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Revelation Page 14

by Kealohilani

  These few minor variances aside— the resemblance was uncanny.

  “I feel like we’ve wandered into Petra back when it was new,” Justin whispered to Lani.

  “I never thought anything could top Petra,” Lani replied, still gazing in awe at everything around her.

  “This is our residence,” Laern announced as they led the twenty rebels across the stepping stones, past the columns, and toward the arched entrance door.

  “Leave your things here,” Tierza commanded gently. “Our servants will see that they make it to your sleeping quarters.”

  The twenty rebels obeyed and dropped everything they were carrying— including all of their weapons— where Tierza indicated.

  “Please remove your shoes and socks,” Laern added.

  “Yes, we have a wonderful rose petal footbath prepared for you. There are basins on either side of the door here. This side for the women and that side for the men. Please step into them and onto the drying mats— like so.” Tierza and Laern demonstrated. “Then we will all enter.”

  Everyone did so in a respectful manner. Except for Arante who ripped each boot off with annoyance etched on her face and threw them unceremoniously to the ground. Tierza’s eyes narrowed briefly, but she said nothing.

  After everyone— including Arante, who didn’t want to admit how wonderful this ultra-cleansing effervescing ritual felt and smelled to her girly-girl sensibilities— had stepped into the footbaths, Tierza and Laern entered their home and motioned for everyone else to follow.

  Inside was no less impressive than the outside. Several couches lined the entry hall. Had they been on Earth, Lani would have thought— comparing, as she always did, everything she came across in Alamea with what she had grown up with— that the couches were Grecian.

  Upholstered in rich teal velvet, with metallic gold accents and decorative pillows to complement— the craftsmanship of the wood carving and the expertise in the wood finishing of each couch and every other piece of furniture was astounding.

  Against every wall in the circular space under the dome hung majestic flowing white material, edged in shimmering gold. In front of the bewitching material, hung paintings that rivaled masters like Rembrandt, van Gogh, and da Vinci. Several freestanding mirrors with ornate golden frames stood between the couches.

  Before Lani could notice any more details, she was interrupted by Tierza’s bell-like voice.

  “There are enough bathing rooms for you all. If the ladies will be so kind as to follow me.”

  “And the gentlemen please follow me,” added Laern.

  Once again they did as they were told. Lani, Arante, Kendra, Te‘era, and the only other two remaining female rebels— Janea and Hethora— followed Tierza down a long hall.

  The hall was also draped in white material and graced with astounding works of art. They passed many golden doors leading to Heaven only knew where— until they came to one at the very end of the hall, which Tierza opened.

  Once inside, Lani gasped. Five-star hotel comfort and the ultimate in convenience and thoughtfulness stood before her. The massive semi-circular bathroom was compartmentalized into full individual complete master bathrooms with changing rooms attached to each one. There were ten such rooms— each with the choice to shower or to bathe luxuriously.

  “I’m sure you will find the water quite warm. Unless, of course, you prefer cold— in which case, choose one of these three rooms here.” Tierza indicated the first three rooms on the left.

  “Finally!” Kendra whispered to Lani. “No more ice cold bag showers!”

  “Right?!” Lani concurred, laughing with delight.

  “And whilst you will— of course— change back into your own clothing upon departure tomorrow— please do use the outfits we have hanging for you here to wear to dinner tonight while the servants attend to laundering and mending your clothing.” Tierza indicated a large wardrobe rack to the left of all of the individual bathrooms.

  “There are labeled chutes inside your individual wash rooms to deposit your clothing into. The servants will bring it back to your rooms in the morning. After dinner this evening, you will find nightgowns— as well as nighttime robes— waiting inside your wardrobes within your bed chambers.”

  Lani and Kendra looked at the assortment of dresses that were very similar to Grecian-goddess-chiton-style dresses— with a belt around the middle— except for the fact that they had flowing short sleeves. They both smiled enthusiastically. Te‘era, Janea, and Hethora looked pleased, though not overly-excited.

