Fallen Angel (The London Ruthless Series Book 2)

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Fallen Angel (The London Ruthless Series Book 2) Page 8

by Sadie Kincaid

  Although we’d spent almost the entire day in bed together a few days earlier, and despite some part of my body being inside for most of that time, this between us now felt somehow more intimate. And I wanted to hold onto it for as long as I could.

  Soon she’d wake up and things would be awkward. We’d both get up and go back to our separate lives and I didn’t know when I’d even get to touch her again.

  I wanted to push her to make a decision about us. I couldn’t stand living in this limbo, but I knew that wasn’t how she worked. If I pressed her now, there was every chance I could lose her for good.

  I don’t know how long we lay there like that, except to say that it wasn’t long enough. Eventually, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me.

  ‘Morning,’ she said sleepily.

  ‘Morning, beautiful.’

  ‘Did you sleep well?’ she asked as she stretched out her limbs.

  ‘Like a log,’ I replied.

  ‘Well, that would explain the morning wood,’ she grinned.

  ‘No, that’s all down to you,’ I said as ran a hand up her arm.

  She nestled back into me and I stifled a groan. I had to get out of this bed while I still could. Then her hand slid down my chest towards my cock and that’s when I realised all bets were off. There was no way I was leaving this bed yet.

  I groaned as she wrapped a hand around my cock. ‘Fuck, Sam!’ I hissed. ‘I thought we agreed no sex?’

  ‘That was last night. This morning I need to be taken care of. I’d do it myself, but as you’re here?’

  I wanted to ask her what had changed. Was this just a quick fuck to satisfy a carnal need that we both had? Or was it something more?

  After spending the night with her again, it felt like more. I wanted answers, but she was staring at me with those beautiful brown eyes, and then she started grinding herself on me and I thought I might lose my mind if I didn’t fuck her soon.

  I flipped her onto her back and pulled her underwear down her legs. She spread her thighs wide apart and I could see how ready she was for me. Her whole pussy glistening with her arousal. I dipped my head and ran my tongue the length of her slit.

  ‘Fuck, Sam!’ I growled. ‘You taste so fucking good, baby.’

  ‘Fuck me, Gabe,’ she panted and I was more than happy to oblige.

  I hooked her legs under my forearms and drove my cock into her. The relief at being inside her calmed my racing heart. This was exactly where I belonged.

  She arched her back in pleasure as she took me to the hilt.

  ‘You want it soft and slow or hard and fast, baby?’ I asked her. I wanted to nail her to the fucking bed, but her pregnancy had made me more cautious of how rough I was with her.

  ‘Every way, Gabe. I just want you,’ she said as she reached for my neck, clawing at my skin as she pulled me closer to her. I slipped my tongue into her open mouth and let her taste herself on me. She rewarded me with a groan and a clench of her pussy muscles.

  Then I gave it to her just how she’d asked for. Soft and slow at first, gently easing my cock in and out of her dripping wet opening. Until neither of us could stand it any longer and she was begging me to fuck her harder.

  Then I fucked her like I really wanted to, like I might never get the chance to again.

  She screamed my name when she climaxed and I had to put my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Sebastian was only down the hallway and I didn’t want him thinking about what I was doing to his daughter.

  When we were done, I lay on my back and pulled her to me. ‘I love you, Sam,’ I panted. ‘Please tell me that meant something more to you than just the need to scratch an itch.’

  ‘Of course it did. It always does,’ she said quietly. ‘But can we talk about this later? I still have to face my dad and talk about the phone calls.’

  I kissed the top of her head. ‘Of course we can. Maybe if you just agree to let him have someone driving you for a while, it won’t be such a battle with him? Would it really be such a bad thing to let him look after you?’

  ‘I suppose not.’

  ‘It would make me feel a whole lot better too,’ I added.

  ‘Okay,’ she said with a sigh. ‘If it will make you both feel better.’

  I left Samantha’s house before Sebastian got up. I’d been tempted to hang around for as long as I could and drive Samantha to work myself, but it was better to leave and let her have some space.

