Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 14

by Rebecca Royce

  had powers? Why was she so completely drawn to Kal?

  What was she supposed to do with the rest of her life? The

  scene of her parents' death played over and over in her

  mind, their lifeless bodies swinging in front of her, back


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  and forth, as the smell of death permeated the room.

  Without warning her burden seemed to lessen. She

  could still see the terrible images but it seemed as though

  she was watching them from a greater distance. The pain

  receded in her head and she felt as if she could raise her

  lids, as if the light of the day wouldn't destroy her.

  She opened her eyes slowly, testing them to see if

  they worked. Kal's face appeared before her immediately

  and, as was becoming habit when she looked at him, she

  was struck by the complete perfection that was his face.

  Next to him, she saw the most beautiful woman she had

  ever seen, presumably this was the Charma that Kal kept

  speaking to. The woman seemed to radiate light all around

  her. It was fitting because she was so blonde. Her soft

  features were strained and she seemed to be staring ahead

  right into Isabelle's very soul.

  "Not so much, Char," Kal instructed. "We can't lose

  you to this destruction. You've done enough." Kal sounded

  for the first time gentle as he placed his hand on Charma's


  "She's very important, Kal, but you already know

  that." Charma did not remove her gaze. "You didn't tell me

  you heard the chanting."

  "Get out of her mind, Charma, before it's too late or

  Veli and Leo will string me up by my thumbs. It'll take


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  both of them but somehow, I suspect, they really will

  manage to do it." Charma took a deep breath and Isabelle

  felt the company that had been in her mind disappear.

  Everything felt lighter, easier. That must be the woman's

  power, to absorb pain. Biting her lip, she tried a smile but

  no response came from the stunning blonde.

  "Go rest, little cousin." Kal helped Charma off the

  bed gently. "I will make introductions later after you have


  Charma gently smiled, turning to glance at Isabelle.

  "It's lovely to meet you, Isabelle Listora. Your parents were

  great people and their death is a tragedy for all of us. Thank

  you for finding us after all of these years. I hope you'll

  think of us as your second family." She paused and then

  finished, "Somehow you can see him so clearly when it

  takes everyone forever to get past his safeguards. You're a

  woman to be reckoned with and I hope we'll be good


  Charma walked slowly past Kal into the hall

  without a pause. Kal turned back to Isabelle, practically

  jumping to her side.

  Kal ran his hands through his hair, a gesture she'd

  not seen him do before. Finally, he sat on the bed next to

  her. "Do you feel okay, kiddo? You had us all terrified;

  you've been asleep nearly twelve hours. You just collapsed;


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  I didn't know what to do with you except to bring you to

  Charma." He stroked her hand.

  "I feel remarkably okay. How is that possible? How

  can I even be functioning after what's happened?" Isabelle

  was slightly confused. She decided to stop questioning

  what was happening. Nothing about the last day had been

  rational; she was simply going to have to get a better grip

  on the irrational and learn to like it.

  "It's Charma, it's her power. She shares your

  burdens, heals them if you like, and then you feel better

  somehow. It lessens the magnitude of terrible events,

  emotions, and traumas. But there is a price to pay for

  Charma; she has to live with your event instead of you.

  People are just drawn to her; they find her on park benches

  and airplanes and just to talk to her. We almost never ask

  her to do what I asked her to do for you."

  "Remind me to thank her when I see her again.

  Where are we exactly?" Isabelle sat up in bed to look

  around the room. She had to suppress a giggle because she

  immediately knew this was Kal's room. Well, Kal's room as

  it must have been when he was a teenager. She didn't

  imagine he'd have quite so many nineties rock and grunge

  music posters hanging on the wall now. She bet if she

  looked in the closet she would find flannel shirts and ripped

  jeans. But outside of the clearly dated décor, everything


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  about it still screamed his presence.

  The color on the walls was denim blue, exactly the

  shade of the shirt he had been wearing when she met him

  the day before. The room was simple and not overdone, as

  if he just knew something was tasteful or fun and then

  didn't bother to overanalyze it too much. Kal would

  attribute his lack of interest in the details of these kind of

  things as great flaw that he possessed but it was clear to

  Isabelle that Kal had put all of his energies in life where

  they belonged and didn't need to be bothered with the

  mundane things like paint colors and the changes in

  fashions over the years. He had her to do those things now.

