Slave of Froize: A Froize Trilogy Novel

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Slave of Froize: A Froize Trilogy Novel Page 16

by Emera Rose

  “No, you eat every last one of them. This is what you deserve.” She leaned over me, pushing my face down into expelled stomach contents and the vile creatures still crawling around in it. I screamed and cried, trying to getaway. I closed my mouth tightly, not wanting one of them to make their way inside my body.

  After a minute of me rolling on the ground trying to get away from her, she stopped and kicked me hard again. “You’ve wasted my snack. I want another.” She stood as if she was just walking from one side of the room to the next, and everything that had just occurred hadn’t. I gathered myself and tried to stand, instead of the empty throne there’d been minutes ago, Jett was seated comfortably with a blood cup in his hands. He must have been here when she was trying to force-feed me filth, and he did nothing. I balled my fists up, heavy at my sides, how could he let her debase me like that? Right in his face and do nothing? I glared at him, not caring who could see me do it. He returned my gaze, but in his wasn’t anger but pity.

  My head suddenly snapped far to the left, and I was falling to the ground hard, my head bounced on the ground on impact, and I could feel my consciousness leave my body. I lay on the floor, floating back and forth between consciousness and darkness, but I could hear bits of their conversation.

  “Margot, what did you do that for? Who is going to assist me now?” Jett asked, keeping his voice pleasant.

  “I don’t like her around here, why can’t you just kill her and be done with it. Why is she more important than I?” I could almost hear the pout on her face.

  “Never, my Queen.” I didn’t know if he meant that I was never more important than her or if he would never kill me.

  My mind drifted further off as I fell deeper into unconsciousness.


  I woke up to a sterile ceiling. I was in medical.

  “Priam,” I croaked out. “Are you there?’

  “I am here child, how is your head? You’ve been out for quite a while.”

  “I have? How long?”

  He offered me a soft smile, “Not to worry, not that long. Only three hours or so.” He stepped toward the head of the bed and helped me get into a sitting position.

  I was dizzy, and I had a killer headache, but I would live.

  “You have been concussed so you may be a bit woozy or have an upset stomach. If the headache becomes too overwhelming, come back and see me.”

  “Right away.” I stood up, my equilibrium still off, so I had to hold on to the walls for support. I didn’t know how I would survive any more at the hands of Margot, something had to give, or she was going to kill me.

  I walked up the stairs and groaned at sight before me. Things were being thrown out of the king's chambers and into the hall. I would have to clean it all up before I would be able to rest again.

  “Child!” A panicked Helene came barreling out of the door. “Oh, thank the heavens I got to you before you went inside. Did you steal from the queen?” She asked, her voice hushed and hurried.

  “What, absolutely not! I would never, when would I have had the chance to do that? I just came back from the infirmary.” It never ended with Margot. She wanted me gone, and she would find any way to do so.

  “She claims this was stolen days ago, and she called the king out in front of members of the council. When he responded not in her favor, she became irate, saying she would prove it to him.”

  I put my fingers up to my mouth and started chewing on the nails. This was crazy; there was nothing that she could prove. I didn’t do it. “Is that why all this mess is out here?”

  “Yes, she is searching everywhere.”

  I took in a breath and made my way past Helene; I knew there was nothing to find, so I just had to ride this out. I walked into the throne chambers and watch in horror as the queen, her crown tipped precariously to the side, her brow scrunched, and slick with sweat ravaged the area. I had no idea what she was searching for, but she was in a rage trying to find it.

  Her head snapped in my direction, and a deadly hiss rang out in the room. “You bitch, where is it?” She screeched at me.

  There were a few members of the council still in the room, watching the show with humor. They had to respect Margot because she was the queen, but I doubted anyone took her seriously.

  “My Queen, what do you mean? I am not sure what you are looking for.” I looked around the room, hoping to see a bit of sympathy from someone; surely, they could see that she was out of her mind.

  “You know exactly what I am talking about!” She flashed over to me and lifted me off the floor by my neck, the pressure in my neck caused my head to start to pound, I craned my neck, trying to get some air.

