holdouts against construction of, 371, 384
leaks in, 189, 526
in Louisiana, 46, 253
natural gas, 65, 250–53, 259, 263, 267, 285
at Pine Bend refinery, 55, 85–86
profitability of, 394
regulation of, 94
software program for running, 247, 583
in Texas, 462, 470–71, 476
traders need for access to, 99, 231–32, 237, 239
transport of stolen oil through, 13, 16, 25–26, 47–49, 128–29, 156, 582
of Williams Company, 85, 159
Pittenger, John C., 191, 295
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 444
Pohlman, Randy, 368, 381
polishing ponds, 160, 167, 168, 171, 174
pollution controls, 6, 148–49, 164, 316, 406
state, 149, 160, 173, 177–84, 187, 188
polyvinyl chloride, 99–100
populism, 409, 454, 533, 550
Porter, Michael, 121, 191
Portland Rising, 382
Post Office, US, 14
poultry industry, 425
Pratt, Benjamin, 330–31
Pratt Industries, 527
Price, Bill, 142
Price, Tom, 458
price controls, 14, 92, 108, 113, 250–51, 257, 263
Princeton University, 191, 571
private equity, 4, 198, 294–95, 313, 322, 331, 345–46
acquisitions financed with, 198, 295, 303, 310, 318–20, 323–24, 501
privately held corporations, 25, 29, 97, 101, 217
acquisitions of, 319–20, 483
labor contract negotiations with, 374
process owners, 162–64, 175, 181, 188, 225, 589
compliance teams and, 315
decision rights of, 152, 164
profit centers overseen by, 162
union members and, 181
use of nonprofit support services by, 163–64
Procter & Gamble, 274
Project Snow, 503
proppants, 465
propylene, 246, 476,
Pruitt, Scott, 557–61, 588
publicly traded companies, 1–3, 303, 563
Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM), 281, 283, 587
pulp mills, 307, 309–12, 316, 318, 585
Purina Mills, 199–213, 215, 223, 224n, 239, 261, 351
acquisition of, 199, 201–2, 205, 320, 591
bankruptcy of, 211–12
Danforth family’s founding and management of, 202–3
impact of government farming policy changes on, 204–5
livestock feed produced by, 199–201, 213
pig business of, 206–9
puts and calls options, 256
Pyle, Thomas, 449
Quantitative Easing, 569
Quinn, Joseph, 61–64, 77–78, 588
Quinn, Rita, 61
Raise Wages, Cut Carbon bill, 418
Rapp, Chris, 182
Razook, Brad, 466–67, 470–71, 572, 588
Reagan, Ronald, 114, 146–47, 227, 228, 376, 473
Recessions, 81, 303, 335, 346, 361, 570
following crash of 2008, 8, 421, 435, 442, 464, 517
global, 354, 356
oil price spikes preceding, 23
public faith in government eroded by, 113
RedPrairie data firm, 332–33
Red Wing Potteries, 57–58
refineries, 1, 47, 221, 267, 299, 566, 570
annual bonuses at, 255
Asian, 504
BAT and, 544
Clean Air Act loopholes for, 148–49
during crash of 2008, 352, 353, 356
emissions from, 399, 412–13
equipment for, 40
among Fred Koch’s business, 35, 37
futures contracts purchased by, 235–37, 248–49
industrial sabotage at, 2
market trading and, 230–32, 258
natural gas, 45, 194–95, 470, 472
obstacles to building, 473–74
profitability of, 5–6, 475
skills required for operating, 312, 368, 501
in Soviet Union, 42
value of, 394
workplace safety at, 113
See also Corpus Christi refinery; Pine Bend refinery
Reid, Harry, 427, 443, 445, 454–56
renewable energy, 397, 417, 422, 456, 478–82
mandates for, 414–15, 478, 479
subsidies for, 360, 411, 477, 481
Republicans, 430, 438n, 532–33, 535–36, 557, 589
bailout after 2008 crash rejected by, 359
campaign contributions to, 150, 408–9, 419
cap-and-trade legislation positions of, 393–94, 403, 420–22, 424–25, 442–45, 451–57
deregulation advocated by, 287
