Fallen Angel (The London Ruthless Series Book 2)

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Fallen Angel (The London Ruthless Series Book 2) Page 11

by Sadie Kincaid

  ‘I wanted you to know, Sam. I wanted to tell you yesterday but then things didn’t work out as planned, did they? I know that you’re still hurt, but I hope that we can talk about it when you’re ready.’

  I stood up to leave and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

  ‘I don’t …’ she started and then she shook her head. ‘I’ll talk to you later. I have a client due in half an hour.’

  ‘Okay,’ I nodded. ‘Bye Sam.’

  Chapter 30


  I watched as Gabriel walked out of my office and blinked back the tears. I felt so many emotions I wasn’t sure which one to deal with first.

  I was angry that Jennifer had lied to us – she had tried to tear us apart, and had almost succeeded – and for what? I felt relieved that Gabriel wasn’t the father of his ex-wife’s baby. But, I was still annoyed with him for having sex with her and putting us in this predicament.

  I was confused too. I loved him so much and last night had proven that I couldn’t bear to live without him. I’d just needed a few hours of space to get my head around the last twenty-four hours. Then he’d walked into my office and sat there, looking damn near edible in that tailored suit, while my hormones rampaged around my body. I found the most innocuous things arousing these days, and he had the nerve to sit there, literally oozing sex appeal, wearing my favourite suit and that bloody aftershave. I’d had to make him leave so I could think straight.

  I tried to tell myself that I still had some thinking to do and that I still had a decision to make – but I didn’t. I’d known earlier that morning when I’d thought I may never see him again, that I was going back home to him. Even if Jennifer had been pregnant with his baby, I would have still gone back to him.

  I hated that he’d screwed his ex-wife, but he was right about the two of us being broken up at the time. I’d told him that I’d never loved him and that I never wanted to see him again. It was really none of my business what he’d done in the interim.

  Except that it stung like hell that it had been Jennifer whose arms he’d run into – the only other woman he’d ever loved. But even that wouldn’t be enough to keep me away from him. I had still wondered how I would live with the guilt that I would be keeping him from his other child – that I would always be making him choose if he and I were together. But now it seemed there were no more choices left for either of us to make.

  I leaned over and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek as he pulled up outside Gabriel’s house – our house.

  ‘His car’s not here. You want me to come in and wait with you?’ he asked.

  ‘No. I’m sure he’ll be home soon. I’ll be fine on my own. You get home. It will be nice for you to have the house to yourself for a change, won’t it?’

  ‘I have loved having you back home, sweetheart,’ he said with a smile. ‘But I’m glad you’re working things out with Gabriel.’

  ‘You think I’m doing the right thing then?’ I asked him.

  ‘Not that it matters what I think. But, yes. You’re both miserable without each other. He’s been torturing himself over this whole Jennifer thing. As he should be,’ he added with a grin. ‘But he adores you.’

  ‘I know,’ I said. ‘Thanks for dropping me off, Dad. I love you.’

  ‘Love you too, Sam,’ he said.

  I decided to shower and change once I got into the house. Gabriel and I had plenty to talk about when he got home. But that could wait, because I had had an itch of the kind that only Gabriel could scratch.

  Freshly showered, I dried myself off and pulled one of Gabriel’s t-shirts over my head, flicking my damp hair over my shoulder. I went downstairs and sat on the sofa.

  My stomach growled but I was too nervous to eat. What if Gabriel didn’t want me back here? I pushed the thought away immediately. I knew that he did.

  Stifling a yawn, I looked at the clock. It was just before six. I hoped he’d be home soon. I was so tired I felt like I could sleep for a week. Laying my head on one of the soft cushions, I closed my eyes and listened to the soft ticking of the clock.

  Chapter 31


  I walked into my office to see Jacob Cavanagh and Alex Brodie already sitting waiting for me. Sebastian and I had met with Jacob earlier that afternoon and told him about Milton Carver and his ex-forces bodyguards. He’d promised to reach out to his contacts and see what he could find out. I’d been impressed and surprised when he’d called me two hours later to tell me he had some information.

