Venom's Prize (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 10)

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Venom's Prize (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 10) Page 9

by E. C. Land

  “She said, she’s sure it’s her,” a guy says from behind me. I glance over my shoulder and my eyes widen at the sight of a man I hadn’t seen before.

  “Viper, what the fuck? We were supposed to be picking your ass up next week,” Stoney states loudly and chairs are scratched across the floor as men approach the guy.

  Viper grins. “I got out a week early, ended up getting a fuckin’ Uber or whatever the hell that shit is called.”

  “Shit. If I’d known we’d have been there. But it’s fuckin’ great to have you back where you belong,” Stoney grumbles.

  “Good to be back, Prez. Good to be back,” Viper chuckles, but something in his eyes doesn’t match up with the humor. “Now, what’s this beautiful woman talking about?” he asks, switching the attention back to me.

  “Sweetness, need you to tell us how you know,” Venom says, taking a seat next to me but he moves it so he’s even closer.

  “Message received, brother,” Viper snickers and moves to another seat at the table.

  I go on to explain things about the program I used to clear the image up enough to be able to get a visual on the tattoo on the one woman’s arm. I point out how she approaches both men. I then pull up the security feed from the parking lot of the apartment building one of the victims lived in. If you didn’t know what you were looking for, you’d miss it, but I don’t. I pause the screen and show them. Making sure to clear the visual for them to be able to see her. There she is standing in the dark just outside of the lighting.

  What gives her away is the fact she’s wearing bright colored shoes on her feet.

  “Fuck,” Whip roars, slamming his fist on the table causing me to flinch at the sound.

  “Calm down, Whip,” Tracker orders. I didn’t even notice him moving in closer.

  “Sorry, Amaya,” Whip mutters instantly, having seen me jump at his outburst.

  “How do we handle this?” Viper asks.

  “First, I’m going to finally call the bitch back and find out what she has to say, see what she’s playing at. I bet you if she went after Brielle and Lucy, she’s working her way up here,” Venom announces as he pulls out his phone.

  “Make sure to put it on speaker,” Stoney orders.

  Venom nods and does something on his phone. It’s a touch screen and I’m not sure how those work. I probably do but I’ve never owned one.

  I try to move from Venom’s touch when he puts the phone on the table, and it rings but he stops me from going anywhere.

  “Isaac?” Emilia calls out his name as if she were surprised he’s calling her.

  “You been calling me figured I’d call you back,” Venom says all too calmly.

  “Oh Isaac, I’m sorry, I . . . I . . . need your help. Amaya, she took our son. I need you to help me find them,” Emilia says and starts sobbing. I want to scream at her so badly right now; however, Venom wraps an arm tight around my body.

  “What do you mean our son?” he asks, acting surprised by this news.

  “Don’t be silly, Isaac, you know our son, the little boy I had for you while you were away. When are you coming home? It’s been so long and he’s getting so big. Oh God. I can’t believe Amaya took him from me, from us,” Emilia says, sounding completely hysterical.

  “Emilia, is that why you’ve been calling me every day?” How can he be so calm?

  “Yes, Isaac, please help me,” she pleads.

  “Where are you now?”

  “I’m home where I’m supposed to be,” she says with a slight hitch in her voice. “Will you please help me find him?”

  Oh my God. She’s seriously trying to play the victim.

  “I’ll find him, send me a picture of him. But gotta ask why you haven’t reported it to the police?”

  “Because it’s Amaya, you know how she is. She’s vindictive and I’m not about to have her harm him more than she already has. She tried to drown him, and she’s beaten him. I caught her trying to burn him with a cigarette.” I’m going to kill the bitch. That’s what the mark on his arm is from. How I could be so stupid to believe that it was just from him falling and scraping it on something.

  Closing my eyes, I shake my head. Soy tan estúpida.

  “Alright, I’ll see what I can do,” he sighs, giving my sides a squeeze.

