His Prize Model (A BBW Romance)

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His Prize Model (A BBW Romance) Page 4

by Malcolm Jordan

  By the time we arrive at the Hip Strip, the name of the night cub, I am feeling no pain and ready for action. I always get a sense of euphoria before a crucial business meeting. It’s the same sensation I had when I went into battle, particular during my stint in the Seal Team, when many times we were outnumbered in hostile territory.

  It is during a crisis when I am at my best. I remember how calm I was when a Russian fighter pointed his gun at my head. I calmly popped a couple rounds into him and stepped over his lifeless body without a care in the fucking world. So dealing with a few suited up businessmen, no matter how much money they have, is like a stroll in the park.

  As usual, my bodyguards exit the vehicle first and case the joint. Leonardo and Jeffrey are military vets, ex-Seals, hand-picked by Braddock himself. Their sole purpose in life is to keep me out of harm’s way and I am still alive and kicking, what with all the enemies I have amassed, so they must be doing something right.

  Braddock slips out of the limo and motions for me to follow. He still sports a slight limp, courtesy of a sniper’s bullet in his leg. But don’t’ be fooled, he is one of the quickest motherfuckers you will ever find. I would go into battle with his old ass any day.

  I glance up at the entrance to the Hip Strip. It looks classy and polished, which suits me just fine. I have a thing for classy joints.

  Leonardo goes to the front, while Jeffrey tracks behind us. We pass through an imposing door and are greeted by a polite doorman who ushers us inside. The Hip Strip is huge, yet still has an intimate feel. It is a throwback to the days of the Lounges, complete with cabaret singer and all.

  The manager greets and personally escorts us to a large table in the back. Our rival party has not yet arrived and that’s just the way I like it. My strategy is always to arrive early, case the joint and relax, that way I always have an advantage over the persons arriving after me.

  I am planning to purchase MX Air, the large domestic airline that has been beset by financial problems and hemorrhaging cash for the past two years. The company suffered a loss of over a hundred million dollars in the last quarter, so it’s in a very vulnerable state. We had been following their plight for quite a while and made a number of overtures, but the principal owners, two brothers from Miami, had rebuffed my efforts, wanting to keep the family business going at all cost. The massive losses in the previous quarter had brought them to their senses, however, and they appear ripe for the picking.

  Sitting back in my corner perch affords me ample view of almost the entire room. The opening act, a cute female singer, is on stage entertaining the jam-packed audience of mainly business types in suits.

  Finally we spot the brothers, Mick and Ted arriving. Braddock rises from his seat and gives a friendly wave as is his norm. I, on the other hand, sit stone-faced. Our good and bad cop routine always works like a charm.

  Mick is the first to the table and offers his hand. I still do not stand, but reach over politely.

  “Greetings, Mr. Stone,” Mick says, giving me a firm handshake. I return the favor, holding his hand in a vice grip. He squirms. I like to show strength from the outset.

  “Ted, Mick great to see you guys again,” I reply, trying my best to sound genuine, when I would rather just go for the kill and rip their fucking hearts out. But I bide my time and play the game the way Braddock has taught me.

  Ted, who had been the more resistant of the brothers, is in his early sixties, while Mick is late fifties. Our research shows them to be both stand-up guys, although my private eye reports that Mick is banging his blonde twenty something year old secretary.

  Braddock takes his seat beside the brothers and quickly gets down to business. “Gentlemen, let’s cut to the chase, we know you are losing a fortune and we are willing to make what we think is a very generous offer,” Braddock says in a smooth and suave voice.

  You have to hand it to the captain. He has his own unique style, the technique we perfected after leaving the Navy Seal when Braddock went to work in the family’s corporate headquarters and took me with him. We made a curious pair, the grizzled vet and the young upstart who thought he was smarter and savvier than anyone else in the company.

  I study the look on their faces as Braddock addresses them. My special gift is reading people and I have an uncanny ability of being able to spot weaknesses. Give me even an inch and you are dead in the water. “Your offer still seems like lowball to me,” Ted responds, rather gruffly. “And we thought you were planning to keep the company and protect the jobs of our workers. These guys are like family and we want to see their interest protected.”

