Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2)

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Ember's Shadow - Into the Darkness (an Ember Summers novel Book 2) Page 21

by Nichole M. Bridges

  “What was it?” I asked cringing, thinking I must have done something.

  I didn’t think either of us had meant for it to happen, but I could be wrong. What if I did something without knowing it?

  "I think it was a power merge," Marek said. The expression on his face was one of wonder.

  “What is that?” I asked hesitantly. I wasn’t sure I actually wanted to know.

  "It has been known to happen mostly with mated vampires, but there are documented cases of other supernatural creatures and humans with paranormal abilities being able to do it." He said.

  He stroked my cheek lovingly and kissed me. I kissed him back and reveled in the feel of our bond being back in place. A bubble of panic came to the surface at the thought of us, forming a mating bond by accident.

  "It sounds an awful lot like a mating bond," I said, feeling uneasy.

  "Our power merging means that we are well matched. It is not a mating bond, but it can be felt by those who can sense it." He said.

  His stoic face was back even though I could feel his happiness. He was pleased about the power merge, but I wasn't so sure it was a good thing if others could sense it. It sounded too much like a mating bond, and that suddenly scared me.

  A knock sounded at the front door, and I groaned. Interruptions were the new normal. I shouldn't have thought we would be left alone, especially after that blast of power. A girl could hope, though.

  “I will see what it is,” Marek said and sped away.

  He left his clothing behind. I hoped whoever was at the door wouldn’t be shocked by his nakedness.

  I slipped into a robe that was hanging from the bathroom door and heard Marek talking to someone. I searched to see if I could tell who it was and realized it was James. I hurried out to find Marek and James standing in the living room looking concerned.

  “What’s wrong?" I asked, walking over to Marek.

  Thankfully Marek had grabbed a towel on his way to the door. They looked an odd pair with James fully clothed and Marek in only a towel. I would have laughed if it wasn’t so awkward. It was apparent the two of us had been naked, given we were both wet and barely covered.

  “James felt the wave of power as did the whole compound. He came to see if we knew what it was and if you were okay.” Marek said.

  I sat down hard on the sofa.

  “Everyone felt it?” I asked, looking nervously at James.

  “I was hoping the two of you knew what it was. I was in the cell with Viktor at the time, and he went insane the moment it hit. We had to tranquilize him." James said, looking at me, expectantly.

  I checked on Viktor by opening the link. He was still there but not as clearly as before. He wasn't conscious, just as James had said.

  “I can still feel the link with him, but it's muted," I said, looking at Marek.

  Marek’s face was blank, but I could feel thoughts swirling around in his head. He was not happy that I could still link with Viktor. He did not want Viktor linked to me in any way, and it created what I thought felt like jealousy.

  “I think I know what it was James but humor me for a moment. Does Ember’s power feel different to you now?” Marek asked.

  James scrunched up his face like he was concentrating. After a moment, his eyes went wide, and he looked at Marek, nodding his head.

  “You two want to loop me in?” I asked.

  “It is what I thought," Marek said, turning to me. "Scan my power, then scan yours and tell me what you see."

  I did as he asked. I looked into Marek and found the lake that was his power. It was glossy black like always, but when I dipped down into it, I saw colors swirling in the black that hadn't been there before. I looked at my power and found shadows in the lake that weren't there before. When I dipped down into the lake, tendrils of black that hadn't been there before were swirled within the color that was mine.

  “We each have a touch of the other's power. When you said our powers merged, I didn't really grasp what that meant. I can see clear as day that I have swirls of your power, and you have mine." I said, confused.

  I looked up at James and wished he wasn’t there. I didn’t want to talk about this in front of him.

  “James, please check in with all the Guardian teams. Report back to me if any of them experienced anything unusual.” Marek said.

  James nodded and said, “And the situation with Viktor?”

  "We will be down shortly to deal with it. Thank you, James." Marek said, dismissing him.

  James nodded to acknowledge it and left.

  “Do you think we will ever get to be alone for an entire night without being interrupted?” I asked.

  Marek sat down next to me and pulled me into his arms.

  "When we are here, no. My team is accustomed to having access to me 24/7. Most of what we handle is emergencies, so they cannot wait." He said.

  I hadn't thought about what a relationship would be like with him. I assumed, however naively, that once the threat to me was gone, I would return home and to work. My life going back to normal.

  "Then we should go to my place, and you can accidentally misplace your phone all night," I said, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips.

  He chuckled softly and pulled me tight against him.

  "That does sound nice," he said, kissing a trail down my jaw and onto my neck.

  I shivered at the feel of his velvety lips gliding along my skin. He moved me onto his lap, and I sat there with my knees on either side of him. I could feel the bulge under his towel and knew what he wanted without even checking the bond.

  I lifted an eyebrow and let him feel what I could feel. He smiled and pushed the robe off my shoulders and down my arms. I untied the waist, and he pulled the material away so that I was sitting there naked. He looked at me, and I felt a blush on my cheeks. He was admiring me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. It was hard to see myself that way.