  Alex was ex-special forces too, but he hadn’t worked for me for as long as Jacob. If Jacob vouched for him though, that was good enough for me.

  I’d saved Jacob’s life six years earlier when he’d managed to find himself on the wrong side of a Russian gangster who happened to owe me a favour. Jacob had worked for me ever since, and proven himself to be loyal and trustworthy.

  ‘Hello, gentlemen,’ I said as I took a seat behind my desk. ‘You have something for me?’

  ‘I found out who is working for Carver,’ Jacob replied.

  ‘That was fast,’ I said.

  ‘Well, Alex here, served with one of them.’

  ‘Really?’ I looked at Alex.

  ‘Yeah. Leroy Cain. He’s a ruthless cunt. Not the kind of guy you want to make an enemy of. But he’s a mercenary. He works for money and nothing else. He’s fucking good at his job, but he has no real loyalty to his clients. He is however, loyal to his old regiment. I could try and reach out and see if he’d be up for a meeting if you want?’ Alex said.

  ‘What if I wanted to put a bullet in his head? Where would your loyalty lie?’ I asked him.

  ‘Well, I’m not going to lie, I’d rather you didn’t. But I work for you now and I aim to keep doing so for a very long time. I’d put a bullet in his head myself if it was necessary. Leroy knew what he was getting into working for Carver. He’ll know who you are when I set up a meeting and if he chooses to take that meeting, he’ll do so in full knowledge of the facts. If he does something to get his head blown off, that’s on him, not me.’

  I looked at Alex. I considered myself a good reader of people, and I had a good feeling about him.

  ‘What about the other three?’ I asked.

  ‘Kelvin Cain is Leroy’s cousin. He’ll follow Leroy anywhere. The other two are ex forces, as you suspected. Former marines. They’ve worked for Carver for about nine months as far as I can tell,’ Jacob replied.

  I nodded. ‘He was in the States for years. He’s only been back here about a year. He must have recruited them soon after he got back.’

  ‘Do you need us to look into Carver too?’ Jacob asked me.

  I shook my head. ‘No. I can do that myself.’

  Carver’s hired guns were one thing. They had no particular axe to grind with me or Samantha. Like Alex said, they worked for money. But Carver – that was personal, and I wouldn’t let anyone else deal with that cunt. He was all mine.

  ‘Shall I set up a meeting with Leroy, Boss?’ Alex asked.

  ‘Yeah. As soon as possible.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Will do. He’s not an easy man to get hold of. I’ll have to reach out to some old contacts, but I’ll do my best.’

  ‘Good. And I appreciate you getting me this information so quickly.’

  ‘Anything else we can do?’ Jacob asked.

  ‘No. That’s it for now. Let me know when Leroy has agreed to a meeting.’

  They both nodded and stood up. I watched them walk out of my office and leaned back in my chair. Milton Carver had just become my new pet project.

  I suspected that Samantha signing over the money to him would keep him sweet for a little while and give us some breathing room. But as soon as I found out a way to get to the horrible little fucker, I would make sure he never bothered me or Samantha ever again.

  I stepped through my front door and into the hallway of my house and my skin bristled.

  There was someone here.

  The kitchen and lounge d
oors were open and I always closed them before I left the house. Then I looked down and saw her shoes in the hallway and my heart started to hammer in my chest.

  ‘Sam?’ I called as I walked into the lounge.

  Then I saw her there, fast asleep in one of my t-shirts. Her hair damp from a shower, her long legs stretched out and her perfect, peach of an arse half on display.

  I felt my cock harden as I looked at her. But she looked so peaceful, I couldn’t bear to disturb her – not yet.

  Sebastian had told me she wasn’t eating properly and although she had a small baby bump, I noticed that that her arms were looking thin. I’d make us both some dinner first and then we could talk about our future – without my dick getting in the way.

  Chapter 32


  I felt soft fingers brushing my cheek and my eyes flickered open. I smiled as I saw Gabriel’s handsome face.

  ‘Hey, you,’ I said sleepily.

  ‘Hello,’ he said as he returned my smile. ‘Welcome home, baby.’

