A Private Affair

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A Private Affair Page 2

by A. C. Arthur

  That meant Chaz had better things to do than to nurse thoughts about Riley Gold. He could save those for when he was alone in bed, as he’d been far too often to admit. Finishing his drink, Chaz decided he had time for one more business connection before the New Year rolled in. He was heading toward a well-known fashion magazine editor when he caught a glimpse of that infamous black dress and those long, sexy legs.

  Chaz knew he shouldn’t do it. He should continue his trek toward the editor, share a drink and small talk with her while dropping subtle hints about the new men’s collection being debuted at Fashion Week. He should ignore Riley Gold the same way she always tried to ignore him.

  But he didn’t.

  He couldn’t. Which made no sense at all. Chaz never chased a woman.

  To be fair, he wasn’t actually doing so now. He was just walking toward the balcony. There was no rule against a man deciding to get some air...in the place that a beautiful woman was doing the same. And it wasn’t because each time he’d seen her tonight she’d been with another man—two other men—who had been standing very close to her. That definitely wasn’t the reason he stepped onto the balcony, because Chaz was not inclined to be jealous of anyone.

  She was on the phone with her back to him.

  He should walk away now. Just let her do what she did best: freeze people—or rather, him—out for no reason. It was tempting as he stood there and thrust his hands into the front pockets of his pants. There were still plenty of women in the ballroom who he could dance with, have drinks with while the New Year rolled in and maybe even take upstairs to his room for the night. He also hadn’t forgotten Franco’s offer to attend his private party. Again, plenty of willing women. Chaz did not have to stand here and deal with Riley Gold.

  But the moment he heard the small hitch in her voice as she’d yelled at whoever she was speaking to, he knew he wasn’t going up to any private party. And he wasn’t going to snag some other woman from the ballroom. He was going to stay right here until he knew Riley was okay.

  “Yes,” she continued. “I told him that.”

  She was nodding while holding the cell phone to her ear, as if the person she was speaking to could somehow see her.

  “I said that, too. Look, RJ, you really didn’t have to call. You should be getting ready for Uncle Harry’s New Year’s Eve party, and not worrying about whether or not I could close the deal. Which, as a matter of fact, I did. Perry will be in New York on January 5 to meet with you and Dad.”

  So this was about business. She was speaking to Ronald Gold III, better known as RJ, next in line to sit on the throne at RGF. Chaz almost turned back at that point. Riley’s business was RGF’s business and that did not involve him. He should have known the only thing causing any type of emotional reaction in her would have to do with her family company. All she ever did was work.

  “Yes. Thank you. Happy New Year to you, too,” she finished before pulling the phone away from her ear and disconnecting the call.

  The wish she’d offered her brother was filled with frustration, and Chaz watched as she leaned over, resting her elbows on the railing. Straight ahead were the Duomo cathedral and glittering lights of the Milanese skyline. A gorgeous sight to behold. But Riley lowered her head and sighed.

  Chaz had never seen her this way. Riley Gold was a fierce, intelligent woman who had proved herself as one of the most talented and shrewd businesswomen he’d ever met. If she had a weakness, no one would ever know what it was. If she faltered, nobody would ever witness it. She was gorgeous and on point every second of every day. Until now.

  His first instinct was to walk right up, wrap his arms around her waist and revel in the feel of her back pressed against him. He would remind her that there was a time for business and a time for pleasure. Then he would drop a soft kiss on her temple and continue to hold her until she cuddled into his embrace. Then he would...

  Chaz cleared his throat and pushed those ridiculous thoughts out of his mind. “Working on New Year’s Eve?” he asked, still standing a short distance away from her.

  She jumped, her elbows slipping on the railing so that it appeared she might fall. Chaz didn’t hesitate. He hurried over, wrapping his arm around her waist in the same way he’d just been contemplating, and pulled her back against him.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered against her temple. “I’ve got you now.”

  * * *

  For a split second Riley enjoyed the comfortable warmth that engulfed her. But when his breath whispered over her skin and the reality of who he was and where they were hit her, she quickly moved out of his grasp.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as she spun around to face him. “Were you eavesdropping on my conversation? Is that why you were sent to this party?”

  While her father liked to entertain conspiracy theories about company espionage, Riley prided herself on being a bit more levelheaded. Besides, Chaz had only worked in brand management for King Designs for the past year. It wouldn’t be his job to hire a new designer, if he even knew enough about the industry to do so. But he had followed her out here for a reason.

  “I was concerned when you left the party and I wanted to make sure you were all right,” he said and casually folded his arms across his chest.

  His legs were slightly spread, so that he looked formidable and enticing all at once. It appeared to be a practiced move—no doubt it was intended to make women swoon because it had a Morris Chestnut feel to it. The fact that Morris was one of Riley’s favorite actors had to be the reason she thought Chaz looked so good standing there.

  Riley cleared her throat.

  “I’m fine,” she said evenly. “Thank you for your concern, but you can leave now.”

