Laying it Bare After a Loss

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Laying it Bare After a Loss Page 11

by L. E. Martin

  After he pressed a kiss to my forehead, I slid out of bed, grabbed my bag and scurried into the bathroom. I pulled on my clothes for work, used the toilet, washed up my hands and face, brushed my teeth and then groaned at the condition of my hair. It did not look like sexy ‘I just had sex’ hair. Something needed done about the atrocity but now wasn’t the time to worry about it. I pulled it into a pony tail as best I could, released a heavy sigh, and then returned to his bedroom.

  He had pulled on a nice pair of navy dress pants and a crème colored dress shirt, no tie. He smiled at me. “I don’t want to rush you out of here but neither one of us wants to be late to work, I’m sure.” He held his hand out to me and led me down to his kitchen. While he retrieved breakfast items, he had me sit on a stool. After he set his cereal onto the bar, he grabbed a box of Toaster Strudels from his freezer and popped two of them into his toaster.

  I gaped at him for a long moment. “You do eat Toaster Strudels yet you were making fun . . . wait a minute. Did you buy those for me?”

  He placed the plate with the toasted pastries on in front of me and sat down. “Yes I did. I wasn’t sure what kind of cereal you ate but knew you liked these so I bought two boxes.”

  My insides melted and I fell just a little harder as tears burned behind my eyes. “That was so sweet of you. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “No I didn’t. But I wanted to. I’m hoping you spend a great deal of time here with me. Maybe you could come back over tonight after work?” He slid a heaping spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “I could make us a late dinner after I work out. Or you could come with me to the gym? We could work out together.”

  “Ugh. I don’t know about working out.” I took a bite of my pastry. “But I’ll come over after you get back. I’ll grab a quick dinner and then head over. Text me when you get home.”

  “I’ll have to work on persuading you to join me at the gym sometime in the near future. I just remembered I have to get you to your car so you can get to work on time.”

  We finished eating and he set everything into the sink to take care of later. Then he drove me home, where I bounced directly from his vehicle to mine after he gave me a kiss and told me he’d text me later.

  During my thankfully short drive to work, I thought about last night and this morning. I was being honest when I had told him I was afraid but the more I considered things I wondered if I really didn’t have anything to fear with him. And like he had said, we’d take it day by day. He was gentle and caring with me but also a very passionate lover, if not hot-blooded. Those memories brought a huge smile to my face. I was deliciously sore this morning but wouldn’t admit that to him. I didn’t want him to feel bad for giving me the best night of my life. So when I added up all of those things, it didn’t equate to someone who would hurt me. Besides, after suffering the hurt I had already been dished in my life, I doubted there was anything he could do to even come close to that devastation. But in all honesty, I didn’t believe I had to worry about that with him.

  After work, I headed home to see what I could scrounge for dinner so then I could get a shower and a bag packed to head back over to Mitch’s. While I was rummaging through my refrigerator for leftovers, someone knocked at my door. I was supposed to wait for his text, right? And I was driving over this time so we didn’t have to worry about it in the morning.

  However, when I pulled my door open, Charity stood on the other side holding a brown bag and wearing a big smile. She breezed into my apartment. “I brought us dinner so we could spend some time together. You have me until my date at the movies with Jace.”

  “That’s okay, I’m heading back to Mitch’s later tonight.” I couldn’t stop the mischievous grin that curled my lips.

  After dropping the bag onto my bar, she twisted to face me. “You saucy little minx. I love it! I’m so happy for you. I think he’s great for you. Do you think so too? I mean you have to see it.” Her goofy expression turned serious for a moment. “I’m so glad you are taking a chance with him. I don’t think you’ll regret it, Trin. You deserve to be happy and I think he’s the one to do that for you. He won’t hurt you.”

  “Are you trying to convince me or you?” I walked over and sat down at the bar.