  Well, she amended in her thoughts, if he wanted her to do

  those things for him.

  "We are on an uninhabited island right off the coast

  of Maine. Veli found this place while he and Marina were

  investigating a lead about ten years ago. She was so sure a

  member of our group was living in the town right on the

  coast of the mainland. But they could never find anyone.

  Maine has so many little islands, some of them privately

  owned, some of them public, that most people don't think

  twice about our house and the privacy we crave here. It was

  like a dream finding this place. Veli and Marina are

  stronger by the water and god knows we need Veli to be

  strong. So it's nice to have a home base, admittedly it's nice


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  to have a place to come 'home' to.

  "Dot keeps the house up and travels back and forth

  to the mainland and Marina keeps the island thriving and

  somehow makes it unappealing to boaters and tourists so

  we almost never get unwanted visitors. But, specifically,

  you are in my room, my wing if you like. The house is

  quite large, huge actually and totally abandoned when Veli

  found it. Marina thinks it was waiting for us but I don't

  know if I buy into that. Even I have a limit when it comes

  to what I will and will not believe in." Kal ran a hand

  through his hair and she stared at the way the light bounced

  off of it. She wanted to reach out and stroke his hair, his

  cheek, anything she could touch. Instead, she forced herself

  to concentrate on what he said.

  "We thought it was perfect because if
we ever did

  find anyone else then they could move into their own wing

  but I wasn't sure where else to put you and truthfully, I

  wanted you with me. We only have furniture in the places

  where we live. Most of the house is closed up and waiting

  to be filled. Can I get you anything, some water?"

  Isabelle couldn't help but notice the worry in Kal's

  eyes and she was desperate to soothe him. Charma had

  made her feel better but hadn't gotten rid of the deep need

  inside of her to connect with Kal.

  She was a smart woman, and smart women knew


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  better than to question gifts like the man in front of her. She

  reached out and kissed him, hard on the lips. It was an

  offering she was hoping desperately that he wouldn't resist.

  Much to her delight, he didn't disappoint her and after an

  initial hesitation that she suspected was from shock, his lips

  softened and drove into hers with a longing that matched

  her own.

  * * * *

  Kal took his time, deepening the kiss with Isabelle.

  He loved the feel of her lips and he could hear the soft

  chanting begin distantly in his ears. Surprisingly it wasn't

  distracting at all or invasive but sanctified what was

  happening between them as right and sacred.

  "This feels so right to me, Kal." Isabelle's voice was

  a husky whisper. "But I have to confess, I've never done

  this before, except with you in my dreams, and I don't want

  you to be disappointed by my lack of any and all carnal

  knowledge outside of my own fantasies." Isabelle looked

  down at her hands.

  Kal pulled her head back so he could look her in the

  eyes. He wanted her to see that everything he was saying to

  her was real. "Isabelle, sweetheart, you can hear that

  chanting when we're together, can't you?" Isabelle nodded


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  slowly. "That doesn't just happen by chance. We, the

  Outsiders, if you like, we only hear that song when we're

  using our powers to right something that has gone wrong or

  when we are combining our souls with our soul mates. I

  can hear that with you and you can hear it with me because

  we are meant to be together. If you went out there and

  started kissing Leonardo, and please don't do that because I

  really like Leonardo and I might have to cause him bodily

  harm if you did, you wouldn't hear the chanting. We are

  meant to be to be a pair in all things."

  Her eyes were huge. "That makes it even worse.

  Now I have to worry that you'll be totally disappointed with

  your soul mate's lack of experience and realize that you're

  going to be stuck with me forever." There was desperation

  in her voice.

  "Do you know what an incredible turn on it is to me

  to hear that you haven't been with anyone else? Someone as

  sexy and gorgeous as you are has been waiting for me?"

  Kal could feel his jeans tightening as his erection started to

  form. He knew he was going to have to be careful with

  Isabelle—if she was worried about disappointing him, he

  was terrified of hurting her.

  "You think I'm sexy?" she asked in a barely audible


  "Do I think you're sexy?" A growl that he couldn't


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  control slipped out of his throat as he pushed her down on

  the bed, rolling on top of her. "Can you feel that?" He

  grabbed her hand to touch the hard point of his manhood.

  "That's how much I think you're sexy. I didn't know I had

  this much raw animal left inside of me but god, I think I

  might explode and we haven't even gotten started yet."