  Arante, on the other hand, scowled. Her expression made it clear that it was not the dresses she was displeased with— but merely Tierza’s continued existence. Almost as if it were taking every ounce of Arante’s self-control to not kill Tierza on the spot.

  “I will return for the six of you in roughly sixty-five minutes.”

  Tierza left and closed the door behind her.

  “Dibs!” Kendra called as she rushed for the tub through the first warm room door. “How the heck do you turn this on?” she asked as she looked for a knob or a pull string.

  “They’re magic,” Arante sighed with annoyance. But it was clear she was also relieved that Tierza had left. “Just look at it and think what you want it to do. It will respond.”

  “Wow! Justin’s heaven might have been that cooking area in the sanctuary— but this! This is mine!” Kendra exclaimed, after she obeyed Arante’s instruction and warm water started filling the tub at lightning speed.

  Kendra walked over to the dresses and snatched the grape-colored one with a copper belt that seemed closest to her size. She threw it into the changing room next to her tub and closed the door on everyone.

  Lani laughed at Kendra’s enthusiasm. “Anyone have a preference as to which room they want?” Lani asked the remaining four women.

  “I’ll take one of the cold ones,” Arante replied. “As much as I want a warm shower, I don’t want to indulge until it can be an everyday occurrence again. Maintaining my acquired tolerance of the chilly water is better than having to regain it.”

  “I agree,” added Te‘era. “I will take a cold room as well— but I might indulge in a cool bath.”

  Hethora shook her head and replied, “The lot of you may do whatever you wish. However, I am taking this great privilege of a warm shower now, whilst I have it. And I will go one step further and say that I hope that my bathing room contains fragrant oils and fabulous bathing concoctions and even bubble bath!”

  With that, Hethora picked one of the dresses that best suited her size. It was teal, with a golden belt and intricate golden embroidery. Once selected, she disappeared behind a closed door as she entered the fourth warm room to indulge in her warm bath.

  Te‘era also picked a dress— white with a silver belt and silver embroidery— and closed the door to the third of the cold rooms.

  Janea didn’t say anything. She simply grabbed a blue dress with a platinum belt, entered the sixth of the warm rooms, and closed the door.

  “Looks like that leaves you your choice of whatever you wish,” Arante remarked, looking at Lani with a kind smile.

  “I’m going to copy Kendra and Janea and Hethora. I’d rather have to get used to cold showers again later than pass up a lovely warm bath now.”

  “I will see you in a little bit then,” said Arante with a kind tone.

  “See you in a bit,” Lani returned.

  Arante waited for Lani to look at the remaining dresses. Lani selected a deep fuchsia one with a copper waistband. Arante found a glittering golden dress with a matching golden belt and took it with her into the first of the cold bathing rooms for her brisk shower— but she did find some lovely-smelling carved soaps, as well as some invigorating citrus-scented after-shower oil.

  Lani took the last room on the right. Next to the chute boldly labeled with the words Deposit Dirty Clothing Here was a drawer, which was neatly labeled in gold scrolling letters— Clean Undergarments. Please help yourself. No need to r
eturn after use. Lani couldn’t help laughing but was also appreciative since there were no Victoria’s Secret stores around. She gratefully picked out what she wanted and set them aside.

  Next, she found a basket filled with scented oils and bubble baths and another filled with elegant carved soaps and luxurious bathing solutions. She chose a bubble bath, a carved soap, a bathing liquid, and an after-bath oil— all rose scented, so that the scents would complement each other and not compete.

  She looked at the gorgeous golden faucet— bejeweled with amethysts— and thought about the perfect temperature. Water cascaded out into the massive lavender marble octagonal tub, as she prepared for her bath. Minutes later, she slipped happily into the perfectly-warm-rose-scented-super-bubbly water— and luxuriated for about half an hour. When she got out, she was highly refreshed and more than grateful.

