His Prize Model (A BBW Romance)

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His Prize Model (A BBW Romance) Page 12

by Malcolm Jordan

  Jada urges me to hurry up and eat. I wolf down the offering, realizing how famished I am and afterwards, with the delicious meal under our belts, we saunter downstairs, ready to experience more of what Cary Island has to offer. We are both dressed in trendy jeans and small cotton top, hair loosely hung around our shoulders, with sunglasses to boot. We return a few nods and hellos in the main hallway before venturing outside. It’s an incredible day, decorated with clear blue skies and not a cloud to be found anywhere. It’s the perfect weather for a swim.

  As we wander across the lawn, who do we run into but Ethan himself, dressed down in khaki shorts, t- shirt and boots, looking more like a plantation owner than a billionaire playboy. “Hi ladies,” he says smiling. Ethan’s charm is ever present. There is just a magnetism to this man that draws you to him and my breasts stiffen and there is a throbbing between my legs.

  Your master has arrived. The man who first entered you is here.

  I try not to blush, but it’s evident all over my face. Ethan, however, pretends not to notice and gives Jada a hug and kiss on the cheek. Poor Jada, even my tough roomie is overcome by his incredible charm and charisma. “By the way, let me offer my congratulations for an awesome display last night,” Ethan says, raising his brow. “Listen, I am taking the boat out today for a cruise around some of the small islands and I would love for you to come with me.” He is speaking to both of us, but Ethan is looking at me, with that silly, cocky smirk of his.

  Jada and I look at each other. “We would be delighted to come, Mr. Stone,” she responds. “The islands look so beautiful. Can we swim in the water too?”

  “Of course,” Ethan laughs. “Although I hope you are not afraid of sharks; there are a few hungry ones hanging around here.”

  We both pretend to be petrified, before doubling over with laughter. “Girls, the cruise leaves in an hour, so run and put on your sexy bikinis.” With that statement, he is up and gone in a flash. I rush in front of Jada, walking bristly towards the mansion. It was great seeing Ethan, but even happier at his invitation to join him on the boat.

  That shows he has more interest than just a passing fuck.

  It takes but a few minutes for me to be back in my room and hastily slip into a new, sexy bikini; You know…the kind with just a tiny triangle which shows off all the most dangerous curves. If Ethan Stone thinks he has seen anything yet, he is in for a big surprise. I am a tease, if nothing else in this world. I am a frigging tease and he has a taste coming his way.

  Glancing at myself in the mirror, a smile creases my face. I look like a million, no a billion dollars. For once I am glad God blessed me with such incredible beauty. I may not show it to the world, but I do know I am frigging gorgeous. The girl that is staring back at me in the mirror is freaking hot; Big, thick, curvy and dangerous.

  My ensemble for the cruise is completed by a pair of shorts that leaves nothing to the imagination, showing off my large, round ass. I quickly flee the room, not wanting to keep everyone waiting and bump into Jada, who had made by what is her standard a very quick change as well.

  A houseman greets us cheerfully and we are escorted to a Land Rover which transports us to the dock. There, in front of us, sits one of the biggest boats I have ever seen in my life. “Boat my ass, Jada, that’s a frigging super yacht,” I announce.

  Jada’s eyes widen. “Trust Ethan to talk about his little boat,” she snickers.

  Ethan is dockside waiting with a huge grin on his face. “I hope my boat meets your approval,” he teases.

  “Yes, I love your little boat,” I reply, with an emphasis on little.

  Ethan proceeds to help us aboard the yacht. There are about ten other persons present. I recognize Mr. Braddock from the event, as well as a few other persons I had seen around the property. There is also a sultry, dark island beauty that looks like something out of a magazine. She is freaking stunning.

  Ethan does the introductions, referring to the girl simply as Malika, before giving the Captain his orders to sail.

  “Am I imagining things or is that girl giving us the evil eye?” I whisper to Jada.

  “I noticed the same thing,” she replies. “But forget her. Let’s just enjoy this magnificent boat and have the time of our lives. I am here to have fun, girlfriend.”

