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Ready For The Rancher (Sin City Secrets Book 2)

Page 10

by Zuri Day

  “Oh, sorry. I, um...” She eased her hand from Adam’s arm, her voice trailing off as well. “It’s nothing,” she finally managed.

  “Are you sure, baby?” Ryan’s eyes pierced her, filled with concern. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Ryan shook her head, further rattled by the accurate assessment Adam’s common phrase delivered.

  “It was work, something I thought I forgot,” she said, giving him the first answer she thought he’d find plausible. “But I didn’t. It’s okay.”

  Finally assuaged, Adam’s attention turned elsewhere.

  The evening continued. So did the queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, along with the questions her reaction brought up. Why had the thought of seeing her mother caused so much angst? If discovered, how would Adam and his family respond to her past, the drug addiction and jail time? Ryan had wanted nothing more than to get to know her birth mother. She hadn’t considered how that relationship might impact other parts of her life. Ryan felt burdened by the weight of her secrets, and the fear that Sin City wasn’t big enough to hold them all.


  That Sunday, the day after the Breedlove Beef official unveiling, Ryan pulled up a website on her computer, one that she hoped might help her find her birth dad. Her reaction last night to seeing the woman who looked like Phyllis had been surprising and left her shaken. She’d always longed for a relationship with her mother, but had never given much thought to what that would look like, how Phyllis’s presence might impact other areas of her life. She was, after all, basically a stranger. Who was she beyond the woman who’d given her life? And equally as important, who was her father?

  Ryan had nothing, not even a name, to begin the search. That week, while working with Brooklyn to put the final touches on their office, Ryan shared “a client’s” frustration of not being able to trace her ancestry. Brooklyn told her about a show she’d seen on television where birth parents of adopted children were found through matching DNA that had been placed in a national database. The odds weren’t in Ryan’s favor. Any potential blood relative out there would have to be in that system, also looking for lost family. It was a long shot but the only one that Ryan had. She pulled out a credit card and ordered the kit. That done, she switched her focus from personal to business. The day she and Brooklyn had dreamed of had almost arrived. The next day Integrative Healing opened for business. The whirlwind began.

  The first week wasn’t jam-packed with clients but Ryan and Brooklyn were busy. If either had free time during the day, they’d market online, network with other practitioners through cross-promotions and referrals, and one day hit the Strip and Fremont Street downtown with their mobile chairs, offering neck and shoulder massages. By the end of that first week both women were stressed, and asking each other what the heck had they been thinking, to which Brooklyn’s spiritual adviser said, “Awesome! Sounds like you’re exactly where you need to be!”

  Ryan left her office and went to the break room. Brooklyn was pouring herself a drink from a glass pitcher.

  “Sit down, girl, relax for a minute. I’m serving us up some celebratory kombucha.”

  Ryan leaned on the counter where Brooklyn worked. “I’ve been sitting for the past two hours. Think I’m going to hit a yoga class before I go home.”

  She took the tumbler that Brooklyn offered, and clinked the thick glass against the other. “What are we toasting exactly?”

  “One week in business, and neither one of us died.”

  “Ha! And we’re still friends,” Ryan added.

  “And Johnny still loves me even though all week I’ve been too tired to make love. Heck, I couldn’t even make like.”

  Ryan and Brooklyn cracked up laughing. “We’re delirious,” Brooklyn finally decided.

  Ryan nodded. “Yeah, it feels good to laugh.”

  “Your energy definitely feels better now than it did on Monday. I knew something was going on but I didn’t want to ask—figured you’d tell me when you’re ready.”

  Ryan nodded. “I will.”

  “I was kind of hoping the good mood had to do with Adam.”

  Ryan’s smile disappeared.

  “Did something happen?”

  “Not really,” she said finally. “And nothing ever will. He’s a fun date, but it’s about time to pull the plug on that fantasy.”

  “It’s obvious how much you like him. Why would you end something making you happy?”

  “Why prolong the inevitable? It’s only a matter of time before he ditches the person he likes to sleep around with for someone he can marry.”

  “Don’t underestimate your value, Ryan Washington. If anything serious happens between you and Adam, he will be the lucky one.”

  * * *

  Thanksgiving arrived, giving Ryan a much-needed break from work. Word of mouth helped the clientele grow quickly for her, Brooklyn and the acupuncturist Suyin. The personal front wasn’t running as smoothly. Feeling her life was already filled with too many secrets, she finally told Ida that she’d reconnected with Phyllis and that she hoped to find her birth father, too.

  Ida called it a betrayal. Her usually supportive father had sided with Ida and told Ryan she shouldn’t have “done this behind your mother’s back.” Though their reaction was painful, Ryan was glad to have her search out in the open. Now all she could do was wait for the DNA results that would hopefully lead to information on her father’s family.

  The only bright spot was Adam. Their called-off liaison was on again. They’d only seen each other a couple more times, but oh those memorable nights. She was falling in love with him. A problem, but right now his touch wasn’t a luxury. It was a necessity that helped keep her sane. When he suggested she spend Thanksgiving at the estate, and to invite her family, Ryan initially said no. But asking her mother what she thought about the prospect of spending the holiday in Vegas with the owners of CANN melted the chill and got them talking again. Ryan was optimistic that this visit would go well. Ugly attitudes had no place in a setting as beautiful as that of the Breedlove estate.

