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Displaced Page 23

by Drake,Stephen

  “Murdock’s right,” Mei Lee said, finally joining the conversation. Her voice carried well into the crowd. Her vision had gotten better each day, and the bruises were healing. “We know more now than we did when we first arrived,” she continued. “I think we should follow Murdock’s suggestions for the time being. We’ll have all winter to figure out what to do and how to do it, but for now, we need to get ready for winter. And we don’t need to knuckle under to the likes of Whittier! Whittier has shown us that dying isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Lots of things are worse.

  “Speaking for myself,” she went on, facing Murdock and Rose, “your counsel will always be welcome and heeded. You’ll both be forever welcome in my house. I owe you both a great debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.” Then she kissed them each on their cheek.

  Murdock and Rose blushed.

  Later, after the colonists had retired to their own fires and with guards in place, Murdock, Rose, and Mei Lee sat outside Mei Lee’s tent.

  “They’ll learn, Murdock,” Mei Lee told them. “I’ll see to that. And I’ll see to it that they also remember.”

  “You really don’t owe me anything, Mei Lee,” Murdock told her. “I still owe you for what Collier did.” Murdock stirred the coals with a stick as he stared into the flames.

  “You owe Tom nothing,” Mei Lee said, speaking in her usual quiet tone. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she sat between Murdock and Rose. “He thought he owed you, and seeing Rose in danger, he did what he had to do. You owe me nothing. You owe him nothing.”

  “Some might say that I cost you your husband,” Murdock stated.

  “Some might, but I never will. You didn’t ask him to die; he offered his life for Rose’s! He’d be quite cross if he knew how you feel,” Mei Lee told them.

  “Well, I still owe him,” Rose said.

  Mei Lee looked at her with compassion “All Tom had to give was his life,” she told Rose. “It was a gift.”

  “I didn’t want it,” Rose said, crying.

  Mei Lee gently wiped away Rose’s tears. “It was a gift. You don’t get to choose to refuse it. Would you really dishonor his gift by refusing?” Mei Lee asked.

  Rose stared at the fire saying nothing. For a long time, none of them said anything further. All kept their thoughts to themselves.

  “If you two are tired, go ahead and sleep,” Murdock said after an hour of silence. “I’m going to take a little walk.”

  Murdock headed toward the pod. As he approached, he heard knocking coming from the ramp. Murdock kicked away the log holding the ramp closed, and the ramp dropped slowly. By the time the ramp was completely down, Murdock had taken out his twelve-inch machete. Then, a blonde woman walked down the ramp with much trepidation.

  Murdock got the attention of one of the other women, “Go get Rose.” The woman went off toward his and Rose’s site.

  “I’m not armed,” the blonde woman said, her voice trembling.

  “Who else is up there?” Murdock demanded. He wasn’t in the mood for any trifling.

  “Just Whittier,” the blonde said in her high-pitched voice. “Can I please leave? I’m in dire need of relieving myself!”

  Rose came up to Murdock.

  “Rose, take this one out so she can relieve herself,” Murdock said sternly. “Keep a close eye on her, and don’t get too close to her. Don’t trust her. When she’s done, tie her hands behind her and bring her back.”

  “Let’s go, Blondie,” Rose commanded. She drew her own twelve-inch machete as she escorted the woman into the dark and away from the others.

  Murdock watched Rose and the blonde. He also tried to watch the ramp, but no one else seemed willing to come out. Nevertheless, Murdock listened and watched. After some time, Rose and the blonde returned.

  “Thanks,” the woman said flirtatiously to Murdock. “I really needed that!”

  “You said Whittier is in there?” Murdock asked. “Why doesn’t he come out?”

  “I’m supposed to negotiate for him,” the blonde stated. Then, in a cold tone, she asked, “What assurances are you willing to give that Whittier won’t be killed immediately?”

  “I give no assurances at all to you or Whittier,” Murdock responded in the same cold tone.

  “You are the new leader, aren’t you?” the blonde asked. She was trying to be coy and provocative.

  “Calm it down, Blondie,” Rose warned. “He’s taken!”