  He smiled. A slow and potent action that had her clenching the phone and her purse just a little tighter.

  Riley had no idea why this was always her reaction to him. He was just a man, after all. She interacted with a lot of men on a daily basis. There was nothing about Chaz Warren that made him any different from the others. Except maybe the fact that his family was her family’s longest and most detested rival. Still, that never stopped her from reacting to his presence, no matter how hard she tried not to. Even now, the heat that always suffused every part of her when he was around was creeping to the surface. She felt it in her cheeks, in the way her breasts grew fuller and her center began that slow, needy pulsating.

  “Not until I’m satisfied you’re not going to jump over the railing because you don’t like your family checking up on your work,” he replied.

  “What? Oh, so you were eavesdropping,” she said and frowned.

  “You weren’t exactly whispering.”

  “It was nothing. And as I stated before, I’m fine,” she said evenly.

  Riley took another step back, but not in retreat. She told herself it was self-preservation, something she was very good at.

  “Are you afraid of me, Riley?”

  Her response was an immediate chuckle. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she replied and attempted to walk around him.

  He blocked her path. He didn’t touch her but stood directly in front of her. His gaze was dark and intense, deep brown eyes and thick neat brows staring down at her. Riley didn’t look away.

  “You’ve no place to run this time,” he said, his voice going lower. Sexier.

  She remained unfazed, at least on the outside. “I don’t run from anything,” she told him. “And I’m not easily intimidated.”

  He tilted his head curiously and arched a brow. “Good. Now we can finally get this out of the way.”

  He took another step and leaned in before pausing to look down at her hands. Riley had not moved a muscle. She held eye contact with him. A part of her wanted to take another step around him, while another part—the stubborn and inquisitive part—stood still and waited. For what, she wasn’t quite sure. All she knew for ce
rtain was that she wanted to know what he was going to do next—almost as much as she wanted Perry Reddleston to come work for RGF.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked.

  “I didn’t say anything,” she replied.

  “Exactly,” he said. “You didn’t tell me to get the hell away from you, nor did you mention calling security. So I’m asking, is your silence a yes?”

  Riley licked her now-dry lips. “My silence? What exactly should I respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to?”

  He didn’t actually need to say it. Riley knew what he was asking. She recalled having a similar conversation with him six months ago.

  “This isn’t new, Riley. It’s been brewing between us for years. How long do you plan to keep brushing it off?”

  Was that what she’d been doing? Her previous answer to Chaz had been an unequivocal “no.” There was nothing between them and to solidify that fact she’d made a point to stay away from him. Which was probably the reason he presumed she’d been running. But tonight, as he’d just stated, she was standing still...and very close to him.

  “One night, Riley,” he said, his voice going lower.

  His face was just inches from hers as he stood in what should have been an uncomfortable stance. But he wasn’t trying to move. He just stayed there waiting...for her.

  “Give this thing between us one night,” he continued.

  “There is no ‘thing’ between us,” she whispered.

  He eased closer, brushing his lips lightly against hers before pulling back. “Are you sure?”


  Chaz stood up straight.

  “You’re sure there’s no ‘thing’ between us? Or you’re sure you won’t give us one night?”

  “I’m sure you’re trying to push my buttons and I’m not in the mood,” she replied.

  “And yet, you’re still standing right here.”

  “You’re in my way,” she countered.

  Chaz stepped to the side.

  “Now I’m not,” he said. “And you’re still here contemplating whether or not you’re up for one night with me. You won’t do it. You’ll continue to run because that’s what suits you.”

  No. He did not just make this a dare. But as Riley continued to stare at him, she knew that was exactly what he was doing. Her brothers had done this to her so many times while they were growing up and Riley had never backed down.

  But Chaz Warren was not her brother. He was a very attractive man who made her body respond every time she saw him, regardless of what her brain warned. He was the man who had just teased the hell out of her with that chaste kiss. Riley wanted more. She hadn’t realized how much until this very moment, but she wanted Chaz Warren in her bed.

  “Yes,” she said without another thought.

  Chaz shook his head and grinned. “You’re killing me here, Riley. What exactly are you saying yes to?” he asked.

  Tired of this verbal sparring, Riley closed the space between them. She reached up to cup the back of Chaz’s head and brought his mouth down to hers for a searing kiss.


  CHAZ HAD NO IDEA. There was no way he could have prepared for how potent the kiss would be. No way in hell.

  She looked like any other beautiful woman with hazel eyes and intriguing high cheekbones. Her body was what a teenage boy’s wet dreams were made of and she smelled like sin walking. But he’d been around the fashion industry for more than half his life, so none of that was abnormal to him.

  Still, the punch in his gut the moment his lips touched hers was nothing to ignore. The warmth that spread slowly to every corner of his body as his tongue brushed against hers and her body pressed closer to his was way beyond what one simple little kiss should have caused.

  He’d kissed women before. And had done a whole lot more. But nothing, none of those times, had left him feeling as off balance as he did at this very moment.