Koch’s denunciations of, 94, 112
at Koch’s donor conferences, 458
climate change denial of, 561–62
labor union voters for, 528
limitations on new refineries supported by, 474
lobbying of, 408, 416, 419–20
New Deal programs abolished by, 204
Obamacare repeal attempted by, 537, 540–41, 546
regulatory legislation passed by, 92–94
renewable energy advocacy of 478–82
right wing challenges to incumbent, 451–52, 581, 584–86
on Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, 19
in state senates, 142, 275
tax legislation of, 542, 546–49, 551
trade agreements opposed by, 446
2010 midterm elections victory of, 462
Revell, Oliver “Buck,” 20
Revolutionary War, 429
Rice University, 240, 253, 254
Rio de Janeiro Climate Accord (1992), 394
Rivergate warehouse, 372, 388
Robertson, David, 221, 470, 510–11, 572–73, 589
Rockefeller, John D., 22–23, 93
Rock Island Oil and Refining Company, 37, 38, 47
Roos, Brian, 164, 167–70, 172, 176, 177, 180, 184
as process owner at Pine Bend, 162–63, 188, 589
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR), 92, 95, 204, 414
election of, 93, 360–61
See also New Deal
Roskind, Herbert, 100–104, 589
Rothbard, Murray, 501, 547–48, 589
Rubin, Robert, 348
Rubio, Marco, 532
Rudd, Leslie, 485, 487, 500, 509, 574, 589
Rusch, Timothy, 188
Ryan, Paul, 458, 540–42, 547–49
safety net programs, 5, 278, 438, 542
Sahatjian, Laurie, 412
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 79
Salomon Brothers, 246
Salvation Army, 487
Sanders, Bernie, 528
Sandia National Laboratories, 468
Santelli, Rick, 436
Saudi Arabia, 85, 463
in OPEC, 472
Scalia, Antonin, 458
Schnare, David, 555–57, 559–61, 589
Schwab, Justin, 555
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 292
Schwarzman, Stephen, 346
Science of Success, The (C. Koch), 330, 338, 339
Science and Technology Policy, Office of, 401
Scotland, 231
Searle, Jeff, 264
Secure Source International, 608n
Seibert, Walter and Zachary, 493–97, 589
Sementelli, Tony, 467, 470–71, 590
Senate, US, 411, 438, 440, 454, 559
Affordable Care Act in, 445
Charles Koch investigated by, 216, 268
Energy Committee, 269
Environment Committee, 443
Finance Committee, 450
fuel shortages investigated by joint committee of House and, 73
Indian Affairs Committee, 17–19, 23–24, 46, 130–31
lobbying of, 407–9
oil theft investigate
d by, 12–14, 17–28, 33, 133–38, 144–45, 268, 290–91, 394, 581, 590
Triad laundering of campaign contributions reported to, 150–51
during Trump administration, 536, 540, 541, 550–51, 557, 562
Waxman-Markey bill in, 422, 424, 429, 442–45, 447, 449–53, 455, 456, 462
Ways and Means Committee, 547
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (9/11), 227, 228
7-Eleven stores, 322
Seven Sisters, 472
shale gas deposits, see fracking
Sharp, Jeff, 398, 424–26, 590
Shawley, Dianne, 149, 609n
Shell Oil Company, 292
Short, Marc, 548–49
Silicon Valley, 269
Singapore, 100, 241
60 Plus Association, 540
Skocpol, Theda, 455
Smalley, Danielle, 189–90
Smith, Chris, 442
Smith, Vernon, 369
Sobotka, David, 261, 264, 590
Socialism, 18, 41, 299, 363, 368, 431, 441, 570
Social Security, 93, 114, 147, 227, 340, 438, 531
solar energy, 413, 414, 422, 477, 479, 481, 482
Soliman, Sam, 221, 245–46, 250, 255, 261–62, 295
Sollers, Wick, 27–29, 31, 33, 590
Soul of America, The (Meacham), 427
sour water stripper, 66–67
South Carolina, 275, 316, 417, 442, 449
Americans for Prosperity chapter in, 437