  Reaching out, I took hold of his collar and pulled him towards me for a kiss. He parted my lips gently with his tongue and I groaned into his mouth.

  God, I had missed him so much!

  He placed his warm hand on my thigh as he deepened our kiss, before running his hand over my hip and underneath the fabric of my t-shirt. I shivered in anticipation as his hand warmed my skin.

  Suddenly he broke our kiss, pulling back and leaving me panting for more.

  ‘Have you eaten?’ he asked.

  I shook my head. ‘Have you?’ I said with a wicked grin.

  ‘No. I’ve made some pasta,’ he replied as he grabbed hold of my hand. ‘Let’s eat.’

  ‘Not yet,’ I breathed. ‘Dinner can wait.’

  ‘Sam,’ he said sharply. ‘You need to start eating properly.’

  ‘I do,’ I frowned.

  ‘Ice cream in one hand and M&M’s in the other doesn’t constitute a balanced diet,’ he said with a flash of his eyebrows.

  Damn my father! The traitor. ‘I’ll eat later,’ I said as I pulled his hand back towards my body.

  ‘Sam,’ he sighed, ‘you need to start taking better care of yourself.’

  ‘I’ve mostly been taking care of myself for the past eight weeks. Now it’s your turn,’ I said as I opened my legs wider and placed his hand between them.

  His eyes darkened as he stared at me and for a second I thought he was going to cave. ‘Dinner! I’ll take care of you all night long if you like. But first we eat.’

  ‘Later.’ I insisted as I pulled him back to me, sealing his mouth with a kiss before he could refuse.

  He rubbed his hand over the skin on my stomach and I writhed beneath him, angling my body so that I could feel him where I was so desperate to.

  He broke our kiss and started to pull his hand away, but I grabbed hold of it. ‘Please Gabe, I need you now,’ I breathed. My body was on fire and I felt like I’d implode if I didn’t get some relief soon - the type that only he could provide.

  ‘After we eat,’ he said as he pulled his hand from mine.

  ‘I’m going on hunger strike then. I refuse to eat until you take care of me.’

  He glared at me as he leaned in close. ‘Can’t you ever just do as you’re told?’ he growled.

  I shook my head. ‘No. You already know that. I’m going crazy here, Gabe. Take pity on a girl, would you?’

  I saw the flicker of a smile cross his face and he bent down to kiss me. How the hell could he maintain such self-control while I behaved like a dog in heat? But then his hand slid up the inside of my thigh and inside the seam of my underwear. I gasped as he slid his fingers through my cleft and he responded with a growl of pleasure as he felt how ready I was for him.

  ‘I’ll get you off if you promise to eat some dinner with me,’ he said with a flash of his eyebrows.

  ‘Yes,’ I panted as he slipped a finger inside me. I’d have agreed to anything for the promise of what he was about to do.

  He bent his head to kiss me again as he pushed a second finger inside me and started to pump me in and out. He was fast and rough and I struggled to kiss him and breathe at the same time. When his thumb started to brush over my swollen clit, I couldn’t hold on any longer and my orgasm hit like a truck, crashing over me and knocking me for six. It was the quickest climax I’d ever experienced in my life.

  The bastard!

  He sat back on his haunches with a triumphant grin on his face before holding up his two fingers and sucking them clean. Then he held out his hand to me.

  ‘Dinner.’ He ordered.

  I took hold of his hand and stood on shaky legs.

  A deal was a deal.

  Walking into the kitchen, I saw the table was set with a single rose and a candle in the centre.

  ‘Wow,’ I said with a grin. ‘Were you planning to seduce me, Gabe?’

  He started to laugh. ‘Seduce you? Are you serious? You’ve just been begging me to fuck you,’ he said as he guided me to my chair and planted a kiss on my head.

  ‘No I wasn’t.’

  He raised an eyebrow at me.

  ‘I asked you to take care of me,’ I said with a grin. ‘Like wash my hair, cook me dinner, tuck me up in bed. It’s not my fault you interpreted that as a demand for sex.’

  He bent down and kissed me, nipping my lower lip before he pulled away. ‘Oh, right? My mistake.’

