's business he was thinking of taking over.

  I dismissed it. “Whatever, it's alright.” I looked away.

  “Okay, look,” he stood and approached me. “I’m sorry for the way he presented the idea to you. Henry can be a bit… direct. Can’t really blame him. He’s lost his patience over the years.”

  “Is there really any other way to present this?”

  I almost laughed when I asked that question, but it was a genuine one. The idea was so ridiculous that I didn’t know why we were even entertaining it any further.

  “You’re right,” he said, his lips turning downward. “It would appear ridiculous no matter which way you’d present it.”

  I shrugged. “Exactly.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck, waiting for him to finish saying whatever it was that he wanted to. But up until now, he’d just been leaning against Henry’s desk and watching me.

  Perhaps, I’d still been sticking around him because there was something in him that pulled me toward him. Not only pull, there was something that kept me glued to him.

  “What was Henry saying about the promotion?” I finally asked. “What did he mean?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said. “But I think it might have something to do with the amount he’d be willing to pay you if you pretended to be my wife.”

  My eyebrows shot up, and I couldn't stop laughter from freely escaping my lips. It came slowly at first, but then I found myself laughing uncontrollably. Arthur did too.

  “I know,” he said. “Ridiculous, right?”

  “So why didn’t you say anything to him?”

  I’d stopped laughing when I asked him that. I wanted a serious, no-bullshit response to this one.

  “You never texted me last night.”

  “That’s not the answer to my question.”

  He bent a little to grab my wrist and pull me toward him.

  “But it is. It is the answer. I waited to hear from you for hours.”

  I looked away, avoiding his eyes because I knew I’d drown in them if I looked. He was more hypnotic than anything that ever existed. I needed to maintain my stand, instead of giving in and playing along with his nonsense.

  As hard as it was to do, I pressed my hands against his chest and broke free of his grip.

  “I want another date,” he said. “That’s all I want. Please.”

  He was still holding on to my hand, and I flicked my gaze away from it.

  “Please,” he repeated.

  “You want another date? That, to me, doesn’t seem like it’ll be enough to get you your… green card.”

  There was a look of disgust on my face when I said ‘green card’ and he smiled at that. He didn’t have to say anything for me to sense that he, too was finding it difficult to get himself to convince me of it.

  “Can we sit down for a bit and talk?” He asked, sincerity in his tone.

  I nodded and let him lead the way. Once we were seated next to each other on the couch, he continued.

  “I know it sounds like a scam. I mean, it is a scam. But, I want to do it right.”

  “You want to do it…right?”

  My smirk let him know I was insulted. His jaw clenched.

  “I want to have another chance with you. I’m sorry if you didn’t enjoy our date last night, but…”

  “I did,” I said, cutting him off.

  “Okay…,” he nodded fast. “So, just hear me out.”

  I tilted my head to the
side and swallowed.

  “My conditional green card doesn’t expire for another twelve months. Even if I were to get married for that purpose, I wouldn’t want it to be for another six months or so.”


  “Because… I would want it to look organic, and not like it was an arrangement.”

  “But it would be arrangement, Arthur.”

  He shook his head, covering the back of my hand with his palm.

  “No. I mean, technically yes. But that’s only if you still don’t want to be with me after these six months are over. I want to date you. For real, and there isn’t anything fake about that.”

  My breath shortened and the invisible drool began to spill out of my lips. I never could have thought that a man who looked as crazy hot as Arthur would want me bad enough to openly admit to the fact.

  I imagined women hovering around him like bees to honey, and yet he liked me. I knew that he did, and there was no mistaking it. I remembered last night, and the incident. The way he’d held me after he saw that I was being made fun of. I remembered the way he’d kissed me, the way his voice had sounded so close to my lips.

  If it were a different situation, I would probably jump at him and kiss him right now, let him slide his strong hands under my blouse.

  The man was a dream, and it seemed like he’d been dreaming about me, too.

  I was flattered. It felt unbelievably unreal, as did his request.

  “You said you’d have to leave your daughter behind if you left?”

  He nodded, the sadness running across his face.

  I knew a thing or two about being away from your child. I understood the pain and the desperation. A parent could go to extreme lengths for their children, and my heart melted, knowing that Arthur was the kind of father that I wished Lily had.

  At this point, I knew that I was going to agree to this… arrangement, but there was one thing that I needed to talk to him about first.

  I squeezed his hand that had been covering mine.

  “My promotion,” I said. “I will need you to make sure that I’m promoted. I could really use the money.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure you get a promotion and an additional….”

  “No,” I shook my head. “I don’t want anything additional. I don’t want you to pay me to… to date you. I’m asking for a promotion because I know I deserve it. I’ve waited long enough for it and it’s time. Fake dating or not.”

  He reached over and gave me a peck on the cheek, then pulled away with that same dimpled smile under his stubble.


  I nodded, feeling the sudden tingle between my legs. “Good.”

  “And just for the record,” he began, pulling my arm and then kissing my hand. “Nothing about the chemistry between you and I is fake.”

  I pursed my lips and looked away, because there wasn’t anything that I could say to refute that fact.

  “So, what do you have in mind for our date number two?”



  After Jessica left to get back to work, I made sure to speak to Henry so he could get her promotion in order. It was still going to be his department because I told him that I wouldn't take his position before these six months of "courtship" were over.

  The process of obtaining a green card was complicated, especially when the method was outright scammy. If Jessica wasn't the woman who was going to help me with it, I never would have agreed to taking this route. But now, I was killing three birds with one stone.

