The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds

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The Rover Boys in the Air; Or, From College Campus to the Clouds Page 36

by Edward Stratemeyer

  The Frontier Series

  Stories of Early American Exploration and Adventure for Boys.


  The Historical Background Is Absolutely Correct.

  12 mo. Well printed and well illustrated. Handsomely bound in cloth,stamped in Colors.


  PIONEER BOYS OF THE GOLD FIELDS Or, The Nugget Hunters of '49

  A tale complete in itself, giving the particulars of the great rush ofthe gold seekers to California in 1849. In the party making its wayacross the continent are three boys, one from the country, another fromthe city, and a third just home from a long voyage on a whaling ship.They become chums, and share in no end of adventures.

  PIONEER BOYS OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST Or, With Lewis and Clark Across the Rockies

  A splendid story describing in detail the great expedition formed underthe leadership of Lewis and Clark, and telling what was done by thepioneer boys who were first to penetrate the wilderness of the northwestand push over the Rocky Mountains. The book possesses a permanenthistorical value and the story should be known by every bright Americanboy.

  WITH BOONE ON THE FRONTIER Or, The Pioneer Boys of Old Kentucky

  Relates the true-to-life adventures of two boys who, in company withtheir folks, move westward with Daniel Boone. Contains many thrillingscenes among the Indians and encounters with wild animals. It isexcellently told.

  * * * * *



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