Who Shot Ya Box Set

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Who Shot Ya Box Set Page 38

by Renta

  I guess the prick was ready to play let’s make a deal now. Cocksucker!

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Tiger


  “Boy stop fussing over me.” Lovey swatted at me weakly. Then turned her gaze to Armani, I saw the wheels spinning in her head, so I made the introduction.

  “Lovey, this is a blessing that I found in the midst of the storm. Her name is Armani, Armani, this is my surrogate moms, Lovey. She is the only person that can make me eat spinach!”

  They both laughed at my realism, but I was a hunnid percent fa real!

  “Come here chile, let me look at those pretty eyes of yours,” Lovey called to her.

  I can tell that lil’ one was as nervous as a child at a new school, asked to stand up and introduce themselves to the class. Yet, she did as she was told. Lovey stared so deep into her eyes that the girl actually blushed. I knew she wanted Lovey to like her, but I also knew Lovey liked, Jazmina. Yet, like always, she surprised me.

  “You know what they say about the eyes don’t you, chile?” Armani smiled as she shook her head no.

  Lovey continued to stare without smiling, but her look was as gentle as a breeze in spring. “They say that a person’s eyes will tell you things that their tongue conceals. Through a person’s eyes, you can see clear through their pain—happiness—and desires.”

  I grinned at Armani, as she listened to my Queens knowledge. “Through your eyes, Armani, I see a deep pain that you’ve yet to let go of. I also see the love that you have for my son.”

  Armani was at a loss for words. Her eyes studied Lovey’s from a surprised expression. Now, I was wondering ‘bout shit Armani has obviously been through.

  “Assata has had a hard life, Armani. For some people, it may be hard to love a person of his nature because he won’t open up enough to allow anyone to help heal his wounds, but for some reason, I think you’re different.” Lovey turned her eyes to me, “You have a new shine to your handsomeness.”

  As she observed me, I saw her eyes landed on my neck, the new tattoo of the lion’s head. Due to the fact that I was standing at the end of the bed, she couldn’t see it clearly, but before she even opened her mouth, I already knew what she was gonna say.

  “Chile, what I tell you about putting all that devil’s work on your skin? What you get now?” she fussed.

  I knew how the lady was about tats. When she used to come visit me while I was in prison. I’d show her my newest work and she’d fuss and rant ‘bout how God said to treasure your body, and it was his temple, blah-blah-blah. She loved me nevertheless, and we didn’t keep secrets. So, I walked over to the side of the bed and showed her my neck.

  She stared at it with wide-eyed awe. At least that what I thought the expression was, but then fear became unmistakable. It looked as if she was having a nightmare, even though she was wide awake. Something was wrong with my Queen!

  “Lovey, you okay? Armani go find the doctor and tell them that—”

  “No—no, chile—" Lovey waved me off. “Nothing wrong with me, but Assata, you need to explain to me what that lion stands for.”

  I stared at her perplexed. “Lovey it’s only a tattoo. It symbolized that I’ve become the king of my destiny. Nothing more and nothing less. Now, I know, you don’t like tattoos, baby, but I just needed to complete my artwork. If you want me to, I’ll try and get it removed, mama. It’s nothing!”

  Lovey smiled at me. “No, no, don’t be silly, it’s just that I’ve been having this reoccurring dream about a lion squaring off with this giant tiger. It always ends with the tiger defeating the lion. I—I.” Lovey couldn’t bring herself to finish her statement, yet I already knew the rest. I leaned down to kiss her forehead. I knew she was always worried ‘bout me.

  “Stop worrying ya self so much, young lady. My karma ain’t that bad that a tiger would escape from the zoo just to find me and bite my arm off for having a lion tattooed on my neck. At least I hope not,” I said as we shared a laugh.



  Fresh out the shower, I felt rejuvenated. All morning I had this feeling in my gut that something ugly was about to happen, but don’t ask me where it came from because I didn’t know. What I did know was this situation with these Russians boys had me off balanced. After Assata sat me down and explained the entire situation, we had a heated argument because he knew betta! He not only put his own life in jeopardy but all of ours as well. I vowed to God, that after that bank bidness, I’d lay my tools down. How could I honor that when my people’s lives were lost in the balance?

