The Skull Ruler

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The Skull Ruler Page 20

by Penelope Sky

  She shook her head slightly. “Having everything I wanted…”

  My chest filled with warmth when I observed her happiness. I’d been the recipient of her hatred, and it was a relief to see the way she loved me, to know that our love had survived my stupidity. “It’s what I want too.”

  “Are you really okay leaving the Skull Kings?” she asked. “It’s been your whole life. I know how much it means to you.”

  “It doesn’t mean as much to me as you do.” That was the simple truth. It was my whole world before I’d found the right woman. Now it seemed like a tedious job I didn’t want anymore. “Heath will do a great job. I wouldn’t have picked him if I didn’t think he could handle it.”

  “I just want to make sure this is what you want—”

  “It is. Don’t ever ask me that again.” I had no right to get angry with her, but I didn’t want to be accused of lying. If I weren’t ready for this, I wouldn’t be here. If I weren’t going to commit myself a hundred percent, I wouldn’t have walked away from everything to be with her. “I’m in this for the long haul. I’m in this forever—as long as you’re willing to put up with me.”

  Her eyes softened as her hand moved over her stomach. “I spent so long without you that it’s hard to believe you’re here…that this is real.”

  “It is real.” I looked at the chain around her neck, the necklace she still hadn’t taken off. She’d been as committed to me as I’d been to her, even with Chicken Boy in the mix. “When are you going to end things with Chicken Boy?”

  She chuckled. “His name is Alessandro.”

  My eyes fell into a glare. “I don’t give a fuck what his name is.”

  “I ended it a few days ago. He understood.”

  Now I didn’t have to worry about him at all. I didn’t appreciate a dog sniffing around my woman, not when I was the wolf that would bite his head off.

  “I guess we can keep living here while we look for a new place.”

  It was our best option at the moment. I wouldn’t have my men watching the premises anymore, but I didn’t need them. I was more than enough security for the three of us. I would never let anything happen to my woman or my baby. “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  She shook her head. “I told the doctor I didn’t want to know.”

  “It’s a boy.” I had no experience with pregnancy or children, but my instinct told me my son was growing inside her.

  “Why are you so sure?”

  “Because he’s making you sick all the time. He’s making your belly so big when you still have three months to go. That’s a man growing inside you.”

  “Well…we’ll just have to see.”

  “Have any names picked out?”

  “No. Are there any you like?”

  I shook my head. “I haven’t given it much thought.”

  “We’ll decide that later. No need to rush now.” She picked up the dirty plates and started carrying them to the sink.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I rose to my feet, making her stop dead in her tracks. “Sit.”

  She stayed on her feet in defiance.

  I grabbed the plates from her hand. “I take care of this stuff from now on. You just worry about being pregnant.” I carried the plates to the sink then retrieved the rest.

  She rested her hand on her stomach, a slight smile on her lips. “You went from being the Skull King to being the maid…how cute.”

  “No.” I set everything in the bottom of the sink then turned around. “I went from being a king to being your man. And a man takes care of his woman. I wasn’t there for the last three months, but you can bet your ass I’ll be there now.”

  With that same smile on her lips, she slowly walked toward me, looking like the most beautiful thing in the world with her stomach stretching her summer dress. She stopped in front of me and stared at my lips before she moved her hand from her stomach to my chest. “I love you.” Every time she’d said those words to me, I never said them back. But this time, it was different. It would always be different.

  “I love you too.”

  I lay on her bed, my back against the headboard with my naked body sprawled out across the sheets. My dick was already hard just thinking about what was going to happen. Last night, I was inside her for five seconds before I shot my load. If it was a regular occurrence, I might be embarrassed, but in that moment, it was proof of how much I wanted her, proof that I hadn’t had pussy since she left. The second I was surrounded by her wetness, I couldn’t survive. I filled her with my enormous load, getting my release before I could actually begin to make love to her.

  But now that I was caught up, I was ready to live up to my reputation.

  She stood near the bed, wearing the summer dress that brought out the brilliant color of her eyes.

  I stared at the gorgeous woman, unable to believe she was really mine. She’d been mine even when she was married to someone else. She’d been mine since the moment I laid eyes on her. She’d been mine even during all these months apart—because my son was growing inside her. “Take it off.”

  She slipped off the straps and let the dress fall down her slender body. When it reached her stomach, she had to grab it and pull it over her head. Then she was left with a white thong, the color stunning against her olive skin.

  Whether we had a boy or a girl, they would be gorgeous. With her innate beauty, she would give me the most beautiful children. My eyes trailed over her body, my dick thickening noticeably because she was so sexy. Her tits were bigger than they used to be and her hips were a little thicker, but I loved both of those changes. “Those too.”

  She hooked her fingers in the straps then pushed the thong down her hips. She bent over as she peeled it off her long legs. It sat on the floor, a noticeable pool of moisture from her arousal.

  She was always wet—just the way she used to be.

  “Come here.”

  She moved to the bed then lay beside me.

  “No.” I patted my chest.

  She eyed me with uncertainty, like getting on my body was the last thing she wanted to do even though she used to do it all the time.