Inglis as Republican congressman from, 416, 435, 584
Tea Party in, 581
textile industry in, 446
South Dakota, 19
Southerland, Sam, 523
Southern California Edison Company, 285
Soviet Union, 42, 204
fall of, 401
Specter, Arlen, 444
Stainmaster carpet, 312
Stalin, Joseph, 42
Standard Oil Company, 22, 146
Standard & Poor’s, 224n, 519
Steele, Jackie, 528, 529
Stephens, Jeff, 253
Stone, Jason, 189
Stormoen, Terry, 180, 181, 184, 186, 188
Stossel, John, 458
subsidiaries, 26, 130, 213, 216, 223, 502, 503
subsidies, government, 5, 204, 406–7, 424, 464, 468
for health insurance, 537, 539
for renewable energy, 477, 481
sulfur dioxide emissions, 403
Summers, Larry, 348
Sumner, Arnie, 200–204
Sundial Beach Resort, 139
Sun Oil, 21, 126–27
Sununu, John H., 401
Superior Oil Company, 47
supply and demand, 42, 83, 94, 252, 276, 282, 286
Supreme Court, US, 93, 458, 459, 536, 541
swaps, 238–39, 246, 291
credit default, 348, 350
interest rate, 247, 258
Switzerland, 503
synthetic fibers and materials, 3, 127, 312–13, 569
Syria, surprise military attack on Israel by, 80
Target, 333
tax havens, 502–3
Tax Policy Center, 551
Teamsters union, 64, 75–77, 386–87
Tea Party, 455, 539–40, 587, 588, 590
Americans for Prosperity coordination with, 445, 451, 459
Beck’s influence in, 439, 458
origins of, 433–34, 436–39, 441, 581
Republican congressmen and senators pressured by, 442–43
Teninty, Ron, 375–76, 388, 635n
terephthalic acid, 127
Terry, Bob, 302
Texas, 43, 121–41, 415, 542, 545, 586
Americans for Freedom in, 430
Bush administration’s roots in, 227
Chase Koch in, 499–500
chemical plants in, 127, 222, 315–16, 353, 523–24
drilling rigs in, 41, 84
energy trading in, 287, 590
Enron in, 273, 276
fracking in, 469, 472, 476, 588
natural gas storage facilities in, 259
oil theft in, 19, 49, 134, 141, 145
Paulson’s contacts from, 55, 65–67
pipelines in, 189, 462–63
refineries in, 52, 84, 85, 122, 149, 415–16, 421, 472 (See also Corpus Christi refinery)
Texas A&M University, 261, 268, 499
think tanks, 5, 152, 402, 440, 445, 479, 554
Koch’s internal, see development group
libertarian, 268, 395
political influence of, 135, 143, 423, 442, 445–46, 571
Third Way, 446–47
Thomas, Clarence, 458
Thorning, Margo, 448, 450
Tiahrt, Todd, 150
Tillman, Charles O., 136–37
timber industry, 307–11, 323, 328, 327
Time magazine, 360
Timmons, Jay, 448
toxic pollutants, 148, 159–61, 165–71
Transportation, US Department of, 114
TRAX monitoring system, 516–17, 525, 651n
Treasury, US, 359
Triad Management Services Inc., 150
Trimm, Dennis, 328–33, 336, 339–41, 385, 590
Tromberg, Ernie, 59, 67, 77, 184, 590
Trump, Donald, 531–45, 548–52, 554–57, 560–63, 582, 590
Border Adjustment Tax proposed by, 542–50
campaign of, 532
climate change regulation opposed by, 552, 560, 561
election of, 532–33
inauguration of, 534
Obamacare repeal attempted by, 537–41
policy differences between Koch and, 532–33, 535–39, 541, 542, 544–47, 549–50, 587, 589
tax code reform of, 541–42, 549–51
Tulsa, University of, 222
Turner, Mason & Co., 477
Turners Falls Paper, 527
Tyson Foods, 200, 201, 207
Ukraine, 196
United Airlines, 504
United Gas Pipe Line Company, 250, 252
United Kingdom, fertilizer terminals in, 507
United Nations, 400, 439
United Steelworkers Union, 78n, 602n
Urban, Brad, 467–70
Utilities Profit Center, 162, 589
US Attorney’s offices, 131–33, 135, 138, 142, 143, 581, 583
USA Today, 532
USDA (US Department of Agriculture), 270, 557