  A waitress walks up with glasses of Cristal champagne, which Jada and I readily accept. We clink our glasses. “Here’s to a wonderful day in paradise,” Jada toasts.

  “Here’s to a day with Ethan,” I reply, giggling like a schoolgirl as the bubbly tickles my nostrils.

  Ethan ambles over and takes me by the hand. “Want to take the grand tour?”

  I look at Jada, who shrugs. “Why not,” I retort, but by this time he has dragged me half way across the deck.

  Ethan Stone doesn’t ask, he demands.

  He proceeds to take me on a whirlwind tour of the rather large yacht. The bedrooms are gorgeous and I can just imagine a few days sailing on the high seas with him, making love in the bed and soaking up the sunshine on deck. “I love it, Ethan,” I exclaim at the end of the tour.

  “I’m glad you do.” His piercing eyes are trying to peek into my soul. “You have an open invitation to come for a sail any time you like, whether I am here or not.”

  My ears prick upwards. Does that mean he is really interested in me and wants me around? I try not to read too much into his invitation, but it has certainly put me on a high.

  Ethan wraps his massive arm around my waist and leads me back onto the upper deck. I guess I’m a little disappointed he didn’t try and kiss me during the tour before heading back to the group.

  Malika, the native girl, stares at me as I return with Ethan. If looks could kill I would be dead right now. I get the feeling that there is something going on between her and Ethan, but I play it cool. It’s not my business…well, not just yet. At the moment Ethan and I have just had a one night stand, which gives me no claim to the guy.

  The rest of the afternoon is spent snacking on mouth-wateringly delicious hors d’oeuvres, sipping tropical cocktails with exotic sounding names and listening to contemporary music. All in all, a wonderful time and a well-needed break from the hustle and bustle of life in New York. Somehow, I could see myself living in these islands, far from the maddening crowd.

  Ethan is the consummate host, spending just the right amount of time with each of his guests and for the most part laughing his head off at our corny jokes. It’s a side of him I didn’t expect to see, but which I am enjoying. It’s nice to see the intense guy letting his hair down a bit.

  Malika, on the other hand, eyes me constantly, failing to mask the look of unadulterated jealousy etched on her face. I try and ignore her to the best of my abilities, instead focusing on the wonders of life in The Bahamas. I especially enjoy seeing the small islands, with each having its own charm. I had no idea The Bahamas was comprised of so many different islands.

  “Maybe I will buy this island and name it after you, Riley,” Ethan whispers jokingly in my ear during one of the excursions. Well, I think he was joking, because with him you never know.

  Later, back on the boat, I suddenly get the urge to take a swim. The water is just so freaking inviting; I simply can’t resist wading in. “Can I just jump overboard and swim?” I ask the captain, who looks at me rather strangely, before turning his gaze to Ethan.

  “Sure you can, Riley. But just be careful, there have been shark sightings in these waters. Keep your eyes peeled.” Ethan hunches his shoulders.

  I quickly peel down into my sexy bikini, without as much as an upward glance. Still, I can almost predict the stares coming from the men on board. Jada looks at me and clears her throat. “You are not going in without me.” She pats me on the ass. “You are not the only hot model on board.”

  I laugh and slap her backside. Jada peels off her shorts and rushes down the steps which lead into the water. I playfully run after her, our laughter floating out to sea. Ethan is standing near the steps, arms akimbo, wa
tching us diving off into the water and wading around; His eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger.

  The water is cool and inviting. “Chill, Ethan,” I shout out. “You always tell me not to have any fear.”

  A smile creases his handsome face. “Don’t believe everything I tell you,” he bellows back, as I dive underwater.

  The ocean feels so freaking good that it has an almost orgasmic effect on me.

  God, I could live here and never go back. I could stay here with Ethan, forever.

  Jada is like a fish in the water. I had no idea she was such a good swimmer. “Champion swimmer in high school, girl,” she remarks, splashing me with the invigorating liquid.