  “Come on.” I started to tug her toward me.

  “How about you get on top?”

  She wasn’t a lazy lover, so I knew there was something bothering her. “What is it?”

  “I just don’t think it would be the most flattering position for me…” She moved her hand across her stomach.

  “Baby, why do you think I want you on top? Now, do as I say.” I took hold of her arm and gently tugged her toward me.

  She finally did as I asked and straddled my hips.

  My palms immediately went to her stomach, and I felt the roundness of her shape. My fingers lightly felt the soft skin, wishing I could feel my son’s heartbeat. My eyes trailed over her body and enjoyed her beauty, finding every single curve absolutely stunning. I loved her stomach most of all, loved looking at it. It’d quickly become a fetish of mine, seeing her pregnant belly. “You’re fucking beautiful.” My hands spanned her belly.

  She lifted herself up then sank down my length, slowly getting every single inch inside until she was sitting on me, her ass on my balls. Her lips parted with a deep breath, and her nipples hardened automatically.

  “Fuck me, baby.” My eyes looked at the silver necklace that hung around her throat and reached between her breasts. The diamond was brilliant and flashy, but it couldn’t outshine the woman who wore it. Even when she was completely naked, I still owned her, I still blanketed her.

  She started to rock her hips as her hands pressed against my chest. She used my frame for balance as she leaned forward and dragged her body down my length.

  My toes curled because her pussy felt so good. Her cunt was the only place my dick wanted to be. Beautiful women had wanted me every night, had wanted to suck my dick just to have a piece of me, but I always turned them down because there was only one woman I wanted. Anyone else would have been a disappointme

  My hands didn’t migrate to her tits or her other curves. They stayed on her stomach because it was my biggest obsession. I felt her body slide across my palms as she moved, felt the life under my fingertips.

  She must have seen the desire in my eyes and dropped her insecurity because she came quickly, closing her eyes and her lips at the same time. She inhaled deeply, practically gasping for air, and then she came with a moan, her hips bucking uncontrollably.

  It was my job to make her feel sexy—and I was glad I succeeded.

  My arms wrapped around her body, and I pulled her close to me, my face burying itself in her neck. I squeezed her tightly as I dragged my tongue across her skin, as I loved her so fiercely, it felt like the last chance I would get to love her. My dick was so big inside her, but I refrained from exploding, wanting to last until she was fully satisfied with me. “I love you, baby.” My lips rested near her ear, and I breathed hard as I enjoyed her, feeling my mind and body slip away in passion.

  She dug her fingers into my hair as her come surrounded my dick. “I love you too…”



  I joined my brothers at the factory and told them Balto and I were back together. There’d been bad blood between them and Balto, but that anger seemed to have disappeared overnight. Dirk was more stubborn than Case, but even he was okay with it.

  “You think he’s not going to change his mind later?” Dirk asked. “If he gets bored in a few years.”

  The thought had crossed my mind, but Balto had been so intense when he’d pledged his commitment to me, the doubts faded away. He would be there for me always. We were starting a family, and he wanted to be a good father. He wanted us to be a family. “That won’t happen. He seems like a new man.” I felt my lips strain from smiling all the time, but I couldn’t get my mouth to relax. I’d been so depressed for the last few months, so finally being happy was practically euphoric.

  “I don’t think that will happen either,” Case said in agreement. “He’s proven himself, so I think we should trust him.”

  “I do too.” I trusted that man more than anyone else.

  “So, what now?” Case asked. “You guys are going to stay in that apartment until the baby comes?”

  “Actually, we are looking at houses today,” I answered. “We want something in the country, something away from the city. I think that’s a better environment to raise a family. Something with a yard.”

  “I’m sure Balto will get a place with his own wall and gate, so it’ll also be safer too,” Case said. “Not to mention, quiet.”

  “Yeah. I always imagined that’s where I’d raise a family. I didn’t imagine doing that with a man like Balto…but now I can’t picture myself ending up with anyone else.” He was the most honorable criminal I’d ever known. He always told the truth, even if it got him in trouble, and he possessed a lot of gentlemanly qualities.

  “He’s a good man,” Case said in agreement. “I know he’ll take care of you.”

  “Which is nice because we don’t have to worry about it anymore,” Dirk said before he grabbed a piece of bruschetta from the plate in the center of the table. “It’s like a full-time job.”

  Case gave me a slight smile. “It’s not that bad. So, are you still going to be working here?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m getting pretty big, and then I want to stay home with the baby. And then I want another one right away…so I think you can officially cut me out.” I’d never truly been a part of the business anyway.

  “You can always come back,” Dirk said.

  “And we’ll keep giving you your cut,” Case said.

  “Absolutely not,” I argued. “I’m not working here anymore, so there’s no reason for me to make an income. You guys are the ones here every day.”

  “But Mother and Father left it to all of us,” Dirk countered.

  “Well, I’m out,” I said. “I’ve never asked Balto how much money he has, but I don’t think I’m going to need any help financially. And if we get married eventually, it’d really be pointless. So please, cut me out. Maybe one day if the kids are grown up and I’m bored, I’ll come back. But I refuse to be on the payroll for that entire period of time.”