  “Thank you, Isaac,” she murmurs, and I’m ready to cry at the sound of her voice. This is what she’d do to get her way with Isaac years ago. I only hope now it doesn’t work.

  “I’ll call you later,” Isaac says and hangs up without waiting for her to respond. I open my eyes to glance around the room at all the people looking at me as they’re waiting for me to do something or say something.

  “My head hurts from that woman’s wailing and the deceit pouring through the phone,” Raven mutters, breaking the silence that’s descended upon the room and I can’t help but wonder what she means.

  “You’ll be okay, Little Bird,” Blaze states, pulling her into his chest.

  “Amaya, you okay?” Isaac asks, pulling my attention back to him.

  I meet his gaze and I shake my head. Right now, if I were to try and speak, I would probably scream. Or cry. Either one wouldn’t be good at the moment.

  “You will be,” he murmurs and shocks me by pressing a kiss to my temple.

  “You believe me?” I ask in astonishment.

  “Why wouldn’t I believe you, Sweetness?” Isaac’s brow raises up in question as he narrows his eyes at me.

  “Because it’s Emilia we’re talking about. The mother of your son and the woman you used to be with,” I utter the words, yet soon as they slip past my lips, I feel like vomiting.

  “I want you to get one thing straight in that beautiful head of yours, Amaya. You are my woman and I’ll fuckin’ believe you over the bullshit she just spewed for more reasons than one. Not only did you drive your ass all the way up here in the hooptie of a car with my kid. You tried to tell me years ago about him and I ignored it. And if that weren’t enough to prove you’re right then the footage you showed my brothers and me would do it,” he snaps.

  “But we’re talking about Emilia,” I whisper in protest.

  “Yeah, and the fuckin’ bitch is gonna get what’s coming to her. She shouldn’t have fucked with the men in my unit. Emilia thinks she’s clever but, in all reality, the woman is dumber than a stack of bricks and is going to find herself either dead or behind bars. Whichever comes first.” Um. Oh okay.

  “I’m calling church now. We need to figure this shit out and we need to do it now. The club doesn’t need any more headaches. The sooner we get this shit sorted the sooner we get back to finding out who the fuckers are we’re dealing with,” Stoney declares, standing to his feet. His gaze comes to me and I swear I stop breathing at the intensity of the blue in them. “Amaya, I appreciate all you’ve done for us, so as your ol’ man has stated, we believe you. If we thought you were lying, your ass wouldn’t be sitting here right now. Instead, you’d be out on your own.”


  I don’t know how to handle that.

  These men have been nothing but nice to me and I’m not used to it. Everything in life cost something, and it’s a matter of the price of whether you get it or not.

  Instead of giving him words, I nod my head in agreement. It’s only a matter of time before all the truths come to light. Only question left is what all will the truth hold?

  There’s only so much a person can hold in and why they do anything. A prize is a prize you win in a game, but keeping that prize, you must be deemed worthy, and nothing worthy comes without its faults.

  Isaac gives me a kiss and heads for the room where they hold church. It’s not a room I’m allowed in, nor do I want to go in there. Whatever they talk about behind those doors is the club’s business and I’m not a part of this group. Not by a long shot. No matter what they say.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My stomach is still churning at the sound of Emilia’s voice. I don’t kno
w what the fuck made me want to be with her the first time around. She’s definitely good at seducing things to go her own way. However, this time around, I’ve got Amaya and I’m not about to let anything fuck it up.

  Emilia wants to play a victim card and I’m going to let her keep thinking it.

  During church we’d hashed out what all’s going on and went over details. We all worked to come up with a plan in order to trap Emilia. Though it’s a damn good plan, I don’t want to have to do it when it means Amaya will be made a target. Hearing how she got all the scars on her body is still fresh in my mind and I want to protect her from further harm.

  If we asked her, would she do what we’ve decided on? Yeah, she’d jump at the chance to help. That’s just who she is. But my brothers agreed to keep it from her. Though we have to use her, I’m going to do everything in my power to protect her from all the bullshit going on around us.

