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June Kisses: Wilder Irish, book 6

Page 14

by Carr, Mari

  Picking up her vibrator, he slowly slid it into her pussy, enjoying her soft moan of relief. That would be short-lived, but he let her think she knew what was going on. The thing was a rabbit, so once it was fully lodged, he lined up the clit tickler part, rubbing her clit with his fingers as she released a long, hard shudder.

  She whispered “God” breathlessly, but he let her have that one word, not spanking her for breaking her silence.

  Once the vibrator was in place, he turned it on low, enjoying her slight jerk and deep moan of desire.

  Then he stood up. “Stay there.”

  Her hands were cuffed behind her back, the vibrator in her pussy, but she wasn’t restrained to the bed. If she wanted to stand up, she could.

  His request caught her off guard.

  “Wait. What?”

  He replied to her question with four smacks to her ass and upper thighs, each one rocking the vibrator deeper, her hips thrusting in need of more friction.

  Landon bent over her, his chest pressed firmly to her back as he whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t repeat myself, Ms. Young, but since this is your first arrest, I’ll say it again. Stay here. Don’t move. I’ll know if you do—and trust me, while you might like being spanked, I don’t think you’ll enjoy the feel of my belt on your ass quite as much.”

  “Oh God. Why is this so fucking hot?” Sunnie completely fell out of character, and it took everything Landon had not to laugh.

  Tomorrow, he was making a list of every roleplay he’d ever fantasized about. He and Sunnie were doing them all.

  Landon nipped at her earlobe, letting that serve as his warning. “Don’t move.”

  He pushed himself up, grabbing the butt plug and walking to the door. Sadly, she and Yvonne shared the bathroom at the end of the hall. He briefly considered throwing on his boxers, but that thin layer of cotton wasn’t going to hide the erection that wasn’t going anywhere until it was buried balls deep in Sunnie.

  Opening the door, he glanced down the hall, sent up a silent prayer that he didn’t run into anyone—thus gaining the nickname Naked Landon—and he headed out, closing the bedroom door behind him to protect Sunnie’s modesty.

  The gods were smiling on him. The apartment was silent, everyone sound asleep.

  He washed the butt plug, then tiptoed back to the room. He opened the door stealthily, curious to see if Sunnie had obeyed his orders.

  She was wiggling like a worm on a hook, her toes pressed to the floor, her hips in the air as she swayed, trying to steal whatever relief she could.

  He’d purposely left the vibrator on low, knowing it wouldn’t be enough to push her over, just enough to keep her motor revving, her body reaching for more.

  Landon shut the door with a soft snick and Sunnie froze in place, clearly caught in the act.

  He crossed the room and spanked her twice. “What part of ‘don’t move’ were you struggling with?”

  She opened her mouth, clearly ready to offer some smart-ass reply, but he spanked her again.


  Time to up the ante. Show her exactly what she was in for with him. Too many years of listening to her call him Boy Scout were coming to the forefront. Landon grinned. Sunnie was about to meet his bad boy.

  Uncapping the lubrication, he pressed the tip to her anus and squeezed.

  She shrieked with surprise when the gel slid in. “Wait!” she cried out.

  Landon ran the tip of his finger over her anus. “That’s not the word that’s going to make me stop,” he said, reminding her that she had a safe word if she wanted this to end. He prayed to God she didn’t use it.

  Sunnie stilled, but didn’t speak. He could practically see the wheels spinning in her brain.

  He didn’t give her time to think too hard about it. Landon pressed in, just to the first knuckle.

  Sunnie, for all her wiggling earlier, had gone completely still.

  He didn’t mistake that for disinterest. He had her attention—all of it. She wasn’t going to stop him. He was certain of it.

  Landon pressed in farther, until one finger was completely lodged in her ass.

  He considered asking her how it felt, if she wanted to go on. That’s what Landon would do. But they were playing different parts right now, and he knew Sunnie was enjoying that as much as he was.

  “It takes a lot of work to subdue you,” he murmured.

  Sunnie didn’t respond, and he realized she seemed lost in the moment. It was beautiful.

  He took his time, thrusting just one finger into her ass, over and over, slowly, until she was relaxed enough that he decided to add a second, then finally a third.

  The vibrator was still on low, still pulsing in her pussy.

  Landon wasn’t sure how long he’d been playing with her, stretching her. He’d been pushing her toward her orgasm by inches. Last time, they’d both been too ready, too anxious to race to the finish line.

  This time, they were savoring each and every moment, every sensation.

  She shuddered roughly when he pulled his fingers out of her ass, replacing it with the butt plug and more lube.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered.

  Landon freed her hands from the cuffs and pulled the blindfold from her eyes.

  Sunnie blinked a few times, adjusting to the sudden light. He hadn’t turned off the nightstand lamp, hadn’t wanted to miss watching her responses to everything he did to her.

  “Roll over, Sunnie,” he said.

  She smiled, aware that the roleplay was over.

  He gripped the end of the vibrator, pulling it out as her back arched.

  “I need…”

  “I know,” he whispered.