  Case gave a slight nod. “I don’t know how much Balto is worth, but I would say it’s at least a few billion.”

  I couldn’t even imagine that kind of money. If he really was that rich, where did he keep all his assets? Did he put his money in the bank like normal people? I’d never asked him about money because it seemed weird. I just assumed he had enough to provide for all three of us. But a billion…that was crazy. “Well, if the number is even remotely close to that, I don’t need this money, guys. I appreciate the offer, but I can’t take it.”

  Case exchanged a look with Dirk before he turned back to me. “Alright. But the offer is always on the table if you change your mind.”

  “I know.” I smiled before I placed my hand on his. “But I’ll come visit all the time.”

  “Damn it,” Dirk said with a sigh.

  I knew he was joking, so I didn’t take offense to it.

  Balto announced his presence with his deep voice, catching all three of us off guard. “Hope I’m not interrupting.”

  I turned to look at the man I loved, the man who’d sacrificed everything to be with me. His blue eyes were hypnotic, exotic like a beautiful ocean secluded in a hidden cove, and he was strong like trees that were hundreds of years old. He glanced at my brothers, but his stare was reserved for me.

  “Not at all.” I got to my feet and smoothed out my dress before I walked up to him and rose on my tiptoes. I kissed him on the mouth and felt his powerful arms wrap around my middle. “I was just telling my brothers that I won’t be working here anymore.”

  “Good.” He kissed my forehead before he released me and walked over to my brothers.

  Case stood up and greeted him with a handshake. “Nice to see you, man.”

  I eyed my brother in surprise because I never saw him shake hands with anyone. He seemed to have proclaimed peace with Balto permanently.

  Balto returned the gesture. “You too.” He shook hands with Dirk as well. “We are going to look at houses today. I found one just a few miles from you. I think she’s going to like it.”

  “I am?” I asked, intrigued.

  Balto ignored me and continued to speak to Case. “I’m sorry you won’t have your sister around for help anymore.”

  “It’s alright,” Case said with a shrug. “She usually complains about everything anyway.”

  “I do not,” I argued.

  Balto chuckled. “I’d rather her complain about me.”

  “There’s nothing to complain about on that front,” I said quickly.

  Balto looked at me with a slight smile in his eyes. He turned back to my brothers. “Would you like to see the house with us?”

  Case and Dirk exchanged a look, having a silent conversation between them. Case turned back to Balto. “Take a look at it first. If you like it, we’d love to see it.”

  “Alright.” Balto turned back to me. “Ready to go, baby?”

  “Yep.” I hugged my brothers goodbye and walked out with Balto’s arm around my waist.

  He opened the door to this truck and helped me inside before he got behind the steering wheel. Then he headed into the countryside where the house was located. With one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh, he spoke. “You’re okay with leaving?”

  “I’d rather focus on the baby right now. It’s not like they can’t handle the business without me. They’ve been doing it a long time.”

  “I’m sure they’re gonna miss you, though.”

  “Maybe. But they’ll still see me all the time.”

  His hand squeezed my thigh.

  “They said they wanted to keep paying me, but I refused. They did that the entire time I was with Lucian, and it felt wrong. I’m not doing the work, so I shouldn’t get paid. I had to talk them into it, but
they finally went for it.”

  “Good. You shouldn’t be taking their money anyway.”

  “Well, it’s not really their money. It’s a family business.”

  He kept his eyes on the road. “I meant you shouldn’t be taking anyone’s money but mine.”

  “I don’t know about that either…”

  “We’re a family. What’s mine is yours.”

  Maybe when we got married that would be the case, but for right now, I felt like that was premature. I ended the conversation because I didn’t want to ask him about the future. He’d given me what I wanted, and even if he never wanted to get married, that was okay with me. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything.” It was a beautiful spring day, so warm that it already felt like summer. He wore sunglasses that shielded his eyes from view, adding to his already mysterious persona.

  “Do you think it’s a boy because you want a boy? Would you not want a girl?”

  “I think it’s a boy because I think it’s a boy. But I don’t necessarily prefer a boy. Whether we have a son or a daughter, I’ll raise them exactly the same.”

  “Exactly the same?” I asked incredulously.

  “You bet your ass, I will. Any daughter I have will fight like a man. She’ll talk shit like a man. And she won’t put up with bullshit like a man. That way, when the boys come sniffing around, she’ll know who’s worthy of her time and who isn’t.”

  Since that was such a good answer, I accepted it. “But she needs to dress like a lady. If I have a little girl, I want her to wear dresses with bows and flowers in her hair.”

  “If we have a daughter, she’ll definitely be beautiful—because she’ll look like you. That’s why I have to teach her to be hard like her father. I want a girl who can take care of herself, who will only pick a man because she wants him, not because she needs him.”

  “Well said.”

  He pulled his hand away when he turned off the road and drove through the open gate onto the property.

  I loved it the second I saw the cobblestone walls and landscaping. We drove up a short path until we came to a circular drive and the front of the house. The property itself had to be several acres, and it felt like a private world with the trees and landscaping covering the wall as it wrapped around the property.


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