Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection

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Leave Me Breathless: The Ivy Collection Page 67

by KL Donn

  I can’t help the tilt of my lips as I try, unsuccessfully, to hide my smile. “Maybe just a glass tonight.”

  There’s a spark in his eye, as his smile grows almost devilish before he addresses the waiter. “We’ll have a bottle of Veuve Cliquot if you have it?”

  “We do sir.” Roger nods. “Two glasses, or something else for you?”

  “Just one.” He continues. “I’ll have an ice water with lemon please.”

  “Sparkling or still?”

  Jesus, its water. Can we move on here? I want to hear more about Poppy, damn it. I tap my foot under the table, my nervous energy needing an escape. I stop when I notice Jasper steal a look in the direction of the noise I’m making.

  “Still is fine.” The warmth of Jasper’s hand covers my leg just above my knee a second later as he responds to Roger. His thumb starts to stroke the inside of my thigh in a slow sweeping motion, melting away the tension I was feeling only a second ago. He fingers splay around my thigh, squeezing gently, as he turns back to me. “Do you trust me?”

  I lock my gaze with his and answer without hesitation. “Yes.” This is what a single touch from him does to me, and I know in this moment that I’m so screwed. I’m actually falling for this guy. This guy I met less than thirty-six hours ago. He stares back at me, his hold on me relaxing again as his thumb resumes its torturous slide back and forth against my skin when he finally looks back at Roger.

  “We’ll start with the tomato capri salad, and then we’ll both have the boneless rib eye. I’ll take mine rare, and the lady will take hers,” He turns to look at me so I can fill in the blank.

  “Medium” I state, a bit flustered at how turned on I am over his total control of the situation.

  He doesn’t miss a beat, continuing as soon as I respond. “We’ll do the mashed potatoes, grilled asparagus, and the creamed spinach.” He turns to me, his brow raised. “Anything else you’d like?”

  “Hollandaise sauce?” I suggest, his head whipping back to Roger.

  “And hollandaise sauce.” He completes our order.

  “Very good.” Roger nods, clapping his little black folder shut. “I’ll get your drinks and be back.”

  Before Roger is even three feet away, I pounce. “So, you were explaining about Poppy?”

  His thumb on my knee stills as a long breath blows from between lips parted in a frown. “As I said, we dated, and now we’re not.”

  “Does she know that?” I can’t seem to rein in my jealousy, even though I have absolutely no right to question him. I was the one, just twenty minutes ago in the car, telling him that there were no expectations.

  “She knows.” His hand leaves my leg and comes to rest on the table in a loose fist. He flexes it a moment before finally speaking. “She’s what we refer to in the business as a fame whore. I thought she liked me for me, but came to realize she just liked the attention I brought her.” He looks up to meet me in the eye. “She means nothing to me.”

  “It feels like maybe she did?” I continue to question softly. Not because I’m feeling threatened anymore, but now out of concern for him.

  “It’s not an easy business to be in if you want to meet someone.” He unclenches his fist, moving his hand to lay over mine. “I promise you, I’m fine.”

  “Okay.” I nod, accepting his explanation, and because I want to move on from this topic. “I’m sorry if I pushed.”

  “You don’t have to apologize.” He squeezes my hand. “You were just bombarded with flashbulbs and questions. It’s okay to ask me what you need to know. I’d rather have you ask me and get the straight answer, instead of googling me to get the twisted truth the media prints.”

  It seems to be perfect timing on Roger’s part as he enters the room, bottle of champagne in hand, another server towing behind him carrying a crystal bucket filled with ice in one hand and a tray with one glass of iced water in the other. They make a bigger production out of opening the bottle then is required in my opinion, but it’s a nice way for us to end the topic of Poppy.

  When I finally have a glass of champagne in hand, I raise it to Jasper in a toast. “To chance encounters.”

  I’m rewarded with a wide grin as he lifts his glass to clink against mine lightly. “The very best kind.”