  He lifted her on the bed, positioning her in the middle of the mattress. The plug was still in her ass, adding a delicious tightness they both felt as he pushed his cock inside her.

  Once there, he held the position, kissing her for several minutes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his compliment producing a sweet smile.

  Her hands rested on his shoulders, but after he spoke, she drew one palm to his cheek, cupping it, looking at him like he hung the moon.

  For her, he would do anything.

  He took her slowly, making love to her.

  Landon knew the difference between that and fucking. He wondered if Sunnie felt it as well.

  Her inner muscles clenched and Landon groaned. He wasn’t going to be able to hold back.

  She was too tight, too wet…too perfect.

  He kissed her until she turned her head, gasping for breath, her eyes closing as her orgasm crashed over her.

  She took Landon with her, and he came, filling her, taking her lips again.

  They kissed the entire time and long after, him caging her beneath him, his dick going soft inside her.

  Finally, he pushed to the side, drawing her toward him.

  She rested her head on his chest, and he thought perhaps she’d drifted to sleep.

  “I need to take that plug out,” he whispered.

  Sunnie lifted her head then reached back, taking care of it herself. He heard it thump once as she dropped it to the floor. She returned to her previous position without a word.

  Sunnie was never quiet. But it was more than her lack of talking that took his breath away at the moment. It was the utter peace on her face.

  She had a faraway look in her eyes that told him, for this moment, she was exactly where she wanted to be. That she didn’t have a single regret.

  He prayed that contentment lasted until morning.

  No. He hoped it lasted forever.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sunnie stood by the window in her scrubs, looking down at the street outside the pub. Her shift at the hospital started in an hour.

  It was a quiet Sunday morning. No one out and about except a handful of joggers and people heading to church.

  No reporters. No women.

  It occurred to her the crowds following them
had vanished at least a few days ago. And yet, they’d carried on with his plan, acting like a couple.

  Her stomach ached and her heart was racing, but she couldn’t figure out why.

  Last night had been…

  God…it had been everything.

  Landon had shown up in her bedroom and even though she knew it was a mistake, she’d let him stay, let him in. Her body, her mind, her—

  She shoved the last word away.

  Not her heart. Definitely not her heart.

  Time to take a big step back and approach this unfamiliar feeling with reasoning.

  She’d had sex with Landon, her brother’s best friend.

  Her best friend.

  She blew out a long, frustrated, slightly shaky breath. How were they supposed to find their way back to any sort of normal after everything they’d done last night?

  He’d tied her up, spanked her, put a butt plug in her ass and given her so many orgasms, she’d lost count.

  It had been amazing. Wonderful. Un-fucking-believable.

  So why was she so scared?

  Because he wanted more. She knew that. The same way he knew she didn’t.

  Sunnie didn’t have a clue how to be anyone’s girlfriend. There was no way she wouldn’t fuck this up, and when she did…

  She’d lose him.


  Her thoughts were flying around so fast and furious, she felt dizzy. Her stomach lurched and for a second, she thought she might be sick.

  “Sunnie,” Landon called to her from the bed.

  She didn’t glance his direction. Didn’t dare face him after…everything they’d done.

  “Scrubs?” he asked. She was grateful he couldn’t see the panic on her face.

  “I have to be at work in an hour.” So far, so good. Her voice sounded relatively normal.

  “Damn. I didn’t realize. I’ve got the day off. I was hoping we could spend it in bed.”

  Her chest went tight. Maybe she was having a heart attack. Heart disease was the number one killer in women. She wiggled her left arm, checking for numbness.

  Nope. Not a heart attack.

  “Sorry. No can do,” she said, going for some sort of lightness. It had sounded strained to her, but Landon appeared to buy it.

  “When is your lunch break? I can meet you in the hospital cafeteria. Or a storage closet,” he teased. “I’m up for a hot date with my sexy nurse.”

  His words tweaked her overwrought nerves. Him and his fucking dates. And kisses. They were what had landed them in this mess. He’d played loose and free with their friendship and now she was a nervous wreck.

  “Sunnie?” he said, when she didn’t respond.

  “Is it all still pretend, Landon?” This time, she failed to school her tone.

  He didn’t respond. Part of her wanted to turn, to face him, to read the truth on his face. She was too afraid to do that. Afraid he’d see too much in her face as well.

  The room was silent. No doubt he was considering his answer, seeking the safest path. That thought annoyed her.

  “Is it still pretend?” she repeated.

  “Look at me, Sunshine.”

  The sound of his nickname for her triggered something unexpected, something almost painful.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Dammit, Sunnie. Look at me.”

  Stealing herself, she turned toward him, fighting to calm her racing heart, her shaking hands.

  Landon gave her a sweet smile. “It was never pretend. Not for me.”

  She knew that. She’d always known it, but fear was setting in deep and she was spiraling out of control. “You lied. You lied about everything. About the reason for pretending to date me.”

  Landon sat up, his bare legs hanging over the edge of the bed. “Lie feels like a strong word.”

  “You lied to me instead of manning up and asking me out.” There was a tinge of anger in her voice that she hated.

  He crossed his arms, drawing her attention to his muscular biceps, his six-pack abs. She closed her eyes.

