Love Beyond Time

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Love Beyond Time Page 27

by Rebecca Royce

  came back then he wasn't going to be making it out of his

  current captivity alive.

  You people have been perpetrating the greatest evil

  on the planet. We have been trying to stop you. The male


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  voice was sounding very sure of himself.

  "I think there has been some kind of mix up here."

  Kal wished he could reach out to Isabelle. He had a feeling

  her calming influence was just what they needed. All of his

  powers might be gone but they were still just a few hours

  from the full moon and patience was not a virtue he had in

  abundance on a good day.

  Mix up? The female voice questioned.

  "You sent those police officers after us after they

  killed my other half's parents. Your name is Alexa, right?

  Alexa and Gabriel. I bet if you let me down we could all

  just talk like civilized beings and sort this all out." Kal

  hoped they were listening to him.

  Killed her parents? The male voice sounded


  What? The female voice followed.

  "Enough!" A loud resounding yell filled the room

  and Kal suddenly found himself staring at a face he had

  thought never to see again. Standing in front of him, alive

  as he had been just weeks before, was his friend Doug.

  "They can't hear you anymore, warrior." Only Doug had

  never sounded quite like that in his life. It was a mechanical

  sounding version of the voice that had once belonged to his

  best friend. "I see you recognize me. I thought perhaps if I

  took this body, took it and used it, that you might relate to


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  it and perhaps we could make you more comfortable."

  Doug's eyes, colder than they had ever been in life, sneered

  at him.

  "I take it you're Sebastian?" Kal needed to

  formulate a plan.

  "That's what some people call me," Sebastian

  answered laughingly. "You can call me that if you wish."

  "Well." Kal laughed without any humor in his

  voice. "Seeing as you have me at a complete disadvantage

  here, I don't know why you need to make me comfortable

  so how about you leave my dead friend alone and come see

  me in your actual body?"

  "So you can send an image of me to your lady and

  have them track me down even after you are dead? I think

  not. In that case killing Kal would gain me no advantage. I

  think I am quite comfortable remaining as I am. Besides,

  seeing as you got Doug killed, I think it's only right he gets

  to return the favor."

  The lights had come on and Kal could see his first

  impressions of a basement were correct. How many floors

  under was still anyone's guess.

  "Do your friends know who you are, Sebastian? Do

  they know what you really are?" Kal pulled tightly to try to

  free his wrists but found himself stuck even tighter.

  "Do you know who I am, Kalmari?" Sebastian


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  sneered. "You just missed the great reveal at your home.

  By the way, Veli is dead. I will miss being able to inhabit

  that body. Who knew your little friend Leonardo had that

  much guts? I may have made a mistake not taking him first.

  But, no bother, I will dispose of you and then dispose of

  him. Your women will be left with no one to protect them

  and even Isabelle, and of course I know about Isabelle, with

  your powers to protect them will be no match for me. I will

  have effectively ended the reign of the Outsiders with two

  little deaths."

  "I don't think it's so easy to kill us, Sebastian." Kal

  laughed out loud. Suddenly he was completely sure of

  himself. In his whole life he had never been completely

  sure of himself but strung from the ceiling by his hands and

  powerless he could actually see things clearly for the first

  time. "We have always existed, we will always exist and if

  it was easy to kill us, then you would have done it years

  ago when we were babies. I think you are currently unable

  to kill us and that's why you're using those two people to

  get us. She said she brought me here and that he knocked

  me out. You've always sent minions against us. I think

  you're sweating. You can't kill us, at least not yet, can you?

  You're basically as powerless as I am at the moment."

  "Powerless?" Sebastian was getting angry. "I may

  not be yet able to kill you but I assure you, weakling, that I


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  am not powerless."

  Sebastian raised his hand to the sky and brought

  forth voltage. Kal knew the bolt was going to hit him

  seconds before it actually did. His whole body shook from

  the shock of it but he wasn't dead. Something was

  protecting him.

  "I can keep you here and make you completely

  uncomfortable every second of every day until you rot from

  it and then I assure you when the time comes I will kill you

  and you'll be begging me for your death."

  "I'm not capable of begging from you. The only

  person I am capable of begging from is about half your size

  and much more pleasant to look at."