  I was ‘pose to be back in San Antonio weeks ago, but I ain’t built to turn my back on my fam. As I dried my dreads, my mind was conflicted. I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely registered that someone was knocking at the door. Lovey’s spot ain’t that big, so it didn’t take me no time to get to the living room, with my tool in hand, I stood to the side of the door.

  “What’s up?” There was nothing but silence, my blood began to heat up. “Who is it?” I asked again, but after this, it was gonna be straight trigga play.

  “It’s me, baby—open the door, it’s nippy out here.” Kamika’s sweet voice made love to my ears.

  I released a whooshing breath and unlocked the door, as well as loosened my grip on the Nina Ross. Lil’ mama couldn’t know how close to the reaper she just was. I swung the door open, October’s breath kissed my skin. It was chilly out there. As she stepped in, she pecked me on the lips before gliding past. I stepped out for a brief moment, eyes alert—sensitive to every moment and sound. I didn’t know too much ‘bout them Russians, but I knew that them boys were ‘bout their business.

  I wouldn’t allow them to catch me with my pants down. Content that there was no threat, I eased back into the spot and locked the door. I came down here to this lil’ country ass city to aid my baby brother and wound up in mo’ shit than I’d ever been in.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Kamika asked as I enter the room, her eyes glued to the nine in my hand. Using the tip of it, I massaged my temple.

  “I’m good, ma, just—"

  “Don’t lie, Bennie,” she said, as she walked up to me and peeled my fingers from around the burna.

  She took it by the barrel and walked over to her purse. I watched as she placed it inside and found her way back in front of me.

  “We won’t start a relationship with lies.” The look on my face must have made her feel self-conscious because she rolled her eyes and corrected that shit.

  “Yes, Bennie, I came into this with ulterior motives, but that was before I knew you. It wasn’t my intentions to fall for you, baby. I honestly wanted nothing to do with the investigation, but that cocksucker that you made me kill forced me into it. You know what? I’m glad I did because if I would have followed my first impulse, we wouldn’t be standing here, right now. Baby, you’re going through something, and I’ve noticed it ever since you came back from the hospital from visiting your moms. Look at you baby, you’re so out of it, you’re walking around with a dirty pistol. A pistol that has the blood of a Detective on it.” Her eyes were gentle—searching, yet right.

  “Yea, you’re right, ma. It’s just-just a lot of shit a nigga gotta deal with, right now,” I admitted, as I pulled her in my arms.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck before using her teeth to seductively nip at my bottom lip.

  “Let me make you feel better.” She kissed my neck, muah—“Take—muah—all—muah—your—” her hand tugged on the elastic of my sweats, she reached inside and took a hold of my power. As she stroked me to an erection, she kissed her way down my bare chest, freeing my lil’ man as she continued. “Stress—muah—muah— she squatted down until she was face to face with my one-eyed monster, then her eyes looked up into mine. “Away, baby.” Then she sucked the tip of me into her mouth.

  “Hisss,” I growled, as she bathed me with her tongue and mouth.

  Shawty had me so gone that I forget to ask, why the fuck
she put my tool in her purse, but most of all, fuck she know my government? I ain’t never told her that!



  Cigar smoke rose from the tip of my cigar as my cold greys held Bella’s stare.

  “So, you mean to tell me that Russia’s punk ass has sent assassins to do his dirty work, huh? Tell me more about this Tiger cat you speak of,” I proposed.

  We stood out by her manmade pond. Her spot was rare in its opulence. It was my first time being there, but the beauty of it didn’t surprise me. Only Belle would think of having a house built out here in Lake Dallas. It was a majestic mansion that sat up on a hill allowing you to see Dallas, Fort. Worth in all its glory. The waters of the freshwater pond rippled as the cool breeze blew from the East. Me, her, and my boy Pablo, the head of the El Salva Trucha that’s been aiding me in my pursuits of solidifying the streets were putting our heads together to see how we were gonna play this spin of events with the Russians.

  “Chu mas not underestimate, mi husband.”

