Guarding the Mermaid (Chimera Secrets Book 2)

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Guarding the Mermaid (Chimera Secrets Book 2) Page 11

by Eve Langlais

  Yet the tickle in her throat betrayed her.

  She couldn’t help but cough and, in the silence that followed, prayed to every god that had ignored her thus far.

  A warm puff of air hit the top of her head. She tilted her head up and saw the open maw of the monster.

  And screamed!

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jett ran for the lab, wishing he could move faster. Why did it have to be so far? A room and a hall away didn’t seem like a great distance until someone was in danger.

  Then there was the fact the lab had gone into lockdown mode. His keycard wouldn’t work.

  He slammed his fist on the door, the rocky surface, helping with its camouflage, grating skin. “Open, dammit.” How could he save Becky if he couldn’t reach her?

  The walkie-talkie at his belt crackled. “Where are you?” Chimera asked.

  “Locked out of the tunnel, goddammit. I need to get in.”

  “I’m coming.”

  “I don’t need you here. I need the door to fucking open.”

  “We can’t let the subject escape.”

  “I wasn’t planning to.” He glared at the wall in his way.

  “You can’t kill him either.”

  “Now you’re pushing your luck.”

  The pounding of steps had him glancing over his shoulder as Chimera, looking more frantic than usual, joined him. “We need to lure the subject into the hall and trigger the gas vents.”

  “Easy enough. Open the inner lab door and let him through.” If escape were the main focus of the subject, then he’d enter easily enough.

  “Give me a second.” Chimera stuck his hand through the hologram, and a moment later, it was gone. The console flashed red, and the glow reflected against Chimera’s face as he tapped on it.

  “Inner lab door is open.” Chimera tapped the screen, and they could see a video of the hall.

  It took a moment, a moment of anxiety because Jett had no idea what was happening in the lab. No idea if Red was okay.

  And his first glimpse of her, slung over the monster’s shoulder, made his blood run cold. “He’s got Becky.”

  “And?” Chimera stood with his finger poised over the button to slam the door shut and activate the gas.

  “And you’ll fucking kill her if you use the vents.” Jett shoved Chimera aside.

  “What would you suggest I do?” the doctor snapped. “Ask him to place her inside the lab, pretty please.”

  “Let me in.” Jett pointed to the door. “Let me in and I’ll handle it.”

  “You’ll kill it.”

  “I’ll kill you first if you don’t open the fucking door.” A threat he’d probably regret later. Yet, what choice did he have? Becky needed him.

  “You’re being foolish. She’s just a nurse.”

  “A nurse that you know I’m fucking. So open the goddamned door!” he roared.

  “Try not to kill him.” Chimera tapped, and there was an audible click as the door slid open. Jett wasted no time and dove through, ignoring the thud as the hall sealed shut behind him.

  Exactly what possessed him to get into a confined space with an adrenalized monster?

  Oh yeah. The tiny woman hanging over the brute’s shoulder.

  “Hey there, ugly. Mind putting the female down and talking this over?” Jett hadn’t pulled his weapon yet. No point in spooking the thing until he had to.

  The monster opened his mouth and bellowed. Even further gone than Jorge, he’d lost the ability to speak. Which meant this would happen the hard way.

  “I’m afraid blaaaargh isn’t the right answer.” Jett held out his hands. “Come on, dude. You need to get past me if you want to go through that door.” He jerked his head.

  That seemed to do it. The monster yanked her down and dropped her at his feet. Distracted by the fact that Becky immediately scrabbled away from the thing, Jett almost missed the monster moving. Good thing he reacted quickly.

  Jett ducked, leaning his shoulder forward enough that when the monster whipped out ham-sized fists, they missed, but Jett connected. He used his body as a fulcrum to topple the monster. Even as he heard the thump, he whirled, kicked out, his foot lifting to smash the beast in the nose.

  It roared.

