Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection Page 64

by KL Donn

  “Your turn.” His comment startles me out of my trance as he stands over me, his fingers working to release the button of my jeans, then pulling at the denim, his body stilling when they slide past my waist. “You’re not wearing any underwear?” His gaze, on fire now, finds mine.

  I snag my bottom lip between my teeth, then shake my head.

  “Holy shit.” He yanks my pants completely off, then moves his body over mine. “That’s so god damn hot.” His mouth crashes into mine, his tongue plunging inside to massage against my tongue, his hunger for me prodding between my legs as he lowers against me.

  I widen my legs, spreading my knees so his entire body can fit between me, shuddering when his length rubs along the wet seam of my center. I shift my hips, shoving my pussy against his cock, trying to force him inside of me, the ridge of his crown sliding roughly over my clit, my body jerking from the contact. I snake a hand between our bodies, my fingers gliding around the wetness that’s spread over his cock, and tug him toward my center. I can’t remember ever needing someone as badly as I do in this moment, and let out a frustrated cry when I feel him tug his hips back.

  “Condom?” He asks raggedly, his chest rising and falling quickly as he peers down at me.

  “I’m on the pill.” I slide my hand up and down his length, wanting to feel his smooth, hot skin inside of me, and not the latex of a condom. I’ve never had sex without a condom before, but for some reason, with him, it’s all I want. I should ask him if he’s clean. But for some reason I just know he is. I don’t even need to ask the question. I tighten my grip to draw him to my center again.

  “Are you sure?” The weight of his body welcome against mine as the tip of his cock nudges against the slit of my opening.

  “Yes.” I beg, spreading even wider, pressing my feet into the mattress as I shove my hips up, my opening spreading around his cock as he edges it in.

  “Fuck it.” It comes out on a growl as his hips drive forward and slam into mine, his cock plunging inside of me. The muscles of my pussy contract around him, holding him tight as our bodies fuse together in perfect harmony. That fusion may have lasted a second, or maybe ten, I’m not sure, and only come back to earth when I feel him slowly begin to pump in and out of me.

  “So tight.” He grunts as he thrusts his hips against me, his mouth capturing mine in a passion-filled kiss. His lips move against mine in a whisper, “Tell me what you need.” He kisses me hard again, before moving against them to whisper again. “I want to make you come.”

  My pussy contracts around him as the breath of his words reach my ears. This man is perfection. “Don’t stop.” My fingers claw into the skin of his back as I lift my groin up to meet his. “Just don’t stop Jasper.”

  “Not stopping.” He pants into my mouth, his hips swiveling as he continues to pump in and out of me, his cock sliding against my clit each time he bears down, every nerve in my body starting to coil. Less than a minute later, the muscles in my pussy clench as fireworks explode behind my closed lids, and I moan in ecstasy, “yes, yes, yes…” Just as my muscles being to pulse, Jasper’s body heaves into mine a final time, his cock thrusting hard as he growls out my name, his cum hot as he buries himself deep inside of me.


  “Sorry.” I murmur into her hair as I roll off her, pulling her against me, her head coming to rest in the crook of my arm. My heart is pounding against my rib cage like a prisoner trying to escape its cell, and I wonder if she can feel it. I didn’t mean to practically attack her when we walked into the room, but something ignited in me from the very second I saw this woman. Or, more appropriately, ran in to her. From the moment my hand wrapped around her waist, before I even saw her face, some kind of electric charge surged through me. Since then it’s been like a magnetic force calling me to her, and I knew I wouldn’t feel complete until I was connected to her again.

  “Sorry?” Her face lifts off my arm as she turns to look at me, her brow furrowed. “For what exactly? A great dinner, the company, or that amazing orgasm?”

  An involuntary smile pulls at my mouth. “It wasn’t exactly my best work.” I run a hand over my face in attempt to hide my embarrassment. “The moment usually lasts more than five damn minutes.”

