Succubus 5 (Hardcore Dungeon Core): A LitRPG Series

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Succubus 5 (Hardcore Dungeon Core): A LitRPG Series Page 9

by A. J. Markam

  “UNH!” she grunted, and bunched the bed covers up in her fists.

  - Give her a couple of minutes of good fucking, Alaria said.

  So I did. I started off slow, rocking in and out of her, then speeding up until my lower belly was smacking her ass. Whap whap whap whap whap!

  She loved it. Every time my body slapped against hers, she gave a guttural grunt of pleasure and the occasional impassioned cry.

  - Okay, stop for a second.

  I stopped.

  “What’s wrong?” the Duchess whined, looking around to see what was going on.

  - Now lick me, Alaria commanded.

  I put the crystal in my mouth like a piece of candy and slicked her down.

  - Ooooooh, that feels GOOD, Alaria sighed. Okay, now put me in her ass.

  I looked down at the Duchess’s ass. Between her full, snow-white cheeks, her asshole was a little, pink, puckered rosebud.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, surprised.

  - Absolutely!

  “Yes, do whatever you want!” the Duchess said, and bobbed her ass back and forth a few inches on my rod, trying to get some more action going.

  “O-kaaaay…” I said hesitantly, and very gently eased the tip of the crystal into her ass.

  Whatever she’d been expecting, the Duchess hadn’t been expecting that.

  “Wait,” she said in alarm, “what are you – ”

  Then Alaria turned on the vibrations.

  “OH!” the Duchess gasped.

  - Deeper! Alaria urged me.

  “Are you sure?”

  - Trust me, she LOVES it!

  “Y-yes,” the Duchess moaned, and I sloooowly pressed the crystal deeper. At the same time, I felt the vibrations grow so intense that I could feel them in my cock, all the way through her body.

  Alaria really was a crystal butt plug. And a vibrating one at that.

  “OHHHHHHHH!” the Duchess screamed.

  - Now fuck her brains out! Alaria yelled happily.

  Without warning, I started slamming into the Duchess as fast as I could, from zero to 60 in one second flat. The Duchess lowered her head to the bed and screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice muffled by the bedspread.

  I just prayed nobody thought she was getting murdered, and that a dozen guards wouldn’t burst in here while we were going at it.

  The Duchess cleared up any possible misunderstandings, though, when she started to scream, “I’M COMING – OHHHHHH I’M COMIIIIINGGG – ”

  I guess her screams sent Alaria over the top, because she began screaming, too.


  And that just completely sent me over the edge, too.

  “OH FUCK!” I roared as I exploded inside of the Duchess.

  After all three of us came (if a crystal can actually ‘come’), Alaria said, - Okay, you can pull me out now.

  I slid both her and my cock out, then collapsed on the bed. The Duchess snuggled up next to me in the crook of my arm and began tracing her fingers across my chest.

  “That was lovely. And I never knew you could do such things with a dungeon core,” she smirked naughtily.

  I looked at her in surprise. “So you know it’s a dungeon core?”

  “Of course,” she laughed. “You are the only person who would have one.”

  I lay there, trying to work out exactly how to find out who she thought I was.

  “And what do you think I would do with it?” I asked, trying to sound as playful and casual as possible.

  “Besides what you just used it for? Nothing, I would hope,” the Duchess said, then got up from the bed and walked over to her clothes on the floor. “Please excuse me, but my absence will be missed, so I must be getting back.”

  I was pretty sure everybody in the castle knew exactly what she was doing after all that screaming, but I didn’t bother contradicting her.

  “We’ll have a feast in your honor within the hour,” she continued as she stepped into her robes. “You can go ahead and freshen up, and I’ll send someone to fetch you when it’s time.”

  The last thing I wanted was to spend the next couple of hours sitting around talking to a bunch of strangers, trying to impersonate someone when I had no idea who I was supposed to be. It would be a minefield of possible mistakes, and I had no intention of stepping into it.

  “Um, thanks, but this is fine,” I said, pointing at the table set with pastries and fruit.

