Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection Page 29

by KL Donn

  My mom helped me get his room all set up. I bought one of those cribs that converts to a toddler bed and then to a big boy bed. Of course his room is floor to ceiling Chicago Hawks gear.

  What can I say, I want my boy to love them as much as I do. I’m not sure how it’s going to go having them here. MeMe used to spend the night at my place, or I stayed at hers all the time through college.

  Hell, we even slept in the same bed, but things are obviously different now because we had sex, lots of amazing sex, and have a child together.

  I finish my shower and quickly dress in some track pants, sweatshirt, and baseball cap. I throw my backpack on and make my way out to my SUV. It takes me about a half hour to get home—luckily beating rush hour traffic. I opted to get a place just outside of downtown Chicago because after living down there with Tito, I wanted something a little less crazy.

  I pull into the parking garage of my place and climb out once I park in my spot. Once I reach my floor, I get off the elevator and my place is at the end of the hall.

  Letting myself in, I look around—the place is bare and plain, well every room with the exception of Henry’s. Besides all the Hawks stuff, I had painted his walls a, what my mom calls, soft blue.

  I lock my door and drop my bag before heading into the kitchen to make a smoothie. While I drink it down, I start making a grocery list for the delivery service one of the girls from the floor below suggested.

  Once that’s done, I schedule the groceries to be delivered Friday morning. The rest of the night, I watch porn on my laptop, jerking off twice before falling asleep.

  Of course that didn’t help me because my dreams were plagued with images of MeMe naked and riding my cock over and over causing me to wake up hard… again, but refusing to do anything about it.



  “Do you think this is a good idea?” Elsa comes into my room with Henry on her hip.

  I zip up the overnight bag and turn to her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She sits down on the end of my bed. Elsa has always been my protector. Ever since we were little girls, she’s always looked out for me. “The three of you playing house and knowing how you feel about him—I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “I know that. I’ve had many, many years to deal with my feelings for him and his lack of feelings for me. Plus, I’m doing it for this little stinker.” I tickle Henry’s side until he gives me one of his adorable belly laughs.

  Over the past month, we’ve FaceTimed with Sawyer almost every night we don’t see him. The past two weeks, Henry has tried to worm his way into either my phone or laptop while his daddy talked to him. We didn’t see him for Thanksgiving, but we did a late one at his mom’s the next night.

  It was my mom, Elsa, Carrie, Henry, me, and Sawyer and his mom. It was super chill and laid back just the way we all liked it. My son has been soaking up all of the attention. He’s discovered that running gets him places faster and now he doesn’t walk, he runs.

  He’s into everything and it’s now becoming harder for me to work when he’s up—especially if I’m home alone. I’ve been considering putting him in daycare two or three days a week just for the socialization, but I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.

  I throw the strap over my shoulder. “Please don’t worry about me, I’m fine—this is all going to be fine, I promise.” Wow, I almost believe myself.

  Elsa puts Henry’s coat on while I put on mine. She carries him out to my car and buckles him in before kissing him all over his face. “Bye, my big boy. Your auntie loves you.” She pulls me into a hug. “I love you.”

  I kiss her cheek and hug her back. “I love you too.”

  I climb in and she waves as I back out of the driveway. The whole drive to Sawyer’s my stomach does little flips and my heart pounds in my chest. The only thing keeping me sane is my boy’s sweet babbling from the backseat.

  When we reach his building, I pull into the parking garage, looking for the numbered spot he told me to park in. Once I’m pulled into the spot, I text him.

  MeMe: We’re in the parking garage.

  I smile because he answers immediately.

  Sawyer: OMW down.

  It makes my heart happy that he’s embraced being a father and yes, it’s only been a little over a month, but I can tell that he loves every minute of it. Of course then I feel guilty for not trying harder to tell him.

  As I’m climbing out of my car, a set of elevator doors open and he comes jogging out. I look away before he catches me gawking because of course he looks hot as hell. I’ve always loved him in track pants and those tight, moisture-wicking shirts he always wore, and a ball cap on his head backward.