  “Best damn five minutes I’ve had in longer than I can remember” She chuffs out, laughing as she settles back into my shoulder. “But if you’re saying it gets better, as soon as you’re ready, I’m more than happy to let you prove it.”

  I put my hand over hers, which is drifting in a slow circle over my heart, and drag it down my body and over my groin. A quick gasp of breath spills over my chest when her fingers settle over my length, long and hard under her soft touch. Her hand relaxes at the base of my cock, and then strokes from root to tip, her touch light as a feather. I jerk in reaction against her palm, a groan of approval rumbling through my chest. Using the arm I have wrapped around her, I pull her further into me, her leg moving to drape over mine as she leans across my chest to look up at me. “I see you’re up to the challenge?”

  “I am if you are.” I chuckle, tilting forward to brush my lips against hers, the need to taste her mouth against mine all consuming. She leans away from me before I can deepen the kiss, her hand moving from my throbbing cock to my hip, using it as leverage as she moves to stand. I sit up, wondering if I pushed too fast, but before I can ask, she speaks.

  “Hold that thought.” She’s adorable as she tries to hide her naked body by crossing her arms, her cheeks flushing the tell-tale sign of pink in embarrassment. “I really need to use the bathroom and maybe just freshen things up a little bit.”

  “Of course.” I let out the breath I was holding in relief and smile up at her. “Take your time.”

  She starts padding in the direction of a door that I assume is the bathroom, but then stops and twists her head back to me. “Don’t leave.”

  I shake my head once. “I won’t.”

  She nods, turning back in the direction she’s walking, my eyes glued to her ass. An ass that’s shaped like a damn upside down heart, complete with dimples on her lower back. My gaze swings up when I see her shift around again in the entrance to the bathroom, her arm extending to point to a mini-fridge under the large, flat-screen television across from the bed. “There’s water if you want it.” Then she disappears, closing the door behind her.

  I glance at the clock next to the bed. 9:27. Shit. I should really throw my clothes back on, thank her for a great time, and get the hell back to my room. I’ve got a ten o’clock curfew and practice in less than twelve hours from now. For one of the biggest games of my career. I stand, looking down at my dick, still hard as a fucking rock, and see it’s abundantly clear how it feels about leaving. Damn it. I don’t want to leave either. Yeah, the sex, even though only five minutes, was incredible. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I wanted more, but I also really like this girl. There is something different happening with her. A connection so natural, so easy, that it just feels like it’s meant to be.

  Screw it. I pick my jeans up from the floor and fish my cell out of the front pocket. I bring up a text window and type in a message to Doug, my teammate, and also my roommate here at the hotel.

  Cover for me? Be back late.

  Less than three seconds later, dots start dancing on the screen as he types a reply. I roll my eyes when I see his response.

  It’s your ass. Hope hers is worth it.

  That’s his way of agreeing. It would be too easy to just say sure. It’s a guy thing. We can’t do anything straight forward if it involves any kind of feelings. I set the phone on the table next to the bed, then grab a bottle of water from the mini-fridge she pointed to. I look around the room, noting a laptop computer on the desk, a pile of paperwork next to it, and a black bag slung over the chair. They are the only personal items on display in the room, everything else is put away somewhere. She’s either neat as a mouse, or packs extremely light. Before I can investigate further, the door to the bathroom opens, and she appe
ars, her body wrapped in a short, silk robe in a yellow and gray floral pattern. She covered up, and I immediately wonder if that means she’s changed her mind about round two, and in the next moment, makes me hyper aware of how naked I still am.

  “Sorry.” I place the water on the side table, then bend over to grab my jeans. Her hand is over mine before I can stand to put them on.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice is soft, but there’s an obvious nervous edge lacing the question.

  I straighten, lifting my eyes, then raise my shoulders in a slight shrug. “I thought maybe you wanted me to leave.”

