Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 9

by Nichole M. Bridges

  Marek leaned over the counter and splayed his hands out on the cold marble. His head drooped down as if he was in deep thought. He looked decidedly better now that all the blood was washed away, but I could tell that his mood had only improved a fraction from where it had been.

  I wanted to put my hand on his shoulder and turn him around to look at me. Maybe if I willed him to see me?

  His head snapped up and looked into the mirror.

  “Ember?” He asked the empty room.

  I cursed to myself then tried our link to talk to him.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “What did you see?" He asked, nonchalantly.

  “Enough to know you were hurt in that warehouse and didn't say anything," I replied.

  “I heal, my injuries are not important. I thought you flew back to Denver. How are you speaking to me?” He said.

  “I am in Denver. I had a vision, then somehow, we connected real-time. I'm not sure exactly how it happened.” I answered.

  “If you are in Denver, this should not be possible.” He said.

  “I don't know how I did it," I said.

  “Have you had any sign of Viktor since you returned?” He said.

  “No. It's been uneventful.” I said.

  “Keep his letter with you at all times. Any vampire that sees it will know what it means. You can use it to protect yourself if you need to but promise me you will only do that if there are no other possibilities." He said, adamant that I not show the letter unless I had to.

  “Is it really that important?” I asked unsure if a piece of paper could really mean that much.

  “It is. Promise me," Marek said with vehemence.

  “I promise," I said.

  “Good. Are you with James?” He asked.

  “I am. We are in the car driving to my office.” I said.

  “Stay with him Ember, do not let him out of sight.” He urged.

  “I will. When will you be back?” I asked.

  “Soon. I have a few more things to do here before I can leave.” He said.

  “Okay," I replied lamely.

  “Be vigilant, Ember. Do not think you are safe, not even for a moment." He said, then he disappeared.

  The vision blinked out like Marek had changed the channel. Maybe he had.

  When I opened my eyes, James was there. He had pulled over to the side of the road and come around to my side of the car. He was sitting on the edge of the seat facing me. When I looked up, he thanked God. It was too much, so I pushed him back.

  “Give me a minute,” I said short of breath.

  “What happened?” He asked.

  "I had a vision then somehow linked to Marek. It was weird, but I'm okay. Why did you pull over?" I asked.

  "You looked like you were having a seizure or something. I thought it might be a vision, but it was different than when you had them before." He said, stroking my cheek.

  I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him. “I’m fine, it was different, but no harm done.”

  He smiled at me. I reached out and rubbed my thumb across his bottom lip. Then I pulled my hand back, remembering that I needed to have better boundaries with him.

  Something about the vision made me stop and think. I had forgotten about Viktor.

  “Viktor or one of his lackeys could be following us. We should get moving.” I said.

  James acknowledged the possible threat and went back to the driver's side of the car. We were almost to my office, and I was suddenly glad the vision had occurred before we got there.

  "He's going to be there," I said, thinking about all the ways we could possibly avoid it.

  “Who Nikko?” He asked.

  “Yep,” I said.

  “We don’t have to go.” He offered.

  "I can't leave it alone, James," I said.

  I was going to have to face him some time or another. It might as well be now.

  “He might not be there,” James offered.

  “No, it's Wednesday. That’s his office day.” I said.

  “What do you want to do?” He asked.

  "We go directly to my office then get to work. If Nikko comes in, let me handle it." I said.

  James nodded his head in agreement as we pulled into the parking lot for the law firm. Nikko’s Porsche was parked in his spot just like I thought it would be. A fluttering of nerves filled my stomach, but I pushed it aside and got out of the car.

  I led James into the building and over to the elevator. We road up in silence, but when the elevator dinged and the doors opened, my nervous feeling returned. My instincts said avoiding Nikko would be for the best.

  Unfortunately, the receptionist saw me and ruined any chance of me coming in without anyone knowing.

  “Ember dear, so good to see you back. Mr. Manetti told me to expect you today.” She said loudly.

  Her words were for me, but her eyes were all for James. I couldn’t blame her; he is super handsome.

  "Thanks, Margaret, we'll be in my office," I said, pulling James along.

  Margaret beamed at me and winked. I tried not to laugh, but it was hard. I succeeded in only snorting, which wasn't very dignified. I got it under control as we went down the hall.

  Nikko's office was down the opposite hallway making it easier to come and go without him seeing us. If he had a client in his office, he wouldn't have heard Margaret, but if his door was open, he knew I was here.

  I closed the door to my office as soon as we were both inside and got to work. While I booted up the computer, I asked James about what he knew of Viktor.

  "He is as secretive as most master vampires. I know very little. He has a nest of vampires in Denver, and he has an association with a coven of vampires the Council pays to handle the bounty cases they need to be resolved. He has held esteem on the Council for years.” He said.

  My eyebrows pinched together; I had more questions than answers now.

  “What does it mean to hold esteem on the Council?” I asked.

  “While he isn’t a full member of the ruling board, he is a master vampire which affords him sway and influence on the board.” He said.