  Before we finished church, Stoney called Twister, Hammer, and Blow. The decision is to have their clubs in on the plan we’re going through with. Each of them are coming with two of their men. I knew with Twister he’s bringing K-9, Hades, and Burner. I don’t know who will come with Hammer or Blow, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be their enforcer and someone else.

  Why we need them all here is for the very reason I don’t want Amaya involved? Nerd went further into Emilia’s bullshit using my woman’s program she’d set him up with and found she’s tied up with the Supreme Masters. Yeah, she owes dealers money but for some reason they don’t go after her. She’s protected in some way and I’m not about to have the bitch get away with what she’s done to my son and Amaya, let alone the men I served with.

  I don’t know what all is going to happen over the next several days, but I do know I intend to keep Amaya near me at all times. Her and Lincoln both.

  “You think Burner will be bringing his tattoo kit with him?” Whip asks as the two of us take a seat at the bar.

  I signal to the prospect standing behind the bar top to get me a beer and turn to scan the room. A weight I didn’t even realize I’d been feeling lifts at the sight of Amaya and Lincoln sitting at a table. The two of them were hunched over something and they were both oblivious to all that’s going on.

  Turning back to the bar, I grab the beer and put it to my mouth. Only when I’ve drank down a good amount of the cool brew do I answer Whip. “He normally does bring it with him. Why you looking to get more work done?”

  “Nope, just was thinking you should get your ink on your ol’ lady before someone else tries to fuck with her,” he chuckles and lifts his own beer up and points it in my direction. “She’s a keeper and if you don’t want fuckheads to mess with her, you need to lock her ass down.”

  “Brother, no one is going to fuck with Amaya. She’s mine and I’m not losing out on this chance with her. I intend to keep her. However, having my ink on her would be a damn good idea,” I mutter and pull out my phone to text Burner to make sure he’s bringing his equipment.

  I slide my phone back in my pocket right as a set of arms comes around me. “Hey, baby, you want to go have some fun? I’ve missed you this past week,” Lips purrs against my ear, pissing me the hell off in the process. For one, unless I say or want it, I don’t allow anyone to touch me. For another, she’s not my ol’ lady and I don’t want her hanging on me.

  “Get off me,” I sneer, shrugging her arms off my body.

  “But, I figured you could use some release of that tension building inside you,” she says, running a hand up my arm. “Come on, don’t you want me to suck you off?”

  “Bitch, I don’t need you to do shit,” I growl, wanting her to get the hell away from me. “I already got a woman who can take care of me. Go fuck one of the single brothers.”

  “You can’t be serious,” she snaps without removing her hand from my arm. “That little girl? She doesn’t look like she can handle what you’re packin’. I bet she doesn’t even let you fuck her in the ass, and I know how much you love ass play.”

  “Lips, fuck off,” Whip says, standing to his feet.

  “I got this, brother,” I state, also standing to my feet. Getting in her face. “You want to fuck go find a single brother. You may be good with your mouth but that’s the only thing on you that can get tight, rest of you is loose as fuck from all the dick you take. Now back the fuck off or get out,” I growl, getting louder with each word.

  Lips’ eyes widen and then they narrow as she turns on her heels and storms off out of the main room. Fuck if I’m not tired of her bullshit.

  Letting out a breath, I tilt my head to the side and look to my woman to find her staring at me with wide eyes. Her arm is wrapped protectively around Lincoln who’s also staring at me.

  Confusion marring his face.

  There’s a lot to be said about the kid and I want to know what he’s thinking but right now, I need to get on with the next stage of the plan. That being sending him to stay with Raven at her house with her boys. Blaze suggested to protect him from what we’re about to do, Lincoln should stay with them. I couldn’t agree more. It’s bad enough I’m putting Amaya in the firing zone, I don’t need to put my son there as well.

  I need to keep my wits about myself and to do that I have to send him away.

