Securing Blake: Cavanaugh Security Series

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Securing Blake: Cavanaugh Security Series Page 3

by Steele, C. M.

  Once in my office, I put Blake in the back of my mind. I had a host of things to do that had nothing to do with the pretty little blonde.

  In fact, anytime her name came up in the files I set up, I referred to her as Ms. Avery. That would be the way I had to keep it, so I didn’t cave to the lust that rushed through me every time I whispered her name.

  I didn’t want her to think I was anything like the bastard in prison. I was obsessed, but I’d never do anything to hurt her even if she never wanted anything to do with me.

  At the end of the day, Sean knocked on my door and gave me my first reprieve. “Hey, I’ve got a job that I need done. The Cav Pack #5 for a two-hundred-acre property just outside of Kingsville. He wants it ASAP and will pay extra for it, so I need you to go out there.”

  “Good. I’ll pack up the truck and head out in the morning.” There would be a lot of shit to grab and load, but it would be worth it to get away from Ms. Avery for a few days.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll contact the buyer and inform him you’ll be there tomorrow afternoon.”

  “That works for me. I’m going to take the work truck home, leaving my truck here until I come back.”

  “Great. I’m sorry this is so soon with things still to be set up, but every good review helps us grow.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice. I get it. I don’t mind the idea of traveling one bit.” Even as I said it, I didn’t quite believe it. Leaving Blake sounded good, but I had no idea what being away from her might feel like. My attraction to her was purely physical, and I needed to remember that. Lust came and went all the time in this world.

  * * *

  I’d just started out on the open road when Sean called. “The hotel in town is going through a remodel, but the rancher said he has a room you can bunk up in.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to try to get it done by Wednesday night. I don’t want to intrude on their hospitality.”

  “That’s fine.” The drive took longer than I’d hoped for, but when I arrived, I was greeted by a little thing looking barely legal.

  “Hello, you must be Mr. Masters,” she said with a bubbly tone.

  “Carrie, get your ass inside,” growled a man by the front door. He stood there, shirtless, holding a towel in his clenched hand.

  “Hello, I’m Tate Masters from Cavanaugh Security. You must be Collin McCain.” I walked up the porch steps and shook his hand.

  “I am.”

  “Your daughter seems nice,” I remarked, sensing that tension had to do with her.

  “She’s not my daughter.” He practically growled at me. “She’s my cook and off limits.”

  I showed my hands, letting him know I didn’t want trouble. “Understood. I have a woman back home, so you have no issue with me. In fact, I’m just here to do my job.” Blake might not be my woman, but I felt she was.

  “Glad to have ya here. With this little one roaming around half-naked and with no damn sense, I have to add extra security.” He was right. I’d barely stepped out of my truck and she was overly innocent, but from the look in the client’s eyes, he planned to claim her pretty soon.

  I worked into the wee hours of the night until Collin demanded I come in and get some sleep. Hitting the mattress, I was out in ten minutes. I really needed to get my ass in the shower, but it would have to wait until the morning.

  * * *

  Shit—I didn’t hear my alarm. I looked around the room and didn’t see it. I must have left it downstairs. First, I needed a shower after sweating all day in the Texas heat. Once I finished and got dressed, I hurried to get my day going.

  “Would you like some coffee, Tate?” Collin asked after taking a sip of his own cup. Shouldn’t he be out working in the fields right now? From what I saw, the man worked a lot. I didn’t have much to do today, so I could get out of their hair sooner rather than later.

  “Thanks. I’ll have a cup.” He poured it for me. “Have you seen my phone?”

  “Oh, yes, here it is.” Carrie came into the kitchen, wearing what looked like a man’s shirt. I looked over to Collin, making sure to avert my eyes. I wasn’t interested in her one bit, but I also didn’t want to offend Collin, whose expression screamed shocked.

  “Thank you.” I took the phone and didn’t see any missed calls.

  “Oh, and I’m sorry, but your phone rang and the number came up from the company you work for, so I answered it just in case it was important. A woman answered, and I told her you’d call her back because you were in the shower.”