  “See, I told you!” Queen Margot dropped me spectacularly on the ground, then reached into the neck of my dress and pulled out the thin chain that my mother's emerald ring was attached to, popped it off my neck, and showed it to King Jett.

  “Hey, that’s mine!” I jumped up and tried to rush her, but she pushed me away.

  King Jett stood up from his chair and trotted down the stairs, a look of shock and bewilderment on his face.

  “I told you this little animal was a thief!” Margot shoved the ring into his face.

  “That is mine, and it’s always been mine. My mother gave it to me before she was killed by vampires on the night of the gleaning!” I yelled again.

  “The lies she tells! This is too valuable to be hers! She stole it!”

  “I did not; it’s mine!” I tried again to reach for the valuable trinket.

  “Darling this is mine, I told you to trust me when I told you that she was nothing but a heathen. She tricked you, that’s all.” She poured on the sugar. Slithering up to Jett, his face was sullen, and his eyes were darting back and forth between me and the necklace in her hand.

  “If it’s yours, put it on,” I screamed at her, the tears pouring down my face. That was the only thing I had left of my mothers, and sometimes it was the only thing that kept me from giving up hope. “It’s mine, and it will only fit my finger.”

  She was dumb enough to try and put the ring on, but it was apparent even from where I was lying that it didn’t fit her. “Never mind all that; it may not fit me, but I want it.” She shrugged and turned to walk away, putting my ring into her pouch.

  “No!” I bellowed as I got up with the last remaining strength I had and rushed her. I was close enough that it didn’t take me but a second to catch up to her. I grabbed at her hand, but like always, she flung me off, and I ended up back on the floor.

  “Do you see that she attacked me.” She turned toward Jett.

  “Margot, don’t be absurd. She did not attack you, and you have her belongings. Give it back.” Jett glared at the woman.

  “No! She attacked me; we all saw it,” she turned in a small circle making sure to acknowledge everyone who was there in the room with us. A soft chorus of affirmation filtered through the air. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Why should I have to do anything about it and I am getting increasingly tired of your insolent tone. In case you have forgotten, I am the King of Froize.” He stood tall in all his glory.

  “I have not forgotten, you are a fair, glorious and all-powerful king but this peasant is taking you for a ride. She has cast the wool over your eyes! She attacked me, and she should be punished; in fact, the punishment is death,” she said the last part looking straight at me. A sick smile on her cold face.

  “I cannot kill her for trying to protect her property. I can’t do that.” Jett said, but this time instead of the powerful king we’d all heard before, he seemed softer, unsure. He was being judged, he knew it, and I knew it. He couldn’t be seen as the king, who was too soft on the slaves.

  “Nothing that she has is hers, my love. She is a slave; it belongs to you. You are her master. And she attacked her master’s woman. She deserves punishment!” She gritted out every word.

  He stumbled back slightly, and there was no way that I was going to leave this cham
ber today without either being killed or maybe something worse. He had to punish me, or they would think him weak, and then he would have a target on his back. If you were a weak king, you were a dead king.

  “I can’t.” He shook his head, anguish pouring out of his eyes as he looked to me, and I turned my head to break his gaze. He put me in this situation. He was the one who let her think she had this power; this was just as much his fault as hers.

  “I understand my love, and I have the ultimate solution; all you need do is say yes.”


  “Let me punish her, and I promise I won’t even kill her. I will give her the customary ten lashes that she is due, and then for the rest of her punishment, I will come up with something less physical. How does that sound? Your pet will live.” She nodded at Jett.

  He let out a soft sigh, “Yes, Margot, you may punish her so long as she doesn’t die.”

  “As you wish, my most gracious King.” Margot curtseyed slowly before scooping me up from the floor. “Helene,” she screamed, and the older woman came right into the room.

  “Yes, my lady,” Helene answered.

  “Get every noble and warrior, every single person of status within this castle, and get them all in the courtyard. We have a slave to punish.”