  Sebastian screamed with rage and pummeled Kal's

  body with powerful destructive energy again. Kal could

  smell the ends of his hair burning. He still wasn't dead. He

  should be dead. What was going on?

  Suddenly he could hear it clearly. A voice that had

  been trying to speak to him from the moment he had

  opened his eyes.

  Call to me Kal, and I will answer you.

  The moon. How was it possible? He didn't have his


  It's never been about your powers. They are from

  the earth. You are from me. She is from the sun. The men


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  have always come from the moon and the women the sun.

  You are not Outsiders to us. Together you were sent here to

  save the children when you were just a child yourself. Call

  to me Kal as your family has done since time began.

  Help me. Please help me, he called to the moon.

  Please help me get back to her.

  Kal? Isabelle's voice filled his head. We are here,

  Kal. I don't know how we got here. We were in the living

  room and now we are someplace else. A house. I can feel

  you inside. Marina is trying to unravel the safety spells that

  are keeping the house locked up. Leonardo says there are

  two people upstairs and you in the basement. Is that


  Two upstairs. Me in the basement with the big bad

  Darkness who is currently wearing the body of my dead

  friend Doug, remember him? The moon brought you here.

  His whole body jerked as another bolt hit him. He hoped

  Isabelle couldn't sense what was going on.

  What's happening? Isabelle's voice was in his head,

  screaming. He could feel that she was getting angry and

  suddenly he was terrified for her. She had no idea how to

  handle his powers, let alone how to handle them when she

  was angry. The whole house started to shake. Sebastian

  looked up at the ceiling, his eyes narrowing.

  Kal winced, realizing that there surprise entry was


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  now blown. Isabelle, he thought to her , if you can hear me

  then take a deep breath and give me back my powers. It

  was your own gifts that took them to begin with, kiddo. It's

  never been about me, it's always been about you. Or rather

  about what we can do together and this is what you can do.

  So do it.

  I don't know how to do that, Kal. It was you who

  gave them to me. You said something about taking what

  you knew you could give me. Stop giving me all the credit

  and take some for yourself.

  Another bolt hit Kal and as his eyes refocused he

  could see that Doug, or rather Sebastian, was starting to

  sweat. He was bluffing and Doug had never been any good

  at it, which was why Kal had always won at poker. His skin

  was fried. He could feel it; he certainly wasn't in shock—at

  least not yet.

  It was time.

  Well then I want to take them back, now, Isabelle.

  Kal felt the instant rush of power as it reentered his body.

  His hands started to tingle with excitement. Closing his

  eyes, he visualized the ropes disappearing from around his

  wrists—another gift, he knew, from the moon. He couldn't

  wait to tell Leonardo. Imagine that, he thought as he landed

  gracefully on the floor, I know something that Leonardo



  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Face to face he was taller than Doug and therefore

  at that moment he was taller than Sebastian. His skin

  burned and he felt like he had a thousand tiny needles

  poking him all over but he didn't care.

  "Sorry, it's time for me to go now. I've got a girl

  upstairs waiting for me." Kal focused and sent all the

  energy that was building up inside of him outwards into

  Doug's body in front of him. Sebastian began to scream.

  "Guess it hurts, huh?" Kal grinned at him. "I don't have any

  limitations on me towards killing you. I don't think that my

  girl would much care if killing you put a little black dot on

  my soul. She likes the darker side of me."

  In front of his eyes, Doug's body began to writhe

  and shutter before it exploded. Kal could feel the evil that

  was Sebastian push out into the air around him and

  concentrated on not letting him invade his own body. He

  imagined putting up shields to block his mind, large metal

  shields that would not break. Nothing was getting into his

  head that Kal didn't want there and Kal didn't want that

  anywhere near his consciousness.

  They seemed to be holding because Kal felt the

  second Sebastian's essence left the room.

  He's pure energy right now and he's heading right

  for you. Don't let him. Tell the others, he sent to Isabelle.

  Reaching her was the easiest for him, broadcasting to


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  everyone would take too much energy and he felt like he

  might fall over at any time.

  Upstairs, the sounds of footsteps rushing through

  the front door caught his attention and he turned to run up

  the basement stairs, nearly colliding with Isabelle who he

  grabbed instead and pulled into his arms. It hurt but he

  didn't care.

  "Baby, are you okay?" He touched her everywhere.