  “Hey.” He hugs me when he reaches me. Things have started going back to the way they used to be and I’m definitely glad about that. If I can’t have him the way I’ve always wanted, then I’ll take him the way I can.

  “Hey yourself. Henry is very excited about his sleepover with his daddy.” Sawyer smiles widely.

  “He told you that, huh?” He opens the backdoor, getting our son out of his car seat. Henry squeals and snuggles into his daddy. The moment is sweet, so I quickly take their picture. “Do you want to trade?” Sawyer signals to the overnight bag on my shoulder and then to our son who is trying to get his daddy’s hat.

  “No, I’ve got it. I know you’ve been excited to see him.” I lock up my car and follow behind him. We step onto an elevator and the doors shut us inside. His clean, fresh scent wraps around me, but I ignore it.

  We reach his floor and I follow behind him to his door. He lets us in and the first thing I notice is there isn’t much to the place. Of course he was never much of a decorator.

  Sawyer turns to me. “I know it’s not much, but I don’t want to go gung-ho and then end up moving. Put your bag down and follow me.” We stop in front of a closed door. “Now the rest of the place isn’t decorated, but I wanted Henry to have a nice place to sleep when he’s here.”

  The door swings open and I let out a squeal. “Oh my god! This is amazing.” I step inside. The room is entirely decked out in Hawks gear. The hardwood floor is covered in a big baseball-shaped area rug. There is also a huge basket of toys in the corner. “Did you do this all by yourself?”

  He shakes his head. “Mom helped, and Wally Stewart helped me put the furniture together.”

  It’s so weird to think that he’s friends now with people we’ve watched play. Wally plays left fielder and is a power hitter. I keep it to myself that he’s really fucking hot with his lightly tanned skin, shaggy blond hair, and emerald green eyes. He’s not as tall as Sawyer, and he’s got quite a bit more muscle mass.

  “That’s cool. Is he a nice guy? In interviews I’ve seen, he always seems like he’s a really nice guy.”

  “He’s great. Almost all of them are.”

  Sawyer sets Henry down and he starts to investigate his room. We stand so close together as we watch our son pull toy after toy out of the basket. He carries a truck past us and we follow him to the living room. Henry plops down on the floor and pushes his truck.

  He crawls after it and pushes it again. When he gets bored with it, he gets up and like he’s been here forever, Henry walks back into his room and comes back a moment later with a ball.

  Since we can see his room from the living room, Sawyer has me sit on the sofa. He hands me the remote and grabs us each a bottle of water. “What do you want to do for dinner? I have some groceries, but we can order out—maybe even go somewhere.”

  I don’t even have to think about it, I know exactly what I want. “Can we do a Chicago style pizza?”

  “I should’ve known that’s what you’d want. I’ve been trying to eat clean ever since my injury.”

  “Oh… well, that’s disappointing.” I know I’m pouting but going to Chicago at least once a month—maybe even twice was always our thing. We’d come and eat our weight in deep dish.

  Sawyer shakes h
is head when he looks at me. “Don’t worry, I’m still going to get you your pizza. I’ll just order something for myself.”

  I’m not going to argue with that. “Okay. Yay!” I clap my hands together.

  Henry hears my clapping and cheers from his bedroom.

  “Do you care if I do a little bit of work? It’s always hard when he’s up because obviously he’s very, very busy. Plus, that’ll give you some bonding time.”

  “Of course, if you want, you can go in my room, shutting yourself in. I’ll order dinner in about an hour. Does that sound good?”

  I nod. “Thanks Saw.”

  After I gather up my laptop, get the Wi-Fi password, my earbuds, and my phone, I head into his room. His king-sized bed taunts me, because I know that’s the same bed that our son was conceived in. I push all of those thoughts aside and stack the pillows against the headboard, getting comfy, pull up my podcast, and start working.

