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Revelation Page 19

by Kealohilani

  Rezarahn reached out his hand for Lani’s and she gently placed her own in his. They exited the dining room, crossed the hallway, and passed through another set of open double doors into a fabulous ballroom. Lani gasped in awe as she tried to take in every aspect of the wonder before her.

  Parquet flooring added warmth to the mostly cream-colored room. The larger outer walls matched those of the dining room, with tall windows set into three of the walls— except that these window seats were upholstered in metallic-gold crushed velvet instead of burgundy— and between the windows at the far end, a set of giant glass double-doors opened out onto a large white marble terrace.

  White pillars lined the walls of the room, with gold leaf accents on their crown molding. Each pillar was adorned with an elaborate golden sconce, which held fifteen long white candles at three different levels.

  Not one but two gold chandeliers hung from the domed ceiling, which was painted in vivid colors with scenes from Zenastran history, evoking a strong sense of the culture. The ceiling’s frescoes— bordered by carved giltwood in intricate scrolls and rose designs— reminded Lani of the Sistine Chapel.

  An orchestra sat in one corner on a large, rounded, tiered dais— instruments in the ready position. The instruments resembled violins, tambourines, castanets, and guitars. Lani was again struck by the similarities between this people and the gypsies on Earth. She seemed to remember that one of the gypsy cultures was thought to have originated from Egypt and wondered if that is how some of the similarities had come about.

  She thought it was a remarkable combination to have the wealth and grandeur of the Schönbrunn Palace and the culture of a people similar to those she had previously believed only to be nomadic. The music that began to play as they entered had a decidedly gypsy flair, and instantly reminded Lani of Pablo de Sarasate’s Zigeunerweisen— sometimes known as Gypsy Airs— which was one of her favorite compositions.

  “Will you dance, my lady?”

  Lani caught Jharate’s eye at that exact moment. She could have kicked herself for feeling this way, but she still would rather have been in his arms on the dance floor. He looked jealous, but she could tell he would not ask her, himself, if she passed up dancing with Rezarahn. She looked away from Jharate and into Rezarahn’s brilliant green eyes with a determined look.

  “I would love to.”


  Rezarahn beamed and his smile sent heat racing through her veins again and a shudder down her spine. He clapped his hands once more and the conductor changed the music to a rhythmic song that reminded Lani more of Jeff Linsky’s Murietta’s Farewell. Rezarahn twirled Lani commandingly into position.

  He pulled her waist close to his body and held her firmly as his left hand outstretched to take her right hand. She placed her left hand on his shoulder and her right in his offered hand— as if she had been enchanted to do so— her eyes locked on his.

  The slow melodic music was as seductive as the man who had brought her to the floor. It flowed through her body and into her very soul. Although she did not know the dance, it did not matter. Rezarahn was such a good leader that he could make her go wherever he wanted.

  Lani had always loved a man who could lead— partly because it made her look like a better dancer than she actually was— and partly because it was just so manly.

  Rezarahn stopped suddenly. He led Lani’s upper body with his in a slow fluid swirling motion until he leaned forward— guiding her to arch her back gracefully as he dipped her slowly. He brought her back up and twirled her into his arms, holding her in front of him— never letting go of her hands. Rezarahn leaned in close to her and breathed in the scent of her hair.

  Lani could feel his warm breath caressing her neck as he exhaled slowly. Her eyes fluttered closed with a sigh. His lips brushed the side of her neck near her jawline for the tiniest second, leaving her unsure as to whether it had been intentional or not. Sparks flew through her body. She melted into his arms while they swayed back and forth in place.

  He spun her out to face him and pulled her back into the position in which they had begun— his right hand, once again, securely on her waist. Three steps back, three to the side, three to the front, and three more to the other side— over and over and over again in a wonderful pattern broken only by the pausing sways that thrilled her so.

  “Lani looks like she’s having fun, doesn’t she?” Justin asked Raoul. “It’s funny how klutzy she can be when we play volleyball, but whenever she starts dancing she suddenly has complete control over her body.”