  Suddenly, I hear Ethan’s voice booming in the distance. “Shark,” he shouts repeatedly. “Shark.”

  Jada and I anxiously scan the water and see a large fin heading in our direction. “Shit, Riley… back to the boat now….swim as fast as you can,” Jada takes off and I try to keep up with her, but I am nowhere in her class as a swimmer.

  The fin is getting closer and a feeling of panic takes over my body.

  Just my luck to be eaten by a shark… just when I am finding so much success and happiness in my life. Damn.

  They say your life flashes before your eyes when you face death and I am here to tell you it’s so true. A million scenes cloud my thoughts. Then out of the corner of my eyes I see Ethan plunging into the water, a huge knife in his hand. It takes but a few powerful strokes for him to be on top of the fin. His hand raises and the knife plunges downwards, again and again, as blood spatters what was crystal clear waters.

  There is a glazed look in Ethan’s eyes; the look of a man possessed as he and the monstrous creature wrestle for superiority, before the water around me turn red with the blood of the slain shark.

  His rescue act complete, a bloody Ethan swims up to me and grabs me in his arms. “Riley, are you alright.” His voice is brimming with concern and his eyes wide and wild. Could it be that he is really concerned about me?

  “Yes I am…yes I am.” I hold on to Ethan, not wanting to let go. I hear a splattering of applause from the yacht and we both look up to see everyone cheering wildly, including Jada who had reached the ladder. Ethan grips me as if I am a toy and quickly swims to the ladder. Braddock and the skipper help pull me on board.

  Jada waving her hands hysterically, beside herself with worry. “I am fine everyone…not even a scratch,” I pronounce, still frightened, but not pleased with all the attention.

  Jada hugs me tightly and Braddock offers me a drink of potent white rum, which I gulp down and ask for more. I down the second drink in an instant. It feels good… the alcohol setting fire to my system. The fact that I am okay causes everyone to relax and return to having fun. I look over at Ethan and see a look of relief etched on his face.

  He does care about me, in his own warped way.

  We return to Cary Island without any more mishaps and I am feeling a bit tipsy, what with all the rum I had been drinking during the cruise, and considering the fact that I am not much of a drinker. Jada too is feeling no pain, having drunk and danced up a storm, entertaining the entire group with her hip hop movements.

  Later that night, Ethan again visits my room. “Just to talk,” he declares.

  “Riley, I am so glad you are okay. I would never want anything to happen to you,” he says tenderly, pulling me closer to him in the bed.

  “Well nothing happened, thanks to you. You are my hero, Ethan. You saved my life,” I exclaim, before planting a kiss on his cheek.

  “Just my Navy Seal training and plus I hate to see a damsel in distress.” He knits his brow and mouths a kiss at me.

  I nestle back in Ethan’s arms. I feel so protected around him, as if nothing in the world can harm me.

  “Riley.” His voice is close to a whisper.

  “Yes, dude.”

  “How would you feel about spending a couple more days here with me? I would love to have you as my guest and I will have the jet take you back to New York afterwards.”

  Am I hearing right? Is Ethan really into me this much that he doesn’t want me to leave?

  “Of course I will,” I answer instinctively, not even giving it a second thought. “You didn’t even have to ask.”

  I don’t even bother to think about jobs I may have waiting on me in New York. Whatever they are, they will have to wait a couple more days. I want to know more about this mystery man and to understand why he makes me feel lighter than air when I am in his company. The only way to find that out is to spend some real quality time with him.

  “I am glad,” is all he says, before falling asleep. I cradle him my arms, figuring he must be tired from all the exertions of the past few days.

  So Ethan Stone actually does sleep… how interesting.



  I hadn’t planned to ask Riley to spend a few extra days with me, but somehow after the episode with the shark, something changed. I just couldn’t stand the thought of anything happening to her. I don’t know why. Guess I am more attached to her than I allowed myself to think.

  Luckily, Riley tells me that she has a few free days in between photo shoots. I say luckily, because that’s the word she used and judging from the way her career is taking off, she is going be quite busy for the next few months.