  Collin grunted behind her. “What?”

  “Sweetheart, you answered the man’s phone this early telling another woman that he was in the shower. Think of how that sounds.”

  “Oh my, but it’s not like that. I slept in your arms all night.”

  “Sweetheart, I know that, but if that had been his girlfriend or his boss, they would think he’s fucking around on the job.”

  “Oh, no. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Do you know who called?”

  “Blake, but I can’t remember her last name. Her first name reminded me of Blake Lively and I thought it was pretty.”

  “She’s beautiful. Excuse me, I have to make this call.” I walked out front and called the number back.

  “Cavanaugh Security, Macy speaking.”

  I cut her off. “Macy, this is Tate. I was wondering—did anyone call me this morning?”

  “Yes, Blake did. Hold on.” She put me on hold for what seemed like forever.

  “Mr. Masters, I wanted to inform you to make sure you bring in all your receipts for gas, food, and your hotel. The whore you bought, though, that’s on you. That’s not something you can write off, and probably something Sean would frown upon.” Damn. The angry tone in her voice turned me on. I stood on the front porch with a raging hard-on, thinking she actually might be jealous. Then again, she ran HR for the company, and she could just be annoyed with my behavior and how it reflects on the company.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were jealous.”

  “I most certainly am not.”

  “I said I knew better than to think you’re jealous. You’re just a typical uptight HR lady, so I get it.” I didn’t mean it to come off so harsh, but it rankled me that she’d really been about business. “Besides, Ms. Avery, Carrie’s not a whore and most definitely wasn’t in my bed. I’m staying at the ranch. I guess Sean didn’t inform you of that. Mr. McCain and his future wife wouldn’t appreciate that sentiment either. Now, is there anything else? I have a job to do, and I’d like to get home.”

  “No.” She hung up on me, probably pissed as hell, but I smiled all the way back into the house. Good—that made two of us.

  I went to work, finishing the job with an hour of sunlight to spare. My body tired and hot, I loaded up my truck with my tools.

  Collin marched down the front steps, looking as bone tired as me. “Stay one more night. It’s getting dark soon, and you haven’t eaten dinner,” he offered.


  “No problem. I’m in love with the system you put in. I can see the roads leading here from every damn angle. I might have a few more questions before you leave.”

  “How about after dinner we go over it.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  After dinner, I showed Collin how to use every hidden feature and hooked up everything to his phone and computer. I also gave him the personalized tablet with the entire system on there for him to access. The encryption on it was top of the line and of my own design.

  The rest of the night I spent with good company, having a beer and bullshitting with the sheriff. I had no idea that he ran the town as well. Then again, his town was tiny and most houses were a mile or two apart. By the time I set off on the road, I’d gotten home by six at night on Sunday. Instead of switching the work vehicle for my vehicle, I decided to wait until tomorrow.

  The long drive had worn me out, so I’d gotten enough rest and couldn’t wait to give Bla
ke all of my receipts as soon as I got to work.

  I pulled up to the building and locked up the truck in the warehouse garage. “Hey there, Tate. I’m glad you’re back. How did it go?”

  “Great, Sean. The installation was easier than I expected. It took less than two days, but I think it has to do with McCain’s ranch setup.”

  “Yeah, the place is nice. I haven’t visited in a long time. Tell me about the woman who answered the phone, though. I didn’t know Collin had a woman living with him.”

  “I think that’s the way he wants to keep it. She’s a little young for him, but she’s sweet as hell.”

  “Sweet? I wonder if she is. Macy said Blake was pissy after the call.”

  “That’s because she thought I was embarrassing the company and that I was fucking her.”

  “Oh. Yeah. I can see that being an issue. I hadn’t even considered it.”

  “Well, I’m sure it’ll be in the handbook, but even if it isn’t, I understand that when I’m out, I’m representing the company.”

  Sean nodded. “I know that, Tate, but you know how professional Blake is, and frankly, I think she has issues with men.”

