In the Light (Alphas’ Captive Book 2)

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In the Light (Alphas’ Captive Book 2) Page 5

by Leann Ryans

  Grabbing me by the hair, Grady pulled my head to the side, pushing into my open mouth. Cock hitting the back of my throat, I choked until he pulled back, letting my throat relax before thrusting back in.

  Stuffed in every hole, hands everywhere on my body, I closed my eyes and gave in to my mates. Drowning in sensations, another orgasm quickly rose, swamping through me.

  Cunt clenching, I felt Charles pull back, warm fluid splashing over my belly and mound as he groaned. Grady released my hair and pulled out of my mouth, moving towards my legs. I looked down to see Charles running his fingers through his cum, rubbing it into my skin before he stepped away and was replaced by Grady.

  Paxton continued to hold me down on him, barely rocking his hips as he played with my tits and kissed along my neck and shoulder. Placing his thumb over my clit, Grady slowly pressed into me, letting me feel each inch as I stretched around him.

  Moving at a steady pace, Grady fully seated himself inside me before pulling back out to the tip and repeating while his thumb brushed back and forth over my clit.

  Moaning, my head turned to the side to see Wesley still stroking himself as he waited his turn. Not wanting any of my Alphas to feel neglected, I reached out and wrapped my hand around the tip of his cock as he held the base.

  Moving up next to him, Charles stroked my hair and pulled my head closer to him.

  “Clean me up little one.”

  Stretching out my tongue, I licked him from root to tip, the sweet musk of my slick coating my taste buds. Stroking Wesley as I licked Charles, I could feel Grady begin to increase his pace, still moving steadily as his cock slid along my inner walls.

  Muscles drawing tight again, I began to pant around Charles’s cock as Paxton started to move in my ass, rocking my hips along with Grady’s pace so that they both filled me and retreated at the same time.

  Eyes clenched shut, my body started to shake, and when Grady pinched my clit between his fingers I screamed. Vision going white, fire burned from my scalp to my toes as I fell limp, releasing both Wesley and Charles.

  With three sharp thrusts, Grady pulled halfway out, hand gripping his knot as his seed coated the inside of my channel. Quickly moving aside, Wesley plowed into my still clenching core, wasting no time chasing his own release.

  Paxton gripped my hips, lifting me up slightly so that he could fuck up into my ass as Wesley took my pussy. Each of them went at their own pace, no coordination between them as there had been with Paxton and Grady.

  Feeling like a doll between their two large bodies, the idea of them using my body to slake their lust caused my core to clench again. Feeling Paxton’s thrusts growing erratic, my legs began to tremble when he forced his knot inside me and I felt his cock begin to pulse.

  Opening my eyes, I noticed both Grady and Charles stroking themselves at my sides. Once again, Charles began to spray me with his cum, coating my breast with his seed in another release. Grady followed shortly after, rubbing his cum into my belly as it poured from the head of his cock.

  My gaze turned to Wesley, as I felt his thighs begin to tremble between mine. Wrapping his arms under my thighs, he leaned forward over me, hitting a new place inside that made me squirm as I felt slick squirting out of my pussy with each thrust.

  Slamming into me, each rough push caused my body to rock, Paxton’s knot pulling inside my back passage. When Wesley’s knot swelled, he slipped a hand down and pressed his fingers over my clit, rubbing furiously until another orgasm rocked my body.

  Locking his knot behind my pubic bone, I screamed as my cunt milked his cock. Pleasure rippling through me and making my already limp muscles feel as if they had been weighed down.

  Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh and was asleep before I took my next breath.


  When I woke up, I was still laying on top of Paxton, but the other three were missing from the barn. We lay in a swath of sunlight coming in the door, and the warmth was soothing on my back. Somehow, they had both slipped from me and I had been turned over without waking.

  Paxton must have noticed the change in my breathing because he adjusted me and sat up, holding me on his lap as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

  “Sorry,” I whispered.

  Stroking a hand through my hair, he cupped the back of my head before kissing me.

  “It’s fine, you needed the rest. You didn’t sleep long.”

  Standing, he put me on my feet before turning and lifting my shirt from the bales he had laid on. Shaking it out, he turned back to me and put it over my head, pulling it down as I slipped my arms into the sleeves.

  “The others went ahead to check the house. We need to catch up just in case there is trouble.”

  Nodding, I watched as he pulled his own clothing on, disappointment flooding through me as his body disappeared from view. Shooting me a smirk, he slipped on his boots before reaching to scoop me back up, but I was tired of being carried everywhere like a child.


  Taking a deep breath, I probed at the feelings inside of me, unsure of who’s was who’s yet, but hoping he was in a good mood and would humor me.

  “Can I walk? Please,” I whispered, looking down at the floor.

  My heart dropped when his hand moved towards me again, but he only took mine in his, twining his fingers through mine before pulling me along.

  “Let me know if you get tired,” he said as we stepped back out into the field.

  Breathing easier, I looked up as we began to walk. There was a great view over the river since we were atop a hill, but the field ahead of us seemed to slope up, and I couldn’t see much past a row of trees in the distance.