  Jett roared back. Not exactly the same effect, but it helped in a fight. Boiled the blood and fired the adrenaline. He charged at the man—forever changed by science—and again ducked under the wildly swinging punches.

  It helped that the patient lacked any true skill. Any one of those blows would have broken Jett. Since he had orders not to kill, he had to disarm.

  In a fight where you could be killed, there was no such thing as dirty, hence why he felt no compunction about nailing the monster in the nut sac .

  Like every male in the world, he bellowed, cupped, and hit the floor. Jett didn’t relent. He pounced on top, grabbed his gun, and fired all the darts into the beast.

  Not enough. He found himself flying as the monster shoved him.

  He hit the wall and slumped down, but only for a second.

  With the tranquilizer having failed—meaning Chimera needed to invest in stronger drugs for the future—there weren’t many options left.

  He bolted to the far end of the hall and grabbed hold of Becky, dragging her upright. “Open it!” he yelled. Hoping Chimera would see his lips and understand his intent.

  It occurred to him, too fucking late, that Chimera could easily activate the gas and take all three of them out. It would certainly be easiest.

  The beast roared from the far end of the hall. He began his charge, a bull rushing in. The door clicked, and Jett stumbled into the lab with Becky.

  “Hide,” he ordered as he whipped around. He saw nothing he could use to stop the beast, whose eyes glared with red malevolence.

  Just when he feared he’d have to resort to grabbing a stool and clubbing the creature, the door slid shut.

  The monster hit it with a hard thud. Bang. Thump. Despite the thickness, the door dimpled with the hits.

  And then there was silence.

  “Thank fuck that’s over,” he said with a sigh.

  “My hero!” Becky’s arms wrapped around him tight, and he closed his eyes in relief.

  Red lived.

  But it was close.

  Too close. And he’d not forgotten the fact that Chimera thought her expendable.

  He tightened the embrace, enjoying the feel of her against him, then set her away from him for a shake. “I told you to get the fuck out! Why didn’t you listen?”

  Rather than reply, she asked a question of her own. “What was that thing?”

  He pressed his lips tight.


  “Nothing. Forget what you saw.” Because he was all too aware cameras watched and recorded everything he said. Or did they? He noticed the camera above the door was gone. Ripped free and smashed on the floor. But there could be others.

  “Did Chimera do that to him? It? Was that a person?”

  He ignored her rapid-fire queries to stick his head through the door that was usually kept locked. Noted the cage holding the patient opened wide. Fucking rats. They’d streamed out of a vent and gone straight to it. What he couldn’t figure out was, why? They’d managed to escape. Yet they’d taken a detour to free a patient. He stepped farther into the room, scanning the crevices and corners. Despite Chimera’s thoughts on the matter, if he saw red beady eyes, he’d kick them.

  Becky followed. “I am talking to you. The least you could do is reply.”

  “I can’t reply because there’s nothing to say.” He cast her a glance that he hoped she’d understand. One that said, stop talking about it.

  She blinked at him. Then smiled. “You don’t have to. I totally understand now.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She glanced around, the empty cages much too large for the smaller animals usually used by science. “Nothing. Forget I said anything.” She swept out of the room, and it was his t
urn to follow.

  “You can’t talk about this,” he reiterated.

  “Of course not.”

  “I’m serious, Red. No one must ever know what you’ve seen here.”

  “Who would believe me?” Her lips tilted. “I mean, do you know how crazy it would sound if I claimed a minotaur rampaged through the lab and tried to kidnap me? Where was he taking me anyhow? And why?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re safe.”

  As if the word triggered it, reality and shock finally hit her. “Oh God. He was going to kill me.”

  “If you were lucky.” There was a reason that patient had ended up in the secret lab. The last nurse he’d gotten his hands on still screamed at the slightest touch.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” The statement she made before she threw herself into his arms. Once more he hugged her. Hugged her tight, thankful he’d arrived in time. Thankful for one more day with Red.

  There were things he wanted to say to her. However, there was no time to talk. No time for anything as the door opened and Chimera swept in exclaiming, “My poor lab!”