  I wrapped my arms around Marek's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. As my tongue found him, he used his vampire speed to remove his towel. He grabbed my hips and pulled me in line with his hard length. He held me there, waiting for the right moment. As our mouths found a rhythm and the heat built between us, he guided his length into me.

  The feeling of him sliding in place, combined with how Marek felt through the bond, made me gasp. I held still for a moment, just feeling the sensations together. It was almost more than I could handle. Our connection was stronger than before, and it was like feeling in 3D instead of 2D. Every feeling I had rebounded to me as Marek experienced it too.

  I ground my hips into him, and he answered it with a thrust of his own. I almost had an orgasm from that one move. I was overwhelmed by the feelings and the newness of being naked with Marek. I threw my head back and ground my hips again. Marek took my nipple into his warm mouth and nibbled until I cried out.

  He took that moment to flip me onto my back and settle in between my legs. He kept our bodies connected when he moved and then pushed into me several times in quick succession. The heat built between us, and it wasn't long before both of us were ready for release.

  The intensity of the feedback through the bond heightened every touch and thrust of his body against mine. My natural desire to pull the bond closer wasn't there. Our connection was as open and raw, and like nothing, I had ever felt before. It was glorious.

  We both found our release at the same moment, and he collapsed next to me on the couch. I could feel his heart beating hard in time with my own. We looked into each other's eyes, and I knew right then and there that I never wanted to be apart from him. We fit together too well, and it felt so right.

  “I love you,” I said to him.

  He smiled a huge genuine smile that made him look like the most handsome man on the planet. With his dark hair, blue eyes, and flawless skin, how could anyone not think he was gorgeous? It was a marvel I hadn't seen it straight away when I first met him.

  "Is that the sex talking or are you serious?" he aske
d playfully.

  "I'm serious, but the sex may have helped loosen my tongue," I said, feeling embarrassed for telling a man I loved him after sex. It was so cliché.

  "I'll remember that for future reference," He said, smiling.

  "You do that," I said, smiling with him.

  He held me for a few minutes before I felt him getting anxious.

  "We should go down to the detention center and check on Viktor." He said, kissing me softly.

  "Your argument is weakened by the fact we are naked, and your kisses are melting any spark of motivation I could have," I said.

  "I will give you two options for what comes next. One, I throw you in the cold bathwater. Or two, you take a quick hot shower with me, and then we go down to check on Viktor. Your choice." He said.

  It may have appeared that he was joking about throwing me in cold bathwater, but I knew Marek. He was serious.

  "I'll take option two," I said, groaning as he pulled me up off the couch.

  He dropped a sweet kiss on my lips before he smacked my ass and told me to get moving. Bossy vampire.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Iconvinced Marek to take a quick detour before seeing Viktor, which is why Natalie was crying in my arms with deep racking sobs that tore my heart out. It was for the best to have Viktor locked away, but the unintended consequence was that my sister was left alone without anyone to guide her. She had made progress up to this point, but she could backslide if no one stepped up to take care of her.

  The Council of Guardians helped in situations like these, so the Grand Master sent Caden to evaluate Natalie and see what the best course of action would be. If I could get Natalie to calm down, he would test her to see where she was in her progress.

  I looked at Caden apologetically, and he motioned for me to get up.

  "Nat honey, I need you to calm down so Caden can talk with you. Can you do that for me?" I asked, but she didn't respond.

  "Natalie Summers let the human go now," Caden said in such a commanding tone, I almost jumped backward myself.

  Natalie startled and let me go. She was still crying, but she was finally paying attention.

  "Madame Summers, if you would please step back from Natalie," Caden said in a much softer and respectful tone.

  I took a few steps back toward Marek, who was standing by the door. Natalie lunged at me and tried to grab me again. I was about to stop her with my power, but Caden appeared between us so quickly I didn't have to.

  "Stop!" Caden commanded Nat, and she obeyed.

  She looked like she was having a hard time controlling herself, but she stayed put none the less.

  “I wasn’t going to hurt her. She is my sister.” Natalie said through renewed sobs.

  "Pull yourself together, Natalie. A heightened emotional state leads to reckless behavior, and no matter your intention, you will hurt someone." Caden said.

  He was being firm with her and telling the truth. While I would prefer he was more delicate, I understood the danger of a rogue vampire. They were ruled by their impulses and learning to control them was how they were able to function in society.

  “I understand,” Natalie said.

  Caden turned to me and said, “Madame, would you please leave the room for the remainder of the tests? She is walking a thin line of control, and I rather not have you near when she snaps."

  “Sure. Will you share your report with me when it is complete?” I asked.

  "Yes, madame, I will give you and Master Volkov the same findings I deliver to the Grand Master," Caden said.

  Marek opened the door for me, and I hesitated only to give Natalie a quick thumbs up and a smile. I would have preferred a hug, but it was clear to me too that she was having a hard time controlling herself.

  Marek lead the way back to the detention wing and toward Viktor's cell. I wasn't thrilled to be seeing him, but the Guardians were struggling to keep him calm, so I had to help.

  We arrived in the high-security wing of the holding cells and found James waiting for us. He gave me a warm smile.

  “I’ll take you in. I have to warn you it is going to be hard to see Viktor like this. You are used to him in all his pompous glory, but he has fallen pretty far." James said.

