Laying it Bare After a Loss

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Laying it Bare After a Loss Page 13

by L. E. Martin

  My cheeks heated but maybe the bruises and such would hide the blush. “I can see you two share more than facial features.” I rolled my eyes and winced.

  “I’m not surprised he teases you. But maybe now that you are a bit more comfortable, you can tell me what happened. As many details as you can recall would be great to help me out with this. It also gives them more information if charges are then pressed.”

  I stiffened as my chest clenched in panic. “I don’t want to go to court. Me and court rooms don’t mesh well.” My lips pulled into a frown and my stomach tightened into knots. If I never had to step into one again, it would be too soon.

  Taggart shot Mitch a confused look.

  “It’s a long story. But she got a raw deal.” Frustration and irritation tightened his features briefly before his face relaxed into an easy smile. Then Mitch crawled up onto the couch and pulled me onto his lap. His strong arms wrapped around me. “Give Tag your statement. That way they have it on file and nothing may even come of this unless he’s been causing a lot of trouble. But remember, you have me now. Okay? And he better hope I never see his face.” He added on in a low mumble I wasn’t sure his brother heard.

  Feeling safe in Mitch’s arms, I recapped everything that had happened from the time I was admiring my neighbor’s roses to sitting curled up on the floor waiting for the commotion outside to stop. I gave him as many details as I could recollect; about the man’s appearance, the smell of alcohol, the wrong name he yelled at me, and even the swings he took at me. Those details ripped a low growl out of Mitch but he said nothing. Just held me and ran one of his hands up and down my spine in soothing passes and massaged my neck and scalp with the other.

  “You did great, Trinity. Your details were perfect and you gave me a really good picture of the incident.” Officer Gannon tapped his pen on his pad before slipping them back into his pocket. “If you think of anything else, Mitch knows how to get a hold of me. Can I snap a picture of your injuries to put with your statement? If we are able to find the perpetrator, this will help in proving there was a crime committed. I will be talking with the neighbor who called it in also. But I wanted to stop over here first to make sure you were alright.”

  It made sense to include a picture as evidence but I wasn’t sure I wanted to be that more connected to the incident. It was the right thing to do but I didn’t feel comfortable.

  “You’ll look fabulous since your hair survived your attack.” Mitch’s voice brought me out of my inner turmoil.

  And I couldn’t help a small laugh. “You are so awesome.” He always knew the perfect things to say at the perfect moments.

  “I have an idea of what’s going through your head, Cheeky. And I wanted to make you smile. It’s alright.” He kissed my cheek.

  “Okay. A picture would be fine.”

  Tag snapped a picture of my face and then of my knees.

  “Well, shit. I hadn’t even realized I skinned my knees too.” I leaned down to look at the abrasions, dried blood cracked around the scrapes.

  “Thank you Trinity for your cooperation. And I’ll talk to ya later, Mitch.” Tag stood from his chair and after Mitch moved me to the couch, he walked him out.

  Mitch came back and sat down beside me, twisting so he could take my face gently into his hands again. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you down to the ER to have them take a look?”

  “No. It’s sore and I’m sure it looks worse than it is. I haven’t even looked at it yet.”

  “How about you get cleaned up and then we can chill on the couch.”

  “What about your friends tonight?”

  “I’ll text Jace and let him know something important came up. Trinity, you’re more important than hanging out at the bar. They’re my best friends but I see them often and I want to be here for you. I can’t imagine you feel up to going out.”

  “If I can cover up the marks pretty well, I’m okay with going out for a little while. I don’t care if your friends notice. I just want to make it so that everyone else doesn’t notice.”

  “Are you sure, Cheeky?”

  “That better not slip out when we’re out in public. It’s bad enough your brother heard it.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Tag will actually harass me more about it than you. He didn’t think I’d ever get over losing Apryl. He’ll rib me good so don’t you worry.”