  That seems to set a new stage for the rest of our evening, which unfolds like a scene from a romance movie, not my life. We talk for two hours straight, while we devour a dinner that may have tasted better than anything I’ve ever eaten before in my life. After that we share a chocolate soufflé, and finally finish the meal with coffees. We both agree we need the caffeine to keep us from falling into a food coma. I’m full and content, and feel like I’ve known him for months, not just the one full day it’s really been. I’ve read and of course seen in movies how people will describe how when you meet ‘the one’ you’ll know because the connection is so easy and natural and unlike anything else you’ve yet to experience. I stare at him, dumbfounded, as we wait in the rear entrance of the restaurant for the car to come around. It occurs to me that I have already fallen for this guy. In one damn day. Holy shit. I’m so totally screwed.


  She shivers under my arm, and I look down, belatedly realizing she must be cold. How can she not be? She’s wearing a sleeveless dress in temperatures that have dropped down to the low sixties. I step away, releasing her so that I can shrug my jacket off. “Here, put this on.” Her brows are furrowed, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she stares at me blankly. “You’ve got to be freezing.” I continue, confused by her expression.

  “Oh!” She blurts, the trance she’s in breaking as she slides her arms into my jacket, hugging it around her body. “Yes, thank you.” She bends her head down to the material of the jacket then lifts it, a smile lighting up her face. “It smells like you.”

  I chuckle. “That’s a good thing?”

  She bobs her head once, her smile growing wider. “A very good thing.” Her smile is infectious, my lips curving up to mirror hers, a wave of pure adoration crashing over me like the tide, pulling me further into the ocean of feelings I’m treading in. She gets pleasure from the simplest of things, like just the scent of my coat, so very different from what I experienced with other women in my past.

  “You’re amazing.” I cup her face in my hands, unable to resist a second longer. I graze my lips over hers, nipping at them teasingly, savoring the taste of her before I cover her mouth entirely. Her hands snake around my neck, her fingers curling around my nape to pull me closer, our bodies melting together as our kiss deepens. I hear the car approach and reluctantly ease my mouth away from hers.

  Her eyes, hooded and dark, find mine. “What are you doing to me?” She murmurs against my mouth as she leans in to steal one more kiss before stepping away to walk to the car.

  I stand for less than a second before snapping to attention. I take wide steps so I can reach the car before her, pulling the door open, my eyes trailing up the length of her bare legs as she curls them under her after sitting. In less than six seconds I’m sitting beside her on the other side of the car, sliding an arm around her waist to yank her up against me. “You’re too far away.” I explain, in case it isn’t obvious.

  “I wasn’t complaining.” Her hand drops on my thigh, just inches from my cock, the close proximity causing it to stir in reaction. I shift, trying to adjust my hips so that her hand will slide a little further down my leg, but instead, she drags it higher. She stops when she bumps against the growing bulge between my legs, turning her body into mine, her other hand planting on my chest as one bare knee slides partially over my leg. My eyes dart to the front of the vehicle when her fingers start to inch their way over my cock, growing harder under her touch.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper on a groan as her grip tightens. “Not that I’m complaining.”

  “It was so cold out there.” She practically purrs as her fingers rub the length of my cock, splaying wide as she applies pressure. “Do you mind if I
snuggle up to you?” Her voice is flirty and full of innuendo.

  “You’re playing with fire.” I hiss under my breath, using my free hand to clamp over the one she has on my dick, locking it in place. “What about the driver?”

  “He thinks we’re cuddling after a romantic dinner.” One side of her mouth quirks up in a devilish smirk. “Or he thinks I’m back here giving you a hand job.” Her fingers clench under my grip, my cock jerking at the attention. “Either way, I’m probably never going to see him again, so I really don’t care.” She tilts her mouth toward mine, her knee climbing even further up my leg. “So, just kiss me already.”

  Who am I to argue with that logic? I surge forward, crushing my mouth to hers, transferring my hand to her bare knee. She sweeps her tongue against my lips, urging them open to tangle with my tongue, her hand resuming its torturous grind up and down my cock. It takes every ounce of will power I have not to buck my hips up into her greedy palm, my length throbbing under her touch. Instead, and because it’s only fair, I trace my fingers up her smooth skin until I feel the hem of her skirt. I slip my hand underneath, spreading it wide as I slide all the way up to her hip. I continue over the curve of her ass, growling into her mouth when all I find is a thin strip of material in the crack of her ass. She’s not commando tonight, but she may as well be.

