HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2)

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HOPE BRINGERS (Strong superhero women) (Mystical Slayers Book 2) Page 14

by Michael W. Huard


  Harrod was just a simple bread maker. He liked to help out the clans that lived in the city by baking all kinds of goodies and offering them in his shop. He asked little in return, taking exchanges and whatnot for his kind services.

  However, he was a true rebel at heart. Quite a while back, he had gotten his hands on the old American flag, and today was his day to display it. This here, he thought, was the real flag of this nation; one to truly admire.

  He made his way to a broken down building that was four blocks away from where any clans had been staying in Rapid City, South Dakota. Harrod knew this place used to be special at one time, perhaps a house of fun and pleasure, yet it didn't matter now. All that mattered, was that it was tall. As he got to its highest peak, he unrolled his flag and placed it up on a ledge, hanging on a pipe for all to see atop the old casino.

  As he eventually walked away, he stopped to look up back up at his handiwork. At that moment, the flag waved back and forth in the wind and gave him a great sense of pride. He actually did a hop, skip, and a jump on his way back home. He called out to no one in particular, "Hope is in the air!"

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  His gang was beginning to spiral out of control, so it was time for them to move on. It would be his last chance to visit Jansa. For her safety, he urged the biker crew to leave and relocated farther east with him.

  These girls were more than just chicks. They were freedom fighters, and that was fucking cool!

  He really liked Jansa. She had a sense of spirituality that was attractive to him. Sure, he'd had beautiful women in the past, but her beauty went more than just skin deep. He also had a soft spot for curly-haired blonds. Everyone has a weakness, he thought.

  As night came in, he hid his bike and snuck down to the women's complex. He had studied the area last time and planned the perfect route to get in.

  But this time, it seemed the women had a few extra guards on duty, both men and women, and several members had guns pointed at the night stalker within seconds of him setting foot on the complex. They apprehended him as a prisoner and took him to Jansa.

  She met with the guards outside. "Well, what do we have here? Trying to sneak into our compound is not a very good idea, ya know."

  She looked to the guards with approval and said, "Very good job. I'll take it from here."

  They paused and looked at her with a puzzled expression, but she was in charge so they left their prisoner with her.

  Jansa led him to a more private area on the other side of the building.

  "You just up and vanished last time, and now you're trying to sneak in again…what is wrong with you?"

  Darren held out his hand, touching her shoulder lightly and explained, "You can't blame a guy for trying. I just wanted to see you once more because, well, it looks like the gang is heading east."

  Jansa seemed disappointed.

  Darren took her hand in his and held it tight. "I think we have outgrown this area. And there's no telling what those hooligans will do if we stick around much longer, so I wanted to see you." He tilted his head in question. "Is that all too bad? Can you really be mad at me for wanting to see such a pretty woman?"

  Jansa was a little sad. "I didn't expect to hear you say you were leaving already." She frowned as she leaned in closer to him.

  For a moment, it felt like just the two of them, sitting in silence and looking into one another's eyes. As they broke apart, she reached up and touched his cheek. "Well, I am glad you came then. Why is it you like to come so late at night?"

  He had no words, so he reached over and kissed her, wrapping her in his big strong arms. They slipped in the direction of the front porch, feeling giddy and excited.

  That's when a sleepy blond-haired girl stumbled onto the porch, dragging her feet and wondering what the commotion was outside. She peered up at the couple.

  "Aunt Jansa, what's going on?" she asked with weary eyes.

  Jansa looked to see Victory standing before them. "Hey, you, go back to bed. Everything's fine."

  "Who is that?" asked the young girl.

  Jansa pointed for her to go back inside. "He's just a friend of mine. There's nothing to worry about, so go ahead and get back to bed. And make sure the other girls stay there too."

  "Do you have a daughter?" Darren asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

  Jansa looked up at her companion and said, "Did you not hear her? She called me her aunt, and no, I don't have any children. Here, however, we have many young girls we consider to be ours."

  Darren whispered to her, "Okay, got you…but this is why I need to go. I don't want to endanger any of you." He gave her a sad look of his own. "Please understand," he said, sighing.

  Jansa knew what he was saying. "I can't say that we weren't concerned, and I'm appreciative of the fact that you're willing to leave to protect us…but…I'm actually going to miss you."

  With that said, she took his hand and led him inside.

  As they entered, she turned to him and matter-of-factly mentioned, "You're to be my captured prisoner slave for the rest of the night, by the way, and maybe, just maybe, you can stay for breakfast this time."

  Oh, how she loved breakfast. Darren nodded as if to comply. "You had me at 'slave'! Ha ha!"

  He lifted her up and took her towards the couch, but she pointed in another direction and soon, they were on her bed.

  With the sexual energy building between them, they tore one another's clothes off and tossed them in a heap on the floor. "Kiss me," she insisted. "Take me! I'm yours!"

