Blood Heir

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Blood Heir Page 38

by Amélie Wen Zhao

  mesyr: mister

  pelmeny: dumplings with fillings of minced meat, onions, and herbs

  pirozhky: fried pie with sweet or savory fillings

  pryntsessa: princess

  ptychy’moloko: bird’s milk cake

  Redcloak: rebels; a play on the colloquialism “Whitecloak”

  silverleaf: medium-value coin

  sistrika: sister

  sunwine: mulled wine made in the summer with honey and spice

  valkryf: breed of horse; a valuable steed with split toes and an incomparable ability to climb mountains and weather cold temperatures

  varyshki: expensive bull leather

  Vyntr’makt: winter market; outdoor markets usually established in town squares prior to the arrival of winter

  Whitecloak: colloquialism for “Imperial Patrol”

  yaeger: rare Affinite whose connection is to another person’s Affinity; they can sense Affinites and control one’s Affinity

  I began learning the English language at the age of seven, when I was plucked from my birth town of Paris and dropped into an American international school in the dusty gray city of 1990s Beijing. I’ve come a ways since that first day, when I was lost and the words that my teachers and classmates spoke flowed over my head like water, out of my reach.

  Books changed everything for me, transporting me to a hundred different worlds within their pages, allowing me to live a thousand different lives. I began reading in earnest, and slowly, with each turn of a page, a dream began to form. I wanted to be an author; I wanted to shape the worlds and change lives with the power of my words. Today I’d like to express my profound gratitude to every person who has touched my life in this process and shaped this book—you have all made my dream.

  To my wonderful agent, Peter Knapp, who pulled me through the doors and set me on this incredible journey, and continues to be a champion in every way. Thank you for changing my life on that dreary gray November morning in Beijing.

  To my incredible editor, Krista Marino, whose razor-sharp mind and pen have caught all the plot holes and fashion faux pas in this book—I am so blessed to be working with you. You continue to push me with every revision to make this book into the best version of itself. I’m (selfishly) glad you missed your flight to Paris last December and I got to have that second call with you.

  To Delacorte Press—visionary publisher Beverly Horowitz and assistant editor extraordinaire Monica Jean, publishers Barbara Marcus and Judith Haut, and the entire team at Random House Children’s Books, who have already made me feel like a part of this giant, amazing family: Felicia Frazier and Mark Santella in sales; Angela Carlino, Alison Impey, Ray Shappell, Regina Flath, and Ken Crossland in design; fearless copyeditors Colleen Fellingham and Alison Kolani and managing editor Tamar Schwartz (who will probably have to copyedit this paragraph again—I’m so sorry); Tracy Heydweiller, production manager; Mary McCue and Dominique Cimina in publicity; the amazing marketing team, John Adamo, Jenna Lisanti, and Kelly McGauley; Kate Keating, Elizabeth Ward, and Cayla Rasi in digital marketing; and Adrienne Waintraub, Lisa Nadel, and Kristen Schulz in school and library marketing. This book exists thanks to all of you!

  To the team at Park Literary, including Abby Koons and Blair Wilson, whose tireless work allows this book to continue traveling all over the world.

  To my first-ever beta readers and critique partners on Absolute Write, who read iterations of my opening chapters between 2014 and 2017 and whose comments helped my writing grow by leaps and bounds.

  To my first critique partner and writing friend, Cassy Klisch, whose daily texts inspired me to keep going and whose critiques of the early versions of this book motivated me to finish. I cannot wait to see your books on shelves one day soon, too.

  To my early beta readers and dear friend Heather Kassner, whose Twitter DM changed my life that autumn day and whose magical, whimsical, gorgeous words continue to inspire me. We will have our Happy Hour one day, and a photo that is not my head Photoshopped on your mom.

