Love Beyond Time

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by Rebecca Royce

  from planting a kiss on his lips.

  "She came and spoke to me, after you passed out."

  Isabelle darted up in bed. "What? You saw my

  mother? You see ghosts?"

  "No." Kal took a deep breath. "She said I could see

  her because you can see the dead and I was so connected to

  you. So I guess you can do more than just read minds and

  create time bubbles. You probably have a slew of powers

  we have yet to discover."

  "I saw a ghost once. It was the old woman from

  next door and she came and visited me in the middle of the

  night. My parents thought I was crazy because she had died

  during the night. They thought I must have dreamed the

  whole thing." Isabelle's eyes filled with tears, a little one

  slipping from her right eye. Kal reached out to brush it


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  away with his fingertip. "What did my mother say?"

  "She said that she loved you deeply, as much as

  your brother. She felt it was an honor to have raised you.

  She asked me to care for you and she said to tell you that it

  wasn't the backyard where you were found but that you

  materialized right in front of her on the kitchen table."

  "The kitchen table? She must have freaked out."

  Isabelle couldn't hide the laughter in her voice. She could

  visualize the scene taking place in front of her. "I'm glad

  you got to speak to her. I think I would have always

  regretted that you didn't know my family, that you never

  had a chance to speak to any of them."

  "Isabelle, I can't tell you what it means to have

  found you."

  "I feel it too, Kal." They stared at each other for a

  moment, neither one of them saying a word, not feeling like

  they needed to.

  His voice gentle, he stroked her hair. "Isabelle."


  "You were right. I really am exhausted and for the

  first time in a long time, I think I could actually sleep a

  little bit."

  "Then let's get some sleep. Tomorrow you can show

  me around and then make love to me again." She giggled.

  "In that order?" He laughed too. "Babe, I think I'm


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  going to have to make love to you a few times before I

  show you around."

  "That would be fine too."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Twelve

  Isabelle opened her eyes into the same dream

  landscape that she had been visiting since she was a child.

  She stood on top of a hill covered in green grass. The wind

  blew in her hair. She wasn't cold from the touch of it but

  found it instead to be refreshing. The sun beat down on the

  hilltop and she felt that it must be close to mid-afternoon.

  Strangely enough, the time changed frequently in her

  dreams while the landscape never did. She looked down to

  see what she was wearing and was surprised to note she

  was actually in her normal clothes, the one Kal had ripped

  from her body earlier that night. Usually she was dressed in

  old-fashioned attire or long flowing hippy-like skirts. She

  turned around quickly and found what she was looking

  for—Kal sitting on the grass behind her, a smirk on his

  face. He was also wearing the clothes that he had been

  wearing earlier that night.

  "What are you laughing at?" she questioned.

  "I'm just admiring the view of your rear end and

  lamenting that I'm going to have to get those clothes off of

  you again."

  "So, you admit that you're here and that we're

  actually sharing this dream?"

  "Just because I admit it now does not mean that I


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  will remember it when I wake up."

  "I can already see us arguing about this for the rest

  of our lives." Isabelle sighed, blowing a stray piece of hair

  out of her eyes. "This already feels different to me."

  "How so?" Kal questioned, standing up.

  "We're dressed like ourselves. Usually I look

  something out of a fantasy movie and you are all suited up

  for battle. I usually have to work really hard to get you


  "That's hysterical." Kal laughed. "Trust me,

  Isabelle, I'm a sure thing."

  Isabelle couldn't help but laugh at Kal. "You know

  what's fantastic about this?"

  "I can think of several things. Which one

  specifically are you thinking about?"

  Isabelle paused, feeling a blush starting in her

  cheeks. "No. Now I'm curious. What were the things that

  you were thinking about?"

  "This is a dream that we're actually conscious of so

  we can make things happen the way we want them to

  happen, right?"

  "I guess. We've never tried it that way."

  "I've never been actually aware that I was asleep

  and conversing with you before." Kal smiled a grin that

  could only be called sensual, and slightly wicked.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  "What did you have in mind?"