  “You. But I think you already know that, don’t you?” She eyed me curiously. “You didn’t even have to debate seeing him again. You would have been blowing up my phone if you were worried. I miss you bestie but I’m so happy that you found someone. I did too.” Her eyes lit up with naughtiness. “We’ll plan brief little get-togethers like this impromptu one and I’ll see you on Saturdays when their group gets together.”

  “I didn’t have any doubts. I immediately agreed to spend the night with him again. I really like him, T. I don’t think I’m making a mistake with him but what if he discovers I’m not enough. Like pretty enough, sexy enough, fun – ”

  She pushed her hand into my face. “Shut your mouth right now. First of all you are perfect and if he even thinks you’re not . . . but I don’t believe that’s the case. Even when I was reaming him out, I caught how he was looking at you.” She reached into the bag and pulled out two sub sandwiches from our favorite deli Manny’s and placed them in front of us. Then she grabbed the two bottles of soda.

  “Okay okay, but you have to at least admit this hair of mine is appalling.”

  She eyed me as her lips twitched. “Yeah, it’s looking really bad right now. But that just means he gave you an awesome fucking, didn’t he?” She waggled her eyebrows at me before taking a bite of her sandwich.

  “I’m not answering that. But it’s awful and he doesn’t deserve to have me looking like this but I don’t know what to do with it. I let it grow longer in the hopes it would tame it a bit but it’s just a wild jungle on top of my head.”

  Her forehead scrunched while she took a long swallow of her drink. Then she pulled her phone out of her pocket and typed away. When it beeped a few moments later, she smiled. “Rachel can squeeze you in tonight. Let’s finish eating so you can go get your hair done.”

  “Wait. What? Done how? And I’m not paying for just a one night style.”

  “Finish eating, we’ll talk on the way.”

  I groaned. There was no use arguing with her. She was stubborn to a T. So we finished eating, tossed our garbage away, and then headed out to her gray Malibu.

  After she pulled out onto the street, she twisted to me for a moment. “You can think about it but I suggested a loose perm for you. Something to make your hair lay nicely no matter what is going on. She’ll have to look at your hair first to see if it will work and you of course have the final say so.”

  “What if it ends up looking worse?” I pulled the visor down to glance at my mop. “Pfft, it can’t get any worse, can it? As long as it doesn’t get Shirley Temple curly. Oh my God.” I dropped my head back against the seat.

  “Rachel does my hair. She won’t make you look like the adorable little actress. But maybe Mitch is into that.” Charity started laughing obnoxiously.

  “Shut up. He’s not a freak. But my hair makes me look like one. Okay, I’ll trust you two. Don’t make me regret this.”

  We pulled into the lot of Tousled Tresses and my nerves kicked into high gear. I didn’t want to look frumpy anymore so I had to trust that I was making a good decision.

  “When have I ever made you do something you later regretted? And I believe I helped convince you to give Mitch a try and . . . he’s freaking amazing, right?” She shot me a cocky smile before hopping out of her car.

  I crawled out and followed her to the salon’s entrance. “Hope she can work some magic on me. She might even have to perform a summoning ritual to pull extra magic for this.”

  “She’s really good. You’ll be fine.” We walked inside, signed in, and took a seat. I texted Mitch to tell him I was tied up with something and might be a little late tonight but that I was still coming. I didn’t add that if my hair looked even worse when she was done I wouldn’t be seei
ng him at all. I tried to push out all the negative thoughts.

  Almost two hours later, Charity and I walked out of the salon, my system still in mild shock. My once drab dull hair now hung in loose healthy looking waves down my back, the layers she had added were the perfect addition so that my hair could no longer be considered dowdy. And the subtle highlights she had added gave my hair a soft glow. When we got into the car, I twisted to face my best friend. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? I mean I can’t believe she was able to do this. And why did I never do this before?”

  “You never cared to before, Trin. He’s really good for you.” She smirked at me. “You might want to call off work for tomorrow. He’s not going to be able to keep his hands off of you tonight. He liked you before. He’s going to down right devour you now.”

