Chess Club Dropout: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Series (The Lone Wolves Book 1)

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Chess Club Dropout: A Contemporary Reverse Harem Series (The Lone Wolves Book 1) Page 15

by Lux Carmine

  She was flubbering trying to find something to say and I didn't wait around to hear what it might've been. With my suitcase in my hand, my backpack on my back, and my purse on my shoulder I walked a few houses down the block stepped on the porch and raise my hand to knock on the door.

  The door opened and my heart leapt as my eyes landed on Jason. His face was a mixture of sleepy and bored before his eyes took me in and lit up like a little boy who an just found a puppy under his Christmas tree.

  "Ruby..." He was about to lurch forward and then he stopped. "Hey," he said, doing his best to stay composed in front of me. It was at this moment I wondered if Jason hadn't written me back because he was trying to save face.


  His eyes scanned me and landed on the suitcase by my feet. He frowned and glanced up at me, worriedly. "What the hell is going on?"

  "My aunt kicked me out."

  "What?" He stepped outside and grabbed my suitcase, wincing as he lifted it.

  It was my turn to frown as I came to his side and put one arm around him, the other on his stomach. My fingers felt something beneath his shirt. A bandage? "Are you okay?" I tried to take the suitcase from him but he set it down before I could get my hands on it.

  "This is not about me right now, Ruby. What the hell happened? Why did your aunt kick you out?"

  "She said I was too much trouble and she did not agree with my love choices." I chose to soften the wording, I didn't want him getting into another fight. This one might land him in jail. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it, revealing bruises and a bandage wrapped around his middle. I touched his injuries with gentle fingers and he winced again, pulling my hand away.

  "I'm fine."

  "Fine? I can't even touch you without you wincing. Did Robbie do this?"

  His silence and avoiding gaze answered the question. If Robbie did this to Jason then just what would he have done to me? It gave me shivers to think about it. "If he did this to you how come he gets to get away scott-free? He was at school today. He--"

  "His dad is a cop, Ruby. He can get away with whatever he wants. That's how society works," he snapped.

  My shoulders spasmed in surprise. "You're a little cranky."

  He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "I'm sorry. I wish I could push you up against the nearest wall and kiss you like crazy, but I can't. It would hurt too much. And that's making me very cranky."

  I blushed and smiled. "Remember when we had to wait? We had all that crazy sexual tension? It'll be like that again...just... Later when you're healed and can handle me again," I said with a saucy grin.

  He groaned and closed his eyes as if he were in serious pain. "You're killing me."

  "Ruby?!" I heard my name coming from the upstairs hallway and I glanced up at the stairwell in time to see a parade of guys running down them, heading right for me. Jason moved out of the way so he wouldn't get trampled. Billy reached me first. He picked me up and swung me around like a rag doll. I held on tight and received three more hugs before Steven took my hand and pulled me towards the couch.

  Once we were seated all of their eyes were on me. "So...I'm homeless right now. And I need to find a place to live."

  "Why don't you stay here?" Mike said, looking around there were a lot of skeptical faces. "What?"

  "Do you really think Gary is going to go for that? Remember what happened last year with that girl?"

  "What girl?"

  "That girl you overheard talking in the bathroom. We weren't dating. She was staying here because her dad was abusing her. Gary was cool with it and let her stay here but Veronica was not the perfect houseguest."

  "Well, what happened? Did she not make her bed? Did she leave dirty dishes all over?"

  "No. She tried to seduce Gary."

  My mouth dropped open. I had no idea what to say to that.

  "We know you would never try to seduce Gary, we might just have to be prepared to convince him. Once we leave next year he's going want to have more foster kids and if something like that were to happen he might lose his license."

  I nodded and stared down at my hands. Perhaps I would have to use Plan B after all. "I get it. And if Gary says no then I'll go stay at hotel for little while."

  "How are you going to afford that?"

  I smiled sadly and shrugged, "After my dad left when I was five he never paid one cent in child support. I feel like he owes it to me and because of what I know about what he fears, I know he'll pay if I ask him."

  "You mean if you blackmail him..." Billy said and Steven smacked him in the chest. "What? That's what you're saying, right Ruby?"

  "I don't see it that way, though. It's getting my child support all at once. Like a trust fund."

  "Hopefully it won't have to come to that. Let us talk to Gary and we'll see what he says."

  It was hard waiting for Gary to get home and even harder to sit up in Jason's room while they all discussed me downstairs. I felt like the criminal on trial and they were my jury. While they talked my mind was racing with thoughts, bad thoughts. I tried to push them away with distraction. Jason and I were way behind on our project for biology and I had plenty of make up work from the day I had missed to keep me busy.

  "Ruby?" A while later I looked up from my computer and Gary was standing there in the doorway. "Can I talk to for a minute?"

  "Yeah, of course." I closed my laptop and scooted over on the bed to make room for him. He sat down beside me with his hands clasped between his knees.

  "The guys told me about your situation. It really sucks. I need to talk to Beth about it when she gets home but I have to be upfront with you about it. You can't stay here long term. By long term I mean more than a couple of nights a time. We can't have a teenage girl living with our teenage boys."