  From the Duchess’s expression, you would have thought I’d thrown a bucket of ice water on her.

  “You do not want a feast in your honor?” she asked, her face a mixture of shock and fear.

  “No, I had a long day, and… uh, I have another big one ahead of me tomorrow.”

  “…I see…” she said tentatively as she pulled all her clothes into place. She looked unhappy. “I trust I have not given offense by coming to see you like this?”

  “What? No! No, of course not. This was great. THANK you.”

  Relief flooded back into her face, and she smiled. “Oh, good. Well, I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

  “So did I.”

  “Perhaps we can do it again,” she purred. “I can slip away after midnight, if you like.”

  I wasn’t planning to be here after midnight, and the last thing I needed was her sending the castle guard looking for me.

  “Um, I’m going to need a good night’s sleep for tomorrow, so maybe that’s not the best idea.”

  Her face fell again. “Oh. Um… alright…”

  I didn’t need her getting suspicious, so I added, “Maybe tomorrow? After the… thing?”

  She looked like a seven-year-old girl who’d just gotten a pony. Her face lit up with a gigantic smile, and she beamed with pleasure. “I would like that very much.”

  Jeez, she REALLY wanted to get laid…

  “Okay, then,” I said. “See you tomorrow night.”

  She looked slightly confused. “Actually, you’ll see me in the morning.”

  I will?

  “Uhhhh… right. For the thing.”

  “Yes,” she grinned, and paused at the door as she opened it. “Sleep well.”

  “You too.”

  She smiled again, then pulled the door closed behind her.

  I waited until the sound of her footsteps retreated down the hall, then I leapt up and bolted the door.

  “Do you have ANY idea what’s going on?” I asked as I slipped the necklace around my head.

  - Yeah, we just had some pretty great sex, Alaria sighed contentedly.

  “No, I mean what the hell’s going on tomorrow and why she was running hot and cold.”

  - Oh. No, I have no idea.

  “I have to get out of here and find Stig and Soraiya,” I muttered as I hurriedly got dressed. “And Fugly. And that fairy of yours, too.”

  - You sure you don’t want to invite her back again for another round? Alaria asked, disappointment in her voice.

  “What, do you want to stay a crystal forever?”

  - There are certain… ‘benefits,’ she giggled.

  “What, like being a vibrator?”

  - What’s a vibrator?

  I stopped dressing. If this world didn’t have vibrators, no wonder the Duchess had lost her shit.

  “You guys don’t have vibrators? They’re devices that, well, vibrate, and women put them against their clits so that they can – ”

  - Oh, enchanted phalluses, Alaria said. Yes, we have those. Apothecaries and magicians sell them. ‘Vibrators’ – what an odd name.

  I actually thought ‘enchanted phallus’ was way worse, but I didn’t say anything. I wanted to get dressed and get out of here. After all, I had a long night ahead of me.

  Little did I know it was going to be even longer than I thought.


  I peeked out of the window at the moonlit courtyard and waited until I was absolutely sure no one was around. Then I climbed out the window, turned around, dangled from the ledge by my fingertips, and
let go.


  My feet stung as I landed, but I was alright. Only 0.5% off my Health.

  Time to get out of here.

  I stole through the darkness, looking for a way out of the ivy-covered courtyard. I would save Invisibility in case I heard anyone coming my way –

  “My, but you’re a busy gentleman this evening, aren’t you?” an amused voice asked behind me.

  I spun around in alarm as the dwarf stepped out from the shadows into the moonlight.

  “All that exercise just a few minutes ago,” he said insinuatingly, “and now a stroll in the evening air.”

  I blushed. “You heard that?”

  He grinned. “Oh, yes. I must say, you’re either prodigiously endowed or marvelously skilled.”

  - Yeah, RIGHT, Alaria snorted derisively.

  “Quiet, you,” I growled.

  The dwarf looked taken back. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t talking to – never mind,” I grumbled. “Why do you say that? About the ‘prodigiously endowed’ part?”

  “Because I never thought I’d ever hear that icy bitch thaw out, so you must have something in your arsenal to do it,” the dwarf smirked.