  I looked at Marek, and he gave me a sad smile. I wasn’t going to like this one bit.

  James led me down the now familiar corridor of detention cells. We passed where I knew Asher Sanz was still being held and found two guards outside the door. It was the only one with exterior guards. He was a handful, so he had guards inside and outside his cell. James or Caden typically were on duty with him, but since Viktor admitted to hiring him, he had been downgraded to a lower threat level.

  James stopped at the end of the hall and knocked on the outer door before opening it. He looked at me to be sure I was ready then lead the way inside. I followed him in, and Marek stopped just inside the door.

  Viktor was chained to the wall like Asher had been, so that wasn't shocking, but the crazy look in his eyes was new. He strained in his chains even though he looked to be drugged. His movements appeared more human than a vampire should display. When he saw me, he exploded against the chains, and a few rings snapped. The Guardians stepped in quickly and moved to inject him with something.

  "No, stop! He will behave." I said, pushing the suggestion through the bond.

  Viktor relaxed a bit but still held the chains taught as if he would snap them at any moment. Johnson relaxed a small amount, and a female vampire who I assumed was Murphy stepped back, lowering the syringe in her hand.

  "Why did you do it? I cooperated like you ordered." Viktor said, tears threatening to fall.

  I realized then that he hadn’t just experienced the power surge but must have also felt what had happened before the wave. I had threatened him with something similar, and he thought it was to punish him.

  “You did cooperate, and I thank you for that. However, your current behavior is unacceptable.” I said sternly.

  An essential part of vampire society was the appearance of strength, and if I showed any compassion to Viktor, it would be seen as weakness by him and possibly the guards. He was a miserable mess of emotions and being near him had me feeling the hurt and disappointment within him.

  “I do not belong here! I did nothing wrong.” Viktor said.

  "That remains to be determined, Viktor. You are stuck here until your trial. Either you can do it sedated and chained to a wall or with dignity. It is your choice.” I said.

  I played on his pride and vanity, hoping it would sway him to behave. I could simply order him to do it with my power, but I rather have him agree to it himself.

  “They will not let me see Natalie. I can feel her struggle, but I cannot help her chained to a wall!” He yelled.

  He was coming apart at the seams. I'd never seen him so fragile. I stepped forward, and the Guardians all jumped in front of me.

  “Step aside,” I ordered.

  "Please, Madame Summers, the prisoner is walking a fine line of control," Murphy said.

  “I am aware of that, thank you. Now step aside." I said, looking at all of them.

  James backed off, and the other two did the same. Viktor looked at me, nervously. He remembered how it felt to have me overpower him before. I wasn't sure if he liked it or if it made him angry. It was hard to tell with Viktor.

  "I just came from seeing Natalie. She is distraught that you are here and not able to come to her. She is still having a hard time controlling herself." I said, stepping closer.

  Viktor would be able to smell her on me. Natalie’s tears were still wet on my shoulder.

  "You visited her? Good. She loves you. That was very kind of you." Viktor said, looking visibly relaxed.

  “I love her, and I wouldn't leave her behind for anything. You know that." I said sternly.

  "I do," Viktor said with a sneer.

  There was the Viktor I knew.

  “You seem to be able to control yourself now. If you behave, I
’m sure you will see better treatment from the Guardians.” I said.

  I snuck a glance at James, and he nodded his head in agreement.

  "I don't belong here!" He snarled.

  "Yes, you do. When you break the rules, you get punished. That is how it works." I said, pushing a little power into my words.

  "Matters of the heart have few rules," He said, sounding defeated.

  “Viktor, I have made it clear from the beginning that I have no interest in you. You were my sister’s fiancé and an asshole. It was never going to happen.” I said.

  "You agreed to a blood bond," He said, grasping at straws.

  “I agreed to save my life with a blood bond. I did not agree to a relationship with you. You knew I was already bonded to another master vampire. Per vampire law, you should have walked away." I said, stating my point clearly and pushing more power into the words.

  He straightened up and said, “We had a bond first.”

  “No, we did not. You stole my blood and tricked me into drinking yours. A bond never formed between us.” I said adamantly.

  "Argue all you like; I will not be convicted of the charges," Viktor stated.

  "Thankfully, it is not my decision to make. We are, however, stuck with this bond for the time being. Until I break it, you will behave like a civilized being and stop acting like a newly turned vampire unable to control your emotions." I said with power.

  I took a page from Caden’s book for that speech. I figured if I treated him like an out of control baby, he might respond.

  Viktor smiled a wicked grin, “Why have you not broken it already?”

  “Don't get your hopes up because we still have a bond between us," I said.

  “Oh, I will always have my hopes up as you say. You are a prize beyond price.” He said, shooting a look at Marek as if to challenge him.

  I sighed and resisted the urge to strangle him. It was classic Viktor, which was good because he was no longer a snarling monster. I could feel Marek seething behind me, but he stayed silent.

  "Will you promise me to behave yourself so the next time I visit you look like a respectable vampire instead of a mess? No one would let you see Natalie in this state, and I rather not see it myself." I said.


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