  Helene looked up at queen Margot for a second before glancing at me.

  “Now!” Margot yelled, causing Helene to jump and hurry out of the chambers.

  I’ve had my share of slashes; they were a terrible form of torture, but I was more concerned about what was to come next.

  Chapter 19

  The crowd gathered in the courtyard within a matter of minutes, even some other slaves and human soldiers were allowed to watch. It would be a good lesson for them, never get too comfortable with the royals.

  “This pathetic slave has done the unthinkable,” Queen Margot dragged me toward the middle of the courtyard, her speech loud so the crowd would pay attention. “She is guilty of attacking your queen.” She pointed at me, and the crowd went wild, people threw things at me. Rotten fruit, feces, and liquid I could only guess was urine.

  “Kill her!”

  “Drain the little bastard!”

  “Tear her to pieces.”

  I was scared, and this could go wrong in so many ways. She promised that she wouldn’t kill me, but no one would stop her if she did. A fat tear trailed down my face as I put my hand up to grab my mother’s ring only to realize that I no longer had it. My little token of strength was gone.

  She raised her hand to silence the crowd, “Now, I am a fair queen, but we, as the people of Froize, must abide by the law! We must follow the decree that our ancestors have written before us and those before them! She must be punished.”

  The roar of applause and screams caused my ears to ring.

  “Legone, commence punishment.” She spoke softly, but I was sure her order was heard. A hulking man walked up and tied me to a stake that was sticking out of the ground. He tied the ropes tightly enough that I would have been worried that he was going to cut off circulation. I wasn’t worried. I was more concerned about the sting of the whip to come.

  “My lord, the sentencing if you wish.” Margot looked up at Jett on his throne. She wanted him to pass the sentencing and start my punishment. I was glad that I didn’t have to see his face, that was the last image I wanted in my head.

  “For the crime of assault against your kingdom, I deem you…” His voice stuttered and

  became lower, “guilty.”

  “Legone, ten slashes.”

  The first crack of the whip licked my skin, but instead of immediate pain, it was as if the first lash made my back numb, but the second lit my entire body on fire. I screamed and pulled to no avail. There was no escape.

  Somewhere between the fifth and the seventh lash, I passed out. But guards roused me as they unhooked me from the pole. They began walking me back toward the royal chambers, but Margot wasn’t done with her punishment.

  “No, wait.”

  They turned me back toward her.

  “My king has permitted me to execute the punishment of this slave as I see fit. As just and generous leaders, we allow the slaves to better their lives, to live a lavish lifestyle, to ease some of their burdens. This one has taken our niceness for weakness. It’s an error we can no longer allow.” She turned her gaze directly to me, “Davorin, come forth.”

  No, no, no!

  I wouldn’t survive another round with Davorin, I didn’t want to beg, but this was hopeless.

  “My queen, please.” A small whimper left my mouth.

  “Don’t you speak to me, don’t say one word to me.” She walked closer to me; speaking words only meant for me. “I told you to leave him alone. He’s mine.”

  Davorin walked out of the crowd. Excitement bouncing in his eyes. “Yes, my queen.”

  “It seems that this slave was better suited to your form of discipline, you will take her back into your care-”

  “Margot!” Jett yelled from where he was sitting.

  “She must be punished, you said so yourself.” She yelled back at him. “Davorin, she will go back to your care, she will not live under the roof of my kingdom. Instead, she can sleep in the filth with the steeds, and she will eat when you feed her or she can eat the slop that we have for the animals. Maybe then she will learn.” She walked away from me, and Davorin made his way to me.

  "Hello, pet. Welcome home." He grabbed me hard by my neck

  Chapter 20

  It was worse than I could have ever imagined. Davorin beat me the minute we were away from the courtyard. I had never wanted to die as much as I had now. Queen Margot was right. I was spoiled, and I had forgotten that I was nothing more than a slave. I was living in the lap of luxury, and instead of keeping my head down and working like I was meant to do, I fought battles that I knew I’d never win, and I fell for a King who would never truly be with me. I was a mess, and some part of me thought that coming full circle back to Davorin was precisely what I deserved.