  He was not going to ever let her out of his sight again. They

  were going to have to find a way to prevent that Alexa

  person from removing them without their consent.

  "I'm fine, Kal but look at you. What did he do to

  you?" Isabelle responded. Kal looked down, confused, and

  saw that he was covered in burns on most of his arm and

  that his hair was slightly burnt off, giving him a look that

  was akin to a medium-well done steak in a restaurant. He

  could only imagine what the rest of him looked like. His

  adrenaline was pumping so hard that he hardly felt

  anything anymore. Shock, he thought. I'm finally going into

  shock and I can't feel it. He knew that wouldn't be true later


  "What time is it, Isabelle?" Kal suddenly realized

  that she was supposed to be traveling back to meet Abraxas

  and if the way the full moon was calling to him was any

  indication then they were almost out of time. "Don't worry


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  about me. We heal fast."

  "You heal fast?" Isabelle didn't sound convinced.

  Leonardo and Marina came flying down the stairs in front

  of them.

  "He does." Leonardo grinned at Kal as if he

  remembered some of the other times Kal had healed faster

  than most. Kal didn't want to imagine what times Leonardo

  was thinking about. He was glad he didn't have a window

  into Leonardo's mind.

  "I hear Veli's dead." Kal looked at his two friends.

  They were more like family to him and now he was going

  to be responsible for their safety. He knew he wouldn't let

  them down. Every ounce of self doubt he had ever had

  seemed gone.

  "I killed him." Leonardo held his gaze.

  "He saved us," Marina snapped back.

  "You'll have to tell me about it sometime but right

  now I think you and Isabelle need to do a little time travel."

  * * * *

  Isabelle could feel the difference in Kal. It wasn't

  just that he was injured; he seemed to suddenly be filled

  with resolve and self confidence. She didn't know exactly

  what had happened in the basement but she was thrilled


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  with his new resolve. It fit him. He was her man, and she

  liked him totally alpha. Well, she amended, most of the

  time she would.

  "Here?" Isabelle looked confused. "Can we do it

  from here?" They had practiced it always doing it in the

  living room of the mansion.

  "Here's as good as anywhere." Leonardo looked

  around. Charma came down the stairs, joining them.

  "They're gone. The two who were upstairs have

  vanished," she reported.

  "I think I can help you two." Marina looked at

  Leonardo and Isabelle. "We all can. I didn't mention it

  earlier because I thought I must be crazy but with

  everything that has happened and Leonardo telling me to

  admit my power, I think I can help you all focus your

  energy. We all can. All of our powers are unique and I

  think if we form a circle and concentrate we can help add

  our uniqueness to Isabelle and then she'll be able to travel

  more safely. It would help, obviously, if we were a

  complete group. I'm going to work on that when this is over

  but for now, this will do. It will more than do." Marina took

  a d
eep breath, exhaling.

  Isabelle grinned at her, remembering her first

  impression of Marina as being deeper than she seemed.

  "You all need to find what I have." Kal squeezed


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Isabelle's hand. "Or I wouldn't care if we never found

  anyone else. You're my family. We can beat this son of a

  bitch with our eyes closed."

  Isabelle smiled. Maybe a little bit too alpha, she

  laughed to herself.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce

  Chapter Eighteen

  All five of them joined hands in a circle. Isabelle

  had time to once again be astonished that they were doing

  this in the basement of a strange house.

  Leonardo began to concentrate his energy on

  Isabelle, who in turn began to concentrate her energy on

  jumping backwards through time.

  But this time it was different. She could feel all of

  them with her.

  Marina, the spell caster, who could see things none

  of the rest of them could see, clearing space and time to

  make it easier for her.

  Charma, so gifted in healing, keeping her calm and

  focused. So much stronger than anyone ever gave her credit

  for. She held the world's emotions on her shoulders and

  somehow she didn't hunch over.

  Leonardo, the energy enhancer, acting like a battery

  and powering her up. He was still partially closed from

  them. He had stolen Veli's powers and ended his life. His

  brilliance there for everyone to see but the rest of him still


  Kal, her other half and protector, injured yet

  wrapping her in his embrace and keeping her safe as she

  knew he always would. She knew she was going to make it.


  Love Beyond Time

  Rebecca Royce


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