They Have Oak Trees in North Carolina

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They Have Oak Trees in North Carolina Page 3

by Sarah Wooley

I told him no I said no she never did that never.

  EILEEN Maybe I did


  RAY What?

  EILEEN Maybe I did maybe

  Maybe, I worked in the pub

  RAY Don’t be ridiculous

  EILEEN Why is it ridiculous?

  RAY You’ve never worked in a pub in your life

  EILEEN I might have

  RAY You haven’t

  EILEEN How do you know?

  RAY I know

  EILEEN Are you sure?

  RAY Yes.

  What’s wrong with you?


  EILEEN Do you remember when I did that course?

  RAY What course?

  EILEEN At college

  English literature

  RAY That was years ago

  EILEEN Well maybe I wasn’t at the college

  Maybe I made that up

  Maybe, I was working

  RAY In the George?


  RAY You bought textbooks for that course

  You used to write essays

  EILEEN How do you know?

  You never read them

  You never showed any interest

  RAY But I’d smell it on you

  Pubs, they stink

  Fags and ale disgusting aroma

  EILEEN You never went in the George

  I could easily have been there

  You wouldn’t know

  RAY Someone would have told me


  You never speak to people

  You never bother with anyone.

  RAY Yes I do

  Then I did

  EILEEN Like who?

  RAY What?

  EILEEN Like who?

  All you wanted to do was stay in

  RAY I was tired

  Looking after a kid I was tired so were you

  EILEEN Tuesdays and Fridays six til nine

  That’s when I worked

  RAY Six til nine?

  What kind of shift is that?

  Six til nine

  EILEEN Jack Carver was the landlord

  I pulled pints

  washed glasses

  served spirits

  RAY You didn’t

  EILEEN I took orders

  used the till

  I knew everyone’s drink and everyone’s name and I brought home crisps

  RAY For Patrick?

  EILEEN For Patrick

  RAY and I didn’t know

  EILEEN You didn’t know.


  RAY Why have you never mentioned this before?

  EILEEN Never needed to

  RAY And you do now?


  RAY So all these years you’ve lied to me?

  EILEEN No, I just didn’t tell you that’s all

  RAY and that’s not lying?


  RAY not telling is lying

  EILEEN It’s not

  RAY It is in my book

  EILEEN Your book?

  RAY My book yes.


  So, what was I doing while you were out working?


  Minding Patrick?


  RAY Sitting at home looking after him


  RAY Playing with him?

  Talking to him?

  EILEEN (Not looking at him.) That’s right

  RAY Playing nicely?

  Making up games?

  Reading a story?



  RAY I think you’ve forgotten what Patrick was like

  EILEEN What?

  RAY Either that or you’ve decided that boy is the better option

  She hits him hard across the face.


  EILEEN I wish we’d never gone on that holiday

  RAY (Still reacting to the strike.) Jesus!!

  EILEEN I wish I’d never left him with you

  RAY You hit me

  EILEEN If only we’d stayed at home!

  RAY So it’s my fault is it?

  A great place to take a kid that’s what you said

  You never stopped going on about it

  You saw the advert on television after that you were seduced

  EILEEN It was your idea to go abroad

  Let’s go on holiday lets get away

  It’ll be a new start a chance to

  RAY We should have gone away alone just us two

  Paris, Venice, Amsterdam

  That’s what I wanted

  EILEEN (Laughs.) What you wanted?

  You didn’t have the right to get what you wanted Ray.


  Make or break that holiday wasn’t it?

  Your last chance.

  ‘Whatever you want’, you said

  ‘Whatever you want I’ll do it’

  RAY So you blame me blame me because


  Yes I do blame you as it happens

  if it wasn’t for all that

  We never would have gone


  RAY (Low.) You overreacted


  RAY You jumped to conclusions


  RAY I never did anything!


  EILEEN All these years

  All these years without friends

  RAY You don’t need friends you’ve got me

  EILEEN It should have been different.

  What was the plan?

  Summer fairs, cream teas, get involved in village life

  RAY We do get involved

  EILEEN What a trip to the post office on a Thursday?

  An envelope with a donation for the new church hall?

  A church hall you’ve never even seen!

  RAY It was you that stopped the socialising


  RAY Yes, don’t blame me

  You stopped the visits, the drinks, the walks all that was you

  EILEEN And why was that?

  What choice did I have?


  I’ve never felt so ashamed in all my life.

  RAY No

  EILEEN Her coming here and

  RAY No

  EILEEN turning up

  warning me


  RAY Shouting?