  When she pulled in front of my apartment, she shifted to face me. “Text me tomorrow and let me know what he thought. I’d say tell me tonight but I’m going to be busy.” She waggled her eyebrows at me before leaning over and giving me a hug. “I’m excited for me for tonight but I can’t help being so thrilled for you. Trin, you just glow now. And I don’t mean the new hair style. I’m talking about you in general. I know I said it before but I’m so happy for you. You deserve this.” She leaned back to look at me. “I haven’t seen you genuinely happy in so long. Oh, I love this man for what he’s doing for you. Now get out of here and go see him.”

  She practically shoved me out of her car.

  I laughed. “You have fun tonight too. I’ll text you at some point.” Giving her a little wave, I headed to my apartment. Once inside, I rushed back to my room to take a shower and pack a bag. While I had been finishing up at the salon, Mitch had texted he was home and I could come whenever I was ready. After pulling my hair up on top of my head, I climbed into the shower. When I was done, I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, packed my bag, and then texted him I was leaving my house. On my way to his place, nervous excited flutters erupted in my belly. What was his reaction going to be?

  In front of his place, I took a deep breath. I was being ridiculous. He was going to love my hair because there was no way in hell he had found my old style that appealing. I didn’t care what he had said. It was probably the thrill of our first time having sex that had made it easy for him to overlook it. I slapped my forehead and took another fortifying breath because I was really being absurd. Mitch had liked the entire package – unruly hair included – otherwise he would have slept with me that first night and been done or not have even taken me home at all. That first night in the parking lot had been such a complete catastrophe. And what the hell was I still doing out in my car? This being desired thing was really new to me. And at times, it was easy to give in to the doubt. But that was all my doing, not Mitch’s. And I did believe him. It was just going to take a while to be able to truly leave all of my fears behind.

  I glanced up at his place. I was spending the night with him again. Warm and tingly sensations shot down to my core and a huge grin spread across my face. Yeah, I had it bad for him. But I was fairly certain I wasn’t alone. Grabbing my bag off of the passenger seat, I slung it over my shoulder as I crawled out of my car. Then I headed up the few steps to his front door and knocked.

  A moment later, he opened his door and ushered me inside. His hair was still damp and he had on a pair of jeans that hung low on his hips and nothing else. I barely swallowed my groan. He was so freaking hot. As I walked past him so he could close the door, the heat of his stare warmed my backside.

  “You changed your hair.”

  I twisted to face him. “Yeah. Charity talked me into it. Do you like it?”

  “Do you?” His gaze traveled up and down my body but then settled on my face.

  “It’s supposed to be easier to take care of and lay better. So what do you think?”

  He raised his eyebrow at me. “Do you like it?”

  I was well aware of what he was doing and I liked him all the more for it. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Then that’s all that matters.” He walked up to me and slid my bag from my shoulder and deposited it onto the floor. “But I do like it. You were gorgeous before but because you feel more attractive, you are even more stunning now.”

  I leaned back to look at him. He had a way of making me feel beautiful. No bullshit lines or fake pretty empty words. I was certain when he spoke, his words were honest and came from his heart.

  He tunneled his hands into my hair and brought his mouth down onto mine to swipe his lips along them in a gentle kiss. “I have to wonder how sexy it will look after I’ve fucked you.” He shoved me up against the wall and took my mouth in a searing kiss this time while he ground his erection into my belly. After releasing a low growl, he pulled back and stared at me, his eyes blazing with heat. “Sorry. I don’t know if you’re ready for that yet, so I shouldn’t push. But damn girl, you’re giving off some sexy confident vibes that are fucking arousing and my mouth and dick want at your body.”

  Gasping for breath, I found a small burst of oxygen to force out my reply. “I think I just wet my panties.” His words were seductive and arousing. Since my legs had started to grow unsteady, I circled my arms around his neck so I wouldn’t become a puddle on the floor.

  His eyes grew darker and gave me the impression of a wolf scoping out its prey.

  “I want to be your prey.” My words were breathy and my eyes widened at my admission.