  He wrapped her up in the blanket as they rolled about the bed. He teased her—she loved to be teased—and kissed her on her neck, then her thick nipples, and soon enough, his lips had worked their way down to her loins and inner thighs. He kissed all of it. She wanted to erupt as he placed himself between her legs. She grabbed his firm ass, and they made love all through the night.


  This time, as morning arrived, especially knowing that he and his biker gang were going to ride far away soon, he did stay for breakfast. Although he half expected it, he was still surprised when three young girls joined them at the table. After Jansa had introduced them all, they ate a scrumptious morning meal together. The girls couldn't help but giggle at the couple as they ate.

  The five of them enjoyed egg and cheese sandwiches, orange juice, blueberry muffins, and even a little warm apple cider.

  Jansa let Darren stay a while longer, and when the time came for the girls' training, he was able to watch the three work out together.

  They began the session with a meditation, followed by a bowing ceremony. He had never seen such etiquette. The girls and several other women and kids all knelt before Jansa as she recited a sacred Buddhist mantra. "Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo," she spoke out as they all placed their hands together to pray for enlightenment. After a moment of quiet, they all bowed and knelt as the eldest female student called out, "Shihay otatasday Sensei ni rei!"

  After a brief warmup, the skill work began.

  He was very impressed to say the least. He looked to Jansa during their sparring drills and simply stated, "Those three are amazing. What are you guys doing to them? I don't think I've ever seen three young girls with that much skill. Really, it's very, very impressive, Jan."

  Sun, Karma, and Victory all ran to the couple once training was over. Karma asked, "So, Darren, what did you think?"

  The dark handsome man beside Jansa shook his head in disbelief. "You girls rock!"

  They were all excited to hear his approval. Sun replied, "We have a great teacher."

  Darren nodded. "Yes, you do!"

  Jansa was pleased to hear him say such kind words. Unfortunately, the time had come to say goodbye. As they started walking away from the girls, Victory called out, "Bye, Darren. Will we see you for breakfast again soon?" All three of the little girls giggled and ran off.

  Jansa and Darren went off down th
e road to say their goodbyes in private.

  They hugged for a while, neither wanting to let go.

  Jansa leaned back and asked, "Will I ever see you again?"

  Darren smiled. "I would certainly hope so. I plan on returning to see you someday, just not sure when that will be."

  Jansa took a deep breath.

  Darren explained, "The reason behind my leaving now, is that the gang knows where you are and I don't trust them. It's only a matter of time before they will be wanting to scope this place out."

  He then pulled out a piece of paper with a map on it.

  "This will lead you down some roads that will take you to a location probably no more than seventy miles from here. I have a very special motorcycle there that I've been working on for quite a while now. It's not quite done, but I'm not going to be able to take it with us right now, it's just gonna be too much of a hassle. I want you to go and get it one day and keep it for yourself. In fact, keep it for me because I'm gonna come back here one day. Really, I will…someday…I will surprise you."

  "Okay," Jansa muttered, now with tears forming in her eyes. They kissed again and neither wanted to separate, but in the end, he had to go.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Darren returned to his biker camp, flying on his bike down a narrow pathway. Just when he was almost there, he realized they were under attack.

  Corporation sky drones were firing down on the campsite, and soldiers who had come from some flying ships jogged on foot nearby, also firing at his gang members.

  His tough crew was desperately trying to fight back with less powerful tools. There wasn't much he could do, so he made his way around to the back of the campsite where the storage sheds were located. Some of the other guys and girls were already gathered there.

  One of the women in hiding was a tough, short and spiky brown-haired girl called Jazz. She announced from their hiding place, "You know what? I knew we should have left that sacred reservation alone; now we're all cursed."

  With the sheer power of Y-Wood taking them out with ease, no more than fifteen survivors remained standing.

  Led by Darren and Jazz, seven men and eight women gathered all they could and took their biggest truck—the only one still working—and Darren drove them back to the sisterhood's vineyard estate many miles away.

  Several questioned his decision, but he knew he was making the right one. "Guys, listen, Corp knows where we are now. They could return at any time, and we can't stop them. This is where we need to go, at least for the moment."

  They were stopped by guards at the entrance to the vineyard but soon cleared and led into the compound.

  Jansa came outside to greet the visitors, but was as surprised as anyone when she realized who they were.

  Darren took her aside and explained. "I guess I'm going to be staying around a bit longer than expected. We got hit hard. Corporation flyers, tons of firepower…we must have been ratted out by someone. Can you take us in, please?"

  Jansa was shocked. "Hold on a minute…what happened? I'm freaking out!"

  "There's strength in numbers, Jansa," Darren insisted. He was right, but wow, this was crazy.

  She stepped back from him. "As much as I wouldn't mind seeing your face around here, I'm going to have to clear this with Raegan, our leader. Why were you attacked?" She was lost for words. "I'm sorry, Darren."

  With such an attack coming from Corp fleets and robot soldiers, all of this made Jansa very uneasy. "Could they have followed you here?" she asked.

  "They were long gone before we even came out of hiding," he explained.

  The doc was overwhelmed yet still compassionate. "I guess you're here now, so in the meantime, you can stay."