  “No doubt. I don’t blame her. I just clarified the situation, and now I’m going to bring her the receipts she asked for before I go through the list of things we need replenished from the installation.”

  “Good.” I walked inside the main building and straight into Ms. Avery’s office, causing her to jump in her seat.

  “Damn it, Mr. Masters. Don’t you know how to knock?” God, she was gorgeous even when she was annoyed with me. Fuck, maybe even sexier when she pouted like that.

  “It’s Tate, Blake. Anyway, I came to bring you these receipts.” I took the small stack I had clipped together because this wasn’t my first rodeo. Well, maybe with the company, but I traveled when I worked with the Houston PD.

  She held it up, turning it with her brow lifted. “Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry about the other day.”

  “No. It’s cool. I understand that decorum is important for Sean’s company to be successful.” I leaned over her desk, staring into her pretty blue eyes. “I’m not an animal, Blake.” Even as I said it, I didn’t believe that where she was concerned. I wanted her, and I’d devour her ass like a beast. She bit her bottom lip nervously, so I slowly stood back up without taking my eyes off her.

  A knock at the door startled us. I turned to see Sean come in. “I didn’t want to interrupt, but your services are needed. I have another trip for you to take tomorrow if you’re up to it. It’s only an hour away, but it’s almost the same install as today.”

  “That should be fine, assuming we have everything ready to go and loaded. I’ll take the work truck. You’re saving my truck miles.”

  “Doing what I can.” He winked and walked away.

  “Well, is there anything else you need before I leave?” I asked Blake, who stared at the back of Sean. A hint of jealousy ran through me, but I ignored it because Sean’s a married man.

  “No. Um. This should be enough. I’ll make copies of these and then send you a draft to review before it’s submitted for reimbursement.”

  “Sure thing.” I nodded and left before I made her more uncomfortable. It was clear as day that I unnerved her. After all that she’d been through, that wasn’t a good thing.

  Two hours later, Blake called my desk. “Hello,” I answered coolly.

  “Um…my mouse isn’t working properly. I need a new one, and Macy told me to ask you.”

  “I’ll bring another one over.” I got up and walked to the supply wall in my office, pulling one off the shelf and unboxing a new mouse. Quickly, I head over to their office and knocked on the closed office door.

  “Come in,” Macy called out.

  I shake the small device in my hand as I step into the room. “I have the mouse for Blake.”

  “Um…she had to go to the ladies’ room, so you can set it down. I’m sure she knows how to hook it up.”

  I found the other one in the garbage, which was full of paper towels covered in coffee. “Ah, so that’s why it’s not working.”

  “Oh,” Blake exclaimed, coming into the office. Damn, even with the hint of a coffee stain on her blouse, she still looked perfect. My dick throbbed in my jeans, but I was grateful that I’d tucked that bastard down the leg of my boxers. “You’ve got me. I spilled my coffee all over everything.” Her face pinked with a hint of embarrassment. She tucked her head and moved to her seat, giving me the visual cue to see myself out. She confused the fuck out of me. Maybe I was just too exhausted and too obsessed with her to read her signals. Either way, I’d rather see her mad at me then scared of me, so I pushed her buttons.

  “It’s okay. At least it wasn’t the hard drive. Besides, I’m not footing the bill, but don’t go making a habit of it.” I smiled, and her blush shifted to an angry scowl. On that note, I left.

  Chapter 4


  Weeks passed and turned into a month. No matter how busy I was, I longed to be with Blake, but I didn’t have time to get her to trust me. She became even more skittish and evasive around me, as if she was aware of my obsession. Blake did all she could to avoid me. I thought I did my best to hide my attraction from her. However, it seemed I failed.

  Even though she’d been ghosting me, Blake was super accident-prone in the office. She had managed to drop her laptop for one of the meetings, cracking the screen, so I replaced that, then she locked herself out of three accounts all in the same week. She was the reason I had to recheck the supplies all the time.