  I was getting to really date Jessica, I was getting a chance to live close to Megan, and I didn't have to turn down Henry's offer.

  That being said, there were more complications with this plan than I'd previously bothered to think about because I never considered it to become a possibility.

  For one, I'd have to make sure that this dating period appeared to be as authentic as possible. The immigration interviewers needed to be convinced that our relationship was real, and not forged just for the purpose of receiving a green card. Two, I'd have to tell Sophie at some point.

  I assumed she would be happy to know that there was now a chance that I might stay in the country, but at the same time, she was someone who played by the rules. Always. She was proper and ethical in whatever she did, even downright paranoid about breaking even the smallest, most insignificant law.

  These problems, however, didn't bother me for the time being, because all of my focus was on my next date with Jessica. I had faith that everything would fall into place. This surge of energy that Jessica had infused me with had me feeling like anything was possible now.

  It was Saturday morning and I'd told her that I would pick her up to go to Brooklyn Botanical Garden around noon. I'd carefully picked this spot for the date because it would give us the chance to just hang out, talk, and get to know more about each other. It wasn't ideal that there was a time limit on things, and I wanted her to be as comfortable with the idea as possible. Though, it would almost always feel strange because we were both under pressure to make this work.

  She'd asked Henry and I back at his office if she was going to receive a contract. I'd quickly shaken my head and said 'no' before Henry had the chance to be a smart ass. He would have jumped at the opportunity to make it official, to have her bound to this whole situation regardless of whether or not she wanted to opt out of it at any point.

  I didn't want that for her. I wanted this to be her choice, and for her to have total free will over the whole thing. I wasn't some slimy guy who was going to try to trick her into an arrangement that she wasn't okay with.

  I took the cab to Brooklyn, remembering her reaction when I told her where I wanted to take her. She'd told me that she thought I'd want to meet in Manhattan, close to where I lived. While that would have been convenient for me, it wouldn't be the same for her.

  Today was all about her. I wanted to make Jessica feel special and cared for, because I did feel that way about her.

  Even though the weather had been chilly all week, this morning was particularly pleasant and perfect for a walk along the scenic colors in the garden. I hoped that Jessica would enjoy the things that I had planned for her.

  I waited outside her apartment building when I reached it, leaning against a wall with crossed legs. I straightened myself the second she appeared and looked her up and down, smiling at the multicolored dress that she was wearing. It had small flowers printed on it and she'd clearly picked it carefully, keeping this date in mind.

  Normally, I wouldn't notice a thing about a woman's clothing or makeup, and would only be focused on what was underneath, but with Jessica I always noticed everything. It was hard not to, it was all consuming, and absolutely ridiculous the way she garnered my attention. She was the total package, and she carried herself with an almost old-fashioned type of elegance.

  I couldn't keep my eyes off of her during the entire ride to the garden. Resisting the urge to place my hand over her knee or hold her hand in mine, I counted the seconds until we'd reach the gardens and I would get to put my arm around her while walking with her.

  I jerked my head once, realizing that I was caught up with my thoughts. Never before would I have been this genuinely excited to tour a place for the views. It just wasn't my kind of a place, though I was sure that I would get Megan here at some point when she was old enough to be fascinated by the different colors around her.

  I wanted all of those memories with my daughter, and Jessica knew that, or else she might not have been here with me.

  The entry on Saturdays was free, not that it mattered, but it wasn't ideal since it was a date and I wanted to pay for as many things to pamper my girl as I could.

  She gasped when she looked around the sides at the orange and purple flowers adorning the path ahead of us.

  "Gorgeous," she said, then looked down at her hand that was now in mine.

  Her smile let me know that she approved of my move and we began walking, hand i
n hand, exploring the unbelievable surroundings. Living in New York, it's easy for you to forget all about how incredible nature is.

  "Never been here before?" I asked, hoping that her answer was 'no,' which it was probably going to be, judging by the way that she'd reacted at the entrance.

  “I’d always wanted to," she shrugged. "Just that with Lily, I never got the time. Ironically, it would only be for her."

  "How often do you see Lily?"

  She squeezed my hand and a subtle smile graced her face. She'd appreciated my question. Any parent would love to talk about their kid, especially if they were away.

  "Once or twice a month," she replied, kicking a stone in her way. "I'd like it to be more because I have some Sundays off, but it doesn't work that way with her boarding school. She's coming home tomorrow though."

  I stopped in my tracks and she did too. "Oh, is she?"

  Jessica nodded with a smile through pursed lips. "She is. I wish she was coming today, since it's not a work day."

  "But of course," she said with a pause. "I'm really liking it here. I don't mean..."

  "I know," I said, turning to her and holding both of her hands. "I know what you mean. I would also spend every waking moment with Megan if I could. I would be willing to trade anything for it."

  Jessica walked closer to me and it was just us in this beautiful space that was adorned by hundreds of purple colored trees.

  "Do you want to sit down here?" I asked, pointing to one of the benches.

  I’d planned a low-key and intimate picnic for us. It was brunch time so I’d arranged for someone to deliver us sandwiches and drinks to this special spot.

  “You’re joking,” she chuckled, shaking her head while she watched a man pushing up a cart full of food, and then begin to lay everything down for us, starting with a small table for two and a white tablecloth underneath the food.

  “This is so sweet,” she continued to squeal.

  I’d never done anything remotely this “sweet” for a woman before, but then again none of them had ever agreed to do me a favor this big either.


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