  “I’m not the leader of this group,” Murdock said. “I would, however, like to have a private discussion with Whittier about a few counts of rape and assault.”

  “Since you aren’t the duly elected leader, I seem to be negotiating with the wrong person,” the woman said, glaring at Rose. “Can someone direct me to the leader?” she asked to no one in particular as she looked around.

  “It’s a little late for this,” Murdock stated. “I may not be the leader, but I’ll give you the option of spending the night tied and bound, or spending it locked in the pod. Either option is fine with me.”

  “You can’t bind me or restrain me in any way,” the blonde replied. “I’ve done nothing to warrant it, and I don’t recognize your authority. I know my rights.”

  Murdock pulled out some leather ties and walked over to her.

  “Now, just wait a minute,” she pleaded, hand out, as she backed up slowly.

  Murdock said nothing and continued toward her.

  “Stop! Will someone stop this madman?” she pleaded.

  Murdock grabbed her wrist, spun her around, and started tying her hands behind her back.

  “O-o-o-o, I could get used to this,” she whispered seductively.

  After her hands were secured, Murdock inspected the underside of the pod around the ramp. He found what he was looking for — a small button — and pressed it. The ramp started to close slowly. When it was closed, Murdock replaced the log brace that locked the ramp closed.

  “Take her over there by one of the legs and tie her to it, Rose,” Murdock directed.

  “Gladly,” Rose said as she yanked the woman by her bound wrists. Rose got the blonde by one of the pod legs and forced her to sit. Then Rose tied the woman to it.

  “Who’s the guard?” Murdock asked. Two men, one from each of the two fires, came over to Murdock. “She is to stay tied until I decide to let her go, understand?” Murdock asked them. They both nodded. “See to it that you pass on the information to whoever relieves you. Under no circumstances is she to be freed, untied, or moved.” Both of the men acknowledged the orders.

  “What a bimbo,” Rose said, shaking her head.

  “Careful, dear, the green-eyed monster is starting to show itself,” Murdock chided.

  “Good. Glad you recognize it when you see it,” Rose quipped.

  “Who is she, and why is she clothed when no one else is?” Murdock asked Rose as the two strode back to Mei Lee’s tent.

  “I have no idea,” Rose told her husband as the blonde howled.

  “Ask Mei Lee and see if she knows,” Murdock said.

  “Ask her yourself,” Rose snapped back. Murdock looked at her, surprised. “Sorry, it’s been a long and trying day,” Rose apologized.

  Mei Lee was inside her tent, lying down.

  “What happened?” she asked after Murdock and Rose were resettled around the fire. Rose informed her. “That would be Krysia Oblonski. She was Whittier’s main squeeze and head of torture techniques. If there was a way to further dishearten or break down the others, she came up with it.”

  “Why was she the only one with clothes?” Murdock asked.

  “For most people, being naked makes you feel vulnerable. Whittier and crew were using it to break down our pride. So, for most people, when someone is clothed when you’re naked it would make you feel diminished.”

  “Where did you learn that?” Murdock asked. “You’re a lot wiser than your years.”

  “My parents insisted that I learn all I could about as many different subjects as possi
ble,” she said, shrugging. “They felt too many people were specialized.”

  Rose slid down a little, reclining somewhat. “I’m going to sleep! If you two jabber boxes want to continue, do it quietly,” Rose said facetiously.

  “Would you like to sleep in here?” Mei Lee asked Rose. “I can sleep outside. I wouldn’t mind.”

  “You stay put,” Rose told her. “I’ve got my old man, and the fire, to keep me warm.”

  Murdock took the hint and lay on his side, pulling Rose into the front side of his body. Rose wiggled and giggled and got comfortable. Mei Lee looked at the couple; Murdock saw she missed Collier.

  The next morning, all of the colonists held a meeting. Murdock, Rose, and Mei Lee didn’t attend.

  “I have no interest in your meetings and we have a hunt to plan,” Murdock said when he was asked.

  “I agree with my husband,” Rose responded.

  “Frankly, I feel like an outsider and I don’t trust any of you because of your nonchalant attitude during the Whittier regime,” Mei Lee said.