  She had said that we’d talk later, and I felt hopeful for the first time in weeks. It felt like something had shifted between us last night.

  My night with Samantha had almost made me forget about Jennifer and my plan for later that afternoon. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled her number. She answered on the second ring, as though she’d been waiting on my call.

  ‘Hey, Gabriel,’ she said sweetly.

  ‘Hey,’ I replied. ‘Are you busy this afternoon?’

  ‘Not especially. Why?’

  ‘I have a surprise for you. Can you be ready if I pick you up at two?’

  ‘Yes,’ she squealed and I felt a pang of guilt. She was so eager to spend time with me and she didn’t even attempt to disguise it.

  ‘Great. I’ll pick you up then.’

  ‘Great. See you then,’ she said and I hung up the phone.

  I’d go home and shower and then do a bit more digging into these calls Samantha was getting before meeting Jennifer later. Who the fuck was this Edward Lewis and what the hell was he playing at?

  Chapter 19


  I sat at my desk, staring into space as I thought about the previous night – and earlier that morning. Although Gabriel and I had ended up spending the afternoon in bed together a few days earlier, what had happened last night felt different. It made me even more confused.

  It seemed like I couldn’t be near him without wanting him – and my willpower was currently non-existent. The only way to resist him was to stay away from him completely, and I couldn’t bear to not see him at all. Not to mention how difficult that would be given that I was having his baby.

  I sighed and put my forehead on the desk.

  What the hell was I going to do?

  My head told me to stop this. Keep my distance before I got hurt again. But my heart, and the rest of my body, were screaming at me to find a way to make this work.

  I lifted my head and the business card on my desk caught my eye. I picked it up and turned it over in my hands. Gabriel had dropped it off a couple of days before.

  Sneaky Peeks 4D scanning.

  I took my mobile phone out and dialled the number. The phone was answered after a few rings.

  ‘Hi, I was just wanting a bit more information about the 4D scans you offer,’ I said.

  ‘Yes, of course. Can I ask where you heard about us?’

  ‘Yes. I think your husband works for Gabriel. He’s my baby’s dad.’

  ‘Oh, is this Jennifer?’ she asked. ‘I’ve got the two of you booked in for three o’clock this afternoon.’

  My heart almost leapt out of my throat and I felt the urge to be sick. I ended the call without saying anything else, slamming the phone down onto my desk as though it was on fire.

  She thought I was Jennifer!

  The tears sprang to my eyes and I didn’t even try and stop them. Why shouldn’t he be taking Jennifer for a scan? He’d offered to take me for one, and she was having his baby too. Of course he would do that.

  I had obviously been wandering around in an orgasm induced stupor all morning and now the reality of the situation hit me again. Gabriel had fathered another child with his ex-wife. And every special moment that he shared with me, he was sharing with her too.

  I was completely naive to think that I could handle that. Completely blinded by love and lust to think that Gabriel and I could be anything more to each other than co-parents. I had to let him go, because the alternative was to share him with his ex-wife, and I couldn’t do that.



  Jennifer was standing on the doorstep when my car pulled up outside her flat. She smiled widely as she saw me and waved before jogging over to the car, her designer handbag bouncing along at her side.

  ‘Hi,’ she said breathlessly when she got into the car.

  ‘Hi,’ I smiled and waited for her to fasten her seatbelt.

  ‘So, where are we going?’ she asked me, her eyes wide as her smile.

  ‘A surprise,’ I said. ‘Don’t worry though. You’ll love it.’

  Forty five minutes later, I pulled my car into the street and parked up. Jennifer looked around. It was a high street with a few shops and cafes dotted along the road. ‘Where are we, Gabriel?’ she laughed.

  ‘You’ll see,’ I said as I climbed out of the car. I walked around and opened her door for her and she stepped out.

  ‘This way,’ I said and we walked along the street for a few yards before stopping outside Sneaky Peeks clinic.

  ‘Surprise,’ I said to her.