  Not that I didn’t already have a little more than a suspicion but his words helped confirm that I meant a lot to him. Although his barging into my house, wild in panic clued me in pretty well too. However, a different kind of unease crept over me. “You can come back with me while I change and put on some makeup. Hopefully the grass stains come out of my clothes.” I frowned at the green and brown smudges on my t-shirt and shorts.

  We walked down the hallway to the bathroom. He stood in the doorway with his arm braced on the jamb. “I know we were going to take things slowly but why don’t we plan to spend the night together every night but keep alternating with whose house?”

  I grabbed a wash cloth and soaked it with warm water and soap and then washed the grime from my knee.

  “I’d feel better knowing you were with me.”

  I glanced up at him from my bend. He was so sweet. Without me saying anything, he could tell the attack had me scared. Although I guess wanting him to walk down to the bathroom with me in my own place was a pretty good clue. I gave him a small smile.

  “It’s okay, Cheeky. I’m a little rattled over it too.”

  I rinsed the wash cloth and peeked into the mirror. Eek. I was right. I was quite a sight. “I think I like that arrangement. Well it’s time to see if makeup can work magic.” I delicately washed my face before wringing out the cloth and hanging it on the bar. Then I started adding makeup to cover the red rim under my eye and the bruise on my cheek. “Hopefully lip gloss helps dim the split in my lip.”

  “But you don’t have to do anything with your hair.”

  I shot him a grin. “If I would have had my old hair style, the resulting mess would’ve scared him off. But it was quite satisfying to have the opportunity to knee him in the crotch.”

  “I hope you were able to do some damage, Cheeky.” He started off on a snarl but by the time he got to my nick name, his tone had softened.

  After I applied some final touches, I rolled some lip gloss across my lips and then twisted to face Mitch. “Well, what do you think?”

  “I think you’re beautiful.”

  I rolled my eyes and immediately winced. “I guess I should have asked a better question.”

  He shot me his panty melting smirk. “That was a great question and I answered honestly.”

  “Did I do a good job covering the damage? I know if you look closely, you can see it.” I leaned in toward the mirror and frowned. Then I returned my gaze to him. “But will it be hard for others at the bar to notice anything? It will be dim in there and I can make sure when I use the restroom I take someone with me.”

  He stepped inside the bathroom, his huge frame dominating the space but in a very good way. When he was near I always felt cherished and safe. “Cheeky, who cares what anyone thinks? So you have some bruising and stuff. You’re still beautiful and to me you just look like a gorgeous MMA fighter.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

  “I’m not really concerned about that. Hell, I used to drink myself into almost oblivion every weekend there so I don’t care too much about appearances. Besides, I already snagged a hottie. I don’t need to attract anyone.” I winked at him although with my face muscle still sore I wasn’t sure if it came out sexy Natalie Portman or Quasimodo style.

  “Damn straight you don’t.” He tugged me into his arms and kissed my lips gently. But just as he applied more pressure, he jerked back. “Shit, I need to remember to be tender. Just slap me, Cheeky. Don’t let me hurt you when I get carried away with wanting to love all over your body. You make my beast want to come out all of the time. And my mouth and dick just cheer him on.
But you look lovely. Don’t worry about it.”

  “But I don’t want people to think you did this to me.” My eyes sought out his.

  “You are so fucking adorable. When you should be worrying about yourself, not that you need to because you look stunning as always, you’re concerned others might think less of me. How did I get so lucky to get a girl who is so beautiful on the inside and out?” He kissed my forehead. “One look at the two of us and they won’t think that.” He shrugged.

  “Possibly. I mean I think you can tell just by looking at us we really care about each other because I see it in everything you do. But people put on acts when they’re around others. I don’t want them to think even though we seem to be a perfect couple.” I had almost said in love and thankfully put the brakes on my wild thoughts before they formed the words because even though I was definitely falling I wasn’t exactly sure he was quite there yet. “That when we’re alone, it’s a completely different scenario.”

