Dark Spy’s Mission

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Dark Spy’s Mission Page 18

by I. T. Lucas

  “In an hour. Are you joining?”

  Richard shrugged. “It’s not like I have anything better to do. By the time Kian lets me out of this hole in the ground, I’ll be in fantastic shape.”

  The trouble with the guy using the gym was that Yamanu couldn’t train with the Guardians on rotation in the keep or use his full strength. They were too strong and too fast, and watching them spar, Richard would have figured out that something was up.

  Yamanu had toyed with the idea of telling him that they were all on some experimental steroids, but Richard was just the type who would ask to have some of that for himself.

  “Are you sure? Yesterday you said that you were going to take a break today. You whined about being sore all over.”

  “Ingrid brought me Motrin from the clinic.”

  It was still unclear whether there was more than just sex going on between the two, and Yamanu decided to just come out and ask.

  “What’s the deal with you and Ingrid? Are you dating?”

  Richard snorted. “Dating? Where am I going to take her out on a date? To the kitchen? Or the home theater? No, we are not dating. And even if I could take Ingrid out of here, I don’t have any money. I’m a pauper with nothing to offer a woman other than my fabulous body.” He flexed his arms.

  Could that be the problem?

  “I meant, are you serious about her, or is it just sex?”

  “I don’t know.” Richard ran a hand over the back of his neck. “She is a fine woman, but we don’t have a lot in common.”

  Lifting both brows, Mey gave Yamanu a barely perceptible shrug.

  It seemed like Ingrid and Richard were not a fated match. The question was how to introduce the guy to some other clan females while Ingrid was still spending every night with him.

  A conundrum.

  It wasn’t the kind of talk Yamanu was comfortable having with Ingrid, and Mey wasn’t a good candidate for that either. Perhaps he should ask Amanda to intervene?

  Things couldn’t go on like this forever. He and Mey needed to go home, which meant finding potential mates for Richard and Wendy.

  Yesterday’s get-together had been a success in that regard. Vlad and Wendy had warmed to each other, but because they were both shy, things hadn’t progressed beyond a friendly conversation.

  It was a good start, though. Given the rebellious expression she’d had on her face prior to Vlad’s arrival, Yamanu had been afraid that Wendy wouldn’t give the kid a chance.

  The question was how to move things along.

  As his phone rang, he lifted it and looked at the display but didn’t recognize the number.

  “This is Yamanu,” he answered.

  “Hi, it’s Vlad. I was wondering if it’s okay for me to come over. I have a bunch of video games for Wendy.”

  Yamanu grinned. “When should I tell her you are coming?”

  “Are you sure it’s okay? Maybe she doesn’t want to see me.”

  “I’m sure she does.”

  “Then I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “Good deal. See you here.”

  Yamanu lifted his face to the ceiling and offered his thanks to the Fates. They must have been tuning into his thought stream.

  Mey rose to her feet. “I’d better tell Wendy to get ready. I just hope that you are right, and she wants to see him.”

  “Who is coming?” Richard asked.

  They’d forgotten that he couldn’t hear the person on the other end of Yamanu’s phone.

  “Vlad. He has some video games and books for Wendy.”

  Richard nodded. “That’s good. He is a nice kid, and she needs to get out of that room. This must be really hard on her.”

  “Wasn’t she like that in the program as well?”

  “I have no idea what Wendy did after hours, but during the class sessions, she was much friendlier than she is here. She must be stressing over what’s in store for her.”



  Jin opened her eyes to find Arwel staring at her.

  His handsome face and those kissable lips of his was the best view to wake up to.

  “Good morning, love.” He kissed her cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  Hearing Arwel calling her his love warmed Jin from the inside. Their love was just in its infancy, they still had so much to learn about each other, and so much was happening that had nothing to do with them as a couple.

  But Jin had no doubt that their love would grow and flourish and that its roots would thicken, wrapping around their souls and connecting them at the very essence of their being.

  That was what she imagined the bond that Arwel was so desperately hoping for would feel like. The seeds were already there, but it needed time to grow.

  It was morning, though, and much too early for sharing her philosophical musings with him. Maybe he wouldn’t like her tree analogy, thinking that it was too simplistic.

  For now, exploring their physical connection was enough. After only one week together, it would be premature to talk about them being soulmates or fated mates.

  Stretching her arms over her head, Jin smiled. “I feel fabulous. Sex with you is like an injection of vitality. I’m ready to conquer the world.”

  He seemed relieved. “That’s good. It means that your transition didn’t start yet.”

  “Does it usually start in the morning?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask Bridget, but then I’ll have to admit to our mess up, and I’d rather not say anything unless I have to.”

  Jin nodded. Them using or not using protection should be nobody’s business. “It’s bad enough that Kian butted into our sex life and told you to use condoms.”

  “Yeah.” Arwel grimaced. “That wasn’t a comfortable conversation. I should’ve realized it first and saved him the trouble.”

  “I can’t wait to be done with this stupid mission. If I weren’t so damn chicken, it could have been over and done with, and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  She flung the comforter off and slung her legs over the side of the bed. “I’m starving.” Her stomach rumbled in agreement. “What time is it?”