  A sharp look from me gave her pause, even gentle laughter as she turned her eyes back to the beautiful pond. She scratched the shaggy coat of the maine coon cat, she cradled in her arms.

  “Such insecurity, cute! Nevertheless, as I was saying, tat man kills for fun. You can’t underestimate, mi husband, David, he’s not so successful for being ignorant. He’s vedy efficient when he wants to be. Now, mi sources tell me tot he’s sent two members from his black mamba syndicate here to the states. These two killers are of the highest order, especially ‘The Tiger’. He’s the serpent that actually personifies the definition of an actual black mamba. He’s known to kill with such reptiles. He’s a huge fan of snakes, especially those of the elapid species.”

  The frown on my face must have been her clue, I didn’t know what the fuck elap—elapid meant cause she smiled and looked at Pablo for elaboration as if he too was a fan of reptiles. Nevertheless, he added his input.

  “The elapid species are highly poisonous snakes of the Elapidae family. The cobras, mambas, and coral snakes. I familiar with tis mamba mafia, Berg, and tese sons-of-bitches have no honor code in war, especially, ‘The Tiger’! I’ve heard of a few of his jobs, and all involved the green or black mamba snake. They’re his signature! Me know chu no scared, and chu can hold chu own, ba don underestimate teese guys, mi friend. We mas go at them with calculated savagery,” he proposed, as he emphasized his point by smacking a closed fist in the palm of his hand.

  Belle continued to stare out at the rippled water as she nuzzled the furball under her chin. The feline meowed in affection. I laughed, as I tried to understand how a woman as vicious as her could become so gentle—seem so—so normal?

  “I’m going back to mi country for a few days, but mi wan chu to be extremely careful and remember chu pledge to the saint. Time is up, David—we must have his blood. The Tiger is—"

  “Fuck the Tiger, bitch! If you respect the fool that much, fuck him. Suck his—"

  Before I could finish my rant, a slight string pricked my neck, the cat shrieked as it was tossed in the air, and an impact to my chest flipped me onto my back. Disorientation was my companion as I tried to figure out what the fuck had just happened. My first thought was that Pablo took disrespect at me talking to his cousin like that. But, as my mind cleared, and my eyes regain focused, they landed on the figure standing before me, clutching what looked to be a sharp ass dagger. Instinctively, I put my hand to my neck, pulling it away, and looked at it, the blood that tainted it infuriated me. The feel of the cut told me it was only a flesh wound, but I ain’t ever let a mu’fucka spill my blood and get away with it. I owe her one, bet breath on that!

  “Don ever speak to me in tis fashion. I respect tu and chu will repay me in kind or else,” she seethed.

  My head was inches from the water. Pablo stuck his hand out to help me up, but my anger caused me to shove his hand away aggressively. He laughed, as I picked myself up off the ground, and dusted myself off. I entertained the thought of pulling the burna off my waist and airing both their asses out but rationally was pure, as I choose the lesser of the two evils. I’d use them to benefit me and my squad, then I’d whack them and whomever this ‘Angel of Death’ was!

  “Say, if you ever in your life put your hands on me again, I’ll kill you,” I growled.

  She placed the cat back in her hand and snickered like she doubted my ‘G’. Then, as if to punctuate how crazy she was, the silly bitch tossed the cat far off into the rippling pond. It shrieked in midair, clawing the atmosphere trying to prevent gravity from pulling it down into the watery depths. Never taking my eyes off it, Belle turned to walk away, but not before leaving me with something to think about.

  “Death is promised to us all, my dear, Ice-Berg, but chu don knows the different stages of it until you’ve met the likes of the Tiger. Oh, respect is a mas in mi country. Men have been castrated for the lack of it.” As she walked away, the cat screamed a horrible sound as it was snatched under the surface.

  Seconds later, it emerged bloodied and fighting an unseen foe, yet to no avail. It went under a second time. I wait—ten seconds—twenty! Then bubbles rose to the surface, tainted with blood and patches of fur. A strange sound ensued from the water. It could be mistaken for a form of chattering, but more like, “cha-cha-cha-cha-cha,” in rapid successions.