  I nodded emphatically. "I never thought that you would keep me here for long I just need a few nights to figure out where I'm going to go. I'll clean up after myself and you and Beth and everyone. I'll make sure my blankets are put away in the morning and I'll clean my hair out of the drain... Please..."

  He studied my face and then his gaze fell to my arm. I looked down and saw the deep blue bruises that Robbie had left there from his fingers when he'd grabbed me.

  "Who did that?" He asked, his eyes darkening. "Was it one of my boys?"

  "What? No!" I said, shocked he would even ask that. "No, it was this boy at school. And your boys scared him off before he could do any more damage to me."

  His eyes met mine and he nodded. "You can stay, Ruby. Stay for as long as you need. Stay in Mike's room like you did last time. That room has it's own bathroom. And if you need to close and lock the door you can. And if you decide to have sex...use protection."

  I felt my cheeks flush at the comment. Knowing he knew I was a teen and might be having sex in his house was a little embarrassing. "Thank you," I said.

  "Sure thing," he said. He stood and moved out of the bedroom, leaving me alone again.


  My first full night staying at Gary and Beth's was like a dream. I felt like Cinderella after the ball when I laid in bed that night, my pillows smelling like Mike's shampoo. Before bedtime we all had dinner together and afterwards we watched a movie. Kevin and I stayed up just a little too late watching Gossip Girl in Mike's bed again.

  The alarm on my phone woke me up and after getting ready I went downstairs and saw all of the guys seated at the breakfast table. It was a very pleasant way to wake up, I knew I could get used to seeing this every morning. And yet I knew that if I did get to see this every morning it wouldn't be now in high school. College was the right time for that, or even after.

  I sat down at the table and college came up again, Beth was pouring orange juice, already dressed in her work attire, a pair of scrubs, as she asked, "So, Ruby, what are your plans for college? Have you applied anywhere yet?"

  I nearly choked as I lifted the glass to my lips. "Um..." The truth was because my mom had died over the summer I hadn't really given coll
ege much thought. She was going to arrange the tours and I guess I'd forgotten until just then that she'd promised to do it. She might have even set them up. "I haven't applied yet."

  "Are you taking the SATs this weekend?"

  "I took them last year. My mom wanted to make sure I was ready."

  Beth smiled sweetly. "That's smart. These five are taking them this weekend. You've seen them studying, right?"

  I pressed my lips together and looked around the table. They were all busy stuffing their faces. " I'm sure they'll do just fine."

  Beth chuckled and pointed at me. "Honesty, I like that. You found a good one guys."

  I raised my brows. I guess Beth knew now too. She didn't seem weirded out by it. Or maybe she didn't know and she'd meant they found a good friend in me.

  "Do you know where you're going to college?" I asked, looking around the table.

  "Anything in California," Billy responded around his pancakes.

  "Oh, right. I guess I knew that."

  Beth sat at the breakfast bar and opened her iPad. I could see a headline on the screen. "I've also reminded them that they don't need to go straight to California if they want to pursue acting. They could always do a community college for a couple of years."

  "What about you, Ruby? Where do you want to go?" Jason asked. I was amazed that with one look his blue eyes could make me tingle.

  "I'll probably do like Beth suggested and go to community college." I smiled and Jason frowned. He could probably tell that wasn't the answer I wanted to give him. I'd always dreamed of living by the beach, teaching during the day and looking for seashells in the evening. I knew that I'd need to go to college to be a teacher. But I also knew that if I wanted to stay near my guys that I wouldn't be able to afford out of state tuition. I wasn't really sure how they would plan to do it either.

  On the way to school I asked Steven. Jason was still at home, waiting for the school board to make a decision on his expulsion case. "How are you guys planning to pay for college in California? It's like forty grand a year."

  He laughed. "Googled it, did you?"

  I shrugged. "I mean, I'd hate to think that my time with you guys would end when Senior year was up but I know I can't afford college in California."

  He smirked. "California is kind of great that way. We move out there right after school, get licenses and a place to live and California says we intend to become residents and allow us to have in-state tuition." He laughed as I stared at him. "Crazy, right?"

  "I mean, why have an out of state tuition clause at all then?"

  "So..." He said, wrapping his arm around me. "Are you going to move to California with us?"

  "I..." I looked up at him and he wiggled his eyebrows. "I don't know."

  "The beach, Ruby," he whispered into my ear. "Romantic walks on the beach morning and night."

  I laughed and nudged him. "I'll think about it. It's not like I have family I need to visit during the holidays."

  "Just us," he said, looking down at me. I felt my heart melt. He was right. They were my family. I could go to school anywhere for teaching. Why not California? But it was still a huge decision. And I had other things already on my mind. Like where I was going to live next week.

  I was the first one to lunch so I sat at an empty table. Beth had packed me a lunch, maybe because one of the guys told her that I usually brought my own lunch. I opened it and smiled on the top was a note from Jason. He'd handed me my lunch before I left so he must have slipped it in before I left.


  I know this letter is a bit late. If you couldn't already tell, the thought of not having you in my life would drive me absolutely fucking crazy. Do not do that to me or I'll end up in jail or worse.

  Think of me. I'll be thinking of you.