  “Hey! That’s not nice to call her klutzy!” Raoul snapped back.

  “I’m just sayin’! Sheesh, don’t get so hung up on my words! It’s just kinda weird.”

  “Lani is not weird!”

  “I can’t even with you right now, bro!”

  “Would my princess care to dance?” Erik asked Arante— facing her with a bow and extending his hand.

  “I thought you would never ask,” she answered, batting her eyelashes and curtsying.

  Justin raised an eyebrow. He did not think of Arante as a girl who would curtsy. Arante saw him but paid him no mind. She and Erik bounded onto the floor together.

  Arante did most of the leading, as she knew the dance. And also because she was just naturally a little more aggressive than Erik was.

  “Enchanting goddess of beauty— may I have the honor of this dance?” asked Laern.

  Kendra blushed gleefully. Although his invitation sounded over the top, she could tell that Laern was completely sincere.

  “Of course!”

  Justin asked Tierza to dance shortly after that and Tierlahn asked Te‘era. Not wanting to be left out, Raoul decided to ask one of the two remaining female rebels to dance with him as the rest of the dinner party took to the floor. He chose Hethora, since she was the shortest.

  Soon Jharate was alone— standing on the side— watching Lani with his penetrating stare. His eyes never left her as she danced in Rezarahn’s arms. Every muscle was tense. His breathing consisted mainly of slow inhales— followed by long pauses as he held his breath— and then tempered exhales through his nearly closed lips.

  As more and more bright smiles graced Lani’s face Jharate’s discomfort visibly increased. Suddenly, he marched straight up to Rezarahn and tapped him on his shoulder.

  “May I cut in, Prince Rezarahn?”

  Rezarahn’s jaw tightened and one of his eyes twitched as he looked at Jharate. He gave a close-lipped smile and tried to appear as genial as possible before answering.

  “Of course, Prince Jharate. Lani, may I ask for the honor of the next dance?”

  “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

  Rezarahn released his hold on Lani and kissed her right hand before placing it in Jharate’s left. He turned away and strode quickly off the dance floor. Lani put her left hand on Jharate’s shoulder as he held her waist with his right and began to lead her in the dance.

  She looked up at him with a quizzical expression on her face as she narrowed her eyes. She felt surprised that he had come up at all, but she also felt a vestigial anger, threatening to reignite and explode if she didn’t contain it.

  How dare he interrupt her dance? What could he possibly be thinking? He had made his feelings perfectly clear to her earlier…

  Did this mean that maybe… he was changing his mind? Was it possible the spell was getting weaker?

  As the dance continued she felt her spirit cool a little. The familiarity of his touch slowly overtook her and her expression softened.

  The corners of her mouth curved into a placid smile— and, with a sigh, the icy look in her eyes melted into a wonderstruck gaze. The way that Jharate took her in his arms was resolute and passionate. He was always so gentle with her— and the way that he touched her now was no exception— but there was no mistaking that he was in charge.

  Lani’s heart leapt and her blood ran infinitely hotter through her veins than it had for Rezarahn.

Jharate was quite a good dancer, but he was not very familiar with this dance and so he lacked the level of confidence that Rezarahn had. It was a little harder for her to follow him, but she didn’t care.

  Her little piece of Heaven had returned. She was so ready to believe what she was seeing and just sink into the bliss— no questions asked— but she wanted to make certain that there was no misunderstanding.

  “What does this mean, Jharate?”

  Jharate halted in his tracks, so quickly that she had to take an extra step to keep from losing her balance. Neither of them moved a muscle. She held her breath as she waited for an answer. He looked intently into her eyes.


  He dropped her hand, turned his back on her, and walked away in the middle of the song— leaving Lani standing where they had stopped, her right hand still hanging in the air. Drakne walked into the room licking his fingers. The food had been exquisite and well worth the wait.