  - Yeah – ME, Alaria laughed.

  “Mrm,” I grunted, then said to the dwarf, “Well, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go for that walk – ”

  “Join me for a drink first, my friend,” the dwarf said, and gestured with his hand towards the opposite side of the courtyard. “My quarters are right over there.”

  “I really need to – ”

  “I will make it very worth your while,” the dwarf said insinuatingly.

  - Oooo-OOOOOH! Alaria called out, like a little kid seeing two people kissing. Sounds like Ian’s going to talk a short walk on the wild side tonight!

  “NO,” I snapped.

  The dwarf frowned. “…no?”

  - Come onnnn – you won’t know if you like it till you try it! Alaria teased. And he’s EXACTLY the right height to give you a –

  “Shhh!” I hushed her.

  “Are you shushing me?” the dwarf asked indignantly.

  “Uh… look… you’re a handsome guy and all, but… I just don’t swing that way.”

  The dwarf looked confused. “What swing?”

  “It’s an expression – never mind. No offense, I just don’t like… dudes.”

  The dwarf stared at me for a couple of seconds in shock.

  Then he burst out laughing, and immediately clapped a hand to his mouth to stifle the noise.

  Once he had himself under control, he snickered, “Oh my good fellow, trust me, that is NOT what I meant. I was thinking more along the lines of…”

  He jiggled a small bag hanging from his belt, and I heard the metallic clink of coins.


  Maybe I could get some information out of this guy along with a little cash. After all, I had a fucking mob boss to pay off.

  The dwarf saw the change in my expression and raised an eyebrow. “So, how about that drink?”

  “…why not.”

  “Good. Follow me – it’s practically a maze in here.”

  “Lead the way.”

  As I followed him through the courtyard, I saw the embossed symbol of the sword through the infinity symbol on his back. The silver threads seemed to glow in the moonlight.

  “I must say,” the dwarf said, “I’m glad you spared me the trouble of having to get into your room. I’m sure Evala has it under guard – from the hallway, at least. And it was far easier for you to get out that window than for me to get in.”

  “Ee-VAHL-uh?” I asked.

  “The Duchess of Vos. Otherwise known as the woman you treated to the night of her cold, tightly controlled, power-hungry life.”

  “I guess you’re not a fan of hers.”

  “THAT is putting it mildly,” the dwarf said as he rounded a corner and walked down a stone corridor. “She’s been a thorn in my side for many years. Although, hopefully, if you and I can come to an arrangement… perhaps I can be a dagger in hers.”

  I looked down at him in surprise. “Um…”

  He gestured dismissively, batting one hand in the air. “Figuratively speaking. I’m not an assassin – no need to call the palace guard on me.”

  We reached a wooden door, which he opened and gestured for me to enter. “After you.”

  I walked into a very nice suite of rooms. Not as nice as mine, but still sumptuous. There were tapestries lining the walls, a table set with wine bottles and silver goblets, and a fire roaring in the fireplace.

  As soon as we walked in, four women emerged from what I assumed was the adjoining bedroom. They were nuns – or at least the OtherWorld equivalent, with dark grey robes embossed with the same sword and infinity symbol as the dwarf’s. In addition, they wore white habits that covered everything above their shoulders except their faces.

  And they were exceptionally lovely faces – all human. Beautiful eyes, high cheekbones, sensual lips. One woman was white, another black, the third Hispanic, and the last Asian. They all smiled demurely, then lowered their eyes.

  “A bit of wine for our guest, Delara,” the dwarf said as he climbed up into a wooden chair by the table.

  As I sat down, the Asian nun came over and poured a bottle of wine into the silver goblet closest to me, then some into the dwarf’s.

  “Thank you,” he said, then smiled at me. “We never had a proper introduction. I am Urik Gladesborn, High Emissary of the Church of Eternity. The Duchess calls me Emissary, if she’s not calling me ‘you wretched little bastard.’ You may call me Urik, as my friends do.”

  “Ian Hertzfelder,” I said.

  “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ian Hertzfelder.”

  “Just Ian.” I sipped the wine, then looked at the goblet in surprise. “Damn, that’s good.”