  On Thursday, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect. A bit chilly, but as Ryan reached the tents that had been erected for today’s dinner, she saw the strategically placed heaters that would keep everyone toasty and warm. She knew her family was already there and she spotted them right away. She waved and headed over. Everyone was all smiles. Her father’s deteriorating health was a continuing concern but today he managed to look dapper in dress slacks and a sweater over a shirt and tie. For the first time since Ryan could remember lately, her mom had curls! Dennis’s look was more casual but Ryan saw that he’d still not regrown his beard. She didn’t know the woman sitting beside him.

  “Hey, everybody!” Starting with her father, she greeted everyone.

  Soon, Victoria joined them. “Hello, Ryan!” They shared a warm embrace.

  “You’ve met my mom and dad?”

  “I have and it’s such a pleasure. Adam believes that Dennis is a solid addition to the team. You remember Lauren, of course.”

  “Of course! Hi, Lauren.”

  “Hey, Ryan.” The women shared a brief hug. “It’s good seeing you again. I heard about your new business for holistic health. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, Lauren.”

  “I’d love to know more about it. In fact, I have a quick question. Never mind. It’s a holiday and listen to me putting you right to work.”

  Ryan laughed. “I don’t mind.”

  Lauren and Ryan stepped away from the others. The conversation began with Lauren’s interest in acupuncture, then turned to Ryan and Adam.

  “You guys look like you belong together. You make a nice couple.”

  “Me and Adam?” Ryan asked. “We’re just friends.”

  Lauren laughed as though Ryan had just told a joke. “I saw how that man looks at y
ou, with love in his eyes. The way yours lit up at that statement, I’d say the feeling was mutual.”

  “I might be falling in love a little,” Ryan admitted. It felt good to say it out loud. The more time she spent with Adam, the more she found to love about him. Perhaps it was time for another conversation, for what they shared to be redefined.

  “I’ll admit to being surprised when he told me about you. I love your vibe, but never thought I’d see any of the brothers with someone with such an earthiness and realness about them. Of course,” she continued, “I never thought they’d have looked twice at someone like me, either. So I hope you don’t take what I’m saying the wrong way.”

  “Not at all. I would totally put them with a model/celebrity type.” Ryan nodded toward the twins. “Like the women Noah and Nick brought with them.”

  Lauren eyed their dates. “Those guys are having so much fun right now. They love being with women who are drop-dead gorgeous, and who fawn all over them as though they’re God’s gift to heaven. But trust me, those feelings don’t run too deep. They’ve been well-schooled by their older brothers on what type of women to watch out for, and the myriad of ways a woman can scheme to get into their wallet.”

  Ryan and Lauren continued to watch the women with the twins. They were stunningly gorgeous, no doubt about that, with bodies that could have been bought and paid for. If so, it was money well spent. She smiled, but inside couldn’t help feeling that if Adam knew about her background he might believe that she was on the “come up,” too.

  The day was lovely. Ryan appreciated the attention Victoria paid to her family, making sure they felt welcomed. Common ground was found between Victoria and Ida when she mentioned the CANN Foundation, and the fund-raising done for various charities. Victoria promised to invite her to a future event. Ryan could tell that made her mom happy. Both she and her mom were surprised to learn that the delicious meal—turkey, Wagyu beef and tons of sides—had all been prepared by the family’s matriarch, Adam’s grandmother Jewel, with assistance from several family members. Adam joined her at the table with her mother and dad, while Dennis sat with guys from the processing plant and his date, a woman Ida told Ryan he’d met online.

  Just before dessert was set to be served, Ryan made a quick trip to the restroom. She returned and was surprised to see Dennis halfway up the walk assisting their father, and Ida making apologies for their unexpected and abrupt departure.

  “What’s happening, Mom?”

  “Your father’s not feeling well. We’re going to take him back to the hotel where he can rest.”

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  “There’s no need for that, Ryan. Dennis will be close by if we need him, and all your father is going to do is sleep.”

  Adam came up then and placed an arm around Ryan’s shoulders. “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s my dad. I could tell how much he enjoyed himself today but I think he may have overdone it a bit.” She turned to Ida. “I’m going to meet you at the hotel, Mom.”


  After talking Adam out of coming with her, and taking the containers filled with desserts as Victoria insisted, Ryan left the estate and headed toward downtown Las Vegas and Fremont Street, where her parents were staying. She worked a variety of healing modalities on her dad and left him sleeping peacefully, with Dennis and his girlfriend in a room down the hall. She spent the night with Adam. Her parents had planned to stay the weekend but her father continued to feel bad so they left the next day.

  Two days later, her father passed out and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Tests were run. The news was not good. His kidneys were no longer functioning. Only intense dialysis or a kidney transplant would keep him alive.