  "I think I'd like you to be naked, right now." Before

  her eyes, and much to her immediate embarrassment,

  Isabelle's clothes disappeared right off of her body. With

  nothing to cover herself, she looked up at Kal who was

  smiling that same wicked smile again.


  "Now I feel much better," he insisted. "This is, after

  all, a dream and I've decided that tonight's dream is going

  to be an erotic one." He crossed the slight distance between

  them and pulled her up against him, kissing her hard. "It's

  different, isn't it? I can feel you but not really feel you.

  Somehow it still works."

  "Better to have me naked when we're actually


  "I'll take you naked any way I can get you. Awake,

  asleep, whatever you prefer."

  "You know turnabout is fair play in these

  circumstances. I think I'd like you to be naked too." As

  quickly as her clothes had vanished Kal's did. Reaching up

  she began to feel his sculpted chest beneath her fingertips.

  He was so perfectly made, like somebody had wanted to

  design the perfect man and so they had created Kal's

  physique. Even with everything else that had taken place,

  she couldn't believe that she was going to get to touch him


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  like this for the rest of her life. She had a feeling Kal was

  going to age very, very well. Well, she amended, if any of

  them got to actually age considering the enemy they were

  all facing.

  "Hey." He pushed her chin up with his index finger

  so that she was looking him in the eyes. "No frowning

  thoughts. We have enough of those when we're awake." He

  bent down to kiss her again, harder this time. It was a kiss

  of possession, of ownership, and Isabelle had to admit that

  she was feeling just fine with the idea of being ow
ned by

  him because she was quite certain that she had ownership

  rights on him too.

  "Let's make the most out of this being naked,

  outside, and not cold." Kal pushed her down onto the

  ground. Isabelle wasn't yet finished with his mouth, making

  her demands equally known as her tongue swirled in and

  out, pushing and demanding his response. He was happy to

  give her what she was demanding. In this dream state

  everything felt different, a somehow fuzzy feeling, but still

  intoxicating to her senses. She was sure that, if she was

  asked to, she wouldn't be able to form coherent sentences.

  All that mattered was kissing and feeling Kal kiss her in

  return. She scraped her nails up and down his back

  knowing that if they were awake her nails would make a

  mark on him and every time he felt the slight pain he would


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  be reminded of their intimate times together. She wasn't

  sure how long they would remain on his back in this world.

  "I don't think I could ever get bored kissing you."

  Kal's voice took on a guttural intonation that betrayed the

  immense amount of emotion that he felt. "Can we do this

  every night?"

  "We have been doing it every night." Isabelle

  pinched him and he yelped before laughing. "You just don't

  remember it when you're awake. But that's okay, I'll forgive

  you." She smoothed his hair back from his face.

  "Can I ask you something?"

  "Anything. Always."

  "Do you think you might marry me?"

  "You're asking me this now? While we are naked

  and technically asleep?"

  Kal paused. "I guess my timing is kind of off, huh?"

  "No, it's perfect." She knocked him gently on the

  head with his left hand. "But if you forget that you asked

  me this by the light of day I'm going to get really mad at


  "I promise to ask again if I forget that I've already

  asked. Does that make sense?"

  "Does any of this make sense?" She kissed both his


  "So you actually haven't answered me. Will you


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  marry me?"

  "I haven't answered?"


  "I'm joking. Yes. Yes. I will marry you, Kal, my

  love." She went back to the great pleasure of kissing his

  mouth and then paused. "Kal, do Outsiders get married or

  are we just assumed to be married once we've found our

  soul mates?"

  "I don't know. But this Outsider," he pointed at her,

  "and this Outsider are getting married."

  "Sounds like a plan."

  There was no more talking for either of them after

  that. In this venue, they were more comfortable with each

  other, they'd been doing this a long time in dreamland and

  Kal's hands moved over her body with the understanding

  only a lover who knew their partner's body inside and out

  could. Their lovemaking was short but intense and left

  them both breathless and clinging to each other.

  "So," Isabelle laughed when she could speak. "Want

  to know what I was originally talking about?"

  "What you were originally talking about?" Kal was

  breathing hard and Isabelle loved the sound of it. Loved

  that she had made him that out of control, that lost in their

  shared sensations.