  “Ten-twenty.” Arwel sounded slurred.

  She glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled. His gorgeous eyes were glowing, and his fangs were showing.

  “Are you randy again, my love?”

  It felt just as nice to say it as it did to hear it.

  “You can’t expect me to remain indifferent when you reveal your beautiful nude body to me.”

  He’d only seen her back, and that was enough to excite him?


  “You’ve only gotten a glimpse.” Pushing up to her feet, she turned around and struck a pose. “How about now?”

  “Dangerous. If you don’t hurry into the bathroom, you might not make it there for another hour or two.”

  With the hunger in his eyes and his husky tone awakening her desire, Jin decided that breakfast could wait. But she really needed to use the bathroom first. “Would you like to join me in the shower?”

  His fangs punched down even lower. “I would never refuse such an invitation.”

  It was a full hour later when they finally made their way to the kitchen.

  “Good morning.” Vivian looked up from her book. “You’re late, but I managed to save some eggs and hash browns for you. Just stick the plates into the microwave.”

  “Thank you.”

  While Arwel took care of the food, Jin walked over to the coffeemaker and put two cups under the twin nozzles. She put a new packet in, pressed the button, and leaned against the counter.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  Vivian turned sideways in her chair. “Douglas is upstairs watching Kalugal’s gate, and the other Guardians are waiting in their cars for a signal from him. William is in his office with Magnus.”

  “What about Kri and Michael?” Arwel put two plates on the table.

  “In the gym.”

nd Jacki?” Jin asked.

  “I think she is still sleeping. I haven’t seen her this morning.”

  Jin and Arwel exchanged glances. Had Jacki and William gotten busy last night?

  That would be awesome.

  “I’d better check on her.” Jin pushed away from the counter.

  Arwel waved her over. “Eat your breakfast first. You said you were starving an hour ago.”

  That was true, but her curiosity was stronger than her hunger.

  “I guess I can let Jacki sleep a few more minutes.”

  Stifling a smirk, Jin pulled out the coffee mugs from the device and brought them over to the table. What she’d really wanted to say was that Arwel hadn’t been all that concerned about her empty belly when they’d been making love in the shower.

  Vivian closed her book and got up. “I’ll leave you two alone to enjoy your breakfast.”

  After they were done eating, Jin took their plates to the sink. “I’m going to check on Jacki.” Holding a plate under running water, she looked over her shoulder at Arwel. “Your job is to coax information out of William.”

  He handed her the coffee mugs to rinse. “Guys don’t talk about things like that.”

  “Right.” Jin rolled her eyes. “I don’t mean getting him to reveal details. Just general stuff. Does he like her? Does she like him back?”

  “I’m just going to join him in the office. It’s up to him if he wants to talk about it.”

  “Fair enough.” Jin dried her hands on the dish towel. “But I’m crossing my fingers.”



  Vlad stuffed his entire collection of video games into a duffle bag, added several fantasy books that he had read and enjoyed, and some romance novels that he’d borrowed from his mother.

  Was it too much?

  Maybe he should leave some of it behind so he would have more excuses to visit Wendy?

  Yeah, that was a better plan.

  He pulled out all of the romance novels except for one. Perhaps she wasn’t into that genre. He knew she liked fantasy, though, so he took out only two of his books. They were part of a series, so once she was done reading the first three, she would want the other two and would have no choice but to invite him over.

  Except, he wanted her to do it because she liked him and wanted to see him, not because she needed the books. Then again, if she was as shy as he was, Wendy would need an excuse as well.

  Vlad smiled.

  It was a good plan.

  Zipping up the duffle bag, he wondered whether he should buy some chocolates on the way. Everyone knew that girls loved them. Then again, it would imply that he had romantic expectations, while Wendy hadn’t given him any indication that she was interested in him that way.

  With a sigh, he slung the strap over his shoulder and headed out of the house.

  It wasn’t a big surprise that she wasn’t attracted to him. But at least she’d been friendly, and that was more than he’d gotten from other girls, or guys for that matter.

  Even if all he gained was a new friend, it was worth the effort.

  On the way to the pavilion, he stopped by the café and bought coffee and several pastries. That wasn’t the same as chocolates, and he was bringing enough for everyone, so it couldn’t be construed as a romantic gesture.

  “Good morning, Vlad.” Anandur clapped him on the back. “Heading out for a study session with friends?”

  For a moment, he was tempted to lie. It would have been so simple to just nod in agreement and keep on walking. Not a biggie.

  And then there was Anandur’s proclivity for gossip. If he told him about Wendy, the entire village would know about it in less than an hour.

  Except, Anandur could learn the truth from Yamanu or Bhathian or from the Guardians on rotation in the keep.

  Maybe he could get away with partial truth.

  “Bhathian asked me to befriend one of the newcomers. She is about my age, and she has no one to talk to. I’m bringing her books and video games.”

  “That’s kind of you.” Anandur smirked. “Is she pretty?”

  “She is okay.” Beautiful. “But we are just friends. Or rather acquaintances at this point. I’ve only met her once, and today is going to be the second time.”