  Chapter Seventeen

  When Chimera entered, Jett slipped free and adopted his serious mien, so Becky hugged herself. Anything to hide the tremors in her body.

  She’d almost died, and the thing was she thought she’d come to grips with it. After all, a bomb ticked inside her body. Yet, when given the choice, she realized she wanted to live. Even better, Jett wanted her to live, too. He’d confronted a monster to save her.

  My hero.

  A man who fought a beast single handedly. A thing that shouldn’t even exist.

  A monster hid in the locked room adjacent to the lab. No wonder the doctor had never allowed her a peek. Chimera had lied when he claimed to be aboveboard and following the rules. The rats he had her playing with were just a clever cover. The hidden room with the cages was the reality, the scoop she’d been searching for, and now she’d seen the proof.

  As she puttered around the destroyed lab, she heard snippets as Jett relayed to Chimera what had happened.

  The smart rats were to blame. They’d entered the secret room and opened the cage with the beast.

  Why? Who knew? Perhaps like Pinky and the Brain they wanted to rule the world. Whatever the case, the result proved catastrophic, the damage extensive with counters wiped clean of beakers and equipment. Broken glass littered the floor. The fridge, with all of its colorful samples, lay on its side, the door popped open. So many spilled fluids forming a rainbow-hued puddle.

  “Fuck.” Chimera glared at the mess as he exited the hall. A glance past him showed Jett directing the guards carrying off the sleeping beast.

  “What was that thing?” she asked.

  “None of your business,” Chimera snapped. “If you hadn’t let the rats escape, this wouldn’t have happened.”

  Her shoulders straightened at the rebuke. “I’m not to blame for what was in that room.” She pointed. “I thought it was going to kill me.”

  “It didn’t. And you’re lucky my subject is still alive.” His harangue bit, especially since the intent was clear.

  That thing is more important than me.

  It meant she had a saucy reply. “I don’t know if he’d agree about the lucky part. He didn’t seem too happy. What did you do to him?”

  “Don’t take that tone with me.”

  “I’ll take whatever damned tone I like given I’m the one who almost died because you”—she jabbed a finger—“were hiding things from me. The least you can do is offer an explanation and apology.”

  Rather than blow up and give Becky her marching orders, Chimera rubbed his face and sighed. “Sorry. You are correct. I shouldn’t be sniping at you. It’s not your fault. It’s mine for not realizing the potential in the new intelligence enhancer. Please forgive my boorish accusations.”

  The apology didn’t quite explain things, and a part of her wanted to push. Demand answers. However, as her auntie always said, free drinks were more likely with an unbuttoned blouse. With Jett hovering, she couldn’t exactly pull on her feminine wiles, nor did she want to; however, it did make her try another tact.

  “Apology accepted. And how exciting you’ve made a breakthrough.”

  “Have I?” Chimera looked sadly at the mess of fluid on the floor. “The samples we were using are gone. Months of work lost.”

  “Not everything was broken.” She knelt among the wreckage. “We can save some of the serums.” She reached for an unbroken pink one and shook it at him.

  The doctor’s face brightened. “We’ll have to act quickly. I don’t know how the compounds will react if left unrefrigerated for long.”

  “Then we’d better get moving. Think the kitchen has room for them? Or the labs on level three?” She made the suggestions knowing he’d reject them.

  “No. They’re much too valuable for those unsecured locations. But we can borrow one of their fridges.” Chimera rubbed his chin. “While I go see about a new cooling unit, you gather the intact vials. But be careful not to cut yourself on those shards. We don’t want an unfortunate incident. Wear gloves,” he admonished. “Once we’ve rescued the undamaged serums, then we’ll call in maintenance to handle the rest of the mess.”

  Chimera left, and she began fishing out the vials from the wreckage, placing them gently in a box that she found dumped on the floor. She took Chimera’s advice to heart and wore two layers of gloves but, even so, was very careful to avoid sharp edges. Most of the vials in the back of the fridge survived intact, including the majority of the aquamarine ones. The ones he said were for healing lungs.