  Not long after Lani finished, all six girls emerged dressed in the appropriate attire. Their hair had been magically dried and styled the moment they had stepped into their individual dressing rooms. Lani wished she had known about that feature before starting to dry her hair the normal way with the impossibly-plushy bath towels— but she had gone into the dressing room fairly quickly, and so she had enjoyed most of the benefit of the magic.

  The only thing left to do now was to have fun with the makeup table. Everything was in golden tubes, jars, or compacts— or in elegant stoppered glass bottles, with gold accents. Mascara, lipstick, lip gloss, blush, false eyelashes— and some things Lani had never even seen before— with every possible tool needed to apply anything one wished to apply. Though everything differed from the way it was packaged on Earth— it was pretty easy to figure out how to use most of it.

  Lani normally wasn’t a big fan of makeup, but she enjoyed it on occasion— and she felt like being social at the moment— so she joined the other girls in their fun. She still wanted a natural look though— so she put on a little mascara, a little bit of medium brown eyeliner, a small bit of glittery copper eyeshadow on her lids, and some lip gloss that matched her natural color.

  Kendra, on the other hand— went all out. Not to costume-level, but just below it. She wasn’t usually a huge proponent of makeup either— in fact she didn’t like it and almost never wore it. Maybe it was just the fact that it had been denied to her as an option for so long that made her so excited about using everything she could.

  Lani smiled. Whatever the reason, it made Kendra happy— and she did an amazing job. She looked fantastic.

  The other women did something in-between the extremes of Lani and Kendra. And soon, they were all ready for the evening and looking stunning.

  Tierza returned and they followed her back to the circular room where they rejoined the men. The men were all wearing white Greek style tunics which completely covered their chests and shoulders— the hems of which were a few inches below their knees. Each had a golden-but-plain-and-very-masculine belt around their waist. Lani wondered what the Greek/Elven Kingdom connection could possibly be! She could not believe this could all be coincidence.

  Tierza and Laern had also changed their clothing. Tierza into a peacock blue dress the same style as the rest of the girls. And Laern into an azure blue tunic that matched the rest of the men. But their outfits were somehow significantly better than those of their guests. Not to mention the golden laurel leaf crowns that they wore on their heads. Another Greek/Roman connection.

  “Toga party!” Justin exclaimed as he saw the girls return.

  “Shut up, Justin!” Kendra scolded, quietly, like a parent trying to get a three-year-old to be silent in public.

  “Dinner will be ready shortly,” Laern announced.

  “Until then, feel free to enjoy talking amongst yourselves and make yourselves comfortable,” Tierza finished, pointing to the sunken conversation areas Lani hadn’t noticed the first time— with ornate gold and glass tables in the center of each area, which were laden with fruit and cheeses. Underneath some of the tables in the sunken areas, dazzling colorful fish— with sparkling fancy tails and fins— could be seen passing by, through glass windows in the floor.

  The announcement having been made, Laern strode over to Kendra. He held his hands behind his back and leaned over slightly to the side, looking down intently at Kendra with a twinkle in his eyes— the corners of his mouth slightly upturned. He raised an eyebrow and gave her a quick glance from head to toe and back again.

  “Our clothing definitely suits you. Your customary apparel is— you dress very strangely.”

  Kendra smiled at him and gave him the same head-to-toe-and-back-again glance he had given her.

  “Great pick up line. But, yes, I’m not really from around here.”

  “Where are you from?” Laern asked, missing the joke.

  “Another world called Earth,” Kendra answered, with a small yawn.

  Laern’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “Fascinating! I’ve read stories about your world but I have never had the pleasure of meeting anyone from there. Welcome to Alamea.”

  “Thank you. So, High Priest, huh? So does that make you Tierza’s… husband?”

  “What? Heavens no! She is my twin sister! Our father could not decide which of us had better ability to rule— as we had both proven ourselves worthy for the responsibility— so, rather than making a choice, he left the Elven Kingdom to us both.”

  Kendra looked away and blushed happily, gently biting her lip.

  “Oh! Well, that’s good. You guys get along then, I suppose?”