  "So how do we know what he does and doesn't already know? Could he have found me because of the information he got from the Council?” I asked.

  "While it's possible, it is also highly unlikely. Only Marek knows all the details of who we are guarding and why. He runs the Guardians." He said.

  “Marek runs all of it? Then why is he in the field? Shouldn’t he be in an office somewhere?” I asked.

  James laughed, “Could you really imagine Marek sitting in an office doing paperwork?”

  “No, I guess not,” I admitted smiling.

  The image of Marek sitting behind a desk in a suit and tie was hilarious. He was an action-oriented man with little time for sitting around.

  "The supernatural world doesn't operate the way the human world does. We don't have the same stereotypes or standards. If Marek wasn't in the field, he could appear weak, and that is a big problem if you are in power." James said.

  “Appearing strong is really that big of a deal?” I asked.

  "Yes, it can mean the difference between life and death, but Marek doesn't just appear strong, he is strong. Other vampires tremble in his presence. Viktor must not know Marek is involved, or I'm sure he would back off." He said.

  “Something must have changed. In fact, Viktor mentioned in his letter that someone else was interested in me. Who could that be?” I asked.

  "I don't know, but we will be ready for them if they make a move. I know Marek. He didn't return with us for a reason, and it wasn't because the ground team needed help at the warehouse." He said.

  “You think he has a lead?” I asked.

  "If not, he will before he comes back," James assured me.

  James looked into my eyes and said. "He is the best there is, Ember. If there is something to find, he will find it."

  His confidence in Marek warmed me. The vampire could be ann
oying and an asshole, but there was something there that intrigued me. He was super intense but often didn't show what he was thinking. The fact that I had access to his feelings was a gift I valued.

  A ding from the computer brought my attention to the computer. I logged into my email and pulled up the file the Guardians had sent. It was a link to a secure server where I could retrieve the information. I had to electronically sign a non-disclosure agreement, then I was in.

  I reviewed everything they had, which was extensive, but there was still a lot I thought was missing. They had a comprehensive list of his business and financial holdings, but it lacked anything personal. He had to have personal property and assets associated with him somewhere.

  Sorting through everything a second time, I came up with a plan. I gave James the public information items to review, and I dug into the more complicated pieces. I started by running each of Viktor's known aliases in each database to find any additional information I could. I ended up with about 30 more possible properties to search for. It was going to take a while to get through everything.

  James and I had been working for a couple hours before a knock sounded at the door. I knew who it was without opening the door. I answered, telling him to come in.

  Nikko walked in with a big smile that fell quickly when he saw James. Then he looked nervous and a little angry. His eyes darted between us as if he suspected something.

  "Margaret said you were here, so I wanted to say hi. What are you doing?" He asked, sitting down in one of the guest chairs.

  James was sitting next to me behind the desk, so there was only one other chair left in the room. I didn't usually have many visitors in my office, so there weren't many seating options.

  Nikko eyed James with a wary look. It was clear he hadn’t expected him to be in here with me.

  “Your father said I could use the office when I needed it so here I am. James is helping me with some work I’m doing.” I said with a tight smile.

  “I expected you to be alone.” He said.

  "I can see that. Were you just saying hi, or was there something else?" I asked, growing impatient.

  He gave me a hard look that said I was being rude. The truth of the matter was that I probably was being rude. He was keeping me from my work, and I didn’t want to have this conversation.

  “You know I was just thinking about taking a break. I’m going to run down to the coffee shop in the lobby. Do you want anything?” James asked me.

  I gave him a look that said I wasn’t happy he was ditching me.

  “We can both go. I could use a vanilla latte.” I said.

  "I don't mind making a run. Nikko, can I get you anything?" James asked.

  Nikko ordered an Americano coffee, and James left.

  “That was a not so subtle exit,” Nikko chuckled.

  "Cut the crap, Nikko. What do you want?" I asked.

  “Shit Em, why are you so hostile? I know you aren’t happy with me, but after what happened with the mind thing, I thought you would want to talk.” He said.

  I sighed. "There's just a lot going on. The shit hit the fan in Phoenix, and I'm trying to dig through all the crap."

  “How can I help?” He offered.

  "You can't," he tried to protest, but I cut him off. "Seriously, Nikko. This isn't something I can share. I signed an NDA for some of what I'm working on. James has clearance, but you don't."

  “Okay." He said, then asked. "Are you back with the firm?”

  "Your father wants me back, but I'm not sure when this will be over. He left the door open for me when I'm ready, but now isn't the time." I said.

  “Will you tell me if there is anything I can do? You know that you can still count on me as a friend, right? Anything you need, I’m here.” He said.

  "I do Nikko, but I don't know how to do this. You know I've decided to move on, and it isn't fair to you if I pull you into things." I said, feeling my stomach twist and turn.

  He looked thoughtful, but I knew he was upset. I knew every line and crease in his face and could read the story better than anyone else. Nikko wanted me to be his friend, but what he really wanted was to have me back as his girlfriend. He hadn't accepted my decision yet, and it would take time for him to get there.