  She fingered one wondering if it had caused the monster in the back. That thing was living proof of the experimental nature of what Chimera did. Was it once a man, or a beast genetically modified like the rats?

  She had no way of knowing, just like she had no way of discerning if this vial would cure her cancer. Did she dare experiment on herself?

  Did she have a choice? She was dying.

  The cure might be in the palm of her hands.

  It could also kill her.

  She thought of Jett. Of how she felt with him. Of the fear when she thought she might die. She glanced around, noting no one remained in the lab. All the guards, including Jett, had left with the minotaur. A peek overheard was mostly to reassure herself the camera remained gone. Only loose wires dangled from the ceiling. No one watched.

  No one would know.

  Before she could think twice, she pocketed the vials, five of them, leaving behind three, which she placed in the box with the others. Just in time as Chimera returned, Jett behind him, wheeling a fridge on a dolly.

  His dark gaze flicked over her, and she flushed, wondering if he could read the guilt on her face.

  “I put the unbroken ones over there.” She pointed to the counter with the box of rainbow-colored vials.

  “Thank you.” Chimera let out a sigh of frustration. “Months of work ruined. But on a more positive note, the brain enhancer worked. So I guess we can’t call it a complete loss.”

  “It actually made them smarter?” she asked.

  “It did. Can you imagine the applications?” the doctor replied.

  Jett interrupted, wagging his walkie-talkie. “Maintenance is here to finish cleanup.”

  “Let them in. Then take Ms. Frederickson to her quarters. She looks exhausted.”

  “I’m fine. I don’t need an escort.” She didn’t want anyone with her when she did the unthinkable.

  But Jett didn’t take orders from her. He escorted her, expression grim, body tense. He said not a word, and neither did she.

  He knew. He knew and disapproved.

  The moment they entered her quarters she expected a harangue. Instead, she found herself pressed against a wall. His mouth hotly latching to hers. His motions frenetic with need.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “You almost died.” Said roughly. His voice tight with emotion.

nbsp; She cradled his cheek, enjoying the roughness of the shadow. “I will die. Maybe not today, but it’s coming.” Soon, if the hidden vials didn’t do the trick.

  She thought he might say something. A declaration of, if not love, then the fact he cared. But Jett wasn’t one to use words. He showed her.

  He dipped his head and claimed her lips, softly this time. He coaxed, teasing her bottom lip until she parted them with a content sigh.

  When her arms laced around him, clasping him tight, he gave a grunt. His happy grunt. He also pressed her body firmly against his. Branding her. Igniting her passion.

  A desire that couldn’t be contained.

  He was right. She’d almost died. Which made this moment, this intimacy all the more precious because, how many more of these moments would they have?

  She kissed him back, not content to take things slow and sensual. She grasped his shoulders, digging in her fingers as sensual fire consumed her body.

  “You’re wearing too many things,” he grumbled.

  “So are you.” A problem quickly fixed, leaving them naked, the heated flesh of their bodies able to rub as they continued to kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth for a taste. A glide of wetness and then a suck that made her knees buckle.

  But he was there to catch her. He lifted her off the floor, pushing her back against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist and drew him close, close enough he could grind his pelvis against hers, his cock trapped between their bodies, the hardness of it rubbing against her slick sex. The friction proved delicious, and she couldn’t help but moan and demand more.

  “Now, Jett. Please. I want to feel you inside me,” she murmured. “Need you.”

  With a groan, his hips shifted, freeing his cock. The tip of him probed, pushing at her slit. She locked her legs tight and drew him in. Gasping as the thickness of him stretched her.

  Filled her.

  He took her standing, the thrust of his body against hers bringing gasps of pleasure.

  “Fuck me, Red. You feel so fucking good.” The words spilled from him, a moment before his lips caught hers for a torrid kiss.


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