  “Only the best for the Church,” Urik smiled. “I can’t abide the wretched swill they make in Vos, so I bring my own supplies when I’m forced to come here. So… judging from what I heard earlier in the courtyard, you’ve already entered the beginning of ‘negotiations’ with the Duchess.”

  I blushed at him knowing what I’d done the last 30 minutes – but also frowned in confusion. “‘Negotiations’?”

  Urik chuckled. “There’s no need to play coy, Ian. We are, after all, adults here.”

  The dwarf snapped his fingers, and the Caucasian nun brought over an ornate wooden box and placed it on the table. Urik opened it.

  Inside was a pile of 100-piece gold coins.

  “Holy shit,” I gasped.

  Urik smiled. “Of course, this would be merely a down payment. I can guarantee you 30,000 gold in exchange for your cooperation.”

  - Goddess, Alaria whispered inside my head.

  I was a bit more ebullient.

  Fuck YEAH! I inwardly screamed.

  30,000 gold?!

  Maybe this was the ‘To Be Determined’ gold that the quest had been talking about!

  I could pay Varkus off and have a ton left over for myself!

  But there was still one fly in the ointment: I had no idea what the fuck I had to do to get the money.

  I gazed at the gold hungrily. “And for that, you would want…?”

  The dwarf chuckled again. “You do enjoy making me spell things out, don’t you? Why, I have no idea, unless you’re trying to entrap me.”

  “Heh… entrap you…” I said uneasily, forcing a laugh.

  Urik waggled a finger. “I warn you, I have four witnesses here who will swear on the Holy Tome that I have done nothing improper!”

  The four nuns tittered like he’d just made a funny joke.

  When I didn’t say anything, Urik sighed. “You’re going to make me say it out loud, aren’t you? Alright – what’s a little conspiracy amongst friends, eh? I would need a decision in favor of the Church.”

  “…decision,” I said, still not understanding at all.

  “Yes. Do that,
and I’ll gladly pay you the full amount… after all is said and done.”

  I sat there looking at him.

  He sat there looking at me, waiting.

  Urik obviously wasn’t going to say anything more, and I didn’t want to potentially give myself away, so I stood up. “Um… let me sleep on it and I’ll get back to you.”

  The dwarf got a panicked look on his face, and I saw the nuns all glance at each other with trepidation.

  “What did Evala offer you?” Urik demanded.

  I frowned. “We just had sex, that’s all.”

  “Right… ‘sex,’” Urik said, putting air quotes around the words with his fingers. “Whatever ‘sex’ she was offering, I’ll double it.”

  I glanced over at the nuns. “…double it?”

  Urik looked over at the women, then looked back at me.

  “You want to fuck my nuns?” he asked in a surprised voice.

  “What?! No – ”

  - YES! Alaria chimed in.

  “Fine,” Urik said. “Pick any two you like.”

  - ALRIGHT! This is going to be a tough choice… ask him if we can see what they look like naked first…

  “NO!” I yelped.

  Urik’s eyes bugged out. “‘No’?! You mean, you want MORE than two?!”

  “What?! No, that’s not – ”

  “Fine,” Urik interrupted with a heavy sigh. “You can have three of them.”

  - Ask him for ALL of them! Alaria shouted.

  “I am not ASKING for all of them!” I hissed.

  “You DEMAND to fuck ALL my nuns?!” Urik gasped.

  - YES!

  “What?! No – NO!”

  The four women were looking at each other with wide eyes.

  Urik shook his head woefully. “You are a tough negotiator, I’ll give you that… very well. One night with all four of my nuns, plus the gold. Do we have a deal?”

  I looked over at the four women in shock.

  They were all staring back at me.


  “Good!” Urik said as he grabbed my hand and shook it. “It’s a deal.”

  “What?! Wait!”

  The dwarf grabbed the box of gold and hopped down from his chair. “I’ll just take a little stroll… a couple of hours, or even longer if need be. Ladies, please, show him a time worthy of the Church of Eternity.”

  - HELL YEAH! Alaria shouted.


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