  For the past several days, Ryan had been Adam’s priority. Hearing her father’s prognosis had been understandably upsetting. He’d offered his many resources to help. Walking into the boardroom at CANN International, Adam was prepared to provide updates on the various stages of design and construction happening with half a dozen new CANN hotels going up in the next eighteen months. Along with CANN Island, an ambitious string of über-luxurious properties on islands near Djibouti, plans were underway for hotels in Geneva, Sydney, Fiji, Oslo and Macao.

  No one was talking about that. The chatter was all about Wagyu.

  As soon as Adam reached the table his dad, Nicholas, exclaimed, “Breedlove Beef is king!”

  “Oh, here we go,” Adam said, though he couldn’t help but for his chest to puff out just a bit. He accepted several handshakes before sitting down.

  Greg Chapman, VP of international sales, agreed with Nicholas. “You’re all the industry is talking about.”

  “The money spent on public relations paid off, and it was a boatload. No doubt the column written by one of America’s top food critics—”

  “And published in the Sunday edition of every major city—”

  “Right,” Adam said. “There really isn’t a dollar amount that can be put on that.”

  “I bet they tried, though,” Christian added, holding up a fist for Adam to bump.

  “No doubt. The retainer is hefty, plus expenses. But the phone has been ringing off the hook. We might have to cut back some of those orders for...”

  Nicholas sat up. “Orders for who? I know you’re not going to say the orders for CANN International, the other company you work for, the reason you even have your little enterprise.” Nicholas’s dismissive wave of the hand elicited laughter around the table. “I know that’s not the company you’re planning to put on the end of that sentence. The first shipments of that prime, in-demand Wagyu need to be addressed to CANN International, and that’s after you’ve come up the road and filled up my and your mama’s fridge.”

  The jokes continued for a bit before Christian took charge and returned their attention to CANN business. It was like each brother had been born with a specific talent that together could create one’s empire of choice, all overseen by their father, the ultimate dreamer. Christian was company president. Adam handled expansion as the R&D VP. Noah worked in finance. Numbers came to him the way music came to Mozart. His family teased that instead of asking for video games, Noah wanted calculators. He was quiet, introspective and smart as a whip. Which left Nick, the patriarch’s namesake. The most charismatic and carefree one of the bunch, he was officially a member of the sales force, but someone with Nick’s personality could basically be successful doing whatever he wanted.

  Once everyone had their say the meeting ended. The brothers hung back while the others returned to their offices. The next thing anyone knew, Adam was being hit in the head with a Nerf football that Nick found God knows where.

  “Hey!” Adam reached for the ball and aimed for the brother now using the table as a shield. Adam fired as hard as one could a Nerf ball, missing his brother’s head by inches. “Fool.”

  “When am I going to get some of that good beef?” Nick asked.

  “What do you mean? You’ve tasted it several times.”

  “I’m talking about a stash for the house, like Dad was saying.”

  “Nick’s right,” Noah chimed in. “A couple rib eyes would be nice.”

  “Y’all are a trip,” Adam said, laughing along with his brothers as they left the conference room and went back to their offices while he headed out of the building. With the meetings over for the day, it was time to go to the ranch. On the way he remembered something Noah had said after being introduced to Ryan’s family.

  “I hope that guy Dennis works out for you, bro. If you fire her brother, I’m not sure Ryan will stick around.”

  He’d been joking, of course. But when Noah asked, Adam hadn’t denied that Dennis’s relationship to Ryan had given him an edge over the competition. Still, there was a matter Adam wanted to revisit.

  He rounded the corner to find the ne
w manager standing just outside the small meeting room, looking over the balustrade that allowed a full view of the barn floor below, where long rectangular tables held a variety of equipment and devices used on the ranch. Rows of grain, also cow feed, went on for several acres. A pond could be seen from the second floor, along with cows roaming freely over the hills. Adam frowned, not because Dennis was standing around not working, but because of who was beside him, someone who as far as Adam was concerned had no business here.

  Dennis heard Adam’s boots on the floor and turned. “Adam! Hey, buddy. We were just talking about you.”

  Adam reached him. He and Dennis shook hands.

  “Man, this place is awesome,” Luke said, his arm outstretched.

  Adam was slow to shake it.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I’m showing Luke the building. He was in town and asked for a tour, was curious about how operating an organic process differed from how it’s done at Bakersfield.”

  “That’s part of it,” Luke added. “The other is that I’d really like to work here. Everything’s fine at Bakersfield Meat and I never thought the word beautiful could describe a slaughterhouse, but this place is amazing. Working for Breedlove Beef would definitely be a step up.” He added a chuckle as though he were joking, but Adam got the feeling that he meant every word.

  “I told Luke about coming over here back in the day. Even then, being at the estate felt like I was visiting royalty—”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “You know it was like that. Saturday mornings, Sunday afternoon, this was the place to be! It was cool then, but the way you’ve turned this side of the estate into a cow ranch beyond the best I’ve ever seen...well, it’s impressive.”

  “I appreciate that,” Adam said. “Especially with the hands-on experience you have in the industry. Luke, Dennis and I need to meet. Is there anything Olivia could get for you? Coffee, soda, a beer, before you’re on your way?”


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