  Drakne smiled widely as he realized that the timing of his entrance had been perfect. The surprised and hurt look on Lani’s face as Jharate walked away meant that his spell was holding Jharate exactly where he wanted him. He hadn’t even had to boost it once the entire time! Ha! Drakne magicked his hands clean, put his gloves back on, and once again took a bow for his work.

  “Happy birthday to me,” Drakne whispered to himself.

  Rezarahn pulled away from the wall he had been leaning against with a stunned look on his face. Lani looked as if she were on the verge of tears as she slowly lowered her hand— still staring at the spot where Jharate had been.

  The wind seemed to have been knocked out of her and she looked as though she might faint. Rezarahn swooped in— rapidly returning to her side. He gently placed his hand on her cheek. She closed her tear brimmed eyes and leaned into his touch.

  “The man is a cad! No gentleman in his right mind would leave a lady on the ballroom floor without a partner— especially one as extraordinary as you.”

  Lani opened her eyes and delicately blinked the tears back. Rezarahn gently wiped away the ones that had escaped. She forced a smile to acknowledge Rezarahn’s chivalry. He pulled her in for a hug, which she returned— gripping his strong back as if her life depended on it.

  His gentleness took the edge off, but the torn pieces of her heart still throbbed. For the slightest second she had thought… But it was over.

  She took a deep breath, forced her smile even wider, and gently pulled away from Rezarahn’s hug— looking him in the eyes. The cruel display from Jharate was not going to ruin her night!

  Rezarahn took her hand and gently twirled her into position on the dance floor, as a much slower song began to play. Lani took another deep breath, and used the time the slower song afforded to regain the feelings she had been enjoying before Jharate had cut in on her dance with Rezarahn.

  By the time the much quicker notes of the next song began, she was back. She laughed and smiled— trying to make every moment count— reveling in the quality of the wonderful people, the beauty of the surroundings, and the attentions of the handsome man who was holding her in his arms.

  Late evening came and the ball was still going strong. Rezarahn spun Lani out, and pulled her back in— concluding with a fiery dip that ended powerfully on the last note of the song. Lani arched back like she had seen tango dancers do before— counting on Rezarahn to keep her from falling— and held her pose until Rezarahn gently lifted her back up again.

  She was nearly out of breath from all of the dancing, but the smile on her face was free and easy. Rezarahn smiled in return and offered his arm to her.

  Lani took it and followed as he led her out through the giant glass double doors onto the enormous semicircular white marble terrace, which wrapped around the corner and extended the length of the building. An ornately-carved white marble balustrade edged the outer perimeter of the terrace— and continued down the several stairways, which led to lush garden paths, spectacular fountains, and various marble-pillared pavilions.

  The fresh night air cooled her skin and filled her lungs as she breathed in deeply. Beyond providing the much-needed air, this terrace somehow emitted a calm and soothing feeling that penetrated her soul.

  Pure invigorating light shone down from a bold full moon— flooding the terrace with a magical glow. It was almost brighter out here than the candlelit ballroom inside. And the ever-moving constellations seemed to be in competition with the moon— glowing much brighter than usual.

  “I gather from the look on your face that you approve of my designs.”

  “You designed this terrace yourself?”

  “The entire manor.”

  “Oh my goodness! That’s remarkable! You are just full of surprises!”

  “Tip of the iceberg,” he teased with a grin. “Although most merely see me as a former prince who does nothing more than whittle his life away with amusement and entertainment. They are quite right, too.”

  “Oh no— please don’t say that about yourself! It’s not true! Even from only knowing you a few short hours I can tell you are much more than a socialite. A mere socialite wouldn’t have raided Vranah’s caravan to return his people’s possessions to them.”

  “Whilst I appreciate the compliment— I have a feeling that you have a gift for seeing the best in people. And you have yet to see my worst.”

  “Doesn’t everyone have a dark side? I know I’m not proud of myself at my worst.”

  Rezarahn laughed. Not in a mocking way— rather in disbelief that anyone could be as free and open and understanding as Lani was being with him.