  One side of her mouth quirks up in a coy smile as she shakes her head back and forth, her gaze staying locked on mine. “Nope.” Her hand presses flat against the center of my chest, and with a strength that surprises me, shoves me back onto the bed. “Definitely do not want that.” My brows shoot up when she climbs up on the bed next to me, one leg lifting over me as she straddles my waist, her robe parting around her legs as she hovers over me. “I mean, unless you want to.” She tilts her head, watching my reaction as the heat of her core comes to rest on my hard length as her hips settle on mine.

  “Nope.” I slide my hands up her bare thighs, stopping when I reach the lacey edging of her robe. “Not what I want at all.”

  “Good.” Her hands land gently on the top of my chest. “Because five minutes was definitely not enough.” Her fingers begin to move over my skin, tracing over the ridges of muscle defining my torso, my eyes following their path until she speaks again. “Your body is…” She looks down at me, her teeth capturing her lower lip, the surface shiny when she releases it to continue talking. “It’s perfection.” Her fingers continue to explore, skimming over the raised veins cording my forearms. “Is it weird that I think your arms may be the sexiest things I’ve ever seen?” She laughs, her core vibrating against me, my cock jerking along her heat, stifling her instantly, her eyes widening as they jump to mine.

  “No stranger than my wanting to unbraid your hair.” I stare up at her, then shift my body so that I’m sitting, her legs sliding around my waist as we come face-to-face.

  “You want to unbraid my hair?” She murmurs, her lips only inches from mine.

  “Uh-huh.” I close the distance between us, pressing my mouth to hers, my fingers moving at the same time to remove the elastic binding the end of her hair. I pull back from her mouth, the material of her robe, cool and smooth against my chest as our bodies remain connected. “I want to see it loose.” I begin unthreading her hair, silencing any objection she might have with a swipe of my tongue against her parted smile. Her hands glide around my neck, her nails digging into the base of my scalp as I devour the taste of her. She squashes her body to mine as I continue inching up the length of her braid, dragging my fingers through each crossed section, until all of her hair flows freely down her back.

  I fist a handful of the soft locks, and yank gently, her mouth forming a small O shape as a short yelp of surprise escapes. I tug again, exposing more of her neck, the top of her robe sliding open to release her breasts as her back arches. A waterfall of kinky waves cascade down behind her, brushing against my thighs as I drop my mouth against her neck. I skim my lips over her delicate skin, leaving a trail of wet kisses in my wake as I descend lower, the taste of her salty and sweet against my tongue. I release the grip I have on her tresses to slide my hand down her back, then splay it wide between her shoulder blades to hold her in place as I wrap my lips around one exposed nipple.

  Her body jolts, a low moan filling the air, the vibration of it tingling against my mouth, my free hand moving over her other breast, her nipple taut and hard against the palm of my hand. I suck hard on the nipple caught between my teeth, pinching the other one between my fingers, my cock growing even harder against her. She groans out my name, her legs locking around me as she presses her center into my throbbing dick. My teeth bite around the hard peak of the nipple I was flicking against my tongue, a growl ripping from me as I buck my hips up into hers. Her fingernails scrape from my shoulders to the center of my back as she shifts her hips to slide up and then down my aching length, my name, low and breathy, puffing from her mouth. I lave my tongue over the tip of her breast, softening the edge of the bite, then suck again, my lips curving up when she yells my name out again. Nothing has ever sounded sweeter. I want to talk to her. Tell her she’s so damn beautiful. Ask her if she wants more. But before I can, she pulls back from me abruptly, a small pop sounding as her breast leaves the suction of my mouth. I snap my eyes to hers, my chest rising and falling sharply as I speak. “What’s wrong?”

  She shakes her head, scooting her body down to the top of my thighs before rising up on her knees. She pulls at the tie on her rob, then slides it completely off, dropping it to the floor, leaving her naked over me. “Absolutely nothing.” Her attention shifts down to my waist, her tongue darting out between her parted lips, sweeping over them as her gaze drags slowly up my torso until she’s looking me in the eye again. “I just thought we wanted this to last more than five minutes.” She leans over me, planting her hands on each of my shoulders, then lowers her face, brushing wet lips against mine. Her lashes lift as she peeks up at me, her voice thick with lust when she speaks. “And, I want to taste you.”