  Something touches my face and I swat it away. It’s there again and I bat at it, but then I realize where I’m at and open my eyes quickly. Sawyer is smiling down at me with Henry in his arms.

  I pull my earbuds out. “I’m sorry, I think I fell asleep.”

  “Oh yeah, you did. I came in to check on you and you were snoring and drooling.” His lip curls up in the corner with that damn smirk of his.

  “Shut up, I don’t snore or drool.” Okay, maybe I did when I was pregnant, shit I’d snore so loud I’d wake myself up and sometimes wake up with a river of drool running down my cheek. “Give me my boy,” I say in this weird voice that Henry loves. Holding out my hands, I take him into my arms, hugging him tight.

  “Ma moo ba.” He screeches and then gives me an open mouth kiss.

  I kiss his neck until he squeals. “Were you a good boy for daddy?”

  Sawyer sits down by my hip. “We had some goldfish and some milk. Then he kicked my ass in a wrestling match and then we watched some Sportscenter. All of that was done in our underwear with our hands tucked into them.”

  The image of that has me bursting out laughing. Our sweet boy starts laughing even though he doesn’t know what’s going on. Sawyer joins in and this feels so amazing and right.

  I get myself under control and when I look at Sawyer, I find him staring at me—I can’t read the look on his face, but I look down at Henry before I do something stupid like try to kiss him and have him reject me.

  “Ahem… should I go ahead and order our pizza?”

  I glance at him. “Umm… yeah, that’d be great. Will you get garlic bread?” I’m a girl who loves to eat and I’m not going to ever change.

  “Of course, but man—you’re trying to ruin my diet.”

  I stand and look down at him. “I never said I was going to share it with you.” As I walk past him, I stick my tongue out. He jumps up and I take off running. Of course he catches me almost immediately, wrapping his arms around us.

  Neither of us moves until I lean back against his chest. I don’t know what I’m doing, but his arms tighten around me. Sawyer kisses the side of my head and is the first to let go.

  He walks by me to grab his cell phone and I feel so awkward right now. I take Henry into the living room and sit down on the floor with him. He grabs his teddy that Sawyer bought for him to have here. “Ba ba boo.” He holds it out to me.

  I take it and hug it. “Aww… sweet baby, thank you.”

  Henry smiles at me and then turns around and runs to Sawyer, hugging his leg. As Sawyer talks on the phone, he squats down and picks our boy up with a natural ease that makes me smile.

  When Sawyer ends the call, he kisses Henry’s head and comes to sit down on the floor with me. He rolls to his back and starts bench pressing Henry. He looks at me and smiles. “Food will be here in about forty-five minutes.”

  I lay down next to them and smile while watching my boy squeal with glee and dripping drool onto his daddy and of course he doesn’t mind one bit. “Sounds good and if you’re done bench pressing our son, I’ll feed him his dinner.”

  By the time our food gets here, Henry is already in bed. While Sawyer sets our food up at the breakfast bar, I grab us some plates and a water for him and Coke Zero for me.

  I sit next to him and moan the minute I open the box. I feel Sawyer’s eyes on me as I look lovingly at my pie. It’s small, but one piece will fill me up. The cheese is ooey-gooey while scooping a piece up and place it on my plate. I grab the garlic bread and dip it in some marinara.

  I’m making a fool of myself while I moan around each bite. I lick my fingers clean and take a drink of my soda. I cut a bite of my pizza and the moment I place it in my mouth, I close my eyes, moaning softly.

  Sawyer grabs my arm and I turn to look at him. “Please stop moaning.” He reaches down, adjusting himself.

  I feel my cheeks heat up. “I-I’m sorry.”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry. You’re just going to have to give me a bite.” Sawyer winks and I feel myself relax.

  I cut him a small piece and hold up the fork for him to take a bite. I keep my gaze on his mouth as he leans in and his lips wrap around the tines of my fork. He moans and it immediately causes my nipples to harden.

  “God, that’s so fucking good.” He looks down at his grilled vegetables and chicken. “This sucks.”