  She whimpers into my mouth when I palm her ass to shove her pussy against my thigh, her hand lifting off my cock to rest beside the other on my chest. Her lips form a silent O when I push against her ass again, my fingers sliding down in between the seam. Heat and moisture seep through the material of my slacks as I hold her tightly against the muscle of my thigh and begin to bounce my leg under her. Her fingers clutch into tiny fists as she grips onto my sweater, her breath panting into my neck now. I tilt my head to whisper in her ear. “Are you warm yet my little spitfire?”

  “I’m going to come if you don’t stop.” She warns, her words hot on my skin as she murmurs against it.

  I still my leg, loosening my hold on her at the same time, sliding my hand out from under her skirt. “I’m only stopping because we’re back.” I crook a finger under her chin to lift her face to mine. “But believe me when I tell you we’re not done.” I slam my mouth over hers in a searing kiss, a promise of what’s to come, pulling back after just a few seconds. “Not even close.”

  “What are we waiting for?” She pushes off of me to sit up straight, pulling the hem of her skirt back into place. “Let’s go.” She reaches for the handle just as the door opens from the other side, a hotel valet holding it open. She steps from the car, turning to wait while I slide out behind her. I thank Henry, slip him a hundred for his discretion, then grab Megan’s hand as we walk into the hotel. I say a silent thank you when no one from the team is in the lobby, and stride purposely to the elevator, wanting to get to her room as quickly as possible.

  “What about your curfew?” She asks as we wait. “Will you get in trouble if you break it two nights in a row?”

  “First of all, no one knows I broke anything last night. Doug covered for me, so it’s all good.” The elevator arrives and we step inside, pressing the button for her floor. “And tonight, the coach thinks I’m staying with my family. They only live a short distance from here.”

  “Oh.” She nods, turning her body to face me, her eyes sweeping up to mine. “So, does that mean you can stay all night?”

  I slide my hands around her waist, then move lower to cup her ass, yanking her against me, as I nod. “All night.”

  “What about practice?” Her hands press flat against my chest as she angles her head to look up at me.

  “We have press all morning. No practice tomorrow. I don’t have to be there until nine.” I stare down into her eyes trying to figure out what’s going on in that head of hers, her sudden silence throwing a red flag. “Unless you don’t want me to stay.” The elevator dings at the arrival of her floor, and the doors slide open. I raise my brows, waiting for a response.

  “Come on.” She pushes away from my body, but grabs my hand possessively as she leaves the elevator and starts down the hallway. She stops in front of the door to her room, releasing my hand to retrieve the room key out of her purse. Before she can swipe it, I stop her, turning her attention back to me.

  “What is it?” I’m confused because five minutes ago she was about to come on my damn leg. Now she seems like she’s not sure if she wants this.

  “It’s nothing.” She shakes her head, offering me a small smile. “I was just wondering about tomorrow.”

  “What about it?” I watch as she brings a finger to her mouth and starts chewing on the nail. I reach for her hand, pulling it away from her teeth. “Talk to me.”

  “I’m leaving tomorrow.” She shrugs. “I’m on a red-eye back to New York. I just-” She shrugs again. “I just hadn’t thought about what happens after tonight. Except, now you’ll be with me tomorrow. At least in the morning. So, now I’m wondering.”

  Relief floods through me as I realize it’s not about her wanting me to stay versus her possibly just wanting more. “Let’s worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.” I lean forward to peck my lips against hers. “I promise I won’t disappear on you tonight.”