  I watched the colour drain from her cheeks until they turned from pink to white.

  ‘What’s this?’ she asked.

  ‘It’s one of those 4D scanning places,’ I said with a forced smile. ‘I thought it would be great to see the baby together. Especially as I missed your last scan?’

  She looked at the building and then back at me. ‘Oh, I wish you’d told me, Gabriel. You need a full bladder for one of these scans, and I … well, I peed before we left,’ she shrugged apologetically.

  I walked to the door and opened it. ‘Actually, you don’t need a full bladder as the baby gets bigger. That helps when they’re tiny but it’s not as important at almost six months. Let’s go and see what they can see, eh? I don’t mind if the picture’s not great.’

  She swallowed as she stared at me. Then, realising she had no choice, she plastered a smile on her face. ‘Great,’ she said and walked through the open doorway with me close on her heels.

  I waited until we were in Jennifer’s apartment before I confronted her. I’d hoped that she’d have a crisis of conscience on the drive home and explain what we’d just seen on that screen.

  ‘Do you honestly think I’m stupid?’ I asked her as she put her handbag down on the counter.

  She blinked at me. ‘What?’

  Did she really think I hadn’t noticed? ‘Who is the real father?’ I asked her.

  She blinked again. ‘What?’

  I slammed my fist onto the breakfast bar. ‘I said who is your baby’s fucking father?’

  ‘You are,’ she stammered. ‘You know you are.’

  I stepped towards her. ‘Stop fucking lying to me. Do you think I can’t fucking read a screen, Jennifer? Tell me how the hell your baby is due six weeks before mine and Samantha’s when it should be two weeks before? We had sex once! Two weeks before me and Sam! Which means there is no way in hell that baby is mine. So, why the fuck have you been lying to me?’

  She shook her head. ‘I haven’t, Gabriel. I haven’t. How do you even know when yours and Samantha’s baby was conceived? It could have been any time.’

  I shook my head. ‘So, you didn’t even know? You came to my house to blow my whole world apart, thinking that I’d cheated on Samantha with you? I would never fucking cheat on her. I had sex with you because me and Sam had broken up. We got together again on the night of Seb’s engagement party. That’s how I know the exact date our child was conceived.’

  ‘Maybe Samantha is lying?’ she said. ‘Maybe she slept with someone else? Have you considered that?’

  I stalked towards her. ‘No I haven’t, because unlike you, she’s not a lying slut!’

  ‘Then the sonographer must have got the dates wrong,’ she stammered.

  ‘Are you fucking kidding me with this? Those things are as accurate as hell and you know it.’

  I felt the anger coursing through my veins as though it was the iron in my blood. I had never hurt a woman in my life, but Jennifer Sloane was pushing ever single boundary I had. ‘So, I’ll ask you again. Who is the father and why the fuck have you tried to ruin my life by making me believe you were carrying my fucking child?’

  She continued shaking her head and then she started to cry. It had always been a tactic of hers. Crying when she wanted to shut a conversation down. Well, it wouldn’t work this time.

  ‘That’s why you didn’t let me go to your twenty week scan. That’s why you almost shit a brick when I took you to that place today, because you wanted to cover up this little fantasy of yours for as long as you could?’

  She looked up at me, tears streaming down her face, but I didn’t feel an ounce of pity for her.

  ‘Tell me the fucking truth, right now, Jennifer,’ I snarled at her. ‘Or you will be out of this apartment by the end of the day and I couldn’t give a fuck if you end up sleeping in a cardboard box. Who is the fucking father?’

  ‘Steve,’ she snivelled.

  ‘Steve? Your sister’s husband?’ I snorted. ‘Is that why she really threw you out?’

  ‘Yes,’ she sniffed.

  ‘So, you thought you’d pin it on some other poor fucker instead then?’ I snarled.

  ‘It wasn’t like that. I didn’t know I was pregnant when you and me had sex.’