  “Laramie!” Davorin screamed, and I dropped the rag that I had been using to scrub the large hallway.

  “Yes, my lord.” I ran as quickly as I could, standing right in front of him, my eyes cast down. My head snapped back, a slap I had no idea was coming stung my cheek. I fell to the floor trying my hardest not to let the abuse anger me. If I stood with anger on my face, he would slap me again.

  “You are pathetic! Why is that floor not clean yet? I should just leave you to rot with the fucking pigs. Gather my greaves and get them polished.” He glared down at me, and even as I tried to get up, he kicked me swiftly in the side. There was no winning with Davorin. Madison, Davorin’s woman, looked at me with disgust from where she was standing. “I am so pissed that I have to look at your worthless face again. I was sure that the king would have killed you just because you’re lazy. I guess it’s true what they say. Good help really is hard to find.”

  Davorin flashed to her side. “Well, I could always peel her face off if that would make you feel better, my love.” He nuzzled her.

  “Oh Davorin, you are the sweetest. Would you do it slowly so I could enjoy her screams? Maybe burn the wound, so she doesn’t get blood all over the floor?”

  “Anything you wish for my love. Do you want a paring knife?” He grabbed her roughly by the waist and pulled her close to him.

  “Oh yes, a very sharp paring knife.” Before she could get the entire sentence out of her mouth, he was ripping her clothes off and throwing them all over the floor. I stood slowly, trying not to bring any attention to myself while they ravaged each other. I tiptoed toward the door, but by the time I made it there, Davorin was already on to me.

  “You better have everything I asked done by the time I check, Hurry it up. I am sure the horses miss their mascot.” Davorin laughed for a second but didn’t even stop to look at me properly; Madison was already naked and on her knees.

  I took a deep breath to steady myself. I was in pain, I’
d been humiliated, I was tired of fighting, but I knew I couldn’t give up. I made a promise to my mother, and that promise haunted me to my core.

  I rushed into his room and grabbed the greaves to be polished. I worked fast, knowing that once I was done, he would find something to gripe about, so I placed them back where I got them and made my way back to the stables. I could at least try and find a good spot to rest.


  The queen said that she did not want me under her roof, so I was forced to live with the animals. The horses were my family now. I wasn’t allowed any covering or mat to sleep on, and no blanket or sheets. I had nothing but what I was wearing and the hay to keep me warm. I would die of sickness, but I had no choice.

  I huddled as far into the loose hay as I could, but I knew that I wouldn’t get any comfort. I had to suck it up. I pulled my arms around my body, and a shuddered breath plumed out in front of me. It was so cold out here that every breath was visible, I could no longer feel my toes or the tips of my finger, and my chest hurt from the frigid air.

  “Laramie?” My name was whispered harshly from the other side of the stables, “Laramie, where are you?”

  “Who’s that?” I croaked, hoping it wasn’t but expecting it to be Madison or another one of Davorin’s slaves. I raised my head to see a bundled-up Helene searching around for me.

  “Helene!” I jumped up from where I was, stumbling slightly with my slightly frozen feet. I ran over to her and embraced her as tightly as I could. Since I left that fateful day, my life has been a never-ending nightmare, and she was a reminder of what I once had and what I missed so dearly.

  “My goodness, child! I am so sorry this has happened to you. You don’t deserve this.” She ran a hand over my head, plucking out a few stalks of hay and fixing me up the best that she could.

  “I do, I overstepped. You were right. There was no way anything between king Jett and I could cause anything but problems. I was so stupid.” I looked away from her and tried my hardest to stop the tears from falling down my face.

  “Laramie, it’s true, that was a foolish thing that you did. But no one could ever say that you are stupid. King Jett is a vampire, he is royalty, and he’s a bit selfish, but he is not so different than the slaves. He cares for you the same way that you care for him, I am sure of it, but there is just so much politics with the whole thing. Stay strong, and I am sure that we will find a way to get you back home.”


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