  Sighing, I make my way over to the table they’re sitting at. I pick Lincoln up out of his chair and sit down with him in my lap. “Sorry you had to hear me yell, Linc, but sometimes when you need to get a message across you have to get loud,” I tell him while also wrapping my free arm around Amaya and pulling her into my side.

  “Okay,” Lincoln says with a nod. “Do you want to draw with me?” he asks, pointing at a piece of paper that has loads of scribbles on it.

  “Yeah, bud, I’d like to. Question though, how do you feel about going to Uncle Blaze’s tonight and hangin’ with Mark and Matthew?” I want him to think it’s just a sleepover and that he’d be there for a few days while this shit gets handled.

  “That would be fun. Are you going to be there too?” he asks.

  “No, I’m not gonna be there but I promise you’ll have loads of fun,” I mutter.

  Lincoln nods his head and leans into me.

  Fuck, being a dad is one hell of a feeling and it’s one I don’t want to ever miss out on again.

  Emilia will pay for what she’s put him through along with everything else.

  Chapter Twenty


  Finding out that Lincoln wasn’t going to be with us for the night caused something in my belly to flutter. I hate the thought of him not being at home with me. Since the day I took him from Emilia, I’ve barely been away from him let alone at night.

  This is going to be hard.

  Why would he need to go stay the night with someone else?

  I get this is what kids do, but it’s hard to think about not having him near if something were to happen.

  “Amaya, you ready to head out? We’ll pick up some food on the way,” Isaac states, and oh boy, do I feel myself becoming nervous.

  Nodding, I look to Lincoln who Isaac took over to where Blaze and Raven were sitting around at the table with their two little boys. I know I’m protective over Isaac but if I can’t have him with me for a night and he’s staying with someone else, I’m glad it’s her. She seems to be extremely protective over her boys and has her eyes on them whenever they’re in the room with her.

  The woman has a hawk eye for keeping up with where they are at all times.

  Isaac takes my hand and leads me from the clubhouse. Earlier after they finished church, I’d felt a pang of jealousy as that woman touched him intimately. I wanted to say something but it’s not my place. A woman as beautiful as she is, I wouldn’t have blamed him for wanting to take her and be with her. I’m not his, even if he claims so. Soon as this is over, I’ll have to leave, and it sucks to think I won’t be around Lincoln, but I don’t want to be in anyone’s way.

  I follow Isaac out of the clubhouse and to his truck. Due to having
Lincoln and me with him, Isaac has had to drive his truck rather than ride his bike. This is another reason I should leave soon as possible. He’ll have the freedom even with Lincoln to ride out when he wanted, he just needs one of the ol’ ladies to help him out.

  No puedo hacer esto. Duele pensar en dejar el amor de mi vida.

  I love this man and my heart bleeds at the thought of finally being in his arms only to have to leave him. I wish I could have a different life. One where I was with him and we didn’t have a past between us like we do.

  No matter what he says Emilia will always be between us. She got to him first. To her he’s a prize and she’s not going to share. Doesn’t matter what he says.

  Isaac helps me into the passenger seat, his fingers brush my waist sending tendrils of pleasure throughout my body. Stepping back, he closes my door and rounds the front of the truck and hops in. Instead of him starting the engine, and putting the truck in gear, he starts her up and turns his attention to me. Reaching out he cups the back of my head and pulls me to him.

  Our mouths connect causing an instant flame of need to boil deep within.

  His tongue slides in through my lips and dances with mine as he deepens the kiss even more. My thighs tighten and I’m dying for him to touch me in other places.

  I whimper in protest when Isaac breaks the kiss and pulls back. “When we get home, Sweetness, we’re gonna order food, hang out in the living room for a bit, then we’re going to the bedroom and I wanna hear you scream my name as loud as you can.”

  Yeah, um, I can definitely be down for that. As fear and doubts try to push their way to the forefront of my mind, I do my best to block them. I can give myself these moments. If not for any other reason but to have them when I need them most after I’m gone.

  Righting himself, Isaac puts the truck in gear and darts out of the parking area heading in the direction of his home.


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