  She’d never do that

  EILEEN Oh but she did

  I was standing over there

  Patrick was crying

  She was yelling at me

  ‘Can’t you tell your husband to stop obsessing to’

  RAY You make it sound

  EILEEN Like what?

  RAY Like I stalked her!

  EILEEN Well, didn’t you?

  RAY No!

  No you know I didn’t

  She just

  We had

  EILEEN What?

  What did you have?


  That’s right


  But you kept on

  wouldn’t leave her alone

  Pestering her and

  RAY I didn’t

  EILEEN So following her home from work

  ringing her at four five in the morning that wasn’t pestering her?

  RAY I never did that

  EILEEN They were our friends Ray

  for years

  Bill was your best man

  RAY It wasn’t my fault she

  EILEEN What?

  Was nice to you?

  She listened when you complained about Patrick

  Smiled when she poured the coffee at the end of the meal?

  Laughed at your bad jokes?

  She was being a friend

  Our friend and you

  RAY No

  Not just

  She encouraged me she

  EILEEN Wanted you arrested!

  RAY She didn’t

  EILEEN She was going to the police

/>   That’s what she said

  And you stole from her

  RAY No!

  Who told you that?


  EILEEN Was it

  Was it that time in the garden?

  It was summer

  We were looking at the plants

  The lavender, the hollyhocks.

  The weather was warm

  She’d made dinner.

  You disappeared

  She noticed you were gone

  She got up

  Wondered if you were alright

  Was that when?

  Were you in her bedroom then?

  RAY No

  EILEEN Rifling in her cupboards her bedside table stealing her things her

  RAY No!


  EILEEN She sent me a letter

  After Patrick went missing

  RAY I didn’t know that

  EILEEN I didn’t tell you.

  She said she’d seen us on That’s Life talking about Florida

  About Patrick about

  what the police hadn’t done, the campaign

  She said if I ever needed anything not to hesitate

  If we needed money or

  just to talk she

  and Bill

  they’d be there.

  She wanted to forget

  She wanted to forgive

  But I was too embarrassed too humiliated.

  She was offering me comfort and I couldn’t take it.

  Because of what you did

  How you made me look!


  RAY It’s him who’s done this

  Coming here

  Causing trouble

  Everything was fine

  We were doing fine til he turned up

  EILEEN No Ray.

  We weren’t doing fine.

  We haven’t been fine for years


  RAY Why didn’t you leave me?

  EILEEN I wanted to

  I was going to

  That holiday was your last chance

  But then Patrick went missing and

  RAY What?

  EILEEN I wanted to be here in case he came back


  Anyway, you could have left me

  RAY But I didn’t




  RAY I’m sorry

  I’m sorry I

  But we never talked / and he

  EILEEN He’ll be back tomorrow

  He’s picking his things up from the hotel then he’s coming here.

  You need to go over to the cottage there’s something wrong with the heating

  RAY Eileen please love

  EILEEN While you’re out

  I’ll call the newspaper

  Tell them they have got a story

  ‘Missing boy returns after twenty-two years, mother delighted.’


  The same place the next day. A table with buffet style food is being set by Eileen and Clay. They take food / plates etc. to the table during the following dialogue.

  EILEEN Like a key turning in a lock

  That’s what it felt like

  deep down

  Sort of…right at the bottom of my stomach

  That was the first time

  CLAY Must have been turning around, moving


  EILEEN Over there

  You kicked a lot.

  And you were very sensitive to noise.

  I remember that

  The sound of shouting or a car backfiring

  you’d kick me so hard I’d be doubled up.

  CLAY There are some mountain folk, who believe that when a baby first kicks

  It means that the spirit of the child has entered the woman’s body

  EILEEN Isn’t that fascinating

  CLAY Where I come from, some folk, they’ll believe anything.

  Where do you want these?

  He lifts up some plastic cups.

  EILEEN Over by the drinks.

  They can help themselves.

  They continue to set up.

  I was only in labour for four hours

  CLAY That was quick

  EILEEN I nearly didn’t make it to the hospital

  I nearly gave birth in the car

  CLAY Ray’s car?

  EILEEN Not the one he’s got now

  In those days he drove a Ford Cortina.

  CLAY It was red, I remember

  That was the car that was always breaking down?


  CLAY There was something wrong with the / radiator

  EILEEN Radiator

  How do you remember that?

  CLAY Well it used to make him mad, the radiator


  So I wasn’t born in the country?