  "I love you, Em. I can't sit here seeing you in pain and not offer to help. It tears me up to think you might not ask me when you need me." He said.

  "Nikko, don't say things like that," I said, dropping my head into my hands.

  A moment later, his arms were around me, and I had tears in my eyes. Nikko and I had been friends for a long time before we crossed the line and made it a romantic relationship. He had always picked me up when I was sad after a breakup or supported me when I needed help. How could I live without him in my life?

  I understood now why James had left me alone with Nikko. We needed to have this conversation even if it was difficult. I pulled back from him and looked him in the eye.

  “Everything has changed Nikko. We can’t just pick up where we were like nothing happened.” I said.

  "I can't change how I feel about you. You know me, Em. I don't walk away from the people I love." He said.

  “I know Nikko, but we aren’t a couple anymore. You need to accept it, or we won’t be able to be friends long term. I don’t want that to happen.” I said.

  “I hear what you’re saying." He said, but his expression was still determined.

  "It will be better if we can be just friends," I said.

  He nodded, but he had a weird look on his face. Then he said, “Is James still your Guardian? You two seem close.”

  "Don't go there, Nikko," I warned.

  “Is he why you won’t look at me?” Nikko asked.

  “Back off,” I said with venom.

  “I can tell by the way he looks at you.” He said.

  “What can you tell Nikko? That he cares about me? That he will protect me with his life? That’s what Guardians do.” I said.

  “It’s more than that.” He insisted.

  “It doesn’t matter If he does have feelings for me. You and I aren’t a couple Nikko. I don’t belong to you!” I said loud enough that the entire law office probably heard me.

  “Tell the Guardian to drop off my coffee with Margaret. She’ll bring it to me.” He said then walked out of the room.

  I leaned back in my chair and stared out the window. Tears fell freely from my eyes as I watched the clouds roll across the sky. It was a slow release of emotion that fell drop by drop down my cheeks. Every time I tried to stop myself from crying, more tears would fall. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid when I came here. I loved Nikko, and I was angry with him, which tied my emotions up into a tight ball of pain.

  As the weeping slowed, I felt resolved to set the situation with Nikko aside. I had to focus on my sister and the vampire mess I was now in. I also needed to find out what the letter from Viktor really meant and how I was going to deal with it. Being claimed by a vampire had to be bad, I just didn’t know yet how bad.

  Chapter Ten

  James was pacing back and forth in his living room. We had spent three days researching Viktor's life, and now I was reading about vampires. We were at James' place so I could access all the materials he had on the subject. I could tell by his pacing that he thought I wasn't going to be happy.

  He was right. I finished reading about vampire mating rituals and threw the book down.

  "So, it's like Viktor and I are engaged? Not that he intends something, but that we already are?" I asked incredulously after reading about how vampires claim a mate.

  “Sort of like that yes,” He cringed.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this already? This is insane!” I yelled.

  “And that’s why I didn’t say anything yet, but it isn’t enforceable until you publicly acknowledge it.” He said.

  "Which is why Marek told me to only do that if there was no other option. He didn't say why, which is typical." I said, shaking my head.

nbsp; I was so angry at both of them; I could hardly think straight. Their high-handed handling of my life was putting me in danger. They didn't see it that way, but the truth was the truth.

  James sat down next to me and looked at me, pleadingly.

  "The letter can save your life if it comes to it, but yes, acknowledging it makes it a legitimate claim," James said.

  I closed my eyes and tried to settle my temper. A vampire had written me a letter in his blood, and somehow that meant he had claimed me as his mate. If I acknowledged it, I would actually be his mate, and that was even more frightening. Vampires didn't have human mates, that meant at some point I would have to turn into a vampire.

  “He warned me, but Marek should have told me outright. What kind of messed up misogynistic culture is this?” I said.

  I was seething mad. There wasn't going to be much James could say that would calm me down. Viktor had no claim on me, and I pulled out the letter he had left me. The urge to rip it up was strong, but I knew something better, fire.

  I pulled out the letter and unfolded it. Then using my pyrotechnic power, I lit the thing up.

  "No, Ember!" James yelled and grabbed the letter from me.

  He put out the flame, but it was already charred where I had been holding it.

  "If the letter is gone, so is the threat it holds." I insisted.

  “Viktor will know if the letter is destroyed. Burning his blood is a signal you don’t want to make.” He said.

  "More information you kept from me, James?" I asked seething.

  “Shit Em, I didn’t think you would burn it. It’s vampire blood. He will feel it burning. It is part of him still even though it’s on paper. It’s like the vampire blood in your body, it connects you to Marek in the same way.” He said.

  I stilled as a realization hit me, "I've had Viktor's blood, and he took mine after he attacked me. That's why he knows where I am, where I'll be. It's how he will find me like he said in the letter."

  “And why he feels you are his. He nearly killed you before, but for some reason, he now wants you as his mate." James said.

  "He has always wanted me as his mate. He tried to make me a vampire after he ripped out my throat. That's the real plan, James. He wants me as one of them…a vampire." I said.


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