  When they finished preparing for the hunt, Murdock and Rose went over to Krysia. Mei Lee stayed by her tent. The rest of the group passed Murdock and Rose, heading toward Mei Lee’s tent.

  “Have you had a change of heart about who has the authority you’ll recognize?” Murdock asked Krysia.

  The blonde, glaring at Murdock and Rose, said nothing.

  “Okay, then, since you have nothing to say, I’ll leave you to simmer in your own juices.” Murdock grinned and turned to walk away.

  “Wait,” Krysia pleaded. “I need some water and to relieve myself.”

  “Rose?” Murdock asked.

  Rose moved to untie Krysia.

  “That isn’t what I meant,” Murdock said, stopping Rose. “I was asking if you thought we should allow her those favors, after all the guff she gave you last night.”

  Rose scowled at Krysia, “I don’t know,” she said finally. “She was kind of mouthy last night. Especially after I was so nice and allowed her to go and everything.”

  “Look, I’m sorry,” Krysia apologized. “Things got a little out of hand last night. I’ll behave.”

  Rose untied her and took her to relieve herself. Then, Murdock saw all the colonists walking over to him, Mei Lee in the lead. Though everyone else kept a respectful distance from Murdock, Mei Lee walked up to him.

  “What’s going on?” Murdock asked.

  “It seems that sometime during the night,” Mei Lee started, “everyone held a private discussion and voted this morning.”

  “What did they vote on this time?” Murdock asked suspiciously.

  “It seems that they have voted me in as mayor,” Mei Lee continued. Murdock’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “I told them I would, but I have a few conditions. I declined the mayor-ship, but only because I don’t want to be the sole responsible person.”

  “Is it something you want?” Murdock asked.

  “Not really, but the alternative scares me. I just want to be left alone to live my life, but they insist on having a mayor, or some such, and if I decline, they might install Whittier again, or someone worse.”

  Just then, Rose and Krysia returned.

  “What’s going on, dear?” Rose asked. Murdock and Mei Lee told her.

  “What do you think, Rose?” Mei Lee asked.

  “I go along with my husband. I’ll abide by his judgment,” Rose said sincerely.

  “I understand and agree,” Mei Lee replied with respect, waiting for Murdock to respond.

  “You have to do what you think is right, of course,” Murdock said to Mei Lee. “But you also have to be very careful to make sure you don’t become another Whittier.”

  Mei Lee nodded and walked toward the crowd. “I will accept, but only as long as you feel I deserve the office,” she said. Then she turned back to Murdock. “Is this your prisoner?” she asked him.

  “Prisoner? No, not exactly,” Murdock said. “I had her bound because of Whittier. I didn’t want her to set him free, and I didn’t want anyone to get their throats cut in their sleep.”

  “I understand and appreciate it. Release her, please?” Mei Lee asked.

  Murdock thought and then shrugged. “Untie her, Rose.”

  Rose’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Then she closed it. She looked at her husband, but said nothing and complied, untying Krysia.

  “Well, it’s about time,” Krysia said, rubbing her wrists.

  Mei Lee went to Krysia and looked her in the eye. “If we had a court, I’m sure we could indict you for complicity,” Mei Lee said sternly to Krysia. “As it is, I don’t like you, and I’m inclined to leave you in Murdock’s custody.”

  “You can’t judge me on anything,” Krysia yelled with derision.

  Mei Lee smirked, snapped her hand out, grabbed Krysia’s ear, and twisted it. Krysia screamed and dropped to her knees.

  “As I was saying,” Mei Lee continued, “you are being released. However, everyone will be watching you. You’re free to leave at any time and, in my opinion, sooner rather than later.” Mei Lee released Krysia’s ear.

  “But I’m supposed to negotiate —,” Krysia started as she got back to her feet.

  “There will be no negotiation,” Mei Lee stated, cutting off Krysia’s protest and turning her head away. “We’ve already decided Whittier’s fate.”

  Surprised, Murdock looked at Mei Lee.

  “Murdock, would you be so kind to release and open the ramp?” Mei Lee asked.

  Murdock complied, still somewhat confused.