  “How about I give you half of this piece? That way, you get just a little taste without messing with your diet.”

  He takes my plate from me. “That’s a great idea. Thanks.” The jerk laughs as he wolfs down the piece of pizza.

  Once we’re done, we work side by side cleaning up our food. We camp out in the living room. I used to always lay down on the couch and put my feet up on his lap. That’s what I do now just to see if he lets me. He begins massaging the balls of my feet.

  As the movie Speed plays in the background, Sawyer asks me questions about my pregnancy and Henry’s birth. “Was his birth hard?”

  I rest my hands on my stomach. “I was about two days past my due date and was pretty miserable. The two weeks prior to that, I was having trouble sleeping and even using sleep aids, I just couldn’t get comfortable.”

  “I remember the day I had him so vividly. They say you forget, but I remember every second. Elsa and Carrie were both working, and I had finally fallen asleep. I woke because I was having cramps. I climbed out of bed and my water broke. Mom came to get me and when they got me all settled into my room, I was already dilated to five and a half. Elsa and Carrie arrived when I was at a nine. They all stayed when I began to push. Our son was eager to enter this world because I swear it felt like I didn’t push for very long.”

  “He was so big but so tiny,” I whisper.

  Sawyer squeezes my feet. “I bet.” That’s all he says and then we watch Speed. I’m thrown off by his nonchalant response. I choose to ignore it and turn my head to look at the TV.

  It doesn’t take long before my eyes start to feel heavy.



  MeMe snores softly from her spot at the end of the couch. I get up and scoop her up into my arms. She doesn’t budge as I carry her into my bedroom and lay her down on one side of the mattress.

  I should grab some blankets and sleep on the couch, but my bed is big enough for both of us to sleep together without touching. After I cover her up, I make sure the front door is locked.

  I brush my teeth, and go peek in on Henry and he’s passed out. I make sure the baby monitor is on and take my monitor into my bedroom, setting it on the nightstand next to my side of the bed.

  I pull off my track pants and look down at my boxer briefs. Should I put on shorts? I decide to pull on flannel pants and then crawl into bed with MeMe. It doesn’t take long before I start to fall asleep.

  I’m not sure what time it is, but I know I wake up feeling like I’m roasting alive. It takes a second to realize that MeMe is draped partially on top of me with her legs tangled with mine.

  Fuck, it feels really good to have her against me like this. I can
’t help myself and kiss the top of her head. Her hand is resting on my chest with mine covering hers.


  I tip my head down and look at her. “Did I wake you?”

  “No. Can I tell you something?”

  I roll so I’m on my side facing her. “You can tell me anything.”

  “The day you came to my place after we had sex, I was hiding in the kitchen. I was scared to face you because I didn’t want you to reject me. That night, I listened to all of your voicemails and realized I couldn’t let things end like that between us. I got dressed and practically ran to your place.”

  I freeze because I know exactly what happened that night. I’d stupidly hooked up with a wannabe cleat chaser. She continues talking.

  “I reached up to knock, and that’s when I heard a thump and then a moan.” MeMe’s voice lowers. “It killed me because I felt like it was my fault. I ran scared and didn’t tell you how I was feeling and then you had sex with someone else.”

  I hug her to my chest. “I’m so sorry, MeMe. It had been such an amazing night and then you were gone. I think maybe we both handled that whole weekend badly, but I don’t regret it. I’ll never regret that night because we got Henry.”

  “We got Henry,” she says softly.

  “We should probably get some sleep. Little man will be up bright and early, I’m sure.”

  I roll MeMe so her back is to me. I wrap my arm around her waist and lace my fingers with hers. In no time, she’s out. It takes a long time before sleep finds me, but that’s okay because I take the time to enjoy holding her in my arms.

  Henry munches happily on a piece of toast and some scrambled eggs. He woke me up around six-thirty and I wanted to give MeMe the opportunity to sleep in because I’m sure those don’t come often, so I jumped out of bed to get him before she woke up.


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