Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection Page 61

by KL Donn

  "Hey, Harla, you got a minute?" I spin around at the sound of West's voice. "I've got something to show you." He sounds uncertain, and that's weird. West's usually so confident, verging on cocky.

  "Of course," I say immediately. "What do you want to show me?"

  He nods toward the hall, asking me to follow him. Putting the bottle down on the countertop, I follow behind him. He leads me down to the garage, not saying a word, and I'm nervous.

  He opens the garage door, and I gasp when I see what he wanted to show me.

  "You fixed it?" I whisper as I run my hands over the body of the car.

  "Yeah. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to or not, but it was a shame leaving it unfinished."

  I run and crash against him as I wrap my arms around him. "This is the best surprise ever! Thank you."

  "I know how much this car means to you."

  I smile as I pull away from him. "It was Pops's," I tell him as I once again walk around the car. "Dad tried fixing it when he was younger but never did get around to finishing it. Gigi told me that it was mine." I smile. "She'd laugh and say that it was just a heap of rust collecting dust. She didn't realize that I had been fixing it up. All the pocket money she and Dad would give me went into fixing it."

  He smiles. "You managed to get it running though."

  I nod. "I did. It took me three years to do so, but I finally managed it the day Gigi died." I shake my head. "Of course, I went and crashed it that day."

  West laughs. "Good thing you knew how to fix it."

  I run my fingers over the hood. "You've made this car even better."

  He raises his brow. "Oh yeah, how do you work that out?"

  "Well, Pops fixed it, Dad tried to, I did, and now you have. It's like a family tradition." I shrug.

  His eyes soften. "Yeah."

  “Damn proud of the two of you.” I gasp when I hear Dad’s voice. Turning, I see him standing there staring at both West and I.

  West shrugs. “It was nothing. Harla had already done the hard work. I just had to fix it.”

  “Bullshit,” Dad growls. “I saw the car after she crashed it. It was a hell of a lot more than nothing.”

  West rolls his eyes, but I smile. “It’s true, you did a lot more than nothing.”

  “Took me forever to find a decent supplier for the parts. Drove Ma crazy,” Dad says.

  I smile. “Yeah. She used to say I was a lot like you, always in the garage working on the car.”

  “You did a good job, baby girl. I thought it would have been a pile of rust by now.”

  “It’s a classic,” West says. “She did a fucking great job.”

  I smile at the praise. “As I said, it’s a family tradition.”

  Dad nods. “That it is, baby girl.” He looks at the both of us. “You both think I’ve done wrong. I did what I thought was best.” He shakes his head. “I love you both. Always have, always will. Proud of how you both turned out.” He turns and walks away, leaving both West and I stunned.

  “So, how are you doing?” I ask after a couple of minutes, wondering if he'll talk about his mom. Saint told me last night that West shot Rhonda when he found out that she betrayed them and handed me to the Phoenixes. I'm not sure if I was supposed to know that he killed her or not.

  His body tenses. "I'm fine. She was a fucking bitch for doing what she did."

  "Yeah, but, West, she's still your mom, and I know that no matter what, she did love you, and you loved her."

  His jaw grinds. "Whatever."

  "Not whatever. She was your mom, West, and no one can take that away. She was hurt, did what she did because she was jealous. That's not your fault, and I don't think you should remember her that way."

  He shakes his head. "You're too soft."

  I shrug. "Maybe, but I don't think there's any point harboring any anger toward those that are dead."

  He glances down at the floor, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

  I stand beside him and rest my head against his arm. "I'm sorry for your loss. I would tell you the pain disappears, but it doesn't. It fades over time."

  He kisses the top of my head. "You were wrong, you know."

  I frown. "About what?"

  "You are too good for Saint." He chuckles as my eyes widen. "You're too fucking good for this life, but, Harla, you're stuck here."

  "I like it here," I tell him honestly.

  "Good. Aint no way Saint's going to let you go."

  "You know?" I question, and he nods. "Are you mad too?"

  His eyes narrow. "Not at you, girl. At Saint, yes, but I can't be too fucking mad when you're carrying my nephew."

  “Nephew? It could be a girl,” I inform him, and his eyes widen. I laugh. “What makes you think the baby is a boy?”

  “No way could Saint have a girl. He’d kill anyone who comes into contact with her.”

  I raise my brow. “Oh, and you wouldn’t?”

  He shrugs. “Never said I wouldn’t, just saying for Saint’s sanity, you’d better be prayin’ that baby is a boy.”

  “He’s right, Angel,” Saint says, sauntering into the garage. “I’d lose my shit when she started dating.”

  I gasp. “You two can’t be serious?”

  They glance at one another, then back to me.

  “Deadly,” Saint replies with a smirk.

  “Harla, you know what Saint’s like with you. He’ll kill anyone who even looks in your direction. Add in his daughter, your daughter, and the man’s going to turn into a homicidal maniac.”

  “No, he won’t. You know that it’s going to be a girl, now, don’t you?” I tell them, and they both wince. “She’s going to have so many men around her that no one is ever going to be able to date her, and if they do, they’re going to have to be as confident as the two of you put together.”