  “Well, let them think what they want. We know the truth. And our friends know the truth. So other views don’t matter.” He kissed my forehead again. “So are you ready to go? And you can still change your mind. I’m completely fine with that and our friends will be too.”

  “I’m good. And Charity told me that she can tell you’re crazy about me too.”

  “She’s absolutely right. And you know my brother sees it too.” Leaning back, he gazed down my body. “You still need to change your clothes. Otherwise, that will be a good clue that something went on earlier. Although they could just think you were out playing right field.”

  “Come on. Let me go find something else to wear.” Grabbing his hand, I tugged him across the hall to my room. I left him standing just inside, while I walked over to my dresser and pulled open drawers. “Shorts or a skirt?” I twisted to find him grinning mischievously at me.

  “Either way my fingers will wander but you will probably be a little safer in shorts.” He winked.

  I rolled my eyes, ignoring the sting. “I had meant should I go dressy or casual. I wore a sundress the last time but I didn’t really get a chance to notice how everyone else dressed.”

  “Whatever you feel comfortable wearing.”

  “Since you’re wearing jeans, I’ll go with shorts.” I pulled a pair of blue shorts out of my drawer and a flowery halter to match. Then I slipped my stained clothes off and dumped them into my laundry basket.

  Mitch let out a whistle. “I vote for you to go like that.”

  I twisted to find Mitch’s eyes darkening, the heat in them unmistakable. “Then I’d be visited by the police again.” I pulled my shorts and top on.

  “You make a valid point. But I already know what’s underneath. And if you’re sure about going we should leave soon because I’m thinking of about a dozen other things I’d rather be doing.”

  Even though I had been attacked a little less than an hour ago, his words and presence melted me and almost made it feel as if it hadn’t even happened. Until I looked into the mirror or tried to wink or smile. At least talking didn’t bother my lip too much. “There’s always tonight, sexy beast.” I brushed past him but not quick enough that his hand didn’t connect with my ass. I let out a yelp and scampered into my living room to pick up my phone.

  “Cheeky, don’t tease me. It will be a really long ass night if I have to deal with an erection as hard as a steel beam in my jeans while sitting at the bar. And if my dick has my thoughts on things of the naked nature.” The naughty glint in his eyes promised me he was going to make sure I experienced a very similar craving.

  Mitch snatched my hand and led me to the door. “Thank you for going out tonight.” He kissed the back of my hand.

  After locking my door, I followed him to his truck. “Thank you for making it easy to do things like this even after the crap from earlier. Normally, I would want to sit on my couch, curled in a blanket, watching whatever on television. But when I’m with you it’s almost too easy to pretend there isn’t anything bad to worry about.”

  Before helping me into the passenger side, he kissed the top of my head. “You don’t have to worry about anything when you’re with me.” Then he circled the front of his truck and hopped in. After pulling onto the road he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. “Well, except for my roaming hands, mouth, and dick. You do need to worry about that with me. And because you always look delectable enough to eat, even being in public won’t be enough to deter me. But don’t worry; I won’t do anything that gets us another meeting with the police. I can be discreet. Your body is for my eyes only, so I won’t take chances that anyone else gets even a little peek. And just so you know, bar bathroom sex is not for me. It might be hot but too much of a risk of someone else seeing what is for my eyes only.”

  “Good to know because I probably wouldn’t stop you. I find it very difficult to resist you.” I peeked over my shoulder at his back seat.

  “If the opportunity ever presents itself, we’ll see about sex back there. But like I had said, for my eyes only. But some sly foreplay is always an option.”

  “I hope this blush goes away before we get inside. I don’t want your friends wondering what we were talking about or doing on the way over here.”

  “Oh Sweetheart, there wouldn’t be any wondering. They know me all too well.” He winked at me before pulling into a spot in the parking lot. “Besides, it just makes you all the more adorable.” After hopping out of the truck, he rushed around to my side and helped me out. Then with his arm around my waist, the two of us walked into the bar.