  EILEEN No no

  You were born in the town

  You have dirt in your lungs

  The sound of traffic in your ears

  CLAY Why did you move?

  EILEEN Wanted to be somewhere safe, I suppose.

  Somewhere quieter, better for a child

  We had friends who lived in the next village

  We used to visit

  It seemed nice.


  I missed the town.

  We had a flat next to the supermarket then

  And when you were little, the woman from downstairs, she used to come up and

  we’d sit on the fire escape, fussing you and drinking tea.

  I’d sit and stare at you all day and you’d look right back

  Always looked straight in my eyes.


  I didn’t want to move.


  CLAY I have a son

  EILEEN A son?

  CLAY Yes

  EILEEN Why didn’t you tell me?

  CLAY He doesn’t live with me


  CLAY His mother she

  It’s complicated

  I have to go to court

  She won’t allow access

  She’s…sort of a bitch

  EILEEN She…doesn’t let you see him?


  It didn’t work out her and me and

  this is her way of punishing me

  EILEEN That’s awful

  CLAY Just want to see my kid you know

  I want to spend time with him, have fun

  Kick a ball, toss a frisbee

  I want him to have all the things I couldn’t.

  And he’s growing up fast

  I’m missing out

  EILEEN How old is he?

  CLAY Four

  He’s four

  EILEEN My grandchild.


  CLAY Yes


  Of course yes

  EILEEN You were very young, when you had him

  CLAY May as well have kids when you’re young

  That way you’ve got the energy

  EILEEN I was old


  That’s not old now but back then

  Everyone used to ask us, when are you going to get on with it?

  I wasn’t that keen at first

  I hope you don’t mind me saying that


  EILEEN Me and Ray we were happy you see just us

  Us two.

  But we thought we ought to think about it

  And Ray said he might regret it if we didn’t

  and everyone else we knew was doing it so


  I don’t know why I hesitated why I

  Cause once you were born nothing else mattered.


  CLAY I’ve got to go back to the states for a hearing next month

  EILEEN Next month?

  CLAY Yeah

  She’s got some hard-assed lawyer

  Mine’s a dope

  EILEEN I hope I get to meet him one day?

nbsp; CLAY Who the lawyer?

  EILEEN No your son my

  CLAY Yes, I know

  I was kidding

  I hope you get to meet him too.


  EILEEN Before you came here

  Before you found us

  You had another life

  I keep forgetting that


  I know nothing about you

  CLAY You know I’m your son

  EILEEN Of course but… I don’t know details

  How you’ve lived your life, who your friends are or

  You haven’t talked about these things

  CLAY I don’t want to

  EILEEN But I’ve got to have something, do you understand?

  CLAY Why?

  I’m here now, isn’t that all that matters?


  EILEEN Every night, before I’d fall asleep, I’d go through a different scenario.

  Today Patrick lives in a beach house in Florida

  Tomorrow an apartment in New York

  A boat on the Mississippi

  A loft in Seattle

  I’d picture you in every city I’d seen on television.

  I’d watch the news

  The bigger the event the better

  If there was a flood, an earthquake, the Oscars

  Anything with a crowd I’d be there

  eyes right up

  searching the background

  looking for you.


  Remember the millennium celebrations?

  Clay nods.

  Well I stayed up til five in the morning waiting for Washington

  Who’s that guy in the red jacket?

  Or that boy there with the party hat and the happy face?

  When those reports came in on September the eleventh I stayed up for three days.

  I taped it on video

  Every member of the crowd paused and pawed over

  Every fireman checked out and ticked off

  I peered over the shoulder of a woman crying for her dead husband because

  that might be you in the blue jumper covered in dust, surviving

  But now you’re here

  All flesh and blood and I don’t need to imagine anymore

  You can tell me what’s real and what’s not.

  You can tell me what happened

  Silence, Clay looks straight out front or puts his head in his hands.

  You’ll have to tell them

  They’ll want to know everything

  What school you went to what job you had

  Did you even go to school?

  You see I don’t know

  But they’ll want to know it all, in detail, it’s expected

  and they won’t be afraid to ask.

  CLAY I wasn’t very good at school

  EILEEN So, he

  did…put you through school then he

  CLAY Yes.

  But I preferred the holidays

  I’d hang out

  Climb trees


  Skinny-dip in the lake


  You know one summer, me and a friend, this girl, we went fishin’ practically every day

  EILEEN You weren’t bored?

  CLAY Bored?



  Shit no I loved it

  EILEEN Ray tried to take you fishing once


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