  I put my knife and fork down and sat back in my chair. ‘That was delicious, thank you,’ I said with a smile. It was the first proper meal I’d eaten in days.

  ‘You’re welcome,’ he said as he continued eating his larger portion. ‘It’s good to see you eating something decent.’

  I rolled my eyes. ‘How do you know how I’ve been eating?’

  ‘Your dad told me about your newfound relationship with Ben & Jerry,’ he said as he looked at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  ‘Are you worried I’ll get fat?’ I smirked at him.

  ‘No,’ he laughed. ‘Not at all. But I am worried about you and our baby being as healthy and well as you can be.’

  ‘But the baby loves ice cream,’ I said as I rubbed a hand over my bump.

  Gabriel continued eating and I stared at him until he’d finished.

  ‘It wasn’t just the baby. And it wasn’t that you slept with someone else,’ I said eventually. ‘It was that you slept with her.’

  He looked up at me and nodded. ‘I know.’

  ‘Do you still love her?’

  ‘No,’ he said firmly. ‘I haven’t had those feelings for her for a very long time.’

  ‘Then why, Gabe?’

  ‘I told you. She was there. She was a warm body and I was hurting, Sam. I just wanted someone to take my mind off you. It could have been anyone, and I’m sorry that it was her.’

  ‘Did you choose her to punish me?’

  He ran a hand across his stubble. ‘She found me. I didn’t choose her, but if I’m honest, fucking her did fulfil some kind of need for revenge, no matter how petty that sounds. Maybe, subconsciously, it was a way to stick it to the two women who had ripped my heart out. All I can say is it seemed like a good idea at the time.’

  I nodded at him. ‘I want to know what happened?’

  ‘I told you,’ he started.

  ‘No,’ I interrupted. ‘I want to know the details. What did you do together?’

  He frowned at me. ‘What? No.’

  ‘I need to know, Gabe.’


  ‘Did you make her come?’ I asked.

  His eyes darkened as he glared at me. ‘No,’ he snapped.

  ‘So, you just fucked her?’

  ‘I didn’t intend to. We were in the nightclub. We went into the toilets. I was planning on letting her suck my cock! She was always pretty good at that,’ he snapped.

  I got the sense he was trying to push my buttons now, but I didn’t bite and he went on. ‘But there was a condom machine. She had change. So, we
fucked instead.’

  ‘In the nightclub toilet?’


  ‘Did you think about me?’ I asked.

  He continued to glare at me, his dark eyes burning into mine. ‘Every fucking second.’

  I suppressed a smile. I was glad he’d thought about me when he’d been screwing his ex-wife.

  I stood and started to clear the dishes, taking them over to the sink. I was running hot water into the bowl when I felt Gabriel walking up behind me. He slipped his warm hands around my hips and under my t-shirt, pressing his body into mine so I could feel the full length of his rock hard cock against my back.

  ‘I’ll do those later,’ he said against my neck as he slid his hands over my rounded stomach.

  ‘That’s okay. I can do them now,’ I said. Let him see how it felt to be kept waiting for a change.

  ‘But I thought you wanted me to look after you,’ he said as he started to trail soft kisses up my neck. Then his hands found my breasts. He cupped them and gave a gentle squeeze and I rocked back against him.

  Who was I kidding? I couldn’t resist him for even a moment. He played me like a fiddle and I loved it. When he started to circle my nipples with his fingers I moaned loudly. My breasts were heavy and tender but he knew just the right amount of pressure to apply. I felt the wetness pooling between my thighs and was contemplating begging him to fuck me against the sink when he started to whisper in my ear.

  ‘So, I’ve fed you. Your hair is already washed. Would you like me to take you up to bed now, tuck you in and give you a kiss goodnight? Is that really the kind of looking after you meant?’ He kissed my ear as he continued gently kneading my sensitive breasts.

  I pressed my behind into him, rubbing myself up and down his cock as much as I could, struggling to gain any momentum as his large frame held me in place.

  ‘Or,’ he growled. ‘Did you mean you’d like me to fuck you all night and make you come so hard you’ll forget your own name?’

  ‘You know what I meant,’ I panted.


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