  “Mr. Stone’s offer is more than reasonable and what he chooses to do with the company after he buys it is completely up to him.” Braddock is in his element, toying with Mick and Ted. “Now, I am sure he will try and do his best to protect the interest of the workers, but in the end we are all here as businessmen to make a profit.”

  Ted leans over to me. “Stone, without a promise of job protection for our guys and a higher offer, the deal is off the table,” he barks angrily.

  Braddock is about to respond when I shut him down with just a wave of my hand. “Let’s cut the fucking crap here guys. I can buy this company from you the hard way, piece by piece and close it down, or we can do this the easy way.” I speak in measured tones, giving my words time to take maximum effect.

  In business, as in war, I always keep a cool head. I never get flustered…you do and you give away the upper hand. Show weakness and get your fucking head blown off. “If you continue this nonsense, I’m going to lower my offer or withdraw it completely.” My eyes are locked with Ted’s in mortal combat. “We can leave our lawyers and accountants to haggle over final minor figures and just kick back, have a drink and watch the lady sing. Now that is what I am really here for.” I silence the brothers. With that said I raise my hand for the cute waitress to come over and refresh our glasses.

  I take my eyes off the brothers and turn them towards the stage.

  This meeting is fucking over.

  Ted and Mick huddle between themselves for a few minutes while Braddock reaches into his briefcase and retrieves the documents we had had drawn up. “Mr. Stone,” Ted sighs. “You drive a hard bargain. We will accept your final offer, even though it’s against our better judgment. We only ask that you look again at any plans you have of breaking up the company.”

  I nod my head, propose a mock toast and turn my attention back to the singer on the stage.

  Mick and Ted get up from their seats, ready to depart.

  “Don’t you guys want to have another drink with us?” I ask, trying not to gloat. I am already pumped from the swift victory, but try to conceal my enthusiasm. The brothers refuse my offer and quickly take their leave, throwing daggers with their eyes as they depart.

  “Now that was quick, even for you, Ethan,” Braddock lets out a low whistle.

  “They are weak pussies, captain. I have no time to waste on them,” I answer dismissively.

  For some reason I am on edge tonight. I didn’t have an orgasm with the super twins and I find myself glancing around, looking for someone who may tickle my fancy.

  I need to get laid tonight.

  I have a huge sexual appetite and when I am horny, I need sex or a business power play. The brothers hadn’t provided much resistance so I require another kind of high. The kind only a warm, wet pussy can provide.

  My eyes roam the room, eventually resting on a rather exotic beauty.

  “Who is that girl sitting at the table in the corner?” I mention to Braddock. “She seems very familiar. Like she is somebody I should recognize, but can’t place my finger on her.”

  Braddock follows my gaze, stopping at a table a few rows away. “Well you should, that Avamarie, one of the world’s rising young singers. She is burning up the charts right now and college boys are creaming their pants for her.”

  “Oh, yeah, I remember her now. Shit Braddock, the act on stage is really boring me, why don’t
you get Avamarie to sing a few numbers for us?”

  “Ethan, big stars don’t just get up and sing impromptu in night clubs like that, unless they are named Bruce Springsteen.”

  “Captain, I really don’t give a fuck. Go over and tell her I am asking…no requesting a few songs from her.”

  Braddock looks at me incredulously. He knows that I am not a man who minces words and when I ask for something I expect it to be done right away. In a flash he is on his feet and makes his way over to the table. I watch him in animated conversation with two women and the male sitting with them. He returns after a few minutes with a somber look on his face.

  “They say Avamarie doesn’t do small nightclubs and that she doesn’t have her band or music, anyway,” Braddock says, sounding slightly exasperated.

  “She could do two songs acapella,” I say, looking the captain dead in the eyes. As rugged and battle tested as he is, the captain knows I never take no for an answer and that he has to complete his mission. Braddock doesn’t ask any more questions, just returns to the table and begins another conversation with them. He is back again in another few minutes. “The other woman, who is her manager, says even if her client wanted to sing, we couldn’t afford her.”