  Around three in the afternoon, my cell phone rang while I ran through the supply list to order some of the basic ties and cables we needed. The caller ID lit up with my former Captain Anders’s name. A chill ran down my spine as I pressed the green answer button.

  “Hello,” I let out without showing any hesitation. A sense of foreboding slammed in my chest as if I knew he had nothing to say that I wanted to hear.

  “Tate. Sorry to call you out of the blue, but we have a problem.” Of course.

  “What problem? I don’t work for the HPD anymore.”

  “They are reversing the verdict in Sneed’s case. A mishandling of the case evidence during the trial, and his lawyers used it.” I dropped my cell phone onto the desk in shock, quickly picking it back up.

  “What the fuck? Is he getting out?” I questioned, doing my best to control the anger and panic. No one was invincible. I’d been lucky with the first shot. And if something happened to Blake… Fuck, I couldn’t even go down that road.

  “Not getting. Sneed was released at seven this morning.”

  “Son of a bitch,” I roared, slamming my fist on my desk. I could destroy a motherfucker right now. My anger elevated to the breaking point. I needed to hit the gun range.

  “I’m sorry. We had no idea it was going on until they hit us with it this morning.”

  “What does that mean? A new trial, or does the fuck get off?”

  “A new trial. You’ll have to take the stand again.” It wasn’t hard, except for wanting to jump across the room and not kill the fucker with my bare hands.

  “Fuck. Where is he?” Maybe I could put tabs on the asshole.

  “He’s on house arrest until trial, but he’s used his right to a speedy trial. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but all we can do is hope that the jury sees past his bullshit.” Damn, he’d been a sly bastard the first time. It was the slip-up and my testimony that got him put away the first time.

  “How much of the evidence is unavailable?” I had a feeling that he was about to ruin all my hope.

  “Almost all of it. We lost the DNA, and the notes because of the mishandling of the warrant. They claimed it wasn’t legal and won.” I fucking knew it.

  “Understood. That’s why I left. Incompetence all around. Keep me in the loop. If you’ll excuse me, I have to take this up with my boss.” I ended the call without another word. Hate, rage, and pure fury burned right
through me.

  “Fuck,” I roared.

  “Oh no. I could come back.” My eyes darted up to find Blake staring at me nervously.

  “Blake. I mean, Ms. Avery. Sorry. How can I help you?”

  “Sean hired a couple of more guards. Here is the security access requirements they’ll need once they start.” She handed over three manila folders. Our fingers lightly grazed, and I instantly masked the emotion she brought out in me. Striking and intense, the electricity hit me full force.

  “Thanks. I’ll get on it,” I responded, setting them down on my desk and focusing on my phone.

  “Good. I need it by tomorrow.”

  “Got it.” She left without another word, and that was fine by me. I couldn’t handle the range of emotions hitting me like a ton of bricks. I felt like a dick, but my world had just upended and all I wanted to do was get my woman and fuck all my frustration out. Since that wasn’t an option, I pushed her away. I regretted it the second she walked out of the door, but it was for the best.

  I entered the hallway and then toward Sean’s office. Knocking on his door, I waited for him to answer. I had no idea if he was alone, with Macy, or with a client.

  “Come in.” I walked in to see a couple talking to Sean.

  “I can come back later, but I need a word with you when you have a moment.”

  “Sure. I’ll stop in your office in twenty.”

  “Thanks. Sorry for interrupting.” I left, closing the door behind me and nearly colliding into Blake. “Shit. I’m sorry.” She gasped and looked up at me. Fuck. Did she lick her lips, or did I imagine that?

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.” I held onto her longer than I should. “Um…excuse me.” She drew her eyes to where my hands wrapped around her biceps. I made sure she was steady before I let her go.

  “Again, sorry. Excuse me.” I moved fast, walking past Denver, one of the many new hires. He stood tall and was broader than me with hulking muscles. I wasn’t intimidated, but I wasn’t a dick either, so I gave him a nod of my chin on the way.


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