  He bent his head down to devour her mouth. He

  needed to take possession of her, lay his claim, somehow

  proclaim to the universe that she was going to be his for all

  time and damn anybody who tried to take her from him.

  "Oh Kal, I feel like I've been waiting for this my

  whole life, maybe longer somehow." Isabelle raised her

  hands to pull his shirt out from where it was tucked in at his


  Kal used one hand to help her, discarding the

  garment and then began laying kisses on her neck, not

  caring if he marked her. It would just be another way for

  everyone to know she was his.

  Isabelle's fingers were playing havoc with Kal's

  nerves as she stroked his broad chest with skill he wouldn't

  have expected. "Isabelle, darling girl, if you keep doing that

  I'm going to go crazy and I'm trying very hard to be a good

  boy here and go slow so you can enjoy your first time." Kal

  strung Isabelle's hands behind his neck, hoping they would

  stay there so he wouldn't lose his mind.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "You said it yourself, Kal, we're meant to be

  together. Do you think I wouldn't enjoy anything that you

  did to me?"

  That was all the invitation that Kal needed.

  Surprising himself with the force and velocity of his moves,

  he ripped Isabelle's shirt right from her body. "Hope that

  wasn't your favorite shirt." He grinned sheepishly—he

  might become animal-like during the full moon but he

  didn't want to terrify her their first time together.

  "No, but it was my only shirt." Isabelle laughed. "I

  am officially without clothes."

  Kal could swear that her voice had taken on a new

  quality, almost a cat-like purr and he had to admit that the

  tone of it was turning him on as no sound ever had before.

  Maybe he wasn't the only one who had animal qualities.

  They had, after all, been born for each other. She might

  eventually like his wild side, he hoped.

  "That was my intention, love, to get you completely

  naked and keep you that way." Kal began devouring the

  skin above her breasts. He had never seen such perfect

  breasts. He reached out to cup them with his hands and

  squeezed gently before taking one of her already alert

  nipples into his mouth to suck on it. Isabelle moaned

  deeply in her throat, using her hands to pull him closer, the

  effect of which only had Kal sucking harder. "God, baby,"


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  he groaned. "If you don't stop that, I'm going to come right

  here and make a mess of things without ever taking your


  "You're not taking my virginity, Kal," Isabelle

  purred, startling him for a second. "I'm giving it to you."

  "I know you are, darling." He kissed her nose. "And

  that's what makes it all the more sacred to me."

  Suddenly adventurous, Isabelle reached down to

  stroke the now completely hardened rod bulging in Kal's

  pants. He groaned loudly and quickly unbuttoned his jeans

  to pull them off. As far as he was concerned, they both had

  on way too many clothes. Isabelle's were going to have to

  come off quickl
y. He pulled her back to look at her almost

  completely naked. She was wearing black silk panties and

  given that she hadn't known what was going to happen to

  her that day it occurred to Kal that she must wear this kind

  of underwear on a daily basis. He was going to love to

  undress her every day.

  "You are the most beautiful creature I've ever seen,

  Isabelle. I didn't know that such beauty actually existed on

  earth." His hands slipped over her hips to slide her panties

  off. "How do you manage to have so many curves and still

  be all legs?" His mouth began kissing down her legs where

  his hands had just been touching. Seconds later he was

  back to making love to her mouth. He couldn't seem to get


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce


  "I'm not beautiful, Kal. I'm really fairly normal

  looking," she breathed in his ear as she wantonly began to

  lick his earlobe. "But I feel beautiful, somehow, when you

  look at me."

  "You've been looking in broken mirrors. I've been

  all over the world and I've never seen anyone who can hold

  a candle to you." He touched her stomach gently. Wanting

  to extend her pleasure as long as possible, but knowing that

  he was dangerously ready, he slid down her body to her

  velvety, hot core and with his tongue began to taste her. He

  had imagined this moment several times since he had met

  her but he couldn't have imagined what the taste of her

  inside would do to him. She had been made for, designed

  for him and he knew he could never get enough of her.

  "Oh god, Kal!" Isabelle screamed, her head flying

  backwards onto the pillow. "Sshh, baby," he crooned. "I'm

  just getting you ready for me. The way you react is so

  fantastic, baby, I can't even tell you and god, honey, the

  way that you taste is like heaven."

  Screaming his name, her hands dug into his hair at


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