  I looked at Pablo, he shook his head with a strange look on his face. “Piranha’s, mi friend. The pond is filled with the little devils. Come, mi friend let's prepare for our enemies.”



  Hours Later

  “You sure you don’t need any company, bae? You know, I don’t mind.” Armani offered, but I needed to be alone, so I declined with a soft kiss.

  Yeah, I fucks with her, but you just couldn’t let anyone know about your place of comfort. Mama seemed sincere in her feelings, but so did Jazzy and I’ve known her my whole life. After bidding lil’ mama a safe trip home. I made way to the front door of my castle. The strap was gripped tightly in my hands as I unlocked my door and took a studious glance around to ensure nothin’ was stalkin’—just waiting to take my piece off the board. If them Russian’s think they’d have an easy win fuckin’ with the kid, they’d be more careful the next time they underestimated a boss!


  ~2 a.m.~

  As Lovey slept, she dreamed that Assata was in grave danger. She tried to warn him, but for some reason, it seemed as if he couldn’t hear her.

  “Assata—Assata, baby look behind you,’ she screamed.

  Assata continued to smile at her, oblivious to the panic in her screams. The dream began to get even stranger as someone in the distance called her name.

  “Lovey—mi der, Lovey,” he called.

  Lovey tried to see who the stranger was, but he was too far off. She fought against the nagging feeling that it was a thin line between reality and subconscious state. The shadow behind Assata was upon him, yet he merely stared at her with a big smile on his face still unaware.

  “Baby—look—behind you,” she screamed and pointed.

  “Lovey—the beautiful Lovey,” An accented voice beckoned to her.

  Lovey’s eyes cracked open slightly, realizing that the dream had followed her into consciousness, she forced her eyes to focus. Two figures stood next to her bed, both in doctor’s coats, but neither had the license to practice medicine. The one closest to her was the one that sent her blood pressure through the roof. He was sun-kissed brown, bald, but most notably, his entire head and face was tattooed. That’s not what sent the machines she was hooked up to into hysteria, they were tribal designs that intricately covered his skin, jagged tiger stripes that gave him his namesake. His partner began to snatch the plugs from the wall until peace and quiet made love to the room.

  “Much better, you tink, hmm?” he smiled evilly.

  “Hi, Ms. Lovey, mi name tis, Te Tiger. We both seem to have a codmon interest, wouldn’t you say. Now, mind y
ou we’re not here for you, but tings get quite ugly, hmm. Where te fuck is you son, Assata?” he screamed at the top of his lungs.



  2:20 a.m.

  My eyes popped open at the constant ringing of my doorbell. I feel asleep with the Mac .90, and I recently reached for her out of instinct. Yet I was sure whoever it was leaning on my shit like that wasn’t here to harm me, cause one thang—two thangs for sho, death didn’t ring no doorbells! Yet, the constant ring of my doorbell irritated the hell out of me. Through groggy eyes, I glanced at the clock, 2:30 a.m. Who the fuck could be this bold? It could only be three or four people, Goose, Pain, Lovey or Armani.

  No matter the perpetrator, every one of them mu’fucka’s knew how I felt ‘bout being disturbed after one o’clock in the a.m. A nigga could only be doing a few things after one at home—burying himself inside something wet, about to bury himself in something wet or sleep. All three possibilities deserved the proper amount of attention. Besides, the first three has a key so if it was either one of them, I was liable to shoot ‘em in the big toe for playing games! Well, maybe not Lovey, with familiarity, I slid through the darkness of my castle, with the mac clutched to my side just in case it was the angel of death at my front door, the odds will be even.

  Without announcing my presence, I peeped out the peephole. A slow, yet heavy breath escaped me. Mere inches away—on the other side of my oak door, trouble leaned on my doorbell like she could give two fucks about my nine o’clock rule.

  “Assata,” she whispered as if she could detect my presence.

  Easing my grip on the tool, I began to unlatch the bolts that secured my domain. Before the door opened completely, I tried to conceal the burna behind my back, no woman wanted to be greeted at gunpoint, but this big ole bitch couldn’t be hidden. As the door opened, my eyes anticipated hers. My blood heated up and my dick began to rise in anticipation.


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