  I smile at Braddock and he senses I am up to something crazy. He knows me like that. I also know that he is no gofer or errand boy, so I rise up out of my seat and follow Braddock back to the table. It’s time for me to get in on the action. “Ladies and gent, this is Ethan,” Braddock announces.

  “Ethan? What the hell kind of a name is that?” The guy at the table asks. He seems to have had a few too many, so I ignore him and look straight at the agent.

  “Name your price for Avamarie to do two songs acapella.”

  I know she will quote a figure just to humor me.

  “Lay down two hundred grand and Avamarie takes the stage for two songs,” the bitch snickers, as if she figured the ridiculous price would send me back to my table with my tail between my legs.

  “Consider it a deal,” I blurt out.

  Avamarie and her agent’s mouths pop open.

  “Now that’s very impressive, Mr. Ethan, but of course I won’t accept personal checks,” the agent continues her mouthy routine.

  As if reading my thoughts, Braddock pulls out his smartphone. “Give me an account number,” he barks. The agent meekly agrees and Braddock proceeds to punch in a few numbers. “Here,” he shows her the phone. “That’s two hundred thousand deposited into your account.”

  The agent looks as if she is about to crap in her pants, while Avamarie, who’s been quiet all during the negotiations, looks up at me and smiles. “That’s very impressive, Ethan,” Avamarie says, her eyes dancing in her head before locking in on mine.

  My eyes smile with hers.

  “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” The singer’s eyes are wide open now and she is staring at me. “Yeah, you are that guy on the cover of the Magazine…yeah, the Sexiest Man Alive.”

  The mouthy agent’s eyes widen and I manage a sly smirk.

  Avamarie, by this time, is out of her seat and gives me a big hug. She squeezes just a little too tightly and I get the picture. She has the fucking hots for me. “Now don’t you boys run off now, I will be back after two songs.”

  Braddock and I head back to our table. I watch Avamarie stroll towards the mike and the place erupts. The girl has a damn fine ass and she is freaking hot. I haven’t fucked a young starlet in awhile, she would be a good test.

  Avamarie takes the mike and tears the freaking joint down, all the time staring straight at me as if singing for my ears only. I nonchalantly return her gaze, running my tongue over my lips in the process.

  It will soon be thrusting between your legs, baby girl.

  She completes the two song set to thunderous applause, then stops briefly at her table and whispers something to her agent, who seems not too pleased. Avamarie comes over and flops herself beside me. “Mr. Sexiest Man Alive… now that you got me all to yourself, what are you going to do with me?”

  “I am going to fuck you, darling.”

  Avamarie blushes and bursts into giggles like a fucking schoolgirl.

  “Let’s blow this joint and go back to my place,” I command. “Looking at you makes my cock hard. I wanna fuck a hot singer tonight.”

  I grab her by the waist and scoop her up with one hand.

  Braddock smiles and shakes his head. He silently signals to Leonardo and Jeffrey… a sign that I am ready to go and I have company. We are through the doors in a flash and I toss Avamarie into the limo. Braddock and the crew catch the tail car and keep a safe distance behind me.

  Once inside the back seat, Avamarie is all over me. She is hot and heavy, obviously turned on by my power play. I roughly push my fingers between her legs and stroke her panties. They are damn soaked and she proceeds to twerk on my finger. This girl is ready to fuck.

  The limo pulls up at my apartment and she fixes her skirt. We exit with her holding on to my arms, on wobbly legs. She clings to me during the elevator ride to the penthouse. We barely make it through the front door before the singer attacks, pushes me down on the massive king size four-poster bed and yank my pants down my legs. “Sweet heavens, you are hung like a freaking horse, dude,” she gushes, between sharp breaths. Her breathing is ragged like a bitch in heat, her chest rising and falling in anticipation of the treat to come.

  Avamarie drops to the floor and the tip of her tongue gently licks the head of my cock. A shiver runs down my spine. Her mouth is small and barely covers the head of my prick, but it is warm and succulent. The sight of the famous young singer bowing down before me is actually more of a turn on to me than the sucking of my prick. She manages to take about half of my cannon down her throat before gagging.