  His friends were sitting at a huge table far enough away from the bar that they weren’t crowded but close enough they could easily flag someone for drinks. They sat in the same general area every time they were here. But I guess being regulars, they had preference.

  When Apryl caught our gazes, she waved us over. A huge smile on her face. “I’m so glad you guys came out tonight. We love that we’ve added you and Charity to our group.”

  Rising briefly, Charity gave me a quick hug before Mitch and I sat down.

  He pulled my chair up against his.

  Charity smirked and leaned over. “You can feel the testosterone radiating from this table. I can see how Apryl and Callie each ended up with one of them. How could you not? Glad you made it out tonight. You’re looking good and I love the new hair. Don’t you?”

  “It’s so much better than what I was dealing with. And so much easier to take care of. Thank you for the shove.” I blew her a kiss.

  “Your hair looks amazing, Trinity. You had pretty hair before but this new look just really suits you well.” Callie leaned into Sawyer’s side.

  “So, you weren’t impressed to find out Mitch here was a lawyer, huh? Yeah, we’re not real impressed either.”

  Callie elbowed Sawyer in the gut and shot him a glare.

  “Shut it, Sawyer.” Mitch growled.

  “Yeah, well he had to spend all night convincing me he wasn’t half bad. He was quite persuasive considering he has a huge piece of very compelling evidence.” My cheeks warmed but I couldn’t allow one of his friends to one up me. And I was quite impressed with my on the fly response, giving myself a mental high five for the accomplishment.

  “Aw fuck. She’s awesome, Mitch. Even though her face is as red as a rose she still had to make sure she put me in my place. I love it! She’s got a sharp tongue. She probably puts you in your place too, huh?” Sawyer slapped the table and laughed.

  Leaning into my ear, Mitch nipped the lobe. “I’m glad we spent ample time deliberating over the evidence and you found it irrefutable.”

  His words sent a shiver racing up my spine.

  “Do you always have to be a dick?” Callie tried to pull out of Sawyer’s hold but he just tightened his arm around her shoulder.

  “Hey, we torment here. That’s how we roll. And she jumped all over it.” He argued.

  “Um, give her a chance to get to know us first.” Callie rolled her eyes.

sp; “She got to know me right there. And look, not even one battle wound on her. She’s a warrior. Just how we love our women. How about I buy first pitchers to show I’m not a total dick. Although you’ve never complained about having my entire dick.”

  “It was like this before we started dating too.” Callie put her hand to her face, a bright blush crawling across her cheeks.

  I smiled at the group. “Mitch, your friends are quite interesting.”

  “This group loves you fierce and torments you to death. But I think you’ll fit in just fine. Charity already busted my balls last weekend. And you got me pretty good right there. You two are golden. But just because you’ve been snatched up by one of us doesn’t mean the rest of us will let up.” He winked at me before motioning to one of the waitresses.

  When she stopped at our table a moment later, Sawyer ordered two pitchers of beer.

  “And we’ll have a . . .” Mitch turned to me.

  “Coke is fine again.”

  “A Coke too, please.”

  “Any food for you guys?” The pretty red head gave us a friendly smile.

  “Actually that sounds great. The usual?” Sawyer addressed the table.

  After nods and grunts, Sawyer added nachos, pretzel sticks, and mozzarella sticks to the order.

  Mitch dropped his hand down to my thigh and rubbed little circles along the skin right below the hem of my shorts. Every few passes, his fingers would dip under the hem and skim my panty line.

  I tried to concentrate on keeping my breathing even.

  He shot me a cocky smirk. So I slipped my hand under the table to caress his upper thigh, the tips of my fingers passing dangerously close to his crotch. Then I shot him my own devious smile.

  He leaned over to my ear. “I love that you give as good as you get. You are such a little seductress.” He nipped my lobe before pressing a kiss behind it, causing a shiver to race up my spine again. When he chuckled, his warm breath swept across my neck, eliciting another shiver.


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