  Jansa liked the idea of seeing him again. But she couldn't put aside that feeling of wondering if she had made the right decision in letting him and his biker friends stay within the complex without all the others' permission.

  Only time would tell, and that would be very soon, as her sisters were due back any day.


  When the rest of the sisters returned, they quickly learned about the bikers that had been staying the last few days at the vineyard. A meeting was organized by Raegan, and the group got together to discuss the situation at hand.

  Raegan was of course concerned.

  "If what you say is true, the Corporation not only found you but there is also a chance they may have followed you here. This is not good; you put our entire community in danger." Darren understood what she was saying, so he didn't argue the point.

  Raegan couldn't help but notice the frequent eye contact between Darren and Jansa. She pulled her sister aside and said, "Can I ask you something? Is there anything you want to tell me? There's obviously something going on between you and Darren. I can see it by the way you look at one another, Jan."

  The doc had nothing to hide so she explained, "We have been hanging out some, yes, if that's what you're asking? He…" She paused for a moment. "Well, he's a good guy." Raegan was not at all happy.

  As soon as everyone had gathered back together, Mahira announced, "Listen up. Since you guys are already here, it's not going to make any difference now if you leave. You might as well put yourselves to good use and help out."

  The short spiky-haired woman named Jazz, was glad to hear this reasoning and voiced her agreement with Mahira. She already found the gladiator very attractive, and Mahira had noticed her too. "We're not afraid of hard work!"

  The women knew strong hands around the complex could be helpful. Chaya and Zaey were both glad the issue was resolved so quickly. Raegan, even though she was still concerned, agreed with the others for now.

  It was later that evening that the gladiator and Jazz found themselves outside together looking up at the stars. They had privately made plans earlier. Jazz asked, "What exactly does this group of women do?"

  Mahira explained the best she could. "We've always been taught that there's something more than just people roaming around this world. The founder of our sisterhood had great faith in that theory, but it was never proven until recently." Jazz listened, admiring the strong woman before her.

  "In history," Mahira continued, "many people believed that an entity overlooked us all, that this world wasn't just a random creation but a creation through him."

  Mahira then asked, "And what about you? What are you doing out here roaming around with your group of mostly men? Do you have a plan in life?"

  Jazz thought about that question. She'd always thought she had a plan, but now, she wasn't so sure. " I'm just trying to get by day to day. When something like this happens and I see most of my so-called road family shot down by robots and drones, well, it makes you reconsider what life can really be, ya know?"

  Mahira told Jazz that she had a new friend now, and that the sisters here were fighting for all the people of the land to have a decent life.

  This made the brown-haired woman smile. They chatted for quite a while outside on a wooden platform looking up at the starry sky. It was a beautiful evening in California, and as the lights went down within the complex, they found themselves getting closer and closer until they embraced and kissed.

  Mahira was never one to wait for a better moment or hold back from living life. She would be free, or she would die trying.

  She grabbed Jazz and led her to the pond nearby, where their naked bodies soon glistened under the moonlight. "Let's take a swim," offered the muscular gladiator. "Come, the water is nice."

  The new friends waded into the pond, laughing and frolicking under the night sky. Eventually, they came to the edge of the water and made love, woman to woman on Mother Earth's sacred ground.

  Each strong woman released great passion towards the other as they kissed and licked and pressed their bodies together. Nothing felt better in stressful times than raw sex, and both women quickly reached a fantastic orgasmic release.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Darren had obvi
ously been on edge ever since the remaining members of his biker group joined the sisterhood. He and Jansa sat on the porch for a little one-on-one time, Darren with his hands cupped over his forehead. Seeing he was stressed, Jansa tried to calm him. "There's nothing you could've done, Darren. Whenever the Corporation finds out that people are prospering and not following their laws, this is what they do. They wield too much power."

  Darren swiped his hand over his head and rested his elbow on the wooden arm of the chair. "I think it's because we've been too lenient as of late. We were letting people in without really doing enough research on them. I don't know…I feel like I'm to blame."

  Jansa felt his pain, but she knew his life wasn't perfect. She needed answers as well. "You know the rumors are going around about what happened with you and your people at that reservation. How could you let that happen?"

  Darren let it all out. "I'm no angel, but for that to go down, it was like everyone except me wanted it to happen. And once a gang sets their minds to something, it's hard for one person to stop it. I wanted to…I really did!"

  Jansa understood, though she was still disappointed. "Perhaps this was retribution for the people that lost their lives there."

  Darren looked up at the doctor and replied, "I tried to stop that too. Sometimes, wacky road warrior people need to do wild things, even though they were told specifically not to kill anyone."

  Jansa was still upset. "Oh, so you're saying it's okay to take the women that you want and beat the other people up as long as you don't kill them?"

  "Who do you think I am?" Darren slapped his palms to his knees in frustration. "I'm not a nice soft teddy bear; I'm a crazy motherfucking guy. I run with the savages and they need their entertainment."


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