  I get up and shove her to the floor. Her eyes are glazed with surprise, but hot with anticipation. I reach down and rip the buttons off her blouse and pull down her skirt. She is wearing sexy, lace panties. I slip my fingers inside her underwear and with a quick jerk tear them off her fine ass. She grunts like a wild animal at my primal show of aggression.

  Avamarie is writhing on the floor, ready to be plundered.

  I have more for you, girl

  I dive between her legs and slide my long tongue up and down her clit, licking it faster and faster. There is no time for a slow build up…I am all business now. “Oh my god…oh my god,” Avamarie gushes over and over. I flip her on to her tummy and knife my tongue into her slit from behind. I gently fuck her with my tongue while she screams with pleasure, rotating her ass and grinding on my tongue with wild abandon.

  “Ethan. You are god. Come fuck me. I want that big prick of yours.”

  Still, I deny her and continue spearing her with my tongue, until she is a blubbering mess and totally submissive. Only then do I slide my prick into her from behind with her still pinned on the floor. I push the tool inside her until it is fully lodged in her tummy. Her canal is wet and tight and milks my cock. Avamarie screams again and that makes me fuck her even harder. I grab her hair and tug on it while I ravage her. I feel like I am screwing a wild bronco as she bucks and squirms. My prick smashes in and out of her until she lets out a wail as an orgasm hits her like a tsunami. I show no mercy, neither do I let up, as my prick continues its piston-like motion into her, until she collapses on the floor.


  Avamarie emerges naked from the bathroom with a big grin imprinted on her face as she saunters over to the bed.

  “You really know how to fuck a girl, Ethan. I can still feel you inside me,” she says. “This has been the best fuck I have ever had in my entire life. Jeez, no man has ever made me come like that.”

  I look up at her and smile. She is a beautiful girl, with long flowing hair and a killer body.

  Avamarie reaches down to the floor and retrieves her torn blouse and underwear.

  “Shit, you ruined my favorite Isha blouse…you animal you,” she jokes. “You know you gonna have to replace
it, dude.”

  “Of course I will,” I reply.

  She stops beside the bed and takes a seat on the edge.

  “You realize I don’t have anything to wear home tomorrow, unless you are going to send me home in one of your shirts…oh my, the paparazzi would love that.” Her voice has a thoughtful ring to it.

  “Tonight,” I correct her.

  “What do you mean, tonight?” She looks at me, her sultry brown eyes widening. “What else are we doing tonight?”

  “When you go home tonight.”

  “Ethan…I thought I was spending the night with you.”

  “No, I have an early meeting tomorrow and I have to get some rest. If you stay, I sure as well won’t sleep.” I try to put her down gently.

  I don’t want you staying…I never have a woman I fuck stay the night.

  Avamarie’s sexy lips curl into a pout. There is a look of hurt on her face.

  “So what am I going to wear home, Ethan?”

  “Check the closet to the left. I keep a stock of women’s clothing there and they are all brand new… I am sure you will find something you like to wear home.”

  She reaches over and punches me in the gut. Her hands are tiny and I barely feel the strike to my rock hard abs. Avamarie jumps off the bed and opens the closet door. Her eyes light up at what they see. She rummages inside and eventually selects a slinky designer dress. “At least you have good taste, dude,” she remarks and slips on the dress. She twirls around in front of the full length mirror. The dress is a perfect match.

  “Thanks for a lovely evening…a great fuck and the dress.” She comes over and kisses me, biting my lips until she draws blood. “You know I am going to write a song about you and about tonight, don’t you?”

  I smack her on the ass. “My driver will see you home safely…and I am looking forward to hearing that song.”

  She gives me a wave and is out of the bedroom, slamming the door shut.

  I switch off the lights and lay in bed for a while. She is a cute girl, but I just can’t stand waking up to the same face in the morning. It had been like that since I joined the army…a quick fuck with a local girl in some foreign country and then back to the barracks.


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