  It was nice to walk together quietly, the grass cushioning my bare feet as the warm sunlight poured over us. My body was sore, especially between my legs, but I was so happy to be out of the darkness and walking free that I didn’t care. I only wished my other mates were with us as well.

  I didn’t notice I was purring until Paxton mentioned it.

  “What are you purring about?”

  Startled, the purr tapered off as I glanced over at him before looking back down at the ground. It took me a moment to find a response that I didn’t think would upset him.

  “It’s just nice to be outside. In the light.”

  Tugging me to a stop, he gripped my chin and tipped my head up to look at him. The color of his hazel eyes was more pronounced in the morning light, and I could see lighter streaks in his dark hair.

  “I did what I thought was best to keep us all safe. It… may have been a bit misguided.”

  Figuring that was his version of an apology, or the closest I would get to one, I gave him a hesitant smile.

  “I understand.”

  His lips tipped up at the corner before they pressed against mine. Slipping his tongue into my mouth, his arms wrapped around me, lifting me into the air until I wrapped my legs around his waist. Stealing my breath, he plundered my mouth until my head spun before finally releasing my lips.

  Chest heaving, I fought down the urge to grind against him. My skin wasn’t burning like it had before, and I still wanted him to fill me, but I was able to push it aside as he let me back down on the ground.

  Cupping my cheek in one large hand, he said, “I will always protect you.”

  Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks as I whispered, “I know.”

  Taking my hand in his once again, we continued our walk, passing through the row of trees into another field. Ahead of us I could see the roof of a house with a stone chimney, and as we walked more of the house came into view.

  A cute two-story farmhouse with a wrap-around porch and a sunroom facing east, the place had obviously been a gorgeous house in better days. The old blue paint was faded, and a portion of the porch roof had fallen, but with a bit of work, it could be a beautiful home again.

  There were the remains of a large garden outside of the sunroom, with vegetables growing wild together, and there was a small pond close by
with a wooden dock jutting out over the water.

  As we made our way closer, I could hear the other guys calling out to each other from inside the house. They seemed to be talking about what work needed to be done and how they could get what we needed out here.

  Paxton helped me over a broken step as we made our way up onto the porch. Pushing the door open, he held it for me and called out to let the others know we were there.

  We had come in the back door, and it led straight into the kitchen. The place was dusty, and it seemed like a window somewhere in the house had been broken because there were leaves scattered across the floor, but it didn’t look like the house had been scavenged or squatted in.

  Glancing around, I could see how nice the place had once been, and I could feel my heart race with the possibilities of fixing it up again. It was cozy, and it could be a home for the five of us.

  The warm feeling in my chest grew as all of my Alphas stepped into the kitchen, eyes locked on me. Each walked over to press a kiss to my lips, leaving me surprised and a bit confused. Their behavior seemed to be totally different than it had been in the city, and I was wary of it going back to the way it had been.

  Rubbing his chest, Charles seemed to notice my feelings, because he came back to me and pulled me into his arms. Looking down into my eyes, he brushed my hair back and tucked it behind my ear.

  “I know we didn’t get the best start.”

  Pausing, he shot a look over my head at Paxton before looking back down at me.

  “Things will be different now. We’re bonded. We don’t have other Alphas breathing down our necks for you, though we still have to be careful about Ferals. Our lives will be better now.”

  Dropping another kiss to my forehead, he let me go as Paxton pulled me

  back into his arms.

  “Don’t think that means you’ll get away with disobeying us. We can’t keep you safe if you don’t do as your told.”

  Fighting the smile pulling at my lips at the glare he tried to level at me, I ducked my head and pressed my cheek against his chest.

  “Yes, Master,” I whispered.

  I felt his cock surge against me at my words, and the grin broke across my face. He needed to feel in charge, and I would let him, but I had come to realize he wasn’t as rough and uncaring as he seemed.

  Peeking around at the other three, I could see the hunger in all of their eyes as they stared back at me, combined with a soft look that spoke of deeper feelings. A shiver of anticipation went down my spine. These were my mates. They owned me, body and soul now. They would control me. Possess me. Use me.

  They would protect me. Care for me. Love me

  And I would love them in return.


  Pushing my hair back from my face, I straightened my back, pressing a hand to the center of it just above my hips. With the way my belly jutted out in front of me now, it made leaning over to weed the garden a literal pain in my back, but I refused to sit around the house doing nothing.

  Strong fingers pushed my hand out of the way and dug into my lower back, pulling a moan from my throat as I closed my eyes and leaned back into Paxton.

  “You should let us take care of this.”

  His rumbled voice in my ear sent chills across my skin even as I let out a snort and mentally rolled my eyes.

  “You already have a lot to do, and the garden is beginning to grow more weeds than food because I put it off for so long,” I responded.

  Hand moving to my shoulder, he began to massage one side as his lips brushed along the other. The weeding was quickly being forgotten under his onslaught of attention until I realized that was precisely his plan.