  They glance at each other once again.

  “Okay, Angel,” Saint says, but I know he’s placating me. “Have you eaten?”

  “Not yet. I was waiting on you,” I semi-lie. I was going to but got distracted.

  He takes my hand and pulls me toward him. “We’ll rectify that now.”

  I turn my head to West. “Thank you.” He’s sweet under all that gruffness.


  “Food,” Saint says, and I laugh, following him out of the garage.

  “I heard you,” he says into the darkness. We’ve been lying naked in bed, me in his arms, for the past twenty minutes. “When you were talking to your dad this morning.”

  I turn in his arms and look at him. My hand reaches out and touches his face. I love when we’re like this, so comfortable and so content in being with each other. “What did you hear?”

  “All of it. As soon as you left the room, I woke up. I followed you out, and you were talking to your dad.”

  “Okay,” I respond softly, uncertain as to where this is leading.

  “I fucking love you,” he growls. “But I’m not too good for you, far fucking from it. You’re my fucking talisman. Your beacon shines brightly in my darkest hours. Trust me, Angel, I’m not a good man, never have been and never will be.”

  I caress his jaw, my fingers running across his stubble. “To me you are. You’re my everything,” I whisper, pressing a soft kiss against his lips.

  “Don’t say shit like that,” he growls, rolling me onto my back.

  “What? Wh—” My words cut off as his tongue invades my mouth.

  “You make me want to fuck you,” he snarls, his lips once again capturing mine.

  “Who said that was a bad thing?” I say once I’m able to regain my breath.

  He smirks. “Oh, Angel, you have no idea what you’ve started.”

  My hand reaches down, and I take his cock in my hand. “Oh, but I think I do.”

  He moves out of my reach, and I pout.

  “Te amo, mi angel,” I love you, my angel, he tells me as he thrusts into me.

  “Te amo,” I gasp as he fills me. This is where I belong. Right here with
him, with the man I love.



  One Year Later

  I hear her soft little murmurs, and before she can cry, I get out of bed, careful not to disturb my wife. Leaning over the cot, I watch as our daughter’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas, her chubby arms and legs kicking as if she’s excited, while she tries to eat her fist. At only six months old, Hope West has the club wrapped around her little finger. Not one of the brothers can refuse her anything, especially her grandfather.

  I pull her close, and she lets out a little sigh, nuzzling her head into my chest. The perfect mixture of my angel and me, the both of us. “You hungry, baby girl?”

  She speaks to me in her own mumbles, as if she understands everything I am saying. Her blue eyes, so much like her mom’s, twinkle.

  As soon as I open the door, West is coming out of his room. “She okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, hungry.”

  West grins, taking a step closer, looking down at his niece, softly touching his big fist against hers, making her giggle. West’s eyes light up as if she has granted him three wishes.

  Her lip quivers, and that right there has my body tensing and West racing for the kitchen to get a bottle ready. We can ride into any situation—the devil himself could turn up, and we’d tell him to suck our dicks—but when my little girl’s lip quivers and her eyes water, it has every brother here falling over themselves to get her whatever she needs.

  “You spoil her.”

  I turn at her voice. God, she gets more beautiful with every day that passes. My angel. Her hair is messy as it falls around her shoulders, her eyes heavy from being tired, and she’s dressed in one of my t-shirts. I’ve never seen a more beautiful female. It was so worth the punches I took once everyone found out that I had gone behind their backs and slept with her. I didn’t give a fuck. She was mine then and even more so now. West and Reaper were the last ones to punch me. Fuck, they both have a mean right hook and definitely didn’t hold back. Harla was mad as hell at them, but I told her it’s our way of life. She gets it. Doesn’t mean she liked it, but she understood.

  She walks up to our daughter, kissing her head softly before whispering soothing words, and just when I thought I couldn’t love my angel more, I was wrong. Seeing her as a mother, the bond between them and the way she treats Hope with such gentleness, causes my breath to catch every time.

  “Go back to bed, Angel. I’ve got this.”

  On a yawn, she nods, before standing on her tiptoes and placing a quick kiss against my lips, then another one on Hope’s head.

  As soon as we walk into the kitchen, I see West testing out the milk on his wrist, Reaper there with a coffee. Upon seeing his granddaughter, his entire demeanor changes. He’s more relaxed, his eyes shining brightly, and he has a huge ass smile on his face.

  Hope starts fussing, causing West to bring over the bottle. I hold it against her lips and she instantly takes it, her eyes wide, watching the whole world around her, full of love and trust. And I swear she will never know any different.

  She might live in a world where chaos surrounds her, but she will only know peace.

  “How’s my girl,” Reaper coos. If his enemies could see him now as Hope gives him a milky smile… I swear that man turns from the Reaper himself, into a puppy.

  “Church tomorrow morning,” he informs us.

  West and I both nod as she starts taking her bottle again.

  “How’s Callie?” I ask, turning my attention to West.