  To my beloved writing friends: Becca Mix, viral sensation and meme master, whose obnoxious but endearing cheerleading for me makes my mornings, and from whom I continue to learn understanding and humility and how to get along with cats. Katie Zhao, the true Dragon Warrior, possible long-lost cousin, and beastly writing machine, whose work ethic inspires and motivates me, whose books are exactly what young Amélie needed to read and will inspire an entire generation of kids. Molly Chang, Typo Queen, who continues to hold my hand throughout the publishing journey, taught me the magic of tax deductions, and shares my great love of hotpot. Hopefully when this book is out I’ll have time to watch all the Chinese dramas. Grace Li of Sparta, whose breathtaking prose continues to be a source of inspiration (and burning jealousy), who murders my favorite children and laughs about it. #2Blood2Furious coming your way, 2020. Andrea Tang, the wickedly smart jiejie, whose witty real-life rom-com stories and bantering book children give me life. Fran, my sweet agent sister (and so close to debut sisters!); Aly, Lyla, the entire summer 2018 retreat group, and so many amazing online friends I have yet to meet—thank you all for your friendship and support, for the late-night life talks over Barefoot wines and screaming over Twitter.

  To my closest confidants, keepers of my secret dream from early on: Amy Zhao, evil twin and best maid, who read early versions of this book and supported me throughout, who was role-playing on Virtual Hogwarts and our various Kalaskre sites with me way back in middle school, whose abs are a source of envy, and whose gym sessions were often my only breaks during deadline-riddled months. Crystal Wong, who read an early version of this book and caught numerous typos, whose friendship got me through NYU and Orgcomm, and who continues to push me through every grueling work day: here’s to the future Real Housewives of Midtown West and Santa Monica. Betty Lam, who shared a love of YA fantasy books with me at UCLA, who read the first few chapters and gave me amazing feedback, and who is still waiting to find out what happens (sorry!).

  To my ISB friends—Jack, Sara, Jessica, Kevin, Alex, Darren, Alan—whose humor and support and shenanigans have gotten me through half my lifetime and who have continued to show up for me this year. I’m blessed to be surrounded by such intelligent and worldly human beings as some of my greatest friends. (Except for you, Jack.)

  To my author and writer friends who stayed by my side during the good times and the bad: when darkness falls, the shadows leave, and you are left with those made of light. This book wouldn’t be here today without you.

  To the authors who reached out to me and offered me their guidance and wisdom, thank you for that phone call, for that email, for that message. I hope you know it meant the world to me.

  To Clement—the Ramson to my Ana, the Pewp to my Millie, the love of my life. Thank you for being my biggest rock in all the ups and downs of life, for picking up the housework and doing the dishes when I wanted to get some extra writing done, for cooking and feeding me when I was on deadline, for cheering me on with every small piece of news I sent your way, for loving me at my best and worst times. I read about so many fairy-tale princes and storybook heroes, but you’re the real thing (albeit a sports-loving, beer-drinking, bro-speaking version). I love you, and I continue to fall more in love with you with each passing day.

  To my little sister, Weetzy—my best friend, my soul sister, my co-conspirator, who has woven stories with me since we were old enough to speak, who read all my terrible novels growing up and got mad at me for my bad writing, who sat with me side by side during hot Beijing summers and wrote all those unfinished novels about fairy princesses and girls with magical powers. Life would be a lot lonelier without you; thank you for always being there for me, and know that I will always be here for you.

  Last, and most of all, to Mama and Papa—for being the most wonderful family and giving me the best upbringing I could ever want. I am bless
ed to have two fiercely intelligent and loving role models who taught me kindness, dedication, humility, and perseverance; who gave me the opportunity to dream. Every summer vacation, every museum trip, every book you bought me, every story you told me, every life lesson you gave me, every drop of incredible knowledge you shared with me has shaped me into who I am today and bled into this book. I hope I’ve made you proud.

  Amélie Wen Zhao was born in Paris, grew up in Beijing, and attended college in New York City, her current home. Blood Heir is her first novel. To learn more about her and her book, go to or follow @ameliewenzhao on Twitter and Instagram.

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