  “For the most part. We don’t always see eye to eye, but we are quite good at coming to terms. Enough about me. I want to know about you and your world. Tell me what it is like.”

  “I don’t really know where to start. It’s so different. Ummm. Well, there are buildings almost as tall as these mountains in some parts of my world. We have a ton of technology— too much actually, come to think of it.

  “We can talk to each other, create things, play games, listen to music, and post whatever stupid thought we are thinking for anyone in the world to see on a thing called the Internet. It’s really rather dysfunctional. There are a thousand ways to keep in touch across the globe, but no one ever spends time with the person sitting next to them in the room anymore.

  “And if someone is really mean and immature, they can even delete their friends. Technology has really made people heartless and unfeeling with no concept for the values of friendship or for what their duties or loyalties should be as a good friend.

  “Everything and everyone seems to be disposable. Most people don’t even try to repair a long-standing relationship if even just the tiniest little thing goes wrong— even though forgiveness is one of the most basic rules of friendship and love.

  “Honestly, I haven’t missed any of that stuff. Indoor plumbing however— that I have missed! I’m so glad you guys have that! You have no idea how amazing that bath felt tonight!”

  Laern narrowed his eyes and cocked his head slightly to one side.

  “I’m sorry. I bet most of that didn’t make any sense,” Kendra blushed.

  “No, no, I love you. IT! IT! I meant I love it. I love hearing you talk. And whilst Alamea may have plumbing— we don’t have many of the other things you mentioned. Your world sounds fascinating.”

  Laern turned red with embarrassment and flashed his arresting smile with an uneasy laugh. Kendra giggled and her green eyes lit up happily.

  “My apologies. I can be such a nitwit sometimes.”

  “No worries, Laern. We’ve all done things like that before.”

  “Thank you… However, it seems I have forgotten my manners. May I inquire as to your name?”

  “Kendra Charelle Sanchez. But I go by Kendra.”

  “As charming a name as the woman who bears it.”

  Kendra’s cheeks turned even more scarlet and her heart pounded in her chest. “I really like your name too. Is there more of it?”

  “No. My sister and I each bear only one name. I
t is not customary for the noble-born of our people to have middle names or surnames.”

  “How intriguing!”

  Lani fought the frown that threatened to overtake her face now that the novelty of the Elven Kingdom had worn off a bit. She was not having fun.

  Jharate kept trying to talk to Tierza— right in front of her in the sunken conversation area she had chosen with Justin and Raoul! The almost-completely-circular cream colored leather couch had enough room to seat at least a dozen people comfortably— yet Jharate talking to Tierza made it seem as if they were all in a tiny little rowboat together— and someone needed to get out!

  Lani wasn’t sure who she was more upset with. Jharate for flirting with another girl. Or Tierza for well— existing.

  Jharate’s continuous attempts to talk to Tierza were met with polite and civil responses. But an annoyed look lay beneath her eyes.

  Lani was somewhat comforted when Tierza finally made some excuse as to why she had to leave and disappeared for a moment. Lani had to fight the urge to say, “And stay away!” but succeeded in remaining silent.

  Lani had not even begun to be able to enjoy Tierza’s absence, when Tierza returned to seat herself very near Justin— who did not notice her as he was intent on trying the various fruits and cheeses in front of him on the table and was facing Lani and Raoul.

  Tierza tapped Justin on the shoulder with her dainty fingertips and smiled at him as he turned away from his two best friends to face her with his mouth gaping open— thankfully devoid of food at the moment— eyes locked on hers. Justin shot to his feet. Tierza arose gracefully as she spoke to him.

  “And what is your name?”

  “Oh… Um… My name is… It’s…”

  “Justin,” Raoul piped in with a smile.

  “Right! That’s right… My name is Justin. Yep! That’s my name…” he faltered, making a nervous popping noise with his lips. “That’s me…”

  Raoul laughed and he and Lani got up to leave the two of them alone. Jharate— trying to maintain dignity— nodded his head deferentially to Tierza, unnoticed, and left as well.


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