  All Yours,


  My cheeks were still flushed when Melissa came in and sat down at my table. She winced as she opened her diet soda, looking as if I might spit in her face. I smiled and her shoulders dropped the tension they were holding.

  "Oh good, you're not mad at me."

  I chuckled. "Of course not, why would I be mad at you?"

  "Because my mom is a crazy bitch?"

  I shrugged. "You didn't make her that way."

  "I mean, maybe I did. You don't know."

  I laughed again and took out the peanut butter and jelly sandwich Beth so lovingly packed. "How was she this morning?"

  Melissa smiled softly and took a sip of her drink. "She's upset, obviously. But she'll be fine. That's really sweet of you to ask, considering."

  "I was pretty nasty to her."

  "I'm sure she deserved it for judging you and saying those things about you, Ruby." I shrugged and she continued, "So where are you staying?"

  "I'm with the Lone Wolves for right now. But I need to find a place to live. I can only stay there for a few nights."

  "You know, Joey's older sister could get a hotel room for you, if you want. And I'll help pay for it."

  "That's really nice, but I can't stay in a hotel room for the rest of the school year. I'm going to need something more permanent."

  "Well, why don't you look into renting a room somewhere? I look in the paper every weekend for cars that are for sale and I see ads for roommates all the time."

  "How much?"

  "I've seen as low as $400 a month."

  I chewed on the sandwich and nodded, thinking it over. I could probably make $400 in two weeks working a part time job. That would leave me $400 extra for food. I should be able to get by on that. I pulled out my phone and held it out to her. "Where did you see them?"

  She smiled and typed something into the browser before handing it back to me. I scanned and scrolled the listings. There were quite a few available and some even close to school. I grinned and tapped on a listing, calling the landlord.

  After a brief conversation I hung up, my face falling. "I have to be eighteen. I can't sign a lease without a co-signer unless I'm eighteen otherwise the contract is void, whatever that means."

  "Well, that's perfect!"

  "What are you talking about?"

  Melissa's eyes widened. "Don't tell me you've forgotten your own birthday..."

  My mouth fell open. "Holy crap! My birthday is tomorrow!" I quickly stood from the table and gathered my things.

  "Ruby, where are you going?"

  "I'm going to tell the guys!"

  "Well...don't you want to finish your lunch?" she asked, looking at it just sitting there on the table.

  "No, go ahead! Love you!"

  I heard the music from the hallway before I even grabbed the heavy steel double doors and yanked them open. Music and voices singing "Greased Lightening" assaulted my ears as I stepped into the well lit auditorium.

  The only ones here were my guys. The drama teacher was also in the back row, a rare appearance, but I didn't have time to question it. I stood in the front row and beamed up at them from the floor. They hadn't seen me beyond the lights. Their practicing was paying off and the choreography was almost down pat.

  My eyes scanned each of them and my heart beat equally as hard for all of them. I was the luckiest girl at Davis High. When they started to thrust I felt my skin start to heat. Luckily the number ended soon after that and I was able to run on stage.


  They turned and smiled at me, Jason coming forward, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. "Hey. Why do you look so happy? Did your aunt die?"

  I pulled back and gave him a playful smack on his chest. I shook my head. "No. But I figured out the solution to my problem. Well, Melissa figured out the solution to my problem.

  "Yeah? Which is?" They came in closer as Jason let me go. I had five pairs of eyes staring at my beaming face.

  "My birthday is tomorrow and that means I'll be eighteen and I can sign a lease!"

  They looked at each other, their faces not nearly as excited as mine. My smile dropped and I asked, "What?"

bsp; Steven shrugged. "It's great that you can sign a lease, Ruby, but who is going to rent you an apartment? You don't have a job. You don't have any money, how are you going to afford that? And even if you could you usually need two months rent up front and a work history of some kind."

  My smile fell into a deep frown. "I guess... I hadn't thought of all of that."

  Mike's hand went to my back, rubbing it slowly, attempting to comfort me. It was helping, but not a lot. "We'll figure something out, Ruby."

  I nodded and sighed, dropping my head. A warm hand wrapped around mine and pulled me off the stage. "Just a minute." It was Kevin. I went willingly and looked up at him once we were out of sight of the drama teacher. He smoothed some stray hair back from my cheek with his fingers and smiled down at me. "Your birthday is tomorrow, huh? Were you going to tell us?"

  I felt the flush in my cheeks both from the embarrassment of the question and the feel of his skin on mine. His chocolate colored eyes gazing down into mine was making my mind soft, and other things moist. "I honestly forgot. Melissa had to remind me."

  "What can we do to make your day special, Ruby?"

  I shrugged and shook my head. I didn't want them to make a big fuss about my birthday. It just meant I was another year older and I could legally buy cigarettes, which I wouldn't be doing. And I could get myself locked into legal agreements on paper, which apparently I also wouldn't be doing because I wasn't gainfully employed.

  "You guys don't need to do anything special. Being with you everyday is special enough as it is."

  He grinned. "Alright. Feign indifference. We will find a way to make it special, with or without your help."

  My heart fluttered at his words and suddenly I couldn't wait until tomorrow.


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