  Don’t look at the pretty man.

  “What would you have said if I’d asked you out for a date?” he asked.

  She forced herself to look at him as she told him the truth. “I would have said no.”



  Landon started to stand, but she shook her head, waved for him to stay where he was. Right now, the sheet covered him from the waist down. If he stood up, revealed that he was still naked, she’d remember everything they’d done…and how much she wanted to do it again.

  He relented, remaining where he was. “Why would you have said no?”

  Landon never let her get away with just saying something vague. He always called her on it, expected her to dig deeper, to say more.

  She sucked at that.

  Why would she have said no?

  This time she actually had the answer. Sunnie started throwing up fingers as she ticked off everything on her list, fighting to bring some semblance of reason back to this. “Because we’re complete opposites, a total mismatch. Because we’re at two different places in our lives. I don’t want a relationship. You do. Because you’re practically my freaking brother. You’re Finn’s best friend. And you work for my dad.”

  “Is that it?”

  She threw her hands up, frustrated and…terrified. “How many more things do I need?”

  “Aren’t you missing the big one?”

  Sunnie fell silent, uncertain what he meant.

  Landon stood up, the sheet falling away as he crossed the room toward her. Her gaze dropped to his erection. Despite her obvious anger toward him, he was hard as a rock.

  “No,” she said hastily. “That’s not happening again.”

  She lifted her hands, putting them on his chest to hold him back when he got too close.

  “Tell me the real reason you’re fighting with me, Sunnie.”

  “I told you.”

  “None of that is what’s holding you back.”

  She hated the assurance in his voice. God, it was almost smug. And why not? He knew her. He knew freaking everything about her. Even so, she longed to knock him down a peg. To prove that in this argument, she was right and he was wrong.

  “Okay, Mr. Arrogant. Hit me with it. Tell me why you think I’m mad.”

  “You’re afraid of falling in love, Sunnie. And that’s exactly what’s happened.”

  She snorted, dismissing his assertion, even as she feared he might be right. She swallowed heavily, refusing to give him the point. “Get over yourself, Landon. It was only one night.”

  And the most amazing sex on the planet.

  He grinned. Stood there in the face of her panic, his dick rock-hard, and gave her the sweetest, most pure Landon grin in his arsenal.

  “You’re insane,” she struck out. “This isn’t love. It’s lust.”

  “Nope. It’s love.”

  “You’re wrong. And I’m not doing this.”

  He tilted his head. “Doing what, Sunshine?”

  “Stop calling me that!” Her words came out much louder than she’d intended. She was practically shouting at him. “My name is Sunday. And…” She sucked in a deep, pained breath. It made a noise, one that made her feel weak.

  Landon’s eyes softened, his smile fading, replaced by a concerned look that made her feel worse than weak. It made her feel stupid, vulnerable.

  “And I’m going to be late to work. I have to leave.”

  “Sunnie. Please. Wait.”

  She shook her head. She needed to get away from him, needed air, needed to cry her fucking eyes out.

  In love?

  There’s no way that’s what this feeling was.

  Was there?

  She rushed out, deftly dodging Landon as he reached out, attempted to grab her, hold her. She had the advantage because she was fully dressed, shoes and all.

  She darted through the living room, grabbing her purse and keys, even as she h
eard Landon calling out her name. He was no doubt struggling to pull on his jeans.

  “Sunnie?” Finn was coming down the stairs.

  She held up her hand and he stopped mid-step. “Not one word, Finn. I can’t…deal with you right now.”

  “What are you talk…” His words faded away as she continued down the stairs.

  Sunnie took a deep breath when she reached the foot of the stairs, then tried to slow her pace as she walked into the pub. Shit, she was still moving too fast, but there was only forty feet between her and the exit. If she could make it, she’d hide at work until…

  Maybe she could just live at work indefinitely. It had already been a hell of a morning, and she’d only been awake an hour. There were still too many family members to escape, and she wasn’t sure she could handle a bunch of questions about Landon right now.

  “Hey, Sunnie,” Yvonne called out from Sunday’s Side.

  “Can’t talk,” Sunnie said, barely glancing back. “Late to work.”

  She was grateful her cousin didn’t persist. Once she hit the sidewalk, Sunnie practically ran to her car, afraid Landon would catch up to her.

  If he did…she didn’t know how she’d react. Her panic was growing with each step. She shouldn’t have run out like that, but goddammit…what else could she do?

  Stay here.

  Act like an adult.

  She shoved those insane thoughts away as she climbed into her car, started it, and pulled onto the street.

  By the time she made it to the hospital, she realized her hands were shaking. And she was crying.

  Landon didn’t bother to throw on more than his jeans and tennis shoes before he darted out into the living room.

  Finn stood at the head of the stairs that led down to the pub, looking perplexed until he turned and saw Landon there—shirtless.

  “Shit,” Finn muttered.

  “You can punch me later,” Landon said. “Right now…” He gestured toward the stairs.

  “She’s long gone, man. And believe me, chasing her would be your worst move.”

  There wasn’t much Finn could have said that would’ve made him give up his pursuit of Sunnie at the moment…except that.


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