US Open Tennis, 492, 500
Utah, 139
duck hunting in, 34
Value Added Tax, 542n
Value Creation Strategies (VCS), 192, 199, 222, 295
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 93
Vanity Fair Magazine, 110, 197
Varner, Sterling, 104, 106–8, 121, 124, 104, 106–8, 118, 590
background of, 41, 84
Bill Koch and, 115, 117, 131
Charles Koch mentored by, 82
hiring process involvement of, 43–44, 87–88
opportunistic approach to business of, 45, 125, 192, 467
personality of, 40–41, 88, 358
Vaupel, Ron, 295
veil, see corporate veil
venture capitalists, 507, 573
Vietnam War, 47, 113
Virginia, 13, 28, 353, 547
Americans for Prosperity chapter in, 550
fossil fuel jobs in, 415
free market think tank in, 139
volatility, 35–36, 79, 272, 335, 358, 373, 512
in farming, 204, 205
of fracking boom, 464
in global energy business, 481
management practices for thriving with, 81
market, 82, 102, 128, 198, 251, 256–63, 275, 569
protection of workers from, 335, 571
Voyles, James, 173–74, 176, 178–79, 183–84, 188, 591
Wackenhut Security, 67
Wagner Act (1935), 71, 93
Walker, Jeff, 297
Walker, Scott, 532
Wall Street, 191, 254, 261, 294, 310, 590
commodities versus stock and bond exchanges on, 234
crash of 2008 on, 349–50, 435
deal making on, 224
futures trading on, 237–38
greed-driven activities on, 199, 228
Koch’s resistance to bankers from, 1–2, 26, 111
Koch trading floors compared to, 240, 241, 245–47, 253, 304
private equity firms on, 125, 198
regulations on, 89, 453
short-term thinking on, 89, 307
Wall Street Journal, The, 139, 197, 212
Walmart, 332, 435, 550
Warehouse Management System (WMS), 332
warehouses, 200, 323–43, 347, 590, 587
declining conditions in, 323–24
digital inventory control systems at, 332–33
Labor Management System at, 329–31, 333–39, 341, 342, 373, 376–78, 385, 386, 389, 513
Market-Based Management at, 328–31, 378
ranking of employees at, 338–41
union contract negotiators for, 341–43, 371–90, 513–16, 528, 530–31, 582–84
Washington State, hydroelectric power in, 258
wastewater treatment, 154, 162, 165–67
Watergate scandal, 113, 149
Watson, Dean, 7, 192–96, 199, 201–13, 299, 320, 591
Wauna mill, 332
Waxman, Henry, 5, 414, 419, 422
Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, 403, 405, 411–15, 422–24, 443, 450–53, 455–57, 588
American Council for Capital Formation report on economic impact of, 447–49
House of Representatives passes, 418–22, 424
protests against, 425, 429–34, 442, 450
Tea Party opposition to, 546, 590
Weather Channel, 249
Wesson, Lisa, 522
Wesson, Robert, 522–24, 526
West Power Clearing Model, 276, 277, 279
West Texas Intermediate (WTI), 545
Weyerhaeuser, 527
Weyrich, Paul, 273
Wheeler, Andrew, 561
Whitehorn, Dudley, 137
Whiteville plywood mill, 353
Wichita Collegiate School, 491, 499
Wichita Eagle, 38, 212, 495–96
Wichita State University, 105, 466
Market Based Management (MBM) Center at, 370, 373, 591
wildcatters, 51, 468, 469
Williams, Roger, 41, 43, 44, 91, 104
Williams, Walter E., 486
Williams Company, 85, 159
wind power, 413, 414, 417, 422, 477–81
Winn, Abel, 369–71, 373–74, 384, 451, 452, 591
WinterSkinny report, 258
Wisconsin, 375, 532, 540, 544, 589
job options in, 53
Purina Mills pig business in, 209
2016 presidential election in, 553
World Trade Center, 227
Wright, Matthew, 492, 493, 497
Yale University, 261
Journal on Regulation, 266
Yellowstone Park, 35
Zinc contamination, 167
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