  West grins. “Got a year left. Fuck, man, I can’t wait.”

  West proved to everyone that Callie was his girl. He visits her every weekend he can, takes her to Mick’s cabin when she has some time off. He hasn’t made it official yet, but everyone knows he’s with her, and after refusing the Sweet butts, they soon got the message too.

  West kisses Hope’s head before I head back into the room. My angel smiles up at me, her dark hair dancing around the pillow like a halo.

  She sits up. “Couldn’t sleep without you.”

  Blush touches her cheeks as I sit next to her, placing a soft kiss on her lips as our daughter finishes the last of her milk.

  I laugh when a soft hand lands on my jaw. Looking down, I see a milky smile and big blue eyes twinkling at me.


  Both Harla and I freeze.

  “Did she—”

  Harla laughs. “Oh, you clever girl. West!” She bangs on the wall, and within seconds, his big frame storms in, body tense and ready.

  “Hope spoke. She said her first word!” Harla practically squeals.

  I continue to stare at our daughter in complete awe, her eyes never leaving mine.

  “D-d-dada.” She smiles again.

  “Fuck, man.” He squeezes my shoulder, knowing what this means.


  He walks out quietly, giving the three of us the time we need.

  “Yes, I'm your daddy, and I promise you, Hope, I will love you always.”

  She yawns at my words, her eyes heavy as she snuggles in. I walk her over to her cot, pulling the pink blanket up and tucking it under her arms, making sure she’s warm and secure. I take a moment just to stare at her. She has already changed so much.

  “Baby.” I turn at my angel’s voice, dropping my jeans and taking off my vest before sliding into bed. I bring her body close, so she’s practically lying on me.

  “You okay?” she whispers into the darkness, those icy blue eyes of hers so bright and full of love for me.

  An angel that fell in love with the devil.

  I thought Reaper and the brothers had saved me, but I had just been surviving, because it was a five-foot-four angel who really brought me back to life, who showed me that love is real.

  I nod as emotions fill me. I kiss her, showing her everything I feel, everything I am thankful for.

  “Te amo, mi angel.” I love you, my angel, I whisper against her lips.

  About KL Humphreys

  K.L. Humphreys loves to write about Alpha males and strong women. She'll write anything from Suspense to Women's Fiction. Her women's fiction is about Working Girls.

  K.L. Humphreys was born in London, England but now lives in Ireland with the love of her life and her baby girl. In a way, the world has him to thank for her Debut Novel Deadly Hunt. After years of thinking about writing the story that had been dying to get out of her head, she finally confided in her other half. He gave her all the encouragement she needed to get the story out, he has been with her every step of the way.

  About Natalie Hill

  Natalie fell in love with beautiful words and adventure of stories. Natalie is happily married and mum of 3 amazing girls. Who has been writing for years but finally took the plunge to publish this year after two close author friends gave her the much-needed push she needed.

  Catching Chase

  A Novel by Michelle Windsor

  Catching Chase

  by Michelle Windsor

  Jasper Chase is in town for a weekend playoff game. Megan Lewis is in town for the week on business.

  Two strangers in the right place at the right time. After three passion-filled nights, they go their separate ways. No regrets, no fake promises, and no looking back. Until fate intervenes, reuniting them four years later. Except, she’s not very happy to see him. And he’s just figured out why. It’s clinging to her leg and has eyes just like his. So much for no regrets...

  Michelle Windsor asserts the right to be identified as the author of this work.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, distributed, or sold in any printed or electronic form without direct, written permission from the author. Please do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictionally, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, busin
esses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This is an advanced readers copy for purposes of private and direct distribution and can not be shared or sold to any other persons with written permission by the author.

  Copyright © Michelle Windsor 2019


  I give a final wave as I step away from the podium at the front of the room, then make my way over to the steps leading off of the stage. I’ve just completed the last presentation required of me at my company’s annual conference, and could not be more relieved. It’s been a grueling four days of interaction as I tried to impress present and hopefully new clients with our products, and now I’m looking forward to some much needed downtime.

  I weave my way out of the room as quickly as I can, only being stopped twice along the way to answer questions, heaving a sigh of relief when I reach the exit doors and push through them. I head in the direction of the elevators, my heels echoing across the tiled lobby floor when I hear my name being called.

  “Megan?” I’m not sure if I’m the Megan in question, so I plant the toe of my shoe and spin in the direction of the voice. I freeze in place when my eyes connect with the person calling out my name.

  “Megan! It is you.” My heart rate accelerates, my pulse thundering in my ears so loud I can barely hear what he says next. “I almost didn’t recognize you with your short hair.” He’s reached me now, and I still haven’t uttered a word. I just stare at him in complete shock, a frown tarnishing his perfect lips as he points to himself. “It’s Jasper. Please tell me you remember me.”

  I finally gather my senses and offer him a smile. “Of course I remember you Jasper.” I lean forward, my fingers gripping his bicep in a loose hold as I brush an awkward kiss against his smooth cheek. I’ve never been this close to him when he’s clean shaven. “I was just surprised to see you.”


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