  “I do not believe you have answered my question, dear lady.”

  “I’m sorry. Did you ask one?”

  “I suppose you are correct— I phrased it as more of a statement. However, I am inquiring as to whether the design of my château and its grounds meets with your approval.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t understand what you were asking. Yes, of course! It’s gorgeous! If there is a more gorgeous sight in Alamea, I have yet to see it.”

  “I could name one…”

  Rezarahn looked at her with his constant intensity. It was almost enough to make her swoon. She blushed, and shyly turned her face to look at the moon— delicately resting her hands on the smooth top of the marble balustrade.

  He stepped behind her and gently and slowly slid his hands from her shoulders, down her arms, until he reached her hands— which he took into his as he rested his chin on her shoulder, close to her neck. After kissing her on the cheek, he gently moved her hands from the balustrade and wrapped his and her arms around her.

  Lani sighed contentedly as her blood raced once more. Being held by him felt nothing short of heavenly. It was almost enough to make her wish that all of time and space would halt and freeze this moment forever.

  “Your scent is divine,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Thank you. And yours is nothing short of intoxicating,” she replied in a quiet but sincere tone.

  “You are too kind.”

  It was entirely true. She hadn’t noticed until now because she was too busy being attracted to him to notice all of the nuances of why she was feeling such a magnetic pull towards him. But this was definitely one of the reasons— he smelled really, really, good. Even after a full night of dancing.

  And it wasn’t an artificial smell either. She never cared much for colognes and could tell the difference between the natural and the manufactured. His scent was all him. Clean. Manly. Hypnotic.

  The two of them remained where they were— gazing peacefully at the glowing moon for quite some time. After a while, Lani’s eyes began to feel heavy. She struggled to keep them open as long as she could. This night was too glorious to end! But apparently the Sandman had other plans.

  When she felt she couldn’t last another minute, she gently moved from his hold and turned to face Rezarahn with a smile.

  “Thank you so much for tonight. I’ve had a wonderful time… Wonderful does
n’t even describe it. Unfortunately, I’m feeling a little tired now.”

  “My apologies for not noticing sooner, dear lady! Your presence captivated me so that I have forgotten my manners. You must be exhausted after your long journey.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid that I am.”

  “Come with me. If you will permit me, I do wish to show you one last thing before you retire. However, I promise it will not require your presence for a protracted amount of time and then I will show you directly to your chambers.”

  Lani nodded gently with a curious gleam in her eyes. Her inquisitiveness infused a tiny bit of energy that would sustain her long enough to discover the means of satisfying it. She held the arm that Rezarahn offered as he led her back through the ballroom and out into the glass hallway.

  Drakne watched as Lani and Rezarahn left but there was no pressing need to follow her. It wasn’t as if she were walking out arm in arm with Jharate. She would be easily found again later.

  He turned his attention back to the ballroom and grinned. There were so many possibilities. The good food and his success in keeping Jharate and Lani apart had made him almost happy— and now he felt that he had earned the right to amuse himself.

  It was his thirty-second birthday, after all. And that demanded celebration.

  Drakne waved his hand and a few dancers tripped on the floor. He laughed freely— but not too loudly, so that no one would detect him over the music. It had been too long since he had allowed himself to have any fun.

  He locked his gloved fingers together and stretched them out— cracking all his knuckles simultaneously. As he briskly rubbed his palms together, an incrementally widening smile spread across his face. He randomly threw a bunch of miniature spell balls at people to make them do ridiculous things as he began his little party.

  He was careful to make sure that he properly timed throwing the glowing balls so that no one would see them flying through the air before they could hit his targets. He also kept them small enough that no one would feel them enter their bodies.

  Drakne chuckled as a quickly-crafted spell ball forced one of Rezarahn’s guests to laugh loudly with huge echoing snorts, despite her best efforts to stop. His sniggering increased as another guest started commentating from the sidelines on everything that was taking place on the dance floor. Still others slipped, tripped, or fell out of sync with their dance partners.


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