  He shot me a predatory grin. “Fucking perfect response.” In the next instant, he was on me again. His body held me trapped against the wall while his mouth came down on mine, forcing my lips apart so he could conquer inside. Every delicious pass of his tongue while he twirled around my own had me growing dizzy with need. He explored every crevice of my mouth while his hands, which were still in my hair, massaged my scalp.

  A groan crawled up my throat and escaped to join his growls.

  One of his hands trailed down my throat, down my side, to the hem of my shirt. When he bunched the material into his fist, I lifted my arms so he could tug off my top. He didn’t waste a second before unhooking and dropping my bra to the floor.

  Only for a split second did I consider covering myself.

  He shot me a devastating smile. “I love that you don’t try to hide your beauty from me anymore. And you are so beautiful.” Leaning his head down, he closed his mouth over one of my exposed nipples.

  I dropped my head back against the wall and released a groan. “Mitch, you have a magical mouth.”

  His tongue licked, his mouth sucked, and his teeth gently bit down on my nipple. “So good, Mitch.” With his next pass, he sucked a little harder and then bit down with a little more force and stars burst behind my eyes. “Mitch!” My orgasm rolled over me like a wave during a tsunami. I sagged against the door, dropping my head forward to catch him staring at me, his green eyes smoldering.

  “So beautiful.” His mouth returned to my flesh, swirling his tongue all around my nipple. His mouth had pulses of electricity bouncing along my skin. After he lavished both of my breasts with equal attention, he trailed his tongue down my middle while his hands worked the button and zipper of my shorts to tug them and my panties to the floor, his lips never leaving my skin during their journey down to my pussy. Without warning, his lips clamped around my clit and then his tongue seared across my sensitive lips. Bolts of pleasure shot through me.

  My legs threatened to give out but Mitch’s strong grip on my waist kept me upright. “Are you okay, Sweetheart?”

  “Define okay? I’m blissed out of my mind and I’m not sure I’m physically capable of supporting my weight anymore.”

  “That’s all I needed to know.” Wrapping one of his hands around my ankle, he lifted my leg and slung it over his shoulder.

  I didn’t get a chance to be embarrassed for being so exposed because he speared his tongue inside of me and all I could do was give myself over to the decadence that was his mouth.

  “You taste so delicious.” He hummed his
approval, the vibration adding to the sensations threatening to make me mindless with need. Then he flicked his tongue everywhere inside of my folds before circling up to my clit again. By the third round, tingles were racing across my skin, hurling themselves toward my core. Then when he nipped my clit, I detonated.

  Mitch rose to his feet, his lips glistening with my release. “Wrap your arms around my neck, Cheeky, so you don’t collapse into a heap. I’m not done with you yet.”

  After I shakily snaked my arms around him, he released the button and zipper on his jeans, dropped them to the floor, and slid a condom down his length.

  “I can barely stand and you’re able to perform all of that with grace.” I huffed.

  He smirked and kissed my forehead. “I love that I have you a quivering mess. That just means I’m doing something right.”

  “Somehow I don’t think you worried you weren’t doing everything perfectly right.” I stared into his eyes, the heat burning in them making his green eyes darken.

  “Not really, but it’s nice to hear you validate my cocky confidence.” He winked before lifting me in his arms and aiming his cock at my entrance. “Are you ready for me?”

  “More than ready.”

  He shoved into me in one hard thrust, my head banging against the wall from the force. With my back braced against the wall, he powered into me; the position getting his dick well acquainted with my G-spot. And I was positive his cock reached somewhere near my rib cage because his thrusts were knocking the breath out of me.

  “So good, Mitch. So good.” Bolts of pleasure burst through me.

  As he slammed into me, beads of sweat dripped down his smooth bare chest. Rivulets of my own perspiration streamed through my cleavage.

  The muscles in his forearms flexed, his chest heaving with his exertion, his hips moving with a sensual grace, his entire body mesmerizing as he pumped into me. “I need you to come again, Sweetheart. I want to feel your pussy grip my dick but I also want to give you another orgasm. I’m not letting go until I have you screaming my name in ecstasy.”


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