  We say our farewell to Jada the next morning. Riley reluctantly kisses her goodbye. It’s quite obvious they are close. Jada dotes on Riley and plays the part of a big sister. I like that…the fact that she has someone she can depend on in the big, bad New York, a place that can chew up and spit out a young woman if she is not careful. I really hate that damn city.

  “Ethan, do not let anything happen to my girl or you will have me to answer to me, you hear,” Jada warns, looking me squarely in the eyes.

  “Of course I will,” I reply, giving her hand a squeeze, as I kiss her on the cheeks.

  “Call me, Riley,” she continues, even while boarding the plane.

  Riley laughs. I look at her as she does so, because I just love hearing her laugh. It’s one of those genuine laughs that light up a room.

  There is just something about Riley Hamilton that makes my heart skip a beat every time she is near. When she smile and her lips curl upwards; When she looks at me and her eyes twinkle, I see a bit of myself: Headstrong… powerful. Maybe that’s why I am having this feeling of attachment towards her and invited her to stay.

  I have never met a woman who makes me feel the way Riley does. It’s a foreign feeling but one that I find highly intriguing.

  She tugs at my heartstrings like no woman has ever done.


  We spend two wonderful days frolicking on the sun-kissed beaches… drinking, laughing…playing around like two high school kids rather than billionaire and model. Riley makes me laugh harder than I have done in many moons. I am comfortable and at ease in her presence. For once I can just let down my hair for a few days and enjoy the company of a woman, without having to play the role of the great Ethan Stone, which everyone expects of me.

  Riley shows herself to have a quick wit, cracking jokes and having me in stitches. She is also a good listener, never interrupting me when I am saying something important. She even asks me about my business and why I buy companies and break them into pieces, rather than build something of my own. “Because I can make much more money selling off the pieces. And besides, I am a very impatient guy and building successful companies takes time, many years in fact,” I point out to her.

  I see a hurt look on her face. “I understand what you are saying in principle, Ethan, but causing all those people to lose their jobs rather than provide their families with security, doesn’t that make you feel sad?” She looks at me, trying to detect my feelings.

  “No, it doesn’t sweetheart. It’s business, just business. In my world the strong survives and you survive by getting stronger,” I try to explain. “Why should I make a bad business decision jus
t because it may cause some discomfort to people? All the major companies are laying off workers every single day, Riley. Like every other investor out there I am in business to make money… as much as I can.”

  Riley gives me her little wounded puppy dog look, her bee-stung lips pouting. “Wouldn’t it be nice though, to once in a while create something that future generations can see and be proud of?” She presses her point home, twisting the knife slowly.

  “Maybe when you start making millions we can build something together,” I counter, knowing which buttons to press.

  She smiles and her mood lightens. “Ethan, one day in the future I may just take you up on that offer.” She laughs aloud and slips back into her more festive mood.

  Riley also proves to be quite adept in the kitchen and on our final evening together, dismisses the staff and prepares a home-cooked meal. It’s absolutely delicious and she is over the moon that I actually enjoy her creation.

  Modeling, she informs me, was a dream of hers from an early age, but one she had given up on, until her discovery.

  I have to confess that Riley brightens my world like no other. Somehow, this small town girl has struck a chord inside me that hundreds of other women have failed to do. For some reason I am already thinking about buying a company and putting together a team under Braddock to make it work. This would be a first for me.

  Riley is also a fast learner in the bedroom and proves a willing lover, giving as much as she gets. She loves sucking my cock. I think she enjoys the feeling of power it gives her, being able to driving me fucking wild when those luscious lips curl over my cock and slurps.

  I have also kept the gun away from the bedroom… for now… not wanting to jolt her anymore, especially after the terrifying incident with the shark.

  During the final night of her stay we enjoy dinner on my bedroom patio and then spend the evening lying in bed. She is extra quiet, just curled up in my arms in a ball, like a little pussycat. “Is there something bothering you, Riley?” I ask, sensing her moodiness.


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