  “Whittier,” Mei Lee yelled up the ramp. “You have ten minutes to leave the pod. If you don’t, we’ll assume that you don’t wish to surrender yourself, and the ramp will be closed and blocked until spring.”

  “What guarantee do I have I won’t be killed on sight?” called Whittier, his voice muted.

  “No guarantee whatsoever,” Mei Lee stated. She turned to Murdock. “I need your help. I need you to act as temporary constable. Are you willing?”

  “I’m more than a little confused,” Murdock responded.

  “You’re free to refuse,” Mei Lee said.

  “Okay, I’ll play along a while longer,” Murdock said. “I’ll admit you have me curious.”

  “I won’t surrender to Murdock,” Whittier said from inside the pod.

  “You will surrender to this colony,” Mei Lee commanded. “You’re quickly running out of time!”


  Rose stood quieting by, watching. Mei Lee had been all but broken days before. Now she stood dignified, confident, and definitely in charge. Her face was dirty, and Rose saw the small paths that the tears had cleared on her face. She still wore only Collier’s shirt, but that was more than the rest wore.


  “Okay, Murdock,” Mei Lee said. “I’ve determined that Whittier’s time has run out. Please close and brace the ramp. It appears he’s made his decision,” she said as she turned away.

  “Whittier. Whittier. Please, come out! They’re serious,” Krysia yelled as she started to lunge toward the ramp. At Krysia’s outburst, Mei Lee turned back to the ramp.

  Murdock blocked her way and pressed the exterior button. The ramp started to close.

  “Hold it! I’m coming out,” Whittier said weakly from inside.

  Murdock pressed the button again, and the ramp re-opened. Whittier walked meekly down the ramp.

  “Mister Murdock,” Mei Lee commanded as Whittier reached the bottom of the ramp. “Please take charge of the prisoner.”

  Murdock stepped forward and tied Whittier’s hands behind him.

  “Go inside, everyone, and unload everything that was stolen,” Mei Lee commanded over her shoulder.

  “I stole nothing,” Whittier protested. “They freely gave it all to me. It’s all mine!”

  “Mister Murdock, please gag the prisoner,” Mei Lee said matter-of-factly. “I’ll no longer tolerate his insolence.”

  Murdock pulled out another leather
tie and moved to put it in Whittier’s mouth. Whittier promptly closed his mouth tightly. Murdock stomped on the other man’s toes; when Whittier opened his mouth to yell, Murdock put the tie in and tied it tightly at the back of the prisoner’s head.

  “You can’t do that! That’s cruel,” Krysia protested.

  “Rose, would you mind?” Mei Lee asked Rose, indicating Krysia.

  Rose grabbed a handful of Krysia’s hair and pulled. “I’d shut your trap, Blondie, unless you want to be bound and gagged like Whittier!”

  Krysia complied.

  “You’ve all spoken on the matter of Whittier,” Mei Lee said loudly. “The only one who hasn’t had her say is Rose.” Mei Lee indicated Rose. “I think we should hear what she has to say.” The colonists nodded. “Is there anything you would like to say about Whittier?” Mei Lee asked Rose.

  “I’m confused,” Rose whispered to Mei Lee. “Is this a trial?”

  “No, it’s not a trial. He has already been tried. This is to determine his punishment,” Mei Lee said in a cold tone.


  “When did he have a trial?” Rose asked Mei Lee privately.

  “All of us have had our say,” Mei Lee said loudly. “Everyone agreed that his guilt was not in question, but the severity of his punishment was in doubt.”

  Whittier struggled repeatedly to get loose, but Murdock silently held him firm.

  “What sort of punishment are you contemplating?” Rose asked.

  “Some say death is too good for him,” Mei Lee said, her head bowed slightly and her eyes closed.

  “What do you say, Mei Lee?” Rose asked.

  “For me, personally, there have been too many deaths, all of them needless,” Mei Lee sounded loudly. “To me, Whittier is the most despicable person I’ve ever heard of. I would, however, like to see him work for the betterment of this colony for a change. I’m not saying that he should be freed to work more mischief. I’m saying physically work him, but under guard at all times. At night, lock him in the pod, but he should repay us for his past misdeeds!”


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