  Pulling away from him, I pushed myself to my feet before turning to face him with my hands on my hips.

  “You are not going to distract me! This needs to be done, and I’m going to do it!”

  A naughty smirk crossed his face as he knelt in the dirt before me. Wrapping his hands around my belly, he looked up into my eyes.

  “I need to be done, so you should do me.”

  I couldn’t stop the eye-roll or the sigh of exasperation. My mates were as insatiable as they had ever been even though I felt like a whale waddling around. It seemed like the bigger I got, the more they wanted to touch me.

  I was just as eager for their touch, but I was far enough along now that I didn’t have the energy that I used to, and sometimes fell asleep before I could see to their needs.

  A flush creeped up my cheeks as I remembered exactly that happening last night. I had been laying on top of Paxton, grinding on his erection as he rubbed my back, and the next thing I remembered was waking up drooling on his chest.

  Standing, he pulled me into his arms, kissing the top of my head.

  “I just don’t want you tiring yourself out,” he mumbled into my hair.

  “I know. I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night,” I whispered.

  Chuckling, he pushed me back so he could look down at me.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I was distracted by noise from the front of the house. We had been waiting for the Thompson clan to stop by to pick up their goods, and it sounded like they had finally made it.

  Paxton took my hand and led me out of the garden, helping me step down out of the raised beds since I couldn’t see my feet. As we rounded the corner to the front of the house, I was hit by a squealing mass that wrapped grubby arms around my legs.

  “Cara, Cara, Cara! We brought you a goat!”

  Smiling down at the grinning little boy as Paxton steadied me with a grumble, I patted his head.

  “Did you now?”

  “Yes! A mommy goat!”

  Stephanie rushed up and pried Dillan off of me. Lifting him into her arms, she shot Paxton a wary glance while saying, “Sorry.”

  Huffing, Paxton stalked over to where the others were as I grinned at Stephanie, shooting her a wink once his back was turned.

  “It’s fine, I was expecting him this time,” I responded.

  The Thompson clan were the group we had run into on our way to the farm months ago. I remembered seeing Dillon and Stephanie in the trees, so when the group approached us about a month or so after we had settled into the house, my Alphas had been a bit more receptive to them than they otherwise would have been.

  Her clan tended to migrate instead of being settled in one spot, trading with other small groups. The men had worked out a deal to trade some of our excess food for things we needed, that they didn’t want to leave to go get.

  Stephanie was also a medic and was teaching Charles what she could anytime they stopped by. He was the one that had taken it upon himself to learn everything he could once the men realized I was pregnant. Paxton had offered to as well, but Charles’s temperament was more suited to it.

  Giving her a hug, we wandered over to the front porch and took a seat on one of the benches Wesley had built. Though they only came by every six weeks or so, they usually stayed for a day or two, camped in one of the front fields because the men would argue for hours sometimes until they came to an agreement they were all happy with.

  “Are you ready yet?” she asked me as I took a seat.

  Chuckling, I shook my head, watching her arrange Dillon on her lap for him to just slip off and run back to the men.

  “For it to be out of me? Yes! To have a baby…” I took a deep breath and released it. “I don’t know about that.”

  Patting my thigh as she kept an eye on Dillon, she gave a soft smile.

  “You’ll figure it out. It can’t be any harder than having four Alphas as mates!”

  Stephanie had two of her own and constantly teased me about having twice as many as her. During their last visit, we had both broke down laughing so hard when she asked me how they all fit in there with the belly that the men had come over to us, concerned something was wrong.

  My only response had been, “Carefully!”

  She wasn’t able to sit with me f
or too long before she had to go chase after Dillon, the little boy having so much energy he was hard to keep still at any time. Surprisingly, the men broke up shortly after she left the porch, the Thompson clan turning to go set up their tents in the field.

  When my Alphas clomped up onto the porch, I stood, and Charles pulled me into his arms as the other surrounded us.

  “Done so soon?” I asked.

  “No, but they will be here long enough to get everything settled later.”


  I raised my eyebrows as I looked up at him and waited for him to explain.

  “They’re going to stay until the baby arrives. That way Stephanie is nearby if we need her.”

  Touched by his concern, I squeezed him before turning to the others, giving them each a kiss. I knew they had all been worried about the imminent birth, and I could feel all of their relief through the bond. I had to admit that my heart felt a bit lighter knowing I would have another omega nearby to help, and I hoped we weren’t causing them too much trouble asking them to stay.

  Standing on the porch of our home, surrounded by my mates in the glow of the afternoon light, I couldn’t help but feel like everything was perfect. That this is where we were all meant to be.

  No matter how much darkness it took to get here, we were all together now, in the light.


  I want to thank you so much for reading this duet and I hope you enjoyed it. It is very different from most of my writing since I don’t usually go so dark or have quite so much… smut!

  I love the omegaverse trope so much, but it seemed like everything on the market when I started was so dark. I wasn’t always in the mood for that kind of book, but still wanted the Alphas and the knots, so that’s how most of my books have turned out. A shade of grey with steamy scenes though I might make you work to get to them.


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