  With heroic strength Chaz pulled his mouth away from hers. But he did not let her go. He couldn’t.

  “One night,” she said before Chaz had even caught his breath. “In my room. You’ll be gone first thing in the morning. And we will never...ever speak of this again.”

  She was giving him the rules. Chaz was never good at following rules, especially not ones that he hadn’t come up with. However, he knew exactly who he was dealing with and what was at stake for both of them if they proceeded.

  “I’d rather twenty-four hours, but we can play that by ear. When the time comes, if you still want me to, I’ll leave when the sun comes up, but it starts right here, right now,” he said before taking her mouth again.

  This time it was his tongue pushing her lips apart as he sought the warmth inside. She seemed surprised at first but was clearly ready for their go-round within seconds. Her hands—pressing against the back of his neck as if she thought she was guiding this kiss—felt too good to focus on. There was so much more Chaz wanted to explore with Riley and he only had one night to get it all in.

  Her tongue joined his, stroking in a rhythm that seemed practiced and new at the same time. His hands moved down to the dip in her back just before the curve of her ass. Chaz pressed her close to him as he took the kiss deeper. She was tall, probably about five feet seven or eight without the heels she was wearing, so she fit against him perfectly. And with the feel of her body against his, Chaz couldn’t wait to get her naked.

  Riley moved her hands, slipping them past his shoulders to press firmly against his chest. Chaz immediately pulled back.

  “Not here, not like this,” she said and looked around as if she thought someone might see them.

  They were alone on the balcony, the party inside going full swing without a care for the two people who’d slipped out. But Chaz understood. It was no secret that Riley did not like the press. She did the required press releases and interviews, but she tried to stay out of the spotlight. It didn’t matter—her family’s company was one of the most talked about in the industry. There was no way the press would stop doing stories on her; even though Riley and Walter Stone hadn’t married and the phenomenal partnering of RGold Fashions and Stonemill Apparel, a renowned global distributor, was off, they still covered her and they weren’t always kind.

  Chaz didn’t answer immediately. He kept his arms around her and walked them back until they were standing on the other side of a decorated and lit Christmas tree at the far end of the balcony.

  With her back pressed against the wall of the building, Riley still looked up at him with concern. Chaz touched a finger to her cheek and let it slide slowly down to the line of her jaw.

  “I’ll protect you, Riley,” he said softly. “You don’t ever have to worry about that.”

  “I don’t need your protection,” she said.

  Chaz smiled. “I know,” he told her. “But I’ll do it, anyway.”

  He kissed her again, his hands moving down her sides. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly against her. Chaz groaned at the spurt of possession and need. He grabbed the hem of her dress, pushing it up her legs so he could feel more of her skin, get even closer to her. Riley dragged one leg up, wrapping it around his waist until he was delightfully trapped in her grasp.

  He couldn’t believe he was here, with Riley Gold, touching her and kissing her. His erection pulsed and pressed eagerly against his zipper. He wanted to be inside her now, but he couldn’t pull himself away from her to get them to the elevators and eventually to her room. He needed something first. He needed to give her something, just this little bit to relax her and to promise himself what was to come.

  Chaz moved his hand until he felt the silky skin of her inner thigh. She bucked instantly and tilted her head back to arch into him. He cursed, his mouth sliding over her bared shoulder.

  Heat greeted his fingers before he even slipped the thin piece of silk covering her mound to the
side. She’d eased her hands inside his jacket and now her nails dug into his chest. He slid two fingers inside her and she gasped. She jerked at the contact, groaning as he pressed deeper and shifted her hips until she could move in rhythm with his thrusts. He gritted his teeth at the delicious feel of her moist heat and the tightness that circled him. Closing his eyes, he clenched his teeth at how good this felt even though it wasn’t his hard dick easing in and out of her.

  She gripped his shirt in her fists as her body tensed. The sound of his fingers moving in and out of her echoed in his ears and had his dick jumping. She gasped and stilled, her heated walls gripping him tighter before her release came, her body trembled and she moaned in his arms.

  Seconds later, fireworks popped off, and the sound of people cheering and singing filtered out from the ballroom onto the balcony.

  * * *

  It had taken them exactly sixteen minutes to weave through the celebrating crowd in the ballroom and head toward the elevators. When they finally arrived at the door to her suite, Riley unlocked it and led Chaz inside. She dropped her purse and the key card on the sofa table and kept moving through the lavishly decorated space. Chaz stopped at the fully stocked bar tucked in a corner of the living room and asked Riley if she wanted champagne. She opted for wine and Chaz selected water. Now they were sitting on the terrace, finishing their drinks and watching the last of the fireworks show.

  It didn’t take a genius to see that her nerves were more than a little frayed. Probably a combination of the crowd they’d encountered in the hallway and the fact that he was actually in her room. So they would slow down a bit until she was certain of herself and what she wanted from him once more.

  “Why are you here alone?” she asked after a few minutes of silence.

  Chaz sat back on the lounge chair, his legs spread in front of him.


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