  ‘Stop fucking lying to me. You must have known. How else do you explain that fact that I don’t see you for four years, and you just happen to show up at that particular time? You have always known I wasn’t the father. We used a condom for fuck’s sake! I knew you were fucking lying to me. I shouldn’t have even considered giving you the benefit of the doubt.’

  ‘I wanted this baby to be yours, Gabriel. I love you.’

  ‘Oh, fuck off! You wanted someone to look after you and you didn’t give a fuck who that was. I’m just the unfortunate bastard who was desperate enough to have sex with you.’

  ‘No, Gabe. I love you,’ she pleaded.

  I stepped back from her before I did something I regretted.

  ‘You don’t fucking know what love is. You care about no-one but yourself. You slept with your own sister’s husband and when he knocked you up, you came looking for me to take the fall for it. You are the most selfish, spoiled bitch I have ever met in my life.’

  She started sobbing again but I didn’t buy a second of it.

  ‘The rent is paid on this place until the end of the month. After that, I want you out of here and I never want to see you anywhere near me, Samantha, or our child ever again. Do you fucking understand me?’ I growled at her.

  She nodded and I walked out of there before I completely lost my temper and threw a chair through the window.

  Chapter 21


  I was sitting at my desk when I saw Gabriel’s name and face flashing on the screen of my mobile phone. I sighed. If I didn’t answer then he would just keep calling, or worse still, he would turn up here or at my dad’s place later. I took a deep breath. I felt like bursting into tears but I needed to hold it together, at least for the next few minutes.

  ‘Hi, Gabe,’ I said.

  ‘Hi, Sam. Can I pick you up from work? I need to talk to you.’

  ‘If this is about last night –’

  ‘It’s not just about last night,’ he interrupted me. ‘I need to tell you something.’

  ‘Gabe, last night, and this morning, it was a mistake.’

  ‘What?’ he growled.

  ‘It was a mistake. It should never have happened. This morning when I said we could talk, I wasn’t thinking straight. But this has to stop.’

  ‘Sam! What the fuck has changed since this morning?’ he snapped.

  ‘What has changed is that I can think clearly when you’re not around. Whenever I’m with you, you bamboozle me.’

  ‘So, what are you saying?’

  ‘I’m saying that I need space. And this time I mean it. So, no more late night phone calls. No more stopping by to see how I am. And definitely no more sleepovers.’

  ‘Sam! Why a
re you doing this? This morning we were –’

  ‘I told you, that was a mistake. One that won’t happen again. Bye, Gabriel,’ I said and then I hung up the phone before I started to cry.

  As soon as I put the phone on my desk, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. If it was the right thing to do, why did it hurt so damn much?

  Chapter 22


  I put my phone back in my pocket. What the fuck had just happened? Samantha Donovan was the most infuriating woman I had ever met in my life. She drove me fucking crazy. This morning we had been on the verge of working everything out. I’d thought we were finding a way through things, and now she’d changed her fucking mind again.

  I punched the wall in my hallway and the plaster cracked beneath my fist.

  ‘Fuck!’ I shouted.

  I grabbed my car keys from the sideboard. Samantha might not want to talk to me, but I’d damn well make sure she listened to me. I needed to tell her that Jennifer had lied about the baby. I needed to make her understand that we belonged together and her fucking me about was starting to piss me off. I let my rage take over because it was an emotion I was used to. It was one I knew how to control. And if I didn’t have that, then I would only feel the pain of losing her.

  I walked out of my house and down the path towards my car. I had a meeting to go to, but then as soon as that was done, I’d go to Samantha.

  I was distracted. My mind filled with thoughts of her. That was why I didn’t see the two men approaching until they were standing directly either side of me.

  ‘Mr Sullivan,’ one of them said.

  I turned and glared at him. They had picked the wrong fucking day. As I turned my body ready to strike, one of them opened his jacket, revealing a concealed handgun. I looked back at the other one and he did the same.

  ‘Our employer would like a word with you,’ the other one said.

  I looked the two of them over. They were ex-special forces. There was no denying it. We had a few of them working for us and they were ruthless and professional.


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