  “Good luck.” Anandur clapped him on the back again. “Friendship is a good start for a relationship. Just don’t let her put you in the friend zone. Keep your options open.”

  Vlad didn’t want to ask, but he couldn’t help it. “How am I supposed to do that?”

  Wrapping his massive arm around Vlad’s slim shoulders, Anandur led him to a table. “Sit.”

  “I don’t have time. I told Yamanu that I’d be there in an hour, and that was fifteen minutes ago.”

  “It’s Saturday, so the traffic isn’t bad, and this will only take a minute or two.”

  Perhaps Anandur’s advice was worth a short delay. If he was late, he could always blame traffic.

  “Okay.” Vlad planted his ass in the chair.

  The Guardian pulled one out for himself and sat down. “I’m not an expert on dating, but I know a thing or two about women. The thing they find most desirable in a guy is confidence. That’s why assholes have such great success with them. Contrary to popular belief, women are not attracted to the jerkiness, they are attracted to the confidence those guys exude.”

  Vlad grimaced. “It’s easy for good-looking dudes to be confident. I’m a walking scarecrow with fangs and mismatched eyes.”

  Anandur leaned closer. “That’s where you are wrong. I’ve seen ugly dudes score with the hottest girls just because they were confident or faked it well. And you are not ugly, Vlad. You are not ordinary looking, and you can use that to your advantage. You are an awesome guitarist and vocalist, I hear that you are also a talented graphic artist, and you make good money working for Jackson. Don’t be shy; tell her about your passions and your accomplishments.”

  “I don’t want to boast.”

  “It’s not boasting when it’s true, and if you don’t tell her, how will she know?”

  “Maybe I can show her instead?”

  “Even better. Show her your art, sing for her, bake her some goodies. You have a lot to offer, my friend.”

  “Thanks, Anandur.” Vlad rose to his feet and offered the Guardian his hand. “That was good advice.”

  “Any time.”



  Jin knocked on Jacki’s door. “Can I come in?”

  When there was no answer, she tried the handle. It wasn’t locked, and the door opened.

  Jacki’s bed was made, and through the open bathroom door, Jin could see that she wasn’t there either.

  Smelling a strong chemical scent, she went inside and followed her nose to the shower, where the two wigs were draped over clothes hangers, still dripping.

  It was hard to tell their color while wet, but it looked like one got a deep reddish hue, while the other was light brown.

  Maybe the strong smell had chased Jacki out of her room, and she went out to the back yard for some fresh air?

  Why hadn’t she come into the kitchen, though?

  Feeling a little apprehensive, Jin walked over to the window and looked out into the yard. There was no one there, but with the screen preventing her sticking her head out, she could only see a part of the area.

  Wait, maybe Jacki went straight to William’s office? If the two had spent a night of passion together, she would want to give him a good morning kiss.

  Or better yet, what if she’d spent the night in his bedroom downstairs?

  The wigs were wet, though, which meant that she’d dyed them this morning. Still, she could’ve come upstairs to do that, and then gone back down to cuddle with William in bed.

  Not a likely scenario, but it was worth checking out.

  After rushing down the stairs, Jin slowed down before entering the office. “Good morning, William. Have either of you seen Jacki? She is not in her room.”

bsp; William shook his head. “The last time I saw her was yesterday.”

  Arwel frowned. “Did you come home straight from the store? I didn’t hear her door open.”

  “We did some grocery shopping, so it took longer than we originally planned, but not by much. We were back before midnight, unloaded the stuff in the kitchen, and said our goodnights.”

  That was disappointing and a little worrisome.

  “Where could she be?”

  “Let’s check the gym.” Arwel pushed to his feet. “Maybe she took Kri up on her offer to teach her self-defense moves.”

  Jacki wasn’t in the gym, and Kri and Michael hadn’t seen her that morning. Checking the back yard didn’t produce her either.

  “Maybe she is in the master bedroom with the guys.” Jin started up the stairs. “It would be odd if she is, though. She tries to stay away from them as much as possible.”

  “The outing with William might have changed her mind.” Arwel followed her up. “Perhaps she realized that he wasn’t who she wanted, and she decided to give the others a try.”

  Again, that wasn’t likely, but they had run out of places to check.

  Jacki wasn’t in the master bedroom either.

  “Have any of you seen her this morning?” Arwel asked.

  Ewan shook his head. “No. I thought she was still sleeping.”

  “I assume that you didn’t see or hear her leave the house either?”

  “How is this possible?” Jin put a hand on her hip. “You guys are supposed to have superior hearing, and as far as I know, Jacki can’t fly or levitate. You would have heard her open the door and go down the stairs.”

  “There are a lot of people in the house.” Duncan ran an agitated hand through his short hair. “Our job is to watch Kalugal’s gate. We don’t pay attention to doors opening or closing or check who is going down or up the stairs.”

  The Guardian’s nervousness and slight blush had finally clued Jin in.

  Freaking hell. They had been too busy listening to her and Arwel making love to notice Jacki giving them the slip.

  Embarrassed, Jin turned toward the door. “We need to go look for her.”


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