  I snag a hand around the back of her head and slam my mouth against hers in a kiss so hard it borders on brutal. I force my tongue between her lips, trying to lose myself in her taste so I don’t slam inside her pussy instead. When I’ve claimed every inch of her mouth, I tear myself away, my breath panting against her swollen lips, the thought of them around my shaft sending a shock right to my groin. “Are you sure?”

  Her tongue snakes out between her lips, the pink tip swiping over my mouth in one long stroke before she leans back, bobbing her head once. “Oh, I’m sure.” I practically come right then, my cock thumping against my waist in anticipation when her body slides further down my legs. I fall back against the bed, my fingers threading into her downy mane as her head dips under my chin, just below my beard. Hungry lips press against the base of my throat, turning into small nips as she descends lower, my feet digging into the mattress when her tongue slides lazily over my nipple. Her mouth closes around the flat disk surrounding my sensitive peak, the wet heat causing my flesh to prick into a thousand tiny bumps, my grip on her hair tightening when she sucks, drawing out a moan from deep inside me.

  She scrapes her teeth over my nipple, then covers it again with her entire mouth, sucking it roughly. The hand I have on her head tightens, pushing her mouth even harder onto my nipple, my hips pumping in search of her. My other hand somehow manages to find its way between her legs, and I slide my fingers against her pussy, groaning loudly when I feel how wet she is. Her mouth opens in a moan when I plunge two digits into her opening, the attention to my nipple forgotten as she grinds down onto my hand. I pump them in and out of her, her hair fanning out across my chest when her cheek drops against it, her fingers digging into my shoulders as she lets out a moan. “Not fair.”

  “All’s fair in love and war, baby.” I chuckle, using my thumb to push against her clit, eliciting another moan from her. As much as I want to feel her mouth around my cock, I want inside of her pussy even more. I drag my fingers out of her hair to grab around the base of my cock, squeezing it as I lift it off my stomach. She seems to understand what I want without my actually saying it, her body shifting so that it’s over me, my fingers sliding out of her to guide her center over mine. I tighten the grip on my cock, holding it firm as her heat starts to surround me, letting go when I feel her core brush up against my knuckles. As soon as my hand is free, her hips are against mine, my cock burying deep inside her. We moan out our combined relief, stilling for only a second before her hips glide forward as she begins to rock. She shifts, sitting up straighter, her hair flying over her shoulder as she tosses her head back, her hands planting on my chest as she grinds deeper with each slide of her hips.

  I dig my fingers into the
tops of her thighs, forcing her up and down the entire length of my cock, making sure her clit drags against the edge of my crown, her hips bucking every single time. I know she’s going to come before she does. Her fingers curl, her short nails breaking the skin on my chest as the muscles in her body begin to contract, the skin around her nipples puckering as they grow harder, the walls of her pussy clenching around my cock in a slow grip. I wait until she explodes, my name tumbling from her mouth as she falls over the edge, then flip her in one smooth motion, driving my cock as deep as it can go.

  I slam my mouth over hers when her eyes fly open, capturing her cry of surprise with my lips. I continue pumping into her, her core pulsing wildly around me as I do, inducing a state of arousal I’ve never experienced before. My cock feels longer, harder, fucking better than it’s ever felt as I plunge deeper and deeper inside of her. My body tenses tight then erupts, both of us crying out, clinging to the other in an attempt to get closer as my warm cum spurts inside of her on one last, jutting stroke. White specks of light flash against the back of my eyelids, my body floating somewhere in space as my brain simply stops working as I hum with pleasure.

  When the last pulse of our mating throbs between us, I pull gently out, and then collapse beside her. She rolls onto her side, so I curl myself around her, pulling her back flush to my front, noticing she’s a perfect fit. I place my hand over hers and lace our fingers together. I can feel the rapid drumming of her heart through her chest where our hands rest. “Are you okay?”


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