  "I had started having a conversation with you prior


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  to your suddenly removing my clothes."


  "Yep." Isabelle was grinning into Kal's chest. This

  was the first time she had ever really seen him flustered.

  "And you've managed to retain your memory of

  what we were talking about prior to that earth shattering

  experience that we just shared while I am laying here

  completely spent and brainless?"


  "Okay. I'll bite. What were you originally going to

  talk about?"

  "We can do anything we want to in here, we can run

  a race, debate world politics, or even do what we just did

  and, as you put it, move the earth and we are really resting

  and getting a good night's sleep."

  "So I'm not going to wake up and be exhausted

  from this?"

  "Not if it works like it usually works. But, then

  again, you may not remember this."

  He shook his head. "Oh, I'm going to remember


  "I think we're about to find out."

  "Are we waking up?"

  "Look up, see how the sky is kind of melting



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Kal opened his eyes, squinting at the sky above

  them. Isabelle followed his gaze till she was sure they

  looked at the same part of the sky. The blue stretch filled

  with white clouds that had given the whole place the feel of

  a perfect spring day seemed to be melting away above


  "What does that mean?"

  "One of us is waking up."


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Isabelle awoke she knew instantly that it was

  still very early. She had always known exactly what time it

  was when she woke up, as if her body clock never really

  shut down. It was somewhere around 5:15 AM and she

  knew Kal needed to sleep a little bit more. She wondered

  where his mind had taken him since they had left each

  other's subconscious. Briefly, she gazed into his mind and

  saw he was dreaming, dirty dreams by the flashes she got

  and that they were all about her. Evidently their earlier

  encounter hadn't satisfied his need for her. She wasn't

  ashamed to admit that she really, really liked that.

  Blushing, she carefully pulled her mind away from

  his. She didn't want him waking up before he had enough

  rest to rejuvenate. She knew what the brief time glimpse of

  her family's murder had done to her, and could only

  imagine what the battle had to have done to Kal. He hadn't

  blacked out for hours as she had and had driven them all

  the way to Maine. All of this had happened prior to the

  mind-blowing sex they had shared afterwards. The poor

  guy deserved a little undisturbed REM. She was going to

  put it on her list of things that she was going to make sure

  he got from this point forward.

  She needed to build up the kind of strength she had


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  watched Kal exhibit. Quietly, she got out of bed. Kal had

  destroyed her clothes from the night before. She glanced

  around the room and quickly noticed his closet. She silently

  walked towards it, hoping the floor didn't creak beneath

  her. This was an old house—she had grown up in an old

  house and knew that floors and foundations tended to make

  a ton of noise. She suspected Kal was a light sleeper and

  didn't want to spoil her w
hole plan of letting him rest by

  allowing the wood floor to creak beneath her. As silently as

  possible she tried to locate what looked in the dark to be a

  plain white tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She pulled

  them on over herself. She was sore in places she hadn't

  known she could be sore in and she had to admit that she

  loved the feeling. She practically swam in Kal's clothes and

  she had a feeling that she looked pretty ridiculous but she

  really didn't care. They would have to do.

  She crossed the room to his bathroom and quietly

  closed the door behind her. The woman Kal kept calling

  Dot obviously kept this room immaculately clean.

  Everything was put away just where it should have been

  and somehow Isabelle suspected that Kal was not the

  organized type. The bathroom was modernized with all of

  the usual conveniences, including, she noticed, a whirlpool

  tub and a shower that could double as a steam shower. Kal

  obviously liked his creature comforts. She could imagine a


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  few things that they could do together in those places. She

  smiled to herself—one night of lovemaking followed by

  one dirty dream and she was already a sex addict.

  She borrowed his toothbrush, knowing that it was

  really gross to do so, and hoped he wouldn't mind. She

  really didn't have a choice, maybe Dot kept the spare

  toiletries somewhere in the house but she had no idea

  where that would be and she couldn't walk around

  completely unclean. As intimate as they had been the night

  before, she still hoped Kal wouldn't mind.

  She turned on the shower and while she waited for

  the water to heat up, which it did rather quickly, she took

  off the clothes that she had just put on and folded them

  neatly on the counter. Did everything work so well because


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