  “Okay.” She breathes out, I think in relief. “Sorry.” She swipes the key over the sensor, pushing the door open. “I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”

  I push the door closed behind me, throwing the deadbolt, then grab her hand to turn her around. “You didn’t ruin anything.” I move my hands to the lapels of the jacket, pushing it back off her shoulders to slide it off. I step around her, moving further into the room, then drape it over the back of the chair in front of the desk. I smile when I notice the roses placed in the center of the desk. When I turn around, she’s already sitting on the bed, her legs crossed as she leans back on her elbows, her gaze roaming down the length of my body.

  “Take your sweater off.” My brows arch in surprise, but I comply, grabbing the hem with both hands to lift it over my head, tossing it on top of my jacket. “The t-shirt too.” She orders, making no excuses for what she wants. I peel that off next, adding it to the growing pile on the chair.

  Her tongue darts out to sweep across her lips, my dick twitching, her legs uncrossing as she moves to sit up straight. She blinks, shaking her head. “You’re like a damn Greek god.”

  “Hours of practice and workouts.” I explain, taking a step closer. Her hand reaches up to brush down my torso, her fingers skimming lightly over each of the bumps defining my abdomen, stopping when she reaches the belt at my waist. When she lifts her other hand to begin working the buckle, my cock jerks to life, it’s length growing hard in seconds. There’s no doubt that she notices, one hand straying from the belt when it’s undone to stroke it’s length, her eyes lifting to lock with mine.

  “I’ve wanted to taste you since last night.” The pressure of her hand on my cock increasing slightly as she continues to stroke it through my slacks. “Any objections?”

  Her gaze moves slowly down the bare skin of my chest as her fingers begin to release the clasp on my pants. Is she fucking kidding me right now? Who in their right mind would object? She drags the zipper down in one slow pull, my dick jutting out, straining against my boxer briefs as it begs to be set entirely free. She looks up at me, one side of her mouth crooking up. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  She’s about to slide her hands inside the waist of my pants, but before she can, I grab her under each arm and yank her up against my body. A gasp of surprise falls from her lips before I slam my mouth over hers, my hands moving to cradle her head as I push my tongue inside to deepen the kiss. Her fingers weave into the longer strands on the top of my head, a moan vibrating between us when I rock my hips into her. After what feels like only seconds, but I know is longer, I tear my lips from hers, short breaths panting from them as I grin. “Definitely no objections.”

  Her only reply is the slight lift of one eyebrow as her tongue darts out to swipe across my l
ower lip, her head dipping below my beard a second later. She presses a hot, open mouth kiss to my neck, trailing more of the same down my torso, stopping only once to flick her tongue against my belly button. Her ass is on the bed again, but her legs are spread so that they are on either side of mine, her mouth at the waist of my boxers as I tangle my fingers in her hair. She uses her hands to push my pants and boxers down my hips in one hard tug, my cock landing in her mouth as it springs free.

  Her mouth is pure, sweet fucking heat around my cock as she sucks me deep, her hands moving to wrap around the bottom of my shaft. My hips thrust forward on instinct, my hands gripping her scalp to hold her on my cock, her throat closing around it on a gag. Fuuuccckkk. Why does the sound of her choking on my dick sound so damn good? I pull my hips back, making sure she can breathe, but her fingers tighten around the base of my cock, her head bobbing forward as she sucks me deeper instead.

  A groan rolls out of me from deep in my chest as my head falls back on my shoulders, any coherent thoughts I have evaporating as I let myself just feel. She draws me down into the back of her throat again, swallowing me, than gagging, the action squeezing my cock. She pulls back, and I look down, her spit and my pre-cum dripping from her mouth as she pants heavily before wrapping her lips over me again, sliding all the way down my length, swallowing me again. I thrust into her mouth, her lips red and swollen around my cock as she chokes, her eyes popping wide when I buck deeper, keeping her locked in place. “I’m going to come.” I chant, pumping my hips again, her fingers digging into the back of my ass as she hums her approval, sucking my cock deep one last time on a swallow as I explode. I cry out as my cum starts shooting down her throat, my knees almost giving out when she continues sucking, swallowing every drop that continues to burst from me until I’m done. My dick pulses one final time as she slides it out of her mouth, her tongue